I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 194 I want a helicopter

The Dongfeng Corps' equipment this time can be said to be full. In addition to the iconic individual cloud explosive bombs, they also obtained 4 Type 84 rocket launchers, and even 8 Pyrogel incendiary bombs.


This number does not sound too much, but in fact, the FHJ-84 has been extremely low-key in the entire history of individual equipment development. In the early stage, it was only issued to special forces, and in the later stage, it was only issued to engineers, with only less than 5 years in between. At that time, it was installed on a small scale in the regular army.

The reason why this happens is mainly because the positioning of this thing is relatively sensitive.

It is used to replace flamethrowers to attack targets in buildings. In order to achieve better combustion effects, this rocket launcher uses special Pyrogel fuel, which is "metal powder reinforced napalm", which is quite "inhumane" arms.

And even the so-called "smoke bombs" it fires are actually filled with white phosphorus, just incendiary bombs with changed skins.

Therefore, in order to avoid being caught by some international organizations, this weapon has always been shown as "burning chemical-proof rockets". Both equipment and exports are extremely restrained, and the number left outside is very small.

Later, the function of this thing was replaced by the individual cloud explosive bomb, and its actual combat value was even smaller. Therefore, it was not easy to get it in northern Myanmar.

In fact, Chen Chen certainly didn't want this thing to attack the building. They had PF89 cloud explosive bombs to attack the building.

What he really values ​​​​is the powerful "visual effects" and "psychological deterrence" that such weapons can create.

Think about it, why are many explosions in Hollywood movies replaced by "deflagration"?

It’s not just because of its strong visual effects and strong impact.

The same is true on the battlefield. The more "low-level" soldiers who have not undergone systematic training, the easier it is to collapse in a big scene.

And as soon as their morale is broken, the battle will quickly become one-sided.

This is an opportunistic trick, and it can also be regarded as a straw in the battlefield where every penny has to be calculated.

Not sure how useful it will be, but it will definitely be useful

In addition to the incendiary rocket launchers, the MK19s carried by the two F150s, plus the 04-type 35mm automatic grenades on the Warriors, and two 107 rocket launchers mounted in the back of the pickup truck, the entire Dongfeng Corps' fire coverage capability It can be said to have reached the limit under limited conditions.

If you encounter a large-scale, well-organized enemy, just one basic ammunition blow is enough to completely tear apart the opponent's formation.

Not to mention, this team of 6 vehicles was equipped with three heavy machine guns.

Although they only have 24 people, their firepower has undoubtedly reached the level of a company-level unit - and it is a company-level unit in the north, not a pheasant infantry company like northern Myanmar that cannot even handle a few light machine guns.

Of course, the most important thing is that these weapons may seem complicated, but they are actually the result of Chen Chen's careful consideration and careful selection.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they are simple to operate and easy to use.

Needless to say, 107 fire, just adjust the shooting elements and then release them without thinking. If you are shooting directly, you don’t even need a launch tube;

Among the three automatic howitzers, except for the periscope weapon station on the Warrior, which is slightly more difficult to use, the other two are all covering firepower that can be used to hit people at sight, so there is no big accuracy problem.

As for heavy machine guns and rocket launchers? He can't compare to a real professional machine gunner, but he will always pull the trigger on people, right?

It's up to you whether to fight or not. You can always hide a few of them.

And in this land, that's enough.


But of course, such a firepower configuration is not without any disadvantages.

Their motorcade is so conspicuous that even if they go to a city like Banglong that is quite far away from the garrison of the Burmese army and local armed forces, they will inevitably attract the attention of the local police and security brigade.

Therefore, they had to choose to camp in Huoke, a small village with a population of less than a hundred, and vehicles were not allowed to enter the village, so they could only set up temporary camps outside.

This is a considerable test for the discipline of the Dongfeng Corps, but fortunately, after this period of training and assimilation, all members have basically established a sense of obedience to the commander. Even if some people complain that the conditions are too poor, But no one questioned Chen Chen's decision from beginning to end.

Standing on the outskirts of the temporarily cut forest clearing, Chen Chen once again checked the surrounding environment and the layout of the warning posts. After making sure that there were no omissions, he finally returned to the middle of the camp with confidence and continued to set up camp with the others.

A simple tent for rest was set up. Chen Chen used an engineering shovel to dig out a smokeless stove, separate the fire area from the living area, and arranged for several people to dig a temporary toilet away from the living area.


Although these are just small details, in a sense, poor camp management can completely distinguish the mediocre from the talented.

The time when the Dongfeng Corps will be stationed in Huoke has not yet been determined, and the time when this camp will be used is also undecided. Therefore, according to the most basic hypothetical principles, it must be designed in the most reasonable, comfortable, and functional direction.

And seeing Chen Chen skillfully setting up the camp, Bai Gou, who was always on the sidelines, was also quite touched.

It is not that the Lion Corps has no experience in camping and garrisoning in the wild, but compared to Chen Chen, their camp management is really too rough.

He even remembered that there were several times when the tent drainage ditches were not dug in the camp. After a heavy rain, everyone’s sleeping bags were wet, causing complaints.

And what about Chen Chen?

He not only dug drainage ditches, but also specially adjusted the camp's movement lines so that the drainage ditches bypassed the main operation area to prevent them from affecting personnel activities in an emergency.

This alone gave Bai Gou a feeling of "sudden realization".

In battles and battles, victory or defeat is never determined solely on the battlefield.

Details like this may tip the scales.

And as the camp finally took shape, the mercenaries who had complained all shut up - at least in their eyes, although this camp could not be called "luxury", it could be said to be "comfortable". .

When everything was ready, Chen Chen arranged the follow-up work of obtaining food and drinking water. Yang Shu, who had already stayed in Huoke for a period of time, went to the village to buy the supplies the team needed. So that night, all members of the Dongfeng Corps action team Just had a simple but hot meal.

This marks that the camp has officially entered normal operation - after the cooking class enters the camp, the camp is basically established.

Therefore, Chen Chen no longer wasted any more time. Instead, after leaving Bai Gou, Bao Qi, and Lin He behind to press the battle, he took three people, including Yang Shu, to Banglong along the path to prepare for early manual reconnaissance. .

Due to the tense situation, the four of them could not carry exaggerated weapons and equipment. The submachine guns that had been seized earlier and were easy to hide finally came into play. Two UZIs, one MP5-K, plus the CS/LS2 with the silencer removed, four People have basic firepower protection.

They walked nearly 15 kilometers of small roads for two hours and entered Banglong City at around 8 p.m.

At this time, Banglong City was still a prosperous and lively scene.

Looking at the flow of people coming and going on the street, Shi Dakai frowned and said:

"This place is very abnormal. Although the scale is not small, after all, this is just a small town of less than two square kilometers. How can there be so many people here?"

After hearing his words, Yang Shu nodded slightly and then said:

“It’s not just the problem of the large number of people, the business here is also a bit too prosperous.”

"Look at the Latin American restaurant on the roadside here. What the hell, can such a restaurant survive?"

"That's for a specific person."

Chen Chen replied calmly:

"This place is actually very similar to Monkha. They are both prosperous settlements formed due to the transfer of freight, but it is very different from Monkha, that is, it is not just the local mercenaries in northern Myanmar who are active here. "

"Dakai, you still remember that we mentioned that there is a shadow corps in Jingdong before? They also have a branch here. The number is not large, but they can represent something."

"This is the city with the largest number of foreign mercenaries besides Tachileik, and the reason why they gather here is because of the arms here."

"So where did the arms here come from?"

Shi Dakai continued to ask.

"Lots of sources."

"Some of them came from the civilian areas of Kokang and Wa State, some came from the Burmese army, some came from the arsenals in Dangyang and Mengma, and a considerable number even came from Bhamo."

"Bamo? The Kachin side?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded lightly, while Shi Dakai breathed a sigh of relief.

"No wonder."

This sentence "No wonder" contains a lot of things, but Li Gang was too lazy to listen, and Yang Shu couldn't understand it at all.

"No matter what, let's find a place to stay first."

"Yang Shu, you have been to Banglong before when you were waiting for the response. Are you familiar with the situation?"

"Familiar. We are staying at the Golden Lantern Hotel - it is a large hotel with a large flow of people and very loose management, which makes it easier for us to hide."

"Where's the location?"

"In the central area, there are two main roads passing by. Behind the hotel is a small road, less than 600 meters away from the woods to the west of Banglong. It is very convenient to evacuate."

"That's no problem."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Yangshu originally planned to use Banglong as a pick-up location, so the early reconnaissance was still in place.

Such a hotel can not only be used as a temporary base, but is also relatively convenient for intelligence collection, which fully meets Chen Chen's requirements.

So, Yang Shu led the way, and the four of them checked into the Golden Lantern Hotel using the forged identity certificates provided by the Seventh Brigade. After checking the surrounding environment, the four of them settled down temporarily.

Chen Chen did not immediately launch an investigation. Instead, he took out his phone and dialed a phone number that was delivered at the same time as the Warrior car.

Xiaoyu’s contact number.

It was already 9 o'clock, but the phone only rang twice before it was connected.

Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone didn't seem surprised by the call. She even directly guessed the purpose of Chen Chen's call.

"Shipwreck, are you ready to take action?"

Xiaoyu asked.

"Yes, we are in Banlon now, and we plan to start operations after completing manual intelligence collection."

"However, I need intelligence sharing. How much information do you have? Can it directly support operations?"


Xiaoyu answered immediately, and then explained:

"We have a certain understanding of the situation in Banglong, but because it is too difficult to penetrate, it is basically superficial."

"Now we can confirm that the Banglong smuggling line mainly originates from two businesses."

"The first one is Laofajia Trading Company, which was previously controlled by Ming Xuechang. It is located east of the Banglong Village Clinic. It is a courtyard-style building, covering an area of ​​about 4,000 square meters, and has four buildings with less than 5 floors."

"The second company is Bangningzhuang Pagoda Trading Company, which is mainly controlled by the Kachin side, but the specific controller is unknown."

"Bangningzhuang Pagoda Commercial Bank is located outside the northeastern city of Banglong and on the north side of the main road. It is a small manor with an area of ​​about 100 acres. The core area is a contiguous low-rise building, with a total of 16 buildings."

"We don't know the armed status of these two trading houses, but what is certain is that each company has at least a hundred armed personnel, and they are all well-equipped."

"The two trading houses are not in a competitive relationship. Bangningzhuang Trading Company is mainly responsible for the collection and distribution of goods, while Laofajia Trading Company is mainly responsible for on-site distribution."

"To put it simply, Bangningzhuang is a wholesaler and Laofajia is a retailer."

"These two trading houses and their trade routes basically formed the core of Banglong's smuggling route. This core was once very stable under the control of Ming Xuechang."

"But now, Ming Xuechang is dead, which gives us a chance."

"The window period in the power transfer process is the most suitable to start."

"If we want to crack down on smuggling routes, directly killing two trading houses is a good choice."

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen nodded slightly, but then shook his head and said:

"Just destroying two trading houses is not enough to completely solve the Banglong smuggling problem. These two trading houses are essentially just agents."

“One family represents Kachin and one family represents Kokang.”

"Even if we destroy them, they can form new agents and re-activate the mature smuggling routes here."

"Don't you have any plans for reference? In other words, is there a breakthrough that can solve the problem once and for all?"

"Really do not have."

Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone sighed and explained:

"If there was, the problem of Banglong would not have been solved until now."

"If you want to completely eliminate the root causes, the forces behind them are the real key."

"I believe you can understand this and have your own plans. I don't need to say more."


Chen Mo nodded silently, but he did not speak clearly, but continued to ask:

"So what are the criteria for mission completion?"

As soon as the words came out, Xiaoyu immediately fell silent.

Obviously, this wasn't something she could decide quickly.

After waiting for half a minute, Xiaoyu’s voice sounded again:

"The Warriors are already our advance payment, and what we are discussing now is the final payment."

"If we just destroy the trading house and are unable to re-establish smuggling routes in the short term, we will pay an additional US$1 million in cash remuneration."

"If there is a way to eliminate the conditions for the formation of smuggling routes and curb their development in the long term, we can continue to provide upgrades to your equipment - you know, warriors still have a lot of room for upgrades."

"Finally, if you can completely solve the conditions under which this problem occurs."

"There will be your helicopter."

very nice.

But it seems that it is not enough.

Complete solution to the problem, just one helicopter?

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"You know, to completely solve the problem, Bai Suozheng must die first."

“Secondly, we also need to cut off the smuggling route from Bhamo to Banglun.”

"It's very difficult and the amount of work is huge."

"What I mean is that if we really succeed, then our helicopter will have to be equipped with a rocket launcher."

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