I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 173 The Siege of Red Rock

Xiaoyu's call cannot be said to be an inquiry, but in fact it is more of a reminder.

She had obviously guessed that it was the Dongfeng Corps that really took action, because there was really no room for extra cover.

As she said, there are only a few strong teams in northern Myanmar, and the criterion for distinguishing whether a team is strong or not is not really the so-called "firepower."

Although everyone is joking about the fear of insufficient firepower in the north, in fact, the real name of this phobia should be "phobia of insufficient firepower efficiency".

We have never worried that we have too few guns or cannons. What we worry about is that our guns cannot penetrate bulletproof vests and cannons cannot penetrate armor, and that we cannot achieve results by firing multiple times.

So, the solution is:

Larger caliber - individual sniper grenade.

Heavier firepower - individual anti-tank rocket launcher.

Dense coverage - various types of rocket launchers.

Higher equivalent - DF41

All of these things are not essentially for "clearing the ground", but for the pursuit of "one strike and inevitable success."

This is the difference between firepower efficiency improvement and simple firepower improvement.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the Dongfeng Corps' fighting style is so obviously exposed.

In this ambush battle, the tactics used by Chen Chen were too precise and targeted.

A recoilless rifle shot took out one armored vehicle, and then an armor-piercing round took out another.

A light machine gun pinned down one jeep and a rifle knocked out another.

The target vehicle in the middle was suppressed with rockets, limiting its ability to move.

Finally, use smoke bombs to obscure your vision and quickly evacuate.

No piece of equipment is redundant, and no piece of equipment is wasted.

The combat process was too smooth and precise. Perhaps the warlords in northern Myanmar could not see the problem, and they even really thought it was the result of the intensive firepower of the Allied Forces.

But as soon as the report reaches Xiaoyu, flaws will immediately be revealed.

What a joke, the armored vehicle at the beginning only had traces of penetration by an armor-piercing bullet, not even an extra bullet hole. Isn’t this enough to explain the problem?

If it were really the Allies, the armor of this vehicle would have been turned into briquettes by bullets!

Therefore, it must not be the Allied Forces, it must be a stronger and more professional team.

Based on the intelligence, the only team currently appearing in Kokang and Laojie is the Dongfeng Corps. Who did it? No need to ask more?

After understanding this, Chen Chen didn't bother to fight with her any more.

The last few sentences seemed like everyone was joking, but in fact the situation on both sides had been clearly explained.

Chen Chen stated Peng Deren's true purpose and highlighted the justice of the purpose of this operation - it was simply to clear grievances and clarify the facts, rather than maliciously stir up trouble.

At the same time, he also hinted that he was related to this matter. He believed that with Xiaoyu's intelligence capabilities, it would not take long to find out that the four people from the Dongfeng Corps were the ones who survived the previous battle and were detained again. The unlucky guy who got the label of "deliberately killing prisoners".

In this way, even if the Dongfeng Corps' motives cannot be supported, they can certainly be understood.

Similarly, Xiaoyu's few words also show her attitude and the attitude of some people she represents.

Angting Ling is not important, Bai Zuocheng is not important, and Ming Xuechang is even less important.

It doesn't even matter whether it's a mess or not.

The important thing is that what they don't want to happen, doesn't happen again.

This gave Chen Chen a lot of room to "play freely", at least letting him know that he could not be pressed to death by some invisible hand because of these things.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief. The white dog beside him came up nervously and asked:

"Captain, I mean, over there, you are not satisfied?"

He has been listening since Chen Chen started making phone calls. It is obvious that he pays more attention to Xiaoyu's opinions than Chen Chen.

After hearing his words, Shi Dakai also looked over.

Compared to White Dog, he is much calmer, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care at all.

He didn't know much about the inside story of the four major families. When Peng Jiasheng was forced to leave, he probably thought that was what he meant.

Chen Chen was silent for a few seconds, then thought for a moment and said:

"There's nothing dissatisfied or dissatisfied. In this matter, the attitude of the other side is actually very obvious."

"They don't care who goes up or who is in office, but they demand that no more contraband can be transported out of Kokang North."

"The Peng family was quite obedient before, but the problem is that after he banned drugs, he immediately opened a casino and sucked blood in front of some people."

"So, in this incident, no one came to Lapen's house at all."

"What about the four major families? Don't the four major families also run casinos?"

Shi Dakai asked.

"So this is the crux of the problem - the rise of the four major families is not the result of their control. They were not involved at all."

"They're happy to see it happen, but they don't want their neighbors' chaos to spread to them."

As soon as these words were spoken, Bai Gou's eyes immediately lit up.

"Captain, what do you mean, are we here to be neighbors?"

".What a fool you are!"

Chen Chen simply had nothing to say to Bai Gou. Among all people, he was probably the one who believed most in Chen Chen's "strong background".

And it was obvious that he also believed that Chen Chen would rely on this background to accomplish great things.

In a sense, he was right.

It's just that he went in the wrong direction

Shi Dakai rolled his eyes at the white dog, and then said:

"What are you thinking? How could we possibly do such a thing?"

"Being a mercenary and being a warlord are two completely different routes. We have already chosen them."

"What the leader means is that we can use this background and this 'empty window' to accomplish what we want to do."

"You don't have to worry too much, or it doesn't matter if you kill him."

With that said, he turned to Chen Chen and asked:

"Is that what you mean?"

"That's right - we can go further, and we can get some more benefits from it."

"for example?"

Bai Gou asked excitedly.

"For example, Peng Deren's two million, for example, the source of equipment in the future, for example, if he changes his ways and regains his position, we can benefit from his benefits."

"Don't worry about it now, we have to withdraw."

Chen Chen sighed and continued:

"Leave the rest of the matters on the old street to Peng Deren. Let's see if we can fish Ming Xuechang out and see what he's capable of."

"But we have to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible and go to Red Rock to get equipment. At least it's safer there."

No one other than the Dongfeng Corps knows about the information that the Allied forces are in Hongyan. The terrain there is complex, easy to defend and difficult to attack. In theory, it is the best place to rest and wait.

In addition, most of the equipment of the Dongfeng Corps is still in Hongyan, so they have to get it back no matter what.

So, under Chen Chen's arrangement, several people first went to say hello to the sentry, and then left the old street on the grounds that "the situation is too chaotic, so go to Muse in advance."

The convoy went smoothly, the US dollars cleared the way, and the journey was smooth.

It only took less than 8 hours for several people to reach Hongyan.

Seeing them, Peng Deren, who was conducting the command remotely, was so excited that he rushed to the side of the car and bowed his head.

"Commander Chen, your team is really good."

Peng Deren suddenly choked up because he really didn't know how to describe the strength of this team.

Yes, in the early stage of the execution of this mission, my own people helped complete a lot of preparation work. It can even be said that a lot of key work was completed.

But no matter what, the core content of this mission still has to fall on the word "fight"!

No matter how many weapons and equipment you have, no matter how many evacuation routes you have, no matter how well prepared you are, if you can't defeat it, you can't defeat it!

5 people versus more than 40 people, and there are two armored vehicles on the opposite side?

How to fight this? !

Yes, 5 people have rocket launchers and recoilless rifles, but the question is, how do you ensure that the rocket launchers and recoilless rifles can hit?

Even if you hit, how can you ensure that other enemies will not fight back immediately, and how can you ensure that you can completely suppress the opponent?

As long as there is a mistake in one link, the entire mission will fall short and all personnel involved in the mission will be destroyed.

But this Dongfeng Corps did it.

They made no mistakes and left no chance to the enemy.

Moreover, the whole process took less than a minute.

When his subordinates reported the news to him, he was in a state of confusion.

The gap between people is sometimes even wider than that between people and dogs.

Therefore, it is impossible for him not to be excited, and it is also impossible for him not to "show" excitement.

But compared to him, Chen Chen's expression was much calmer.

He had long been accustomed to Peng Deren's expression - he had seen it on Jackal's face too many times, and it was a desire for "treasure".

So, he just replied calmly:

"It's just a very basic tactic."

"How is your communication with Bai Suocheng and the Myanmar side?"

"There's not much progress, but that's normal."

Peng Deren immediately replied:

"Less than 24 hours have passed now. It is impossible for them to start negotiations directly. On the contrary, they should first try to search and arrest our people."

"Coupled with the fact that we have issued a safety statement in response to the Angting order, I estimate that it will take at least 48 hours before they will really become anxious."

"Don't worry, everything is still under control and we have the right to speak."

"They will not risk Ang Ting's order. Bai Suocheng will definitely give in. As long as he pushes Ming Xuechang out, our goal will have been achieved."

"No problem, we'll wait 48 hours."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then continued:

"You have to put enough pressure on them, I mean, enough pressure to force them to plead guilty."

"This is not easy. In fact, it is essentially forcing Myanmar to split with Bai Sok. Do you understand what I mean?"

In fact, the 88 Incident was definitely not something that the four major families could have done by themselves. The real driving forces were the Northeastern Military Region of Myanmar and the Kokang Autonomous Leadership Committee.

But now, if Bai Suocheng admits that they themselves did the massacre, it means that they must draw a clear line between their positions and Myanmar.

Because it is impossible for Myanmar to admit that it is related to this matter, and this is tantamount to indirectly admitting that Peng Jiasheng's departure and the rise of the four major families are a complete "internal conflict" of Kokang and have nothing to do with the cooperation between the two parties.

The reorganization just reached will no longer be stable, and the cooperative relationship between the two parties will also be loosened.

The two sides will fall into a delicate situation of mutual suspicion and fragile checks and balances. This situation.

Some people will be happy, but Lao Burma will definitely not be happy.

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Peng Deren nodded without hesitation and then replied:

"I totally understand!"

"My father has already launched activities in Thailand, and he will use his influence to try to contact more powerful people in Myanmar."

"If possible, we will turn the coup army into a group of usurpers who are impatient and have ulterior motives."

Very clever idea.

Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Again, zz is really not something that ordinary people can play with.

In fact, Peng Jiasheng actually relented in the later stages of negotiations with Myanmar and was ready to accept reorganization.

But the problem is that he acted too slowly and the election date was too close. Some people couldn't wait, which ultimately led to this situation.

And if Bai Suocheng and his party now admit the truth of the tragedy, he can naturally stand up and say, "I originally wanted to unite, but some people can't wait for peaceful unity and use conspiracies and tricks to provoke war."

When the time comes, the Peng family and Lao Burma will smile and forget their grudges, and the coup army represented by Bai Cheng will be completely reduced to abandoned sons.

What a good means and a good plan.

Of the people standing together, probably only Chen Chen and Peng Deren could truly understand what they were talking about. Even Shi Dakai was confused.

But even if he didn't understand, Shi Dakai still saw the risks involved.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Captain, Chief Peng, I don't understand what you are talking about, but one thing is very clear, that is, Bai Suocheng will definitely take revenge."

"They will definitely not find Ang Tingling, so they will definitely look for you."

"I would like to ask, is Hongyan this place safe?"

"If the opponent attacks on a large scale, can you block it and survive?"

"No problem at all!"

Peng Deren patted his chest and said:

"First of all, it's hard for them to find us."

"Second, it doesn't matter even if we find it, we can move into the jungle to fight guerrillas."

"They don't have much time. As long as I don't die, everything can still be discussed."



However, before Peng Deren finished speaking, a guard wearing a green military uniform suddenly burst in at the tent door.

Peng Deren gave him a slightly dissatisfied look, as if blaming him for his recklessness.

But soon, when he noticed the anxious look on the guard's face, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

"what happens?"

Peng Deren asked.

"Latest news!"

"Wei Huairen mobilized the newly reorganized border defense battalion and has arrived in the area near Hongyan!"

"They know we're here, and they plan to surround us!"

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