Xiaoyu's speed is very fast. In fact, in a city like Yunnan with complete industrial facilities, this level of modification is completely easy.

Ten hours after the phone call was made, the car was delivered to Mengka through Poly's representative office. This time, even the formalities were omitted. After all, the fire truck is not a sensitive equipment.


At least not now. As for whether it will become a controlled export category similar to gas cans in the future, that’s not necessarily the case.

In short, after the car arrived in Mengka, Chen Chen immediately began to arrange for personnel to deliver the car. He originally planned to arrange for the left-behind personnel of the Dongfeng Corps to be delivered together with the gasoline sponsored by the 7th Brigade, but if he thought about it carefully, this would affect the security of the headquarters. It's too weak. Just relying on Wood Ghost's "outsourced mercenaries" may not be enough.

In addition, oil tankers and fire trucks are not sensitive things in the first place, and there is no risk no matter where they cross, so he simply asked Peng Xucheng to make arrangements together.

Peng Xucheng naturally agreed. Ever since he saw the warriors coming from Mengla, his judgment on Chen Chen had been completely finalized.

Now, even if Chen Chen gives him an order saying, "You guys will just do some legitimate business from now on," he will report it to the senior management in a serious manner, treating this as an opportunity given by Big Brother.

Gifting two cars is naturally a no-brainer.

So, 20 hours after the call was made, Chen Chen saw the car he wanted at the camp near Huoke.

There is no difference in appearance from ordinary fire trucks. The oil pump has been modified, the water tank has been treated with anti-static and explosion-proof treatment, and several brackets for fixing water cannons have been welded on the outside.

There is no doubt that Xiaoyu, who has a close connection with him, completely understood his plan and optimized it.

It was a pity that there was not enough time, otherwise Chen Chen would even doubt whether Xiaoyu would change the fire truck into a remote control one for him.

When it comes to IEDs, they have to be the founders.

There weren't many surprises this time. What really surprised Chen Chen was the person escorting the car.

The mercenaries who came were not Mugui's mercenaries, but jackals from Chaisili.

Seeing Jackal's cheerful smile, Chen Chen asked:

"Why are you here? Your Chaisili headquarters lets you run around as you please?"

Jackal's expression was solemn, he shook his head and replied:

"Wrong, what is Chaisili? I am a jackal from the Shura Corps. This is my first time meeting you. Please take care of me."

".It's whatever you say. What are you here for?"

Chen Chen gave him a big look, but the latter didn't care at all.

"Let me take a look. You are addicted to setting fires. I can't watch it?"

"I think that in northern Myanmar, the fire attack tactic has its inherent and irreplaceable advantages, but you are the only one who can make good use of this tactic."

"So, I have to come and see it no matter what, so what's the trick this time? A civilian version of the spray train?"

"I've never heard of a civilian version of the jet train."

Chen Chen sighed helplessly and explained:

"In fact, it is essentially a fire penetration method, which is only suitable for specific scenarios and specific combat modes."

"In fact, if we could use enough long-range throwing launchers to achieve saturation coverage, we would definitely not choose this option."

"But this solution also has the advantage of highlighting a 'penetrability'. Using the fluidity of the liquid, we can extend the killing range to corners that ordinary weapons cannot reach."


Jackal nodded slightly and began to observe the structure of the car.

"There is no bulletproof armor, and the anti-explosion capability is very poor. So what method are you going to use to drive the car over inconspicuously and complete the preliminary fuel injection?"

This is indeed a core issue.

In fact, this fire truck is a small fire truck equipped with a 5-ton water tank, which is one of the small ones in the fire truck family.

However, even with only 5 tons, it is not easy to empty the water tank in a short time.

According to the test that Chen Chen has seen before, three guns discharge water simultaneously, and when the pressure is raised to the maximum, it takes 4 and a half minutes to spray 5 tons of water. If it is really parked and sprayed there, let alone four and a half minutes. , in half a minute at most, the car was blown to pieces.

The reason is simple - no one can't smell the difference between gasoline and water.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen replied:

"There are mainly two options now."

"The first plan is to use frequent fires to scare the enemies inside Laofajia Trading Company, and then find a way to drive the car into their yard."

"But with this plan, the evacuation of our own personnel will be a problem. If we mess around, it can easily lead to a suicide attack."

"Another option is that we can pull out the smoke from close by, hide the car in the smoke, and then use the smoke cover to spray gasoline fuel."

"Similarly, the disadvantages of this plan are also obvious. How long it can last depends entirely on luck. If we are not lucky, the opponent can send us to the sky with one RPG."

"So, it's still quite troublesome at the moment - how about it, do you have any good ideas?"

".Am I not here to visit and study?"

Jackal scratched his head and said.

"Don't you want the Shura Corps? The Shura Corps still doesn't want to go to the battlefield?"

"That's not true."

After a slight pause, Jackal's expression became serious.

"For four and a half minutes, no matter what method we use, it is impossible for the other party to not notice it."

"I think the most likely scenario is that a minute or two after we started spraying fuel, something unusual started to be noticed on the other side."

"In this case, the goal is achieved if it can cover most of the buildings. The remaining unused fuel must be consumed in a 'concentrated release' method."

"Well, it's impossible to directly enter the opponent's interior. We need at least 4 operators alone - 3 water guns and a driver, right?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded and answered.

"Then let's combine it and create a time difference."

"We spray first, and then, when the other side becomes alert, attack from the other side and delay the fire while the fire truck maneuvers around and continues spraying in other directions."

"What's the other party's chain of command like?"

"With a central command system, the efficiency is quite high."

"With high efficiency, the command hierarchy will definitely not be clear, and it is impossible to take care of both in northern Myanmar."

"That means that once there is an emergency, the other party is likely to fall into a situation of excessive command. This is our opportunity."

"How about it, do you want to try it?"

"There still seems to be too much uncertainty and personnel safety is still an issue."

Chen Chen frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"Let's do this. Let's combine several plans."

"The first step is to create a fire in Lao Fajia Trading Company and near Lao Fajia Trading Company, mobilize the fire brigade in the city to put out the fire, and do it several times to desensitize Lao Fajia Trading Company to fire trucks."

"The second step is to drive our fire truck over and make a warning gesture, but don't take action for the time being."

"The third step is for the snipers to clear the observation posts and the fire trucks start to release fuel. Today's wind direction is northwest, so we need to release fuel in at least the west and north directions, which takes about 1 and a half minutes."

"In the fourth step, the attack team launched attacks from the east and south sides to attract enemy firepower. At the same time, the fire trucks drove to the main entrance of Laofajia Trading Company, set up water cannons, and entered the 'unmanned spraying' stage, and all personnel were evacuated."

"In the fifth step, when the fuel delivery is basically completed, we start ignition."

After hearing Chen Chen's plan, Jackal nodded in agreement, but then said:

"Is it possible for gasoline to be ignited by an electric spark in advance?"

"That's beyond our control. We don't think about it - if that happens, everyone will retreat immediately and re-strategize!"


All members of the Dongfeng Corps answered together, so the attack strategy on Banglong's Laofa Trading Company immediately took effect, and the team prepared and set off.

The time was 8 o'clock in the evening. The convoy traveled from Hoko to Banlong via a small road, and it took only ten minutes to reach the outskirts of Banlong.

Subsequently, Groups 5 and 6 responsible for the Bangningzhuang operation were led by Bai Gou and Yang Shu and continued to detour along the northeastern path to the north of Bangningzhuang to wait. The remaining team members followed the path east of Banglong and approached Lao Fajia. The trading house is hidden behind the woods 400 meters away from the trading house.

At the same time, the "desensitization operation" against Laofajia Trading Company was launched rapidly.

Lin He and Li Bang traveled to the target location lightly packed and selected an unused abandoned factory near Laofajia Trading Company to set up incendiary bombs, triggering the first wave of small-scale fires.

After receiving the alarm, the Banglong Fire Brigade immediately dispatched the alarm. It took the only fire truck a full 20 minutes to reach the fire point, and then sprayed some symbolic water to extinguish the fire that was almost naturally extinguished.

Lin He and Li Gang were watching not far away. After the fire brigade left, they immediately changed the location and lit the second target point.


This time, they did not use incendiary bombs, but just lit a bonfire.

But because the bonfire was mixed with a small amount of construction fuel, the smoke was very large and it looked quite serious.

The fire truck came back again. After seeing the fire clearly, the firefighter in protective clothing cursed and kicked away the still burning fire, and then left angrily.

For the last time, the two of them did not choose a location near Lao Fajia Trading Company. Instead, they went around to the west of the city and lit a pile of small straws.

This is Chen Chen's plan - to desensitize Laofajia Trading Company without making them overly nervous.

And apparently, the plan went very smoothly.

Because when the "Dongfeng Fire Truck" filled with oil drove to the street near Laofajia Trading Company and stopped, there was nothing abnormal in the radio communication content that Bao Qi heard.

After all, those security guards are not professionals. Even after being trained by the Shadow Corps, they have only learned some "superficial" things.

The real core is not that easy to change.

And this is actually the real opportunity for the Dongfeng Corps.

The time was ripe, and Chen Chen issued the order to prepare for the attack.

A total of 6 members from Group 2 and Group 3 of the Dongfeng Corps approached the direction of the fire truck and met with the driver of the fire truck;

Group 1 led by Chen Chen and Chaisili's group led by Jackal approached the south and east sides of Laofajia Trading Company on foot, preparing for a feint attack;

The remaining members of Group 4 activated their combat vehicles and were ready to rush to the battlefield quickly after the fighting started.

At this time, everyone in Laofajia Trading Company was still unaware of the impending disaster.

In a room on the fifth floor of Building 1 on the west side, a man in a straight suit sat behind a desk, frowning while looking at the report on the table.

He even combed his hair meticulously, which seemed particularly out of place in northern Myanmar.

After reading a report, he raised his head and looked at the assistant opposite, and then said:

"The situation in Laojie is becoming more and more chaotic. After President Ming died, Dad's actions became more and more radical."

"It's about suppressing bandits, seizing power, and even getting involved in the 'major events' of So Myint Wu and Niu Qin."

"I always feel like this is not a good sign, but I can't put my finger on it."

"Ang Tingling shouldn't have died, at least he shouldn't have died so quickly."

After hearing his words, the assistant, or adjutant, nodded slightly and replied:

"It has indeed changed too fast, but this change was not actually requested by General Bai."

"It's still because the Wei family's death was too sudden and too decisive, which made General Bai feel the crisis."

"So he has to strengthen cooperation with Lao Burma to get more power to ensure his own safety."

"Speaking of which, boss, do you think the Wei family's incident this time has something to do with the north?"

After the words fell, the man in the suit couldn't help but fall into silence.

After a pause for a few seconds, he answered:

"It doesn't look like it, because the person who did this is so unruly."

"Set fire in the old street and burn down the whole building. No matter how tough the north side is, they can't do such a thing."

"I heard that this thing was done by a mercenary group in Shan State. They seem to be obsessed with setting fires. They have done it several times before when they robbed Nuokang. This time it is not too special."

"The only thing I can't figure out is why they got involved in this matter - maybe Peng Deren gave him enough money."

"makes sense"

The adjutant sighed and then said:

"But it has nothing to do with us. They can't hit us anyway."

"Even if we want to fight, our place is not that easy to attack."

"That's true."

The man in the suit nodded somewhat complacently and continued:

"So don't think too much and focus on the things in front of you first."

"We must stabilize our business quickly. There is news from Kachin. We have to transport a batch of equipment there, and then go north via the Yunnan-Tibet line."

"There are more than 20 guns and 2,000 rounds of ammunition in total. The size is not large, but the difficulty is still quite high."

"How about it, Lao Wu, do you have any good plan?"

"Then it depends on how much money you pay. If you don't pay enough for this kind of head-turning thing, no one will be willing to do it for them."

"They promised one million. If it can be shipped, they will give us another one million, but there is a time limit, one month."

"So urgent?"

the adjutant asked in surprise.

"Yes. They seem to be planning to do something big."

The man in the suit stood up, his expression changing.

"To be honest, this kind of thing is really more dangerous than drug smuggling and trafficking."

"However, wealth is found in danger. In order to obtain chips, sometimes you have to take risks."

"We are businessmen anyway. What do they use these guns for, and what does it have to do with us?"


The adjutant replied with deep understanding, and then continued:

"I always feel like there are fires everywhere - just like tonight. The world is really in chaos."

"Hahaha, there are fires everywhere. Don't tell me, it's true."

The man in the suit smiled and shook his head, then suddenly pointed out the window and said:

"But it's okay. At least Banlon won't catch fire again tonight."

"Look, isn't it raining?"

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