I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 487

Fortunately, this golden retriever has lived for hundreds of years and can still shout.

"Oh...losing again!" Li Xiang said distressedly.

"Kukuku... Yu is the true ancestor of Scarlet Moon, an undefeated myth. You are still far away, Lixiang." The golden retriever covered its right eye and smiled happily.

"But Alquite has always lost to me before." Lixiang said.

"That... that's for you!" Alquette clarified with an unnatural expression.

At this moment, Alquite turned his head to look at Shirou, "Huh? Shirou, when did you come back?"

"Just when you were talking about the True Ancestor of Blood Moon. Also, pay attention to your own image, you are like a death row prisoner who escaped from prison, Zhu Yue will cry." Shirou said.

At this time, Alquite was wearing a white long gown, with disheveled blond hair, no matter how he looked, he looked like a prisoner who had just escaped from a cage.

Alquite complained: "Isn't it a death row prisoner who escaped? You don't know how miserable it is in that small dark room."

"Who told you that you wanted to become a light novelist, and you skipped three issues of the manuscript, and your editor in charge didn't beat you to death." Shirou said.

"Heh heh heh. Editor Kariya can't beat me, and besides, even if I am killed, I can still be resurrected. I am the true ancestor of Scarlet Moon, an undefeated myth!" Erkui Te said with a proud face.

Shirou covered his face.

This guy was originally a fool, but now he has become a little bit of a second child.

Although the True Ancestor of Scarlet Moon is right.

As for why it happened like this... It was probably because he brought Alquite to visit Emiya's house one day, and this guy happened to see the vampire-themed anime that Illya was watching.

Then I ingested vampire-themed comics and novels from the Internet, and it ended up like this.

The elegant Bai Ji no longer exists, only the True Ancestor with the Second Second Disease exists.

The most important thing is that this chubby cat often comes to his house to play, which makes him a little worried about spoiling Lixiang.

Shirou handed the octopus balls to Lixiang, then looked at Al Quite and asked, "Have you finished your manuscript?"

"Of course! Otherwise, how could the editor-in-chief Kariya let me out of the small black room?" Alquette said proudly.

"You didn't deceive him with your magic eyes, did you?" Shirou asked.

"How is this possible!" Arquette pointed to his own eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "I haven't used magic eyes for a long time."

"That's good." Shirou sat on the chair.

"Whatever it is called is good! Why do you doubt that I can use magic eyes! Really!"

Alquite took out a notebook from his pocket, opened it, and said: "The king said, you must trust your subordinates and your good friends, especially Alquite."

"The king never said that sentence at all! Obviously you added it yourself!" Shirou couldn't help but said: "Also, you should take this book and burn it, right?"

"That can't be done! I wrote it word by word, so I don't want to burn it!" Alquette turned a few more pages and said, "The king said that the book written by himself is very good. Precious ones cannot be burned, especially Alquite’s book.”

Shirou: "..."

When this guy was in Camelot, he played very noisy and learned to take notes like Arturia.

But Arturia and the others are serious about recording, and this guy just thinks it is for fun.

Even wanted to play as a knight.

While holding octopus balls, Tachika poked her head towards Alquitt's notebook. She is very interested in this book. Because every time Alquite took out this notebook, and said "the king said", then her brother was very helpless and speechless, as if he had been defeated by Alquite.


This is definitely the only magic weapon to defeat brother!

Li Xiang said in his heart.

However, Alquette put away the notebook and put it in his arms.

Lixiang pestered and said, "Airquitt, lend me that book!"

"No." Alquette sternly refused.

Li Xiang puffed up his cheeks, and said dissatisfiedly: "If you don't watch it, don't watch it! Cheapskate, drink cold water!"

Shirou took out the homework in his backpack and started writing.

Sakura poured him a glass of lemonade.

He said thanks.

Alquet stared at the octopus ball in Lixiang's hand, drooling.

"Does Elquite want to eat?" Lixiang asked.

Elquite nodded.

"Hee hee hee..." Li Xiang showed an angelic smile, and then said, "I won't give it."

Then I ate it myself.


At this time, there was a "ding dong", and the doorbell rang outside the door.

Shirou got up and was about to open the door, but Alquette stood up with a smile and said, "I'll go, I'll go."

Then she ran to the door and glanced outside through the cat's eyes.

For a moment, she was covered in cold sweat and trembling all over.

The three looked at her strangely.

"What's wrong, Alquette?" Shirou asked.

"Shi...Shirou...I'll hide in your room. No...no matter what, please, don't say that I'm in your house!" Airquitt quickly ran to Shirou's room and put himself Rolled up in the mattress shivering.

Shirou opened the door strangely.

Outside the door was a group of people in black suits and black sunglasses.

It's a group of terrifying black and evil forces!

"Uncle Kariya?" Sakura wearing a white apron looked at the leading man in black strangely.

"Sakura." Kariya nodded at Sakura, then looked at Shirou, and asked, "Fujimaru Shirou, is Alquette at your house?"

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