I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 495

"It's nothing, Sakura." Shirou put away his class card, looked at the gradually collapsing different space, and said, "Let's go out first, this space is about to collapse."

"Okay." Sakura nodded, and then opened the imaginary number channel.

Sakura walked over first, Shirou glanced at the different space that was gradually collapsing like a mirror, turned around and walked out of the imaginary space.

The night was still dark and very silent, except for the flickering street lights and the chirping of insects.

"In the advanced department of the academy, there should be another different space like before. Sakura, let's go there." Shirou said.

"Okay, brother." Sakura nodded.

Arriving at the Advanced Department of Hokuhara Academy, Sakura opened the channel of imaginary numbers.

Sure enough, there is another dimension, and there are also servants who are the same as the heroic guard palace just now.

And this follower is Shirou's fellow brother, Lancer, the Son of Light in Ireland - Cu Chulainn.

Shirou concocted it according to the law, first captured him with [Evil], and then used [Mortal Leader] to stick [Wisdom of Extinction] on Cu Chulainn's body, and tortured him.

As expected, there was still no conscious reaction, just an empty shell with no power.

Shirou used [Evil] to kill him directly, and got the rank card Lancer.

The two came out from the alien space again.

Sakura asked, "Brother, are there any more?"

"No more, let's go back to sleep first." Shirou said.

"oh oh……"

The two strolled back home.

Shirou thanked Sakura with a relaxed face, and let her go to bed early, while he returned to the room, sat cross-legged on the ground, and looked at the two class cards on the ground with serious eyes.

Whether it is the Heroic Emiya or the Son of Light Cu Chulainn, it is nothing to Shirou now.

Even without using the Eternal King, Shirou in the original state is still an exceptional existence, even facing the real bodies of these two people is enough to win, let alone two empty shells with no power but no consciousness.

However, behind the class card is the parallel world of Eindsworth and a series of troubles.

Shirou is not afraid of Einsworth, let alone trouble and danger. He is only afraid that some dangerous things will involve innocent people, such as Illya.

It is impossible for Shirou to be indifferent to seeing a child being involved in a dispute, because it will remind him of those bad memories.

At the beginning, he himself was unwilling to let any child experience the struggle and pain he experienced when he was innocently involved in the Fourth Holy Grail War, whether it was familiar or unfamiliar.

Not to mention that this child is still his acquaintance.

Most importantly, why are there only two class cards?

If this is really the world of "Magical Girl Illya", then there should be eight class cards dropped to Fuyuki City!

Saber-Artoria, Lancer-Cu Chulainn, Rider-Medusa...and the extra Archer class card-Gilgamesh, a total of eight cards.

After pondering for a moment, Shirou put away the two class cards first, then lay down on the bed, and fell asleep almost instantly.

A second sleep in the true sense!

This is the housekeeping skill he developed during his time in Camelot, not wasting even a second of rest time.

Shirou returns to the Dreamland of Shadows as the Eternal King.

"How is it, Shirou?" Scathach asked.

Shirou pondered for a moment, then said: "It's not sure yet, but maybe something really happened in Fuyuki City again."

Scathach couldn't help laughing and said: "The city you are in is really full of disasters."

"There are disasters everywhere, the only difference is whether to prevent them." Shirou said.

He sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, reopened [Clairvoyance EX] and the second treasure, looked down at Fuyuki City, and looked for other class cards.

But still nothing.

It seems that there are no other class cards at all.

He thought for a while, and looked at Ilya's room in the Emiya family.

Illya was snoring on the bed in her pink pajamas, and there was nothing strange in the room.

After carefully scanning the panorama of Fuyuki City several times, there are no gods who fell out of the parallel world.

Shirou is very sure of this, because once it exists, it will be seen and marked by his second treasure.

"Could it be that you haven't come here yet?" Shirou rubbed his chin, thinking.

The world view of "Magical Girl☆Illya" originated from another parallel world where the magic power of the source is exhausted. In that world, there is also Shirou, but he is Emiya Shirou who was adopted by Emiya Kiritsugu, and also the ultimate sister-in-law nicknamed Emiya Juxia.

In that parallel world, Emiya Kiritsugu adopted the Kamichi of the Sakutsuki family, Miyu who was equivalent to the Holy Grail container. Then the Eindsworth family launched the Holy Grail War around it, but was pierced by Emiya Shirou of that world, and made a wish for Miyu to live a happy life without pain, so that Miyu traveled across the world and came to " Magical Girl☆Illya" stage, and scattered eight class cards that participated in the Holy Grail War in that parallel world.

If this world is really "Magical Girl☆Illya", then theoretically there should be Miyu and the eight class cards.

However, he searched for a long time, but still did not find Meiyu and the other six class cards.

There are two possibilities for this, one is that I worry too much, and the other is that the other party has not crossed over yet.

In the next few days, Shirou searched Fuyuki City and Emiya's house carefully several times, but still found nothing.

And he also learned from Scathach that this information was told by Merlin through Scathach's mouth.

To be honest, it has been more than a year since he came back, and Merlin has never contacted him. Even if he wanted to tell himself something, he would tell himself through Scathach. To be honest, he felt a little strange, but he didn't care too much about it.

Only for this matter, he needs to contact Gem Weng through Merlin.

It has always been his skill to see the small things, and to prevent crises has always been his solution.

Rather than passively accepting the crisis, he is more inclined to take the initiative to kill the crisis in its infancy.

It's just that this matter is related to the parallel world, and he doesn't have the ability to interfere in the parallel world, so he needs to contact Gem Weng, who is very specialized in this matter.

Merlin doesn't contact Shirou, it doesn't mean that Shirou can't contact Merlin.

As for the way to contact Merlin, the easiest way is naturally to use the [Clairvoyance EX] obtained from the second treasure to contact him.

[Clairvoyance EX], this is one of the necessary qualifications to become a Crown Magician.

In addition, people who hold [Clairvoyance EX] will be aware of each other's existence regardless of the dimension of time.

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