I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 468

So that they think of themselves as mothers and work for themselves.

A noble soul does noble things, and a dark soul does dark things.

What gave her a little headache was that she actually stole a pure young girl's soul.

The maiden's name, she named her Gareth. The creation of her body was also made by collecting the blood of women in the kingdom and adding alchemy magic.

The soft things were regarded as waste by her. She originally wanted to destroy them, and then go to the realm of death to steal souls.

It turned out that Wu Yifu had already told the Queen of the Dead Realm about this matter, and the Queen of the Dead Realm took this very seriously and blocked the Dead Realm. This forced her to stop and give up on stealing the soul, and the girl was preserved.

She arranged for the girl to learn magic, which was somewhat useful, but the girl was going to be a knight.

She reprimanded loudly, how can a woman be a knight?

But the girl asked back, why women can't be knights.

This made her speechless, and finally sent her to the convent.

Later, her father died, and her desire to inherit the kingdom was revived. Most importantly, she suspected that the child was not a man, but a woman.

Since she is a woman, why should she give it up to others.

In the end, he was the one who pulled out the sword in the end.

She always thought it was Merlin's trick, so she investigated for a long time, and finally decided that that shining boy, that gentle boy was her younger brother.

But, it's too weak, isn't this brother?

She has watched all of this younger brother's journey. The way he handled things was hard for her to accept. Some people who are disrespectful to him are just killed, why should they be reasonable?

There are also those foolish people who only need to be dominated by low-level creatures, why should they bother with them?


Therefore, based on her values, she judged him to be a weak and useless younger brother who needed her support.

So she ran to the island of Ireland again, and this time she sneaked up on Uyve, moved her horse, changed her horse's name, and brainwashed her horse so that it could be docile by her Brother uses.

Her brother is too weak, how can he sit in this position without her support? So she also brought her own children, and Onik's soldiers and horses, to stand behind her weak brother. If she didn't even help him, he would definitely not be able to sit firmly in this seat.

But unfortunately, it still happened.

Her younger brother's crowning ceremony was still ruined.

Even Vortigern went south and surrounded Camelot heavily, and her weak brother had to move his capital to Cornwall, a land that was poor and white, and that group of foolish people still hated it very much.

The enemy is now, but there are many remaining problems.

Internal and external troubles, to be honest, even she was scared. Just thinking about this situation, she felt a suffocating fear, and wanted to find a strong support.

But her younger brother single-handedly supported the kingdom.

When he was poor and white, he made it himself.

If the people hate him, he will bear the responsibility himself.

When the enemy is present, he will pull up the wall and attack from far away.


A kingdom that was doomed to collapse was pulled back up bit by bit by his younger brother alone.

And only then did she realize that her brother was not weak at all.

It's just that she has never discovered his strength, let alone understood it.

But as long as she looked at him, her heart would be filled with a sense of security, as if she didn't need to worry about anything.

There is a strong and powerful shoulder that has already supported everything.

She liked this feeling a little bit, but later she realized that he was not her brother, he was just an outsider who replaced her sister.

She is very angry.

But he made a promise to her that after the matter was settled, she would also get the right of inheritance.

But she herself hesitated, and became frightened.

Can a woman really be king?

No one saw through the weakness under her strong appearance, but he was the only one who saw through.

So he encouraged her, breaking tradition.

And he really broke the tradition and supported her to the position of king.


He left.

And she couldn't sleep at night.

She didn't understand that she had already obtained the throne she had always dreamed of. Became a veritable queen, conqueror.

Even everything that man did became hers.

Dynasty, people, wealth, status, power... everything belongs to her.


Why can't she sleep at night?

Why is she afraid of lights at night?

Why do I feel very sad when I turn off the lights?

She doesn't understand, she really doesn't understand.

She really wanted to know what was going on in her heart.

However, from the beginning to the end, that True Ancestor refused to use magic eyes on her.

She is already a queen.

Is the king of a huge dynasty.

But sitting on the throne, alone, overlooking everything alone, she burst into tears.

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