Of course, Xiaoyu would not agree to Chen Chen's "a bit excessive" request immediately. Her reply was extremely official, which was to "research and study".

But in fact, as long as there is room for research, it is enough for Chen Chen.

Anyway, when it comes to shearing wool, how can it be done in one step? You have to talk and talk at the same time. Once the value is achieved, the wool will fall off happily.

Now from Xiaoyu's point of view, they were just taking advantage of Ming Xuechang's death to kill a smuggling route that brought instability to the country. But if it was like what Chen Chen said, he could do it. How about completely shuffling the cards and then using some means to cut off the connection between Kachin and Banglong?

Under such circumstances, a certain country's tentacles that used Kachin to stir up tension in a certain region of the country were cut off. Although it could not completely solve the problem, it could restrict those harmful elements to Kachin and the "plateau." "In terms of direction, the difficulty of a certain job will be lowered.

Therefore, Chen Chen is not in a hurry about this.

The weak Guogan is just an appetizer. One day, these problems will be completely solved.

But focusing on the present, the problem that he needs to solve immediately is Banglong's two trading houses.

Kill them all first and beat Bai Suocheng painfully.

This is not just to destroy the smuggling route, but more importantly, the simultaneous destruction of the two trading houses will definitely bring more uncertainty to the transactions between Bai Suocheng and Kachin.

In other words, the decisive situation will be further disrupted.

Peng Deren will seize this opportunity, and he will seize this opportunity.

Under this ebb and flow, the power of the coup army represented by Bai Cheng will continue to decline, and the chances of killing him will continue to increase.

It sounds a bit complicated, but it's actually quite simple.

It's like fighting in a group. When you're weak, it's impossible to go straight to the enemy leader as soon as you come up. But if you take the opportunity to beat the peripheral men, you can quietly pull in the bystanders and beat them up, and then go into the crowd. What about a diamond?

Believe me, as long as you are not stupid enough to shout "I am the one who hit you", then the situation will definitely turn into a melee.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen already had a clear plan in mind, so he went straight to sleep without any worries.

Early the next morning, the four of them went out to find a place to have breakfast, and then began to disperse according to plan to conduct preliminary peripheral intelligence reconnaissance.

They had no way of hiding their identities as "mercenaries". Instead, they used the kidnapping case of Huamei Commercial Bank as an excuse to look for useful information everywhere.

Chen Chen and Li Bang were walking together. They first went shopping around Laofajia Trading Company. When they saw the so-called "courtyard-style" trading firm that Xiao Yu said, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown. got up.

"What the fuck, is this horse called a 'courtyard'? It's just a bunker!"

Chen Chen's words are not an exaggeration at all. The entire Laofajia Trading Company actually occupies an approximately square area of ​​about 70*70 meters. Four rectangular buildings surround the shape of a courtyard. The walls are obviously reinforced, and only the windows are The iron net used to block thrown objects is enough to prove the tight defense here.

There is also a fence around the four buildings that is at least three meters high. There is a power grid on the fence. Judging from the thickness, the fence uses a double-layer design. The construction method is not only brickwork, but also obviously reinforced. Concrete structure.

It's not that this thing can't be blown up with C4, but the amount of blast required is quite astonishing.

Moreover, even if it is blown up, it will not cause much damage to the wall. If there is only a small gap, the real firepower point behind the wall can immediately carry out fire suppression and fire blockade from within the building.

"There is no way to suppress this place with throwing objects."

Li Bang said thoughtfully.

"Yes, let alone throwing objects, even if we use cloud bombs, it will be difficult."

"These barbed wire fences on the windows are too dense, and they look very strong. The cloud explosion bombs can't penetrate at all. Even if they explode, the damage caused near the narrow entrance will be limited."

"Even if we use a lot of smoke bombs, we still have to break through. The entrance is too small. No wonder this job fell into our hands. We are the famous v."

"What does V mean?"

Li Bang asked curiously.

".A big wronged person who thinks he is the savior."

Chen Chen sighed and said helplessly:

"Keep going around to the front and have a look."

Li Bang nodded and walked in front of Chen Chen to be on guard. The two of them bypassed the side of Laofajia Trading Company and walked to the main entrance of the trading company.

They didn't get close, they just pretended to rest and sat on the rocks by the roadside to drink water.

This action is quite ordinary. Let alone Banglong, even if you are sitting and drinking water in front of Bai Suocheng's house, no one should care about it. At most, you can just look at it a few times, right?

However, the guards at Laofajia Trading Company were too vigilant. Before they sat down for a long time, the guards at the door came to drive them away.

Of course, their tone was very polite and they said, "It's not safe for cars to drive here. Please don't stay here."

After all, it is a "commercial firm". Even if it is receiving special customers, it still has to open its doors to do business.

There are many ruthless characters in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a big-ass place like Banglong. It is impossible for them to find trouble for themselves.

But just these words "looking friendly" made Chen Chen frown.

The guards here can really be described in one word: strict.

It can even be said that it is more strict than some military camps in civilian areas.

If you want to attack head-on, even if you have the equipment advantage, the difficulty is frighteningly high.

After walking out of the guard's sight, Chen Chen subconsciously glanced back, only to find that not only the guard at the door, but also the sentry at a high sentry position at the top of the internal building was also looking in their direction.

The other party actually has a central command mechanism.

The information detected by Zhengmen was transmitted to the high-altitude sentinel so quickly, which shows that the other party's SOP has really reached a very high level.

What powerful enemy? !

Is this Laofajia Trading Company? Is this Banglon Pavlov’s Red Mansion?

They looked like ordinary buildings, no different from residential compounds commonly seen in mining areas, but they gave Chen Chen a feeling of impeccableness.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

Chen Momo left the area of ​​Laofajia Trading Company silently, and the two of them pretended to have nothing to do and strolled around the surrounding shops. When they came out again, the surveillance sight from Laofajia Trading Company finally left.

At this time, Gang Li also started to use his brain.

"Is there any way for us to go inside and take a look? At least we have to see their actual defense situation before we can formulate an offensive strategy."

"It's impossible. According to Xiaoyu, Laofajia Trading Company is a membership system."

"They only accept familiar customers or new customers who are guaranteed and recommended by familiar customers."

"We can't find a guarantor, and there's no way we can cause trouble."

"Go back first and see how the situation is with Shi Dakai and the others."

"If Bunning Village's defense is so tight, I feel like our mission can actually be abandoned."

"That difficult?"

Li Bang asked in surprise.

In his heart, Chen Chen was fighting this kind of battle that seemed impossible to ordinary people. If even he said he wanted to give up, then maybe no one else could do it.

"It's not difficult. The main reason is that the geographical location of Laofajia is quite special. There is no commanding height to take advantage of. And with many bunkers, the damage of explosives is also limited."

"Without heavy, penetrating firepower, it is difficult to achieve results through fire coverage."

"What we pursue is annihilation, not harassment. This is the most critical difficulty."

Communicating in low voices all the way, the two quickly returned to the hotel. After studying the simple map drawn by Chen Chen for more than an hour, Shi Dakai and Yang Shu, who had gone to Bangning Village for reconnaissance, also returned to the room.

Fortunately, they brought good news.

Although the area of ​​Bangning Village is large, the defense is much looser than that of Laofajia. Most of the buildings are ordinary brick and wood structures. The people are concentrated and there are no civilians around. It can be completely covered with firepower and annihilated.

"So overall, Laofajia Trading Company is the main difficulty we face."

"In order to avoid the enemy's alertness, we can launch attacks on two targets simultaneously. Only two teams are needed on the Bangningzhuang side, using two F150s and one 107 rocket launcher. We can achieve results through intensive fire coverage and suppression."

"After the battle is over, the Bangningzhuang team can quickly enter the city to provide support."

"But as for Laofa Ka Commercial Bank, it is very likely that it will have to enter the rhythm of CQB raids."

"Therefore, we need to look for opportunities to complete the close reconnaissance of Laofajia Trading Company, find out the distribution of personnel and firepower inside the trading bank, and provide a basis for the raid."

"How's it going? What do you think?"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, the other three people all fell into deep thought.

Needless to say, Yang Shu didn't have much experience in participating in such "difficult combat missions". In many previous battles, all he did was obey orders, so when faced with the questions raised by Chen Chen, , what he showed was actually a state of complete confusion.

He looked at Li Bang on the side, and then at Shi Dakai across from him, thinking to himself:

They shouldn't be able to make any suggestions. After all, if they want to attack such a heavily defended fortress, it seems impossible to break in without large-caliber heavy artillery.

However, to his surprise, after only a few seconds of silence, Gang Li raised his hand first and spoke.

"Can we continue to use poisonous smoke to attack?"

Yang Shu's eyes lit up - he had also heard about the Dongfeng Corps' battle in Wanxi Village. Now it seems that this plan can be reused?

But before he could get excited, Chen Chen rejected Li Gang's proposal without hesitation.

"It's impossible. The poisonous smoke is only suitable for unprepared situations. The security of Laofajia Trading Company is very vigilant. They will react and take the initiative without waiting for the poisonous smoke to take effect."

Hearing this, Li Bang nodded thoughtfully and continued:

"What about incendiary bombs? We have cloud bombs and incendiary bombs. Can a covering strike work?"

"It's not feasible either. As I said before, the cloud explosive bombs have too few incendiary bombs and the instantaneous lethality is too weak. The opponent is fully capable of controlling the 'ignite' fire."

"You have to know that Laofajia Trading Company is a small arsenal. Their fire protection measures cannot be bad."

"Then let's go back and buy some more?"


Chen Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"You think you can just buy it if you want? It will cost us our lives to collect these things. If we can buy everything, and the company still has 8 million US dollars in its account, wouldn't it be better for me to buy a nuclear rocket launcher? "

"All right."

Li Bang smiled sheepishly, while Shi Dakai on the side asked:

"Then is there any way to detonate their ammunition depot and cause a suicide bombing?"

"The arsenal is located underground. If you want to do this, you can only use earth-penetrating bombs - where can we find earth-penetrating bombs?"


Seeing Shi Dakai fall silent, Yang Shu scratched his head and said nothing.

In fact, in his opinion, these plans should all be considered outstanding.

But after such discussion, it seems that there are still many shortcomings?

It seems that tactics are indeed not as simple as I thought.

Everyone was thinking hard. In this atmosphere, Yang Shu, who was not used to active thinking, also tried to look at the problem from an overall perspective for the first time.

He stared at the simple map Chen Chen put on the table, and the layout of the entire Laofajia Trading Company gradually emerged in his mind. As he thought more deeply, he seemed to have entered an "immersive" state.

He was very curious about this state, but what he didn't know was that this was actually just the basic requirement of "reading pictures for combat".

After a long time, he suddenly said:

"So our problem is that the opponent's buildings are too strong and small-yield explosive weapons cannot achieve effective damage; at the same time, if we conduct a surprise attack, the entry route is too narrow and there are too many enemies, which makes our combat difficulty increase sharply. Is it right?"

"Yes, this is a very typical scene of light infantry attacking a building, just like Pavlov's battle for the Red Building."

Chen Chen glanced at Yang Shu with some relief. Although this was a condition that everyone else knew very well, it was quite an improvement for Yang Shu to understand it so quickly.

Looking at Yang Shu’s studious eyes, he continued to add:

"And what's even more difficult is that we don't have that much time. If we can't defeat them in a short time after a quick raid, we will have to withdraw."

"Because the police battalion in Banglong is not completely useless. They will definitely notify the superiors and mobilize troops."

"If we are surrounded, we will die."


Yang Shu nodded lightly. After receiving Chen Chen's affirmation, his confidence greatly increased. He only stood there for a brief moment before continuing:

"So, in fact, if we want to win this war of annihilation, there are two main directions."

"Or, we increase the intensity of firepower, directly penetrate the opponent's defense, and use heavy firepower to complete the annihilation."

"Either we widen the entry route, take advantage of our vision, tactics and personal abilities, and use the team's flexibility to complete the harvest. Is this right?"


Chen Chen nodded again and then explained:

"Actually, what we are discussing now is mainly about solutions to these two problems. It would be great if our AH-2 could be transferred here for use - wait, there are heavy artillery available to us over there at Bangning Village. ?"


Shi Dakai shook his head and replied:

"We have observed that the weapons on sale here are mainly light weapons. If they are classified according to 'firepower level', they are not as good as the weapons we have now."

Chen Chen sighed in disappointment, but at this moment, Yang Shu spoke again.

"I have an idea, I don't know if it's right or not."

"Melee combat is the last option, because no matter what, the danger is too high, we still have to give priority to 'remote elimination'."

"And we definitely don't have heavy artillery, and it's impossible to get it in a short time."

"But if you think about it carefully, isn't it that we want heavy artillery to 'penetrate the enemy's defense and cause the enemy's defense to collapse'?"

"So, in this case, our best method is to use fire."

Yang Shu looked solemn, while Chen Chen shook his head helplessly.

"Theoretically, it is correct, but the problem is that this is not the Henry Hotel, there are too few combustibles, and we do not have the conditions to enter the interior to set fire."

"Even with the Pyrogel incendiary bombs we have in hand, the flame coverage is only about 50 square meters."

"But Laofajia Commercial Bank covers an area of ​​about 5,000 square meters alone. Coupled with the multi-story buildings, if you want to completely cover it, it is conservatively estimated that two to three hundred incendiary bombs will be fired."

"We couldn't find that many incendiary bombs even if we turned over the entire northern Myanmar. If we really wanted to fight, we would probably have to use 9M22S."


Yang Shu interrupted Chen Chen and then said:

"It's okay to use gasoline, but incendiary bombs are difficult to use. Isn't it still difficult to use gasoline?"

"But how are you going to transport the gasoline in? Get a tanker truck to come over? People will probably stop us the moment we enter Banglong before we reach the edge."

Chen Chen frowned and looked at Yang Shu. He felt that this kid's ideas were good, but he always had the "without thinking" habit of the Lion Corps.

It's not like he himself hasn't thought about recreating the Mekong River explosion, but the problem is that as the situation changes, the conditions for implementing tactics also change.

People like Laofajia Trading Company are not fools. How could they let a highly dangerous oil tanker approach?

They just went for a walk today, and they were already warned, okay?

He also wanted to teach Yang Shu a few words, but the next sentence Yang Shu said made him dumbfounded.

Yang Shu said:

"I was thinking, if a fire truck can spray water, can it spray fire?"




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