I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 172 It’s really not us who did it

"Ang Tingling, secretary-general of the Kokang Autonomous Region Leadership Committee, was kidnapped, and the border guard camp launched a comprehensive search for the kidnapper!"

"The rebel Peng Deren claimed responsibility for the incident and said he had moved Ang Ting Ling to a safe area."

"The rebels put forward the conditions for negotiation, demanding that the Kokang Autonomous Region send representatives to negotiate, and demanding that Bai Suocheng and Ming Xuechang disclose the truth about the police station bombing."

"Peng Deren assured Myanmar that he would never harm Aung Ting Ling."

"Kokang responded: We are urgently discussing response measures."

In the barracks in the parking lot outside Kokang, Chen Chen and others sat together with the paid sentinels. While watching the news broadcast by the local station on the TV, they shook their heads and said:

"These people are so courageous that they even dare to kidnap Ang Tingling?"

"I thought the murderer we were chasing was ruthless, but I didn't expect them to be even more ruthless."

"But to be able to do such a thing, you must at least have a smaller company of troops. How come so many people sneaked in, and no one noticed it?"

Hearing this, the sentry couldn't help but show a bitter look on his face.

"Forget it, it's a good thing they did it outside the city. If they were inside the city, even two kilometers closer, everyone here would be dead."

"What did I tell you yesterday? We are not afraid of people like you who come here blatantly with guns and equipment with formal procedures, real purposes, and weapons."

"But this kind of thing that comes secretly is really hard to guard against."

"What do you think we can do? There are so many roads and so many mountains. Is it possible that we seal every road and burn all the trees on every mountain?"

"Peng Deren really deserves to die. If you say his family can't do it, then he can't do it. He can just leave. Why do he still have to cause trouble?"

"It's better now, everyone is having a hard time."

Having said this, the sentry paused for a moment, and then continued:

"But speaking of which, you were lucky yesterday and didn't go out with a gun. Otherwise, you would have been arrested and questioned no matter what."

"Look at the team over there. They came with the boss to deliver goods. Yesterday they happened to go into the city to negotiate. They brought guns with them, but they were all arrested. Only two car watchers are left here."

"Can you come back?"

Chen Chen asked.

"I'm sure they can come back. They are also small players. They only have a few broken rifles. There is nothing suspicious about them."

"It was a lively fight yesterday, with cannons and rocket launchers - you don't have these things, do you?"

"We have it, but it's all in the car. Didn't you check it before?"

In fact, in order to avoid inspection, Chen Chen had already made arrangements. Most of the equipment had been unloaded when he first entered the old street, reloaded when he left the old street and went to the arch hall, and finally left in the red street. rock.

So what the sentry saw were the two rocket launchers that had never been touched, and the heavy machine gun that had never been removed from the Warrior's vehicle.

"Fortunately you registered, otherwise it would have been a problem."

The sentry's tone was full of hints, and Chen Chen said with understanding:

"We are definitely fine, but I still need you to say a few words of kindness to avoid unnecessary trouble."

He took out a thousand dollars and stuffed it into the sentry's hand, then pretended to be "apologetic" and said:

"To be honest, I only brought so much money here. It's all on the company's account. I spent almost the same amount on the pass before."

"I understand - don't think the pass is expensive, it's not just for me."

"I know, this is just for you."

Chen Chen lowered his voice. The sentry smiled understandingly and said:

"You are sensible and understand the rules. No wonder you can do such a big business."

"Don't worry, Peng Deren has already recognized this matter and can't be traced to you - to put it bluntly, except for them, no one else is capable of doing such a thing."

"Two armored vehicles and more than 40 people were killed by them. Peng Deren is really cruel and pity."

"Is Peng Deren very powerful?"

The white dog on the side interrupted and asked.

"He's a good fighter, there's nothing to doubt about that."

"Even though you are well-equipped, you may not be as good as them in a fight."

"That's right, we just fight to make money, how can we risk our lives?"

"They are really desperate. It is said that many people died in Peng Deren yesterday. He said so himself. In order to take away the bodies, they even left a lot of equipment behind."

The logic is closed.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

As a bystander, if this sentry can say this, his own suspicion has been basically reduced to a minimum.

Let Peng Deren take the blame. Next, what he wants to think about is how to fish out Ming Xuechang.

After a brief chat, Chen Chen said goodbye to the sentry and planned to take a rest. But just when he walked into the predator, his cell phone suddenly rang.

A completely unknown number.

Chen Chen answered the phone in confusion and said:

"Hello, I am Dongfeng Corps Sunken Ship."

"Wreck, you are so brave."

A familiar yet unfamiliar female voice came from the receiver. Chen Chen was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly woke up.

Damn it, little fish? !

Why would she call at this time?

No, she wouldn't have caught the evidence so quickly, right?

Chen Chen calmed down and asked pretending to be confused:

"Little fish?"

".Can't you hear it? Can't you guess it? You've already pretended to be stupid!"

"I'm just not sure - do you have any clues about the equipment? Or do you want to ask me about Ang Ting Ling?"

"If you want to ask about Ang Tingling, I can only say that it has nothing to do with us at all."

Chen Chen acted first and blocked Xiaoyu's mouth.

He was sure that it was impossible for Xiaoyu to get the evidence, and it was impossible for the North to get the evidence.

This question is definitely just a deliberate attempt to deceive yourself.

But Xiaoyu doesn't seem to accept this at all.

"It has nothing to do with you, so why do you go to Kokang? Our intelligence department is not a vegetarian. You are not in Mengka. Do you think I don't know?"

Xiaoyu's voice was a little annoyed, and Chen Chen could tell from her tone that she was really worried now.

After all, the kidnapping of Ang Tingling can really be said to be an emergency on the same level as the previous 88 Incident.

"We are really here to find someone. Don't you know the reward issued by Huamei Commercial Bank? It's 5 million US dollars!"

"Not just us, the entire mercenary group in northern Myanmar is rushing here one after another, because the kidnappers are likely to be from here."

"We are just unlucky, and something will happen wherever we go."

".You should sometimes think about your own reasons. It's not you who are unlucky, but the person who caused you."

Xiaoyu on the phone sighed, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said:

"We have obtained the report of the conflict scene."

"Recoilless rifles, rocket launchers, light machine guns, smoke grenades."

"You - the kidnappers were very smart. They set the car on fire and left almost no evidence."

"But here's the rub."

"With this style of play and this kind of firepower efficiency, tell me, how many teams can you find in northern Myanmar?"

"Wreck, what on earth do you want to do?"

"You can tell me. Let me tell you now. Whether Ang Tingling dies or not has nothing to do with us, because if he dies, someone else will take over. It will not affect the overall situation at all, and it will not affect what we want at all."

"Moreover, you gave the blame to the Allied Forces, which limited the risk of Kokang Old Street itself falling into chaos. If we want to fight, it will be the Allied Forces fighting the Old Street. This is good and very stable."

"But we have to at least be prepared."

"Do you get me?"

"I see."

Chen Chen answered immediately, but then said:

"But Ang Tingling is really not in my hands."

".already dead?"

".really do not know."

Chen Chen's tone was firm.

".It's really not you?"

"Really not? We have nothing to do but beat him up? Our base is not Kokang. This is obviously Peng Deren's desire to gain political voice. Didn't you read what he said? He wants Bai Suocheng to disclose the truth about the police station bombing case."

".forget about it."

Xiaoyu's tone was a little disappointed, but then she spoke again, as if unintentionally:

"This time Peng Deren is obviously not here for Ang Tingling. His target is Bai Suocheng's group."

"The bold thing is far from over."


Chen Chen sighed and asked:

"When will it end?"


Xiaoyu chuckled and replied:

"Who knows?"

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