I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 486

"These are today's homework."

Finally, when the teacher finished assigning homework, Fujimaru Tatsuka packed her schoolbag and looked towards the door. Sure enough, her brother and sister were already waiting for her at the door.

As soon as he bid farewell to his friends, Lixiang rushed over, grabbed Shirou's clothes, and showed off happily: "Brother, brother, I got 87 points in the last math test! 87 points! "

"Very good, making progress." Shirou patted her head.

Sakura smiled and said, "It's amazing, Lixiang."

Li Xiang showed a big smile.

Shirou said a few words to Tatsuka's homeroom teacher, and said goodbye.

The three of them headed home together.

On the way, Lixiang grabbed the test paper and walked in front, jumping around, showing the innocent vitality of a child.

Shirou and Sakura fell behind, watching her.

"It's really strange..." Sakura suddenly muttered.

"What's wrong? What's strange?" Shirou asked.

Sakura glanced at Lixiang in front of her, then turned her head to look at Shirou, and said, "Obviously my brother has only been back for more than a year, but Lixiang clings to my brother even more."

"Jealous?" Shirou asked with a smile.

"No way!" Sakura pursed her lips.

Li Xiang waved in front, "Brother, sister, come here quickly! Otherwise, I will leave you behind!"

"Slow down." Shirou yelled.

"No! Slightly—" Lixiang put on a grimace, stuck out his tongue, and ran forward with a smile.

Shirou smiled and followed Sakura with him.

He didn't dare to let this active young sister out of his sight on the main road.

Shirou usually sent Sakura and Tachika to the crossroads very close to home, and said: "You guys go back first, I have to go to the company first."

"Understood, brother." Sakura said.

"Brother, remember to bring me a copy of Haagen-Dazs!" Li Xiang said.

Shirou said, "It's still April, no ice cream."

"I got eighty-seven points!" Li Xiang waved the test paper in his hand.

"One hundred percent is not enough," Shirou said.

"Hmm...!" Li Xiang puffed up her cheeks and muttered softly, "Stingy!"

Shirou paused, and said, "For the sake of your improvement in grades, I will bring you an octopus ball."

"Brother is so kind!" Lixiang smiled.

Shirou waved his hand, left the street, and walked away.

"Okay, Lixiang, let's go home." Sakura squatted down and said to Lixiang with a smile.

"Yeah!" Lixiang nodded happily.

The two walked towards home.

Lixiang took Sakura's hand, hummed a song, and walked forward.

Suddenly, she found that she couldn't move her sister anymore. When she turned her head, she found that her sister was staring at the other side of the street.

"What's the matter, sister?" Lixiang asked.

"No. It's nothing, let's go." Sakura shook her head and said with a smile.


Lixiang continued humming and walked forward, but didn't find her sister. She turned her head and stared at the other side of the street, frowning, with a look of confusion in her eyes.

"It's so strange, this feeling... Mum, it must be because I got up too early today, so there is something wrong with my body."

Sakura murmured in her heart, and then walked away with Lixiang.

And not long after they walked away, on the other side of the street, a big tree fell apart without warning, frightening the passers-by.



Shirou came to the company for a tour, and it was already night when he left.

The company opened by Fujimaru Naruta is a modern commercial supermarket, which belongs to the chain retail entity industry.

The scale is not too large, currently it only covers ten small cities, and the headquarters is Fuyuki City.

Fujimaru Naruta's management skills are still very good, but when he went on vacation, he left the company to Shirou's management.

Doesn't seem at all worried about Shirou screwing up.

This is of course, because it was he who proposed the strategy of covering small cities.

In big cities, such as Tokyo, the land price is too expensive, and it is a contest between big capitals. It is not cost-effective for small capitals like theirs to enter the game, so he proposed to abandon big cities for the time being, start with small cities, and ignore big capital. The sporadic market, and then gradually covered.

And now it seems to be working fine.

Moreover, Shirou's management was very orderly, which surprised Naruta Fujimaru, so he handed over the company to him with great confidence, and ran away by himself.

While this made Shirou speechless, he also took over the baton.

Although the management is in an orderly manner, his ambition is not here. He is not interested in the retail entity industry, so he is only acting as Fujimaru Naruta temporarily.

After work, say goodbye to some employees.

Shirou deliberately took a detour to the snack street, bought a octopus ball, and then walked home.

As soon as he got home, Shirou found a golden retriever lying on his sofa, playing a PK-type video game with Tachika.

The two played with great passion and selflessness.

Either a mouthful of "Tianshan Tyrannosaurus Fist", or a mouthful of "Super Furious Kick"...it sounds very secondary.

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