I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 497

The Clock Tower is the center of the Modern Magic Association. In addition, there are many and complicated factions in it, and the intrigues are comparable to Qing palace dramas. If you go in casually, you will probably be surrounded by a lot of troublesome people. Therefore, Shirou is going to call acquaintances and make arrangements first.

"It should be this number." Shirou dialed the acquaintance's number. There has been no contact for nine years, and Shirou doesn't know if he can still be contacted.

"Hello, this is Archibald, who are you looking for?"

After the call was connected, a female voice came.

"I'm looking for Kenneth Elmeloy Archibald." Shirou said.

"Huh? Uncle? Knowing this number, it seems that it is a personal friend of my uncle. Then wait a moment, I will connect it to him right away." The female voice said.

After a while of busy tone, the familiar, somewhat bitter voice sounded: "Who?"

"Fujimaru Shirou," Shirou said.

"Caster... didn't you die nine years ago?" Kenneth asked in surprise.

Shirou said: "It's just missing, and now I'm back. I'm going to visit the Clock Tower in a few days, and I need your help to arrange it, Kenneth."

"Why should I help you?" Kenneth sneered.

Shirou said, "You owe me your life, if you don't want me to take it back."


Kenneth clicked his tongue in displeasure, and then hung up the phone.

But things are settled.

Nine years ago, Kenneth was the monarch. Nine years later, he didn't know what to do. Maybe he has been promoted from the rank of the color rank to the rank of the crown rank.

With him to arrange, this trip will be safer.

During the Holy Grail War nine years ago, Kenneth kept chasing and killing him as Caster, but in the end he let Kenneth and Sora go, and finally staged a scene with Webb and others in which the savior of light came, thus Covered up the Holy Grail War.

After that, in the report to the Magic Association, Shirou's existence was also concealed, and Shirou was given a personal contact number.

Friendship, that's how it came down.

After Shirou arranged the company's affairs properly, and delegated most of the matters to the secretary of Fujimaru Naruta, he went to school to apply for a vacation.

A trip to London is necessary.

The class card is related to Eindsworth in the parallel world. Once it happens as he imagined, it will definitely break the peace of Fuyuki City and involve many innocent citizens.

In fact, when taking over Archer's rank card, if he hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands and used [Evil] to protect the two alcoholic white-collar workers, otherwise Fuyuki City would probably publicize some murder case again, causing panic among the people.

The incident of the class card involves a parallel world.

The only one who can interfere with the parallel world is Gem Weng.

Therefore, it is very necessary for him to meet Gem Weng.

However, this trip can be regarded as meeting old friends.

After all, more than 1,500 years ago, he and Gem Weng killed Zhu Yue's body together.

The matter of Shirou's vacation did not cause much disturbance in the class.

People in the small circle should continue to play and play.

Except for Kasunari Ryudong who is friendly, not many people pay attention to Shirou.

After all, in their eyes, Shirou is a strange person who is not easy to get in touch with.

Before going to the clock tower, Shirou first visited Emiya's house.

The Emiya's house at this moment is no longer that big castle in the suburban forest, but an ordinary two-story living room.

Among the family members, apart from the three members of Emiya Kiritsugu's family, there are also two doll maids from the Einzbern family, Sera and Lijielit.

However, these puppets of the Einzbern family have been adjusted nine years ago and have become human beings with their own emotions. It's not as empty as it was when I first saw it.

As for Hisau Maiya, it seems that she has become the butler of the Emiya family.

Shirou wasn't interested in the Emiya family's relationship, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Shirou visited Emiya's house, and both Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel gave him warm hospitality.

After all, the reason why the Emiya family can live a harmonious and normal life like this is indeed due to Shirou's strength.

In the Holy Grail War nine years ago, he solved the Black Holy Grail and completely disintegrated the Great Holy Grail. It was also he who completely shattered Emiya Kiritsugu's illusory dream of justice, thereby laying the foundation for their family to live like normal people, and he also provided the Holy Grail crystal that Illya could successfully reincarnate.

Therefore, the Emiya family is actually grateful to Shirou and is very friendly.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel warmly entertained Shirou, but Illya was a little afraid of Shirou, and did not dare to touch Shirou or talk to Shirou.

Irisviel quietly pulled Illya aside, and asked in a low voice, "Illya, why are you so afraid of Brother Fujimaru?"

"Because...because... Brother Fujimaru, it doesn't look easy to get along with." Illya whispered.

Irisviel touched her little head, and said with a smile: "He, although he has changed a lot from before, in essence, he is still a very easy-going person."

"It's changed a lot?" Illya looked at Irisviel and asked, "Mom, what did Brother Fujimaru look like before?"

"Hmm..." Irisviel thought for a while, then said with a smile, "A child who has a very sunny smile and is very considerate of others."

"However, I feel that this Fujimaru-san is very serious and not very good at laughing. It's like... like..."

"Like what?" Irisviel asked.

"Just like Vegeta in the early stage, I don't dare to contact him." Illya said.


Irisviel showed a confused expression.

who is this?

At the dining table, Shirou and Emiya Kiritsugu were having a meal while discussing the previous events.

"A class card..." Emiya Kiritsugu frowned.

Shirou nodded and said, "You should pay attention to your daughter recently. In case something strange, such as a strange staff or something, wraps around your daughter, just remember to throw it away."

"I understand." Emiya Kiritsugu nodded, and then thanked: "Although I don't know what you found, but thank you, Fujimaru Shiro, for coming here specially to let me pay attention to Illya."

"It's not targeting Illya alone, I just don't want any child to be involved in some inexplicable danger." Shirou said.

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