I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 496

For example, for Shirou, after he activates [Clairvoyance EX], if he consciously observes. The perspective will inexplicably appear from the perspective of the other three people. One is Uruk in the ancient Mesopotamian plain, the other is the ancient kingdom of Israel, and an obelisk far away from the world.

And realize what these other three are doing and saying.

For example, now, he realized that the stinky king in Uruk city-state was eating an apple while looking at the slate. And it seemed that he realized that he was observing him, and he sneered on purpose.

And this is the so-called clairvoyance chat group.

But unlike the three of Merlin, Shirou's [Clairvoyance EX] can be had or not at any time. It also means that he can enter the clairvoyance chat group when he wants to, and get out when he wants to.

However, Shirou seldom joins the clairvoyance chat group unless he is free during the holidays, because once he joins the group, a certain shameful bastard keeps spamming at him, making his mouth stinkier.

Just like now——

"Oh? Didn't you educate your subordinates today, Miscellaneous?"

Gilgamesh, the wise king of Uruk who was in the distant past, was laughing contemptuously. And the subordinates under him have already lowered their heads in no surprise. They knew with whom their king was speaking.

"Go and do your chores, you shameful bastard!" Shirou replied rudely.

Just as he could perceive the three of Merlin, these three could also perceive him and observe him.

However, this kind of observation and dialogue across time dimensions, in the eyes of others, is a snake spirit talking to the air.

Fortunately, both Gilgamesh's subordinates in the state of the virtuous king, and Scathach who is watching him, more or less know the ability of Clairvoyance EX, so they are not surprised.

"Roar? How bold! You are disrespectful to this king, enough to kill you thousands of times, Eternal King!" Xian Wang said with a sneer.

Shirou showed a contemptuous face, and said: "Hmph. Now that you are so stubborn, I only hope that you didn't ask for this king, King of Heroes."

The reason why Shirou seldom enters the clairvoyance chat group in normal time is that every time he enters, Xian Wangshan will bicker with him, which is more stinky. And one of the main reasons why Shirou usually sleeps soundly on weekends or holidays is that he spat with Xian Wang Shan from morning to night in his dreams.

And when sparring with Shirou, even the mouth-smelling king had to put aside other affairs for the time being and concentrate on sparring with him.

Xian Wangshan is more rational and mature than he was when he was young, and Shirou is not a professional troll, so in most cases, he just goes to the end, and only when both parties are free, they will go to the end of the day.

To put it simply, it is considered a spray friend.

Among the other two, King Solomon has never gnawed. When Shirou observed him, he was very calm, like an empty shell without human consciousness, but Shirou told him everything Him, it's just that he didn't respond.

As for Merlin, according to Xian Wang Shan, before he came, he was often the one who communicated with Merlin, but once he came in, Merlin was silent.

"Hmph. King of Heroes, I have something else to do. I'll come to you next time."

"Dare to say these two words to this king, you have committed a heinous crime, miscellaneous cultivator!"

Shirou sneered, ignored him, and contacted Merlin instead.

And Merlin, who was locked in the stone tower, showed a very helpless face.

"Merlin, help me get in touch with Gem Man." Shirou said directly.

"I see, my king." Merlin said, "I have been contacted, and I will let Scathach notify you."

Shirou nodded.

"Hello! Eternal King!" At this moment, Xian Wangshan suddenly called out.

"What is it, King of Heroes?" Shirou asked.

He didn't bow down to Gilgamesh.

Standing here is the eternal king who ended the age of gods and separated the middle ages, no less than any king.

In fact, Shirou found this clairvoyant chat group interesting.

Gilgamesh is the king who bid farewell to the Age of Gods, Solomon is the king who accelerated the extinction of the Age of Gods, the Eternal King is the king who completely ended the Age of Gods, and Merlin was the magician who assisted in ending the Age of Gods.

Based on this, the current holders of [Clairvoyance EX] are all those who will end the Age of Gods.

It is precisely because of this that Gilgamesh put him on an equal footing, and the communication was not that domineering. However, this may also be related to the fact that the other party has returned from the underworld, has understood the philosophy of life, and has completely changed from an arrogant and unruly youth to a mature virtuous king.

Gilgamesh in the state of the wise king saw what happened in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and even saw what he did in the Fourth Holy Grail War in the state of a young man who became a Servant after death.

However, he doesn't realize that his friend, the Eternal King, is Shirou Fujimaru who was tortured by his youthful form.

Perhaps, this is what Merlin said, Shirou's [Evil] in his body state blocked the observation of [Clairvoyance EX], and Merlin did not specifically explain this.

"You are now in the Kingdom of Shadows, so you are in the future where the Holy Grail War took place, right?" Xian Wang Shan asked.

"2003 to be precise," Shirou said.

"That's right. This king wants you to help me find someone. It is Caster who participated in the Holy Grail War. Dead people cannot interfere with reality, and you are also dead. But that person is a hero of that era, and he is somewhat useful." Xian Wang flashed and said.

Shirou didn't point out that he was that Caster, but instead asked, "What do you want me to say?"

"I'll look for it...the stone slab is lost. Forget it, let's talk about it next time." Xian Wang Shan said.

Shirou sneered and said, "It's really embarrassing for you to lose everything, Gilgamesh."

Xian Wang Shan said: "It was recorded when I just came back from the underworld, it is too long ago. I am a king, how can I bother my heart and mind for such a small matter, miscellaneous cultivation?"

After a pause, Xian Wangshan laughed and said: "You think that everyone will take care of themselves like you, and kill yourself twenty-eight times, miscellaneous?"

Shirou sarcastically said: "You know what! As long as you know some ways to tidy up, you won't be able to find things when you are looking for them! This king organizes his things in an orderly manner, and this situation has never happened before." .Chop Suey, you are really shameful!"

The Xian Wang flashed his displeasure and said: "This king talked to you about death, and you said this to this king?"

"Hmph," Shirou said, "I'm talking about sorting things out with you, so why don't you change the subject? This battle is useless to me, you bastard!"

After sparring with Xian Wang Shan for a while, Shirou was satisfied and ready to go offline.

But at this moment, Solomon said abruptly, "The Eternal King."

"Huh? This is really strange, the magician can actually talk." Xian Wangshan laughed.

Shirou asked, "What is it, King Solomon?"

"I want to see you," Solomon said.

Shirou smiled and said, "If there is a chance, let's talk about it."

Saying so, Shirou turned off [Clairvoyance EX] and quit the Clairvoyance chat group.

Chapter 8 Going to the Clock Tower 【Second Update】

A few days later, Merlin contacted Shirou, and the jewel man was in the clock tower.

So, Shirou decided to go to the Clock Tower in London.

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