I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 469

She finally understood what she wanted.

It turned out that she had been conquered by that man long ago.

She had long been conquered by that man unconsciously.

Maybe she wanted royal power at the beginning, but in the end, all she wanted was for the man's eyes to stay on her for a while longer.

To be able to play with her hair and speak beautiful words to her just like any other woman.

But no.

The man kept her distance from the beginning to the end, and then left.

Never come back.

She hated that True Ancestor.

If the true ancestor was willing to use magic eyes on her, she wouldn't be able to understand her heart now.

There was no way she would let that man go.

Conquered her heart and wanted to run away?

There is no such thing as cheap!

But it was too late.

Too late.

That man is gone.

out of this world.

Back to his hometown, Avalon.

But that doesn't mean she's giving up.

What she wants, she must get.

Destroyed her strength, then left her and ran away?

Never even think about it!

So she pushed all the matter to Guinevere, began to study the way of magic carefully, and made herself a fairy identity—Morgauss, thus entering Avalon.

However, she turned Avalon upside down, but she couldn't find the man.

"My lord... I'm here, but where are you?"

Tears fell from her eyes.

He has everything, but finally loses what he wants the most.

If you are well, I will have sunny days【26/27】

As a knight, she did the worst things.

She has never known what emotion is, let alone what it is to realize beauty. In the beginning, I chose to become a king, other than something that had already been decided, it was to protect everything I had experienced.

What is beauty, she does not know.

She doesn't know what feelings are.

Will become a king and want to protect people, not because there is a protective emotion in my heart, but just because it seems like a good thing.

That's all.

However, someone broke the established plan and ravaged her worldview.

Merlin's ideal king was refuted by that person, and the strategy of the kingdom was easily destroyed by that person, and he showed the posture of a real king.

The most important thing is that even the sword in the stone recognized that person's qualifications as a king.

So, she chose to swear allegiance to the king.

Starting from the manor, the journey, Karnli, the turmoil of the crowning of the king, the fight against monsters, the development of Cornwall, and the killing of Vortigerm... everything, she participated in.

She has always listened to the king's words and never had any strange thoughts.

To be loyal to the king, listen to the king's words, and do the king's business, this is not only the way of a knight, but also the voice of her heart.

She always believed that it was only because of loyalty, until her good friend Alquite used the magic eye on her, completely opening her inner defenses, and letting the surging emotions overwhelm her.

Only then did she find out.

This is not only because of her dedication to chivalry, but also because of her admiration for the king in her heart.


From a long time ago, she had an admiration for Wang.

It's just that Wang didn't know, and she herself didn't notice it either.

But at this moment, because of the magic eye of this good friend True Ancestor, all her emotions were instantly opened.

She had never had such a rich emotion, and for a moment, she let it go to her head, and she committed the worst thing not only as a knight, but also as a woman.

She betrayed the king.

Betrayed the king who had always trusted her.

The king's will was very firm. When he was awake, he didn't have any seizures at all. He didn't really have a seizure until after he passed out.

Bewildered mind, consciousness muddy.

Wang pinned her down and raped her for two days and two nights, and finally passed out.

But with a pale complexion, she could only tidy up the mess in a panic, and then rushed to Taylor Bill overnight.

She has always admired Wang's feelings, but this incident alone made her feel painful.

Because this is her worst failure and worst thing as a knight.

She betrayed the king.

Later, Aggwin, Gawain, Merlin, and his elder brother Kai also knew about it.

Gao Wen originally planned to tell Wang, but was persuaded by Agguiwen, and finally chose to hide it.

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