I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 452

This is the cruelest and most terrifying thing.

So this matter, even Morgan as the successor, he did not say anything.

He only told Merlin who was a succubus.

Let Merlin, who is a succubus, help supervise this matter, and finally bury the Holy Lance Lungomeniad, and seal the sea of ​​stars.

Because thirty years is too long...and he will leave in one month.

Leaving this world with this heavy, shattered, cruel secret.

Afterwards, Scathach bid him farewell.

In the palace.

Shirou looked at Scathach and asked, "Are you leaving, Scathach?"

"I'm sorry, Wang. The world's impeachment against me is getting stronger and stronger, and I can hardly suppress it anymore." Skaha said with an apologetic expression. Since the death of Vortigern, the counterattack of the Age of Gods has ended, and Scathach has also begun to be impeached by the world, and will be impeached to the outside of the world.

"You don't need to apologize, you've helped me and the dynasty a lot. It's me, not you, who needs to be thanked." Shirou said shaking his head.

"Can you fight me one-on-one again? I have memorized all the losses I have lost over the years, and I have mastered them. I have reached the real realm!" Skaha said.

Shirou shook his head and said, "That's not the real transformation."

He stretched out a finger and asked, "How much is this?"

"I've remembered this a long time ago! It's one and two!" Skaha said.

"Wrong. It's three," Shirou said.

Scathach was dumbfounded.

Shirou walked over, and Scathach subconsciously covered his head.

"Don't be so afraid, I'll tell you the real transformation environment." Shirou said.

Scathach asked, "What is it?"

"You go back and throw away the record book, and forget all the things I bullied you, that's the real transformation." Shirou said seriously.

"Really?" Scathach looked at Shirou and asked.

"Of course." Shirou pointed to his eyes and asked, "What did you see?"

Scathach looked at Shirou, staring at the bright flames in those eyes, hesitating for a moment, and said cautiously: "A pair of beautiful eyes?"

"Although what I said is good, what I want to tell you is the sincerity in my eyes." Shirou said.

"oh oh……"

"This is the reward this king gave you. I will tell you the true state of transformation. Everything that is visible will become invisible. Anyone who holds grudges is stupid. You must forget all the instances that this king has bullied you, and forget about that hatred." , Forget about that hatred, just remember, how this king taught you, if you master it well, then it’s right.” Shirou said.

"oh oh……"

"This king wants to give you one last thing." Shirou said.

"Please tell me," Scathach said.

"You know, this king knows everything and can see through everything from ancient to modern times. Therefore, this king wants you to help train a child, a very special, very rare, well-behaved child." Shirou said.

"Who is that child?" Scathach asked.

Shirou said: "His future after 1,500 years, specifically, Merlin will tell you when the time comes, and will arrange for you to enter his dream and train him. But you have to remember, you must train gently. , You should treat him with respect as you treat this king, and you can’t bully him, let alone beat him casually. You have to remember, he is a very special child, and will be the continuation of Camelot in the future.”

"Do you treat him like you...I see!" Scathach nodded.

Shirou smiled, reached out and stroked her hair gently, and said, "What a good boy. Go, go back to your hometown. Your mission has been completed."

Scathach took two steps, couldn't help turning his head to look at Shirou, and said, "Well... I'm sorry for the trouble for the past six years! Thank you for allowing me to live like a normal person for six years! Thank you very much From now on, I will always keep this memory in my heart!"

"Go!" Shirou waved his hand, watching Scathach leave the palace.

"Do you want me to tell her your real identity when the time comes?" Merlin asked.

"No." Shirou shook his head and said, "If you told her my real identity, I would definitely have no good fruit to eat when I was young. Although I was often raped by her when I was young, it should be because I didn't know me. If you know, it will definitely be worse."

"That's it..."

Merlin nodded, his expression calm. But there was a Yan Yi smile like Malick from "Yu-Gi-Oh" in his heart, so stupid, my king! I will definitely tell her, I will!


Scatha left.

After saying goodbye to everyone, she reluctantly left and looked back five times.

Sitting on the boat, she flipped through her Huajing Wisdom Book, recalling the past six years.


The more she recalled, the angrier she became, and the more she wanted to stab this bastard to death.

But, I can't go back to that time.

"Well, Lord Scathach, we're in Ireland." The boatman reminded.

"I see."

Scathach stood on the boat, looking at the distant Camelot, pursed his lips, turned away, and set foot on the land of Ireland.

From this moment on, joy and connection will no longer be with her.

She will be impeached by the world, watching the destruction of all things on the outside of the world, enjoying the loneliness of eternal life.

A human being enjoys eternity that even gods cannot reach.

Is this a blessing, or a curse?

Scathach didn't know, she just buried the book under a big tree in Ireland, took another look at Camelot, and then left.

From this moment on, she bid farewell to this period of green years, and the world has no relationship with her.

She returned to the land of shadows in the realm of death.

"I'm back, Uyf!" Scatha yelled.

What responded to her was not a gentle welcome to the confession, but a hammer full of anger.

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