I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 515

Shirou stood at the door, leaning against the wall, looked at the excited Alquette, nodded involuntarily, and said, "Not bad."

"Kukuku... that's natural! Yu is the true ancestor of Scarlet Moon, and everything caused by the moonlight belongs to Yu's territory." Alquette said excitedly, pressing his right eye.

Shiro's mouth twitched.

He often feels inferior in front of Alquette because he is not in the second grade.

And the customers who were strolling around the store couldn't help but look surprised.

The power of the middle two is too high, even if they can't help but stay away from Alquite.

But some like-minded people couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they approached Al Quite.

Shirou was leaning against the wall, watching Alquite laughing and talking with like-minded people, and recommending props to each other.

At this time, a little girl with blond hair walked in from outside the door, walked straight up to Shirou, and said, "Um... big brother, are you Fujimaru Shirou?"

Lowering his head slightly, Shirou looked at her, then nodded and said, "I am. Is there any problem?"

The blond-haired little girl took out a blank sheet of paper from her bosom, handed it to Shirou, and said, "Well, someone asked me to give this to you."

Shirou took it, and wrote a string of words in English on the paper: "Don't show warmth to the demented person. Don't show mercy to the malicious person."

As soon as I read it, the piece of paper ignited without fire, and was burned to ashes in just an instant, without a trace.


The little blond girl let out a scream, attracting everyone's attention.

Shirou frowned, looked at the blond girl, and asked, "Little girl, who gave you this piece of paper?"

"Yes... an ugly uncle with a scar on his face." The blond girl said tremblingly.

Alquite came over and asked, "Shirou, what happened?"

"Nothing." Shirou said, shaking his head.

The blond girl subconsciously glanced at Alquite, shivering, and said timidly, "That... big brother, I... I'll go first."

Shirou nodded slightly, paused, and said comfortingly, "This is just a prank one of my friends did to me. It scared you. I'm sorry. Here's some candy—"

He took a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to the blond girl.

"Thank you." The little girl showed a happy smile, turned around, and ran away bouncing around.

Turning his head, Shirou saw that Alquette was looking at him with displeasure on his cheeks puffed out.

"What's wrong, Alquette?" Shirou asked.

Alquette said dissatisfiedly: "I just shared that with you!"

"Because it is the happiness that Erquite shared with me, I will share it with others, so that everyone can feel the joy of Erquite." Shirou said.

"Is that so... But my happiness is only shared with you..." Alquite shook his head and whispered. Then, she took out two more lollipops from her pocket, hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly gave one to Shirou, and said, "I will only have two. You are my good friend, so share Give you."

I don't like sweets... I didn't say that, but Shirou nodded and said, "Thank you, Alquiet."

"Who told you that you are my good friend. Hee hee hee..." Alquette showed a smile, and ran over frantically again to shop for props.

Shirou twirled the plastic stick of the lollipop, looked at the wandering lollipop, and thought about the white paper and words he saw just now.

Obviously, someone is telling me what information.

The little girl with blond hair said she was the ugly uncle with a scar on his face. This kind of description, among the people he knows, there is no one who meets this standard.

Even that old man, Gem Weng, doesn't have a scar on his face.

It's a pity that the paper ignites without fire and burns itself to ashes, otherwise, the "Eternal King" can be used to see through it directly.

Shirou kept an eye out, and continued to go shopping with Alquite.

Alquite is full of vitality, running wildly on the street.

And the place she is most used to shopping is actually a silverware store!

I really don't know what to say.

As the purest true ancestor of the blood-sucking species, she is known as the princess of the true ancestor, but she likes to play with silverware the most, and even buys silver crosses to play with.

It's ironic, I have to say.

And her hobby is also derived from eating too many vampire animations.

Not only does she like to call herself the "True Ancestor of the Scarlet Moon", she sometimes calls herself a True Ancestor Hunter.

In the light novel "The True Ancestor and the Demon Hunter" written by her, the protagonist is the demon hunter, and the BOSS is the true ancestor of the vampire.

I really don't know what to say about her.

But in her own words, she was addicted to it and had a lot of fun.

Maybe for her, just being happy is enough.

She is such a willful girl.

Passing by the department store, Shirou also bought some things. A pitcher of real English black tea and a large teddy bear.

The former was for Sakura, while the latter was for Lixiang.

He remembered that Lixiang wanted a big doll very much. Furthermore, I scored 87 points in the math test this time, which is a big improvement compared to the previous failure. I really need to reward it, so that I won't get tired of studying.

Really, he was obviously just a teenager in his prime, but in the end he was about to become an old mother who took care of children.

"Isn't this His Excellency Fujimaru Shiro?"

A slightly mature female voice suddenly sounded next to his ears, Shirou took the big bear to the other side, looked up, and saw Kagano Hisari in a purple kimono looking at him.

"Oh. I remember you were..."

"Kano Hishiri, a magician in the Law and Politics Department." Huano Hishiri said.

Shirou said: "The matter of the clock tower has nothing to do with me. If there is nothing else, please step aside, His Excellency Huano Hisashi. The bear in my hand is too big and needs some space."

"Your Excellency Fujimaru Shiro, it seems that you have misunderstood me. I am not here to trouble you. In fact, Your Excellency Fujimaru Shiro is a guest of Mr. Zellrich. No one in the clock tower has such a lack of vision. Go to Fujimaru Shiro Your Excellency's trouble." Huaye Hishiri said.

Shirou said: "But there are many people who want to use me as a bargaining chip in the struggle for power."

"Fujimaru Shiro's magic eye should be of the investigative type, but it is very suitable for the work of our law and politics department. How about it, Fujimaru Shiro? Are you interested in visiting our law and politics department?" Huaye Lingli asked.

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