I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 514

Saying that, Shirou quit the Clairvoyance chat group.

There was no substantial gain from this exchange, but at least one key message was obtained.

That was 2004, something was bound to happen.

But the Holy Grail has been destroyed, and theoretically speaking, there shouldn't be any more problems with the burning of humanity.

So, is the real core question still the recovery of the Age of Gods?

It's just that Shirou can't do anything about the interference of the parallel world, so he can only suppress his anxiety and wait for the news of the gem man.

After bullying Scathach for a while, Shirou withdrew from the dream to rest.

The lone full moon hangs high outside the window.

The moon and stars are rare.

The cold moonlight leaked through the thin window screens, and sprinkled silver water marks on Shirou's face.

"Step, step, step—"

There were light footsteps outside the door.

Shirou sat up, turned his head slightly, and looked at the door.

At the door, Alquette, who was wearing a white dress, was leaning against the door, looking at Shirou with a pair of scarlet eyes.

The moonlight shone on her delicate and pretty face, giving it a dreamlike color.

"Airquette, what's the matter?" Shirou asked.

"There is indeed something, Shirou."

Airquite showed an elegant smile, walked up to Shirou with lotus steps, stretched out his slender index finger, and gently touched Shirou's face.


Just when Airquite opened his mouth, Shirou suddenly stretched out his hand and strangled Airquite's neck.

"Eh..." Airquet showed a painful and hideous expression.

With a calm face, Shirou [projected] the sword in the stone with his other hand, and with a "crack", directly pressed on Alquite's abdomen, pushed her to the wall beside her, and nailed her to the wall.


Alquite spit out blood and spat it on Shirou's peaceful right face, and the abdomen pierced by the sharp sword was dotted with bloody and bright red colors.

"How did you find out this time?" Airquet asked.

Shirou said calmly: "If it was that idiot, he would have rushed over directly, instead of walking slowly like you, Zhu Yue."

"It's really worthy of being the king of people who planned and buried Yu Zhi's body more than 1,500 years ago. His insight is really amazing." Zhu Yue said in admiration: "Well, this time, I admit it, and it's Yu Yu again. But next time, you will not be so lucky. You have been selected by Yu. You will be the family of Yu. Remember, the king of people. No——, Shiro Fujimaru. You will become The remaining family members..."

Zhu Yue disappeared slowly, and the blood left on Shirou's face and the blood on the sword in the stone disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had appeared.

Everything is a phantom in a dream.

Only Shirou stood still.

"The third time..."

With a heavy sigh, Shirou rubbed his temples with some headaches.

I don't know if it's because he absorbed too much blood-sucking impulse from Alquite, or because he ate too many dead disciples during the Camelot period, so that the red moon hidden deep in Erquite's heart actually appeared in his [ The Evil of the Vampire] left a will.

In fact, since six months ago, the phantom of Zhu Yue began to appear in front of him, luring him into the vortex of vampires.

Of course, it was Zhu Yue's will that interfered with [Vampire's Evil], which caused [Vampire's Evil] to sometimes manifest a phantom with Zhu Yue's will in an attempt to make him fall.

But it is a pity that Zhu Yue's conspiracy has not succeeded so far.

And this is the main reason why Shirou always likes to sleep, it is to fight against [Evil of Vampire] and Zhu Yue's will.

Not only that, but when he got Yade this morning and felt the Holy Lance Rungomignard, he found that Rungomignard almost broke through Yad's seal, trying to erode him and turn him into nature.

This is one of the reasons why he gave Yad to Grey.

【Gaia】has not given up on making him 【Nature】.

Shirou sighed heavily, obviously there was still such a major issue as the revival of the Age of Gods that needed to be resolved, but as a result, he still had a lot of problems of his own.

Could it be that he can't let him live a leisurely life?

Chapter 17 Insufficiency is the title [Second update]

next morning.

Shirou and Alquette walked out of the hotel together.

For now, Shirou can only wait for Gemstone to bring clues from the cracks in the world.

Worrying is useless, it does nothing but spoil your mood.

So Shirou agreed to Alquette and went out to play with her.

This made Alquette very happy, showing a happy and bright smiling face, like sunshine.

Shirou understood from the beginning to the end that Alquite came to play, not to do things.

It's just that she has some fun playing this game.

When other people travel abroad, it is all about visiting places of interest and historical sites.

And her?

Go to one of those divination shops, especially those with a dark, gothic tone, and hang out, and buy things like silver crosses, crystal balls, or skull ornaments.

There is no doubt that this Bai Ji has completely fallen into the vortex of adolescence in the second year of middle school, and there is no way out.

However, it is only natural that this kind of thing will be sold in London, where the Church of the Holy Church and the Clock Tower meet.

After all, the era is no longer the Middle Ages controlled by the church, but a new century that emphasizes democracy, individuality, and capital.

Not to mention selling non-mainstream things like crystal balls and skulls.

As long as it is profitable, even Zulong, God, or Buddha can be turned into a cute girl for your mother, and sold in packages.

"Shirou, what do you think of this?" Alquette asked Shirou, holding a black eye patch with a skull printed on it, covering his right eye.

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