I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 198 Between the Cracks

Using a fire truck to pour fuel on Lao Fa Ka Trading Company is really an extremely risky approach, because the window period that can be controlled is too short.

If discovered by others, a bullet is unlikely to burst the fuel tank and cause an explosion, but what about an RPG? What about an armor-piercing incendiary bomb?

If it gets close to it, it will explode, and if it is shot, it will die. The driver and operator will not have any time to react.

In addition, if the spilled gasoline is ignited by electric sparks or other fire sources in the building in advance, the consequences of flashover will also be catastrophic.

Although the concept of a fire-breathing train sounds very exciting, if it really breathed fire, it is estimated that several operators would not even know how to die.

Therefore, Chen Chen's strategy was not to spit fire from the beginning, but to "spray fuel."

He must seize the narrow window period for the opponent's central command system to respond, use the fire truck to pour as much gasoline as possible, and then block the car at the entrance of Lao Fajia Trading Company before the situation develops out of control, quickly abandon the car and run away.

In this way, interrupting the other party's decision-making and reducing the other party's reaction speed has become a top priority.

After the "arson team" led by Yang Shu started taking action, a total of three teams on Chen Chen's side also immediately began to intervene.

A total of four sniper rifles locked onto four enemy open posts. About 20 seconds after the gasoline was spilled, and at the moment when the opponent had just completed the intelligence feedback for the first time, all the outer posts fell down.

Smoke was coming out of the gun, and blood was coming out of the enemy's body. Chen Chen quickly scanned the perimeter of the west building with a thermal imager. After making sure that no target was missed, he immediately continued to order:

"30 seconds!"

"The enemies are starting to gather, and they haven't realized it's gasoline yet!"

"We still have 30 seconds at most!"

"The fire truck is approaching the wall, moving from south to north! Throwing team, prepare to use smoke bombs for cover!"

"No. 2, use a rocket launcher to attack the south wall and cut off the power supply to the grid!"

"The remaining people provide fire cover and pay attention to avoid the fire truck's spray path."

"The vehicle group goes out to the north road, and the automatic howitzer is ready to provide fire cover!"


A reply came immediately from the radio. Chen Chen set up the HK416 and used the machine gun to shoot at the building window on the south side, killing an enemy who had just set up his gun and was about to fight back.

At the same time, the M82A1 in Shi Dakai's hand also rang. The enemy who was taking over the observation on the top floor of the building just showed his head. The large-caliber bullet penetrated the bunker and knocked him to the ground.


This seemed to be a signal, and with this gunshot, all small arms opened fire immediately.


The 40mm fire in Bao Qi's hand hit the southern wall of Lao Fajia Trading Company. The double-layer wall could not be completely blown down, but under the huge explosion shock wave, the power grid on the wall had been blown off, and this was This creates a safer opportunity for fire trucks that are still pouring gasoline.

Automatic fire kept spitting bullets at the buildings on the south side. Rather than suppressing it, it was actually more of an attraction.

Under the fierce offensive, the enemy fell into a brief confusion. The command center subconsciously mobilized troops to the south, but chose to postpone handling of what was happening on the west.

It's just delayed for a few seconds or ten seconds.

But this is enough.

It took ten seconds for the situation to be reported back to him, and another ten seconds for him to make a decision. By the time his order was transmitted back to the front line and the front line personnel responded, a full 30 seconds had passed!

In just these 30 seconds, the three water guns of the fire truck had sprayed more than 600 liters of gasoline to the entire west side building at the highest pressure!

Including the previous 30 seconds of failure to respond, 1,200 liters of gasoline had been poured into the building on the west side.

All windows were covered and all fire points were soaked, which made the enemy's counterattack extremely difficult.

Because they didn't dare to shoot at all!

Just kidding? !

Now they all know it's not rain, it's not water, it's gasoline!

Do you think your life is not long enough if you stand in a pile of gasoline and shoot? !

The decision just made failed instantly, and all the enemies who rushed to the building on the west side and planned to attack the fire truck were stunned.

Decision-making is interrupted again - not by killing high-value targets, but by changing the battlefield environment!

In just one minute, the situation can be said to have changed rapidly.

This is the real battlefield, and this is the real decision-making process in a fast-paced and high-intensity conflict.

Otherwise, how could the OODA concept be elevated to such a status in modern military theory? Isn’t it because of its importance and effectiveness?

Bao Qi continued to listen to the enemy's radio communications. In the clear walkie-talkie signal, he heard the opponent's commander issuing new instructions.

"Everyone go to the Red Building! They want a fire! Knock out the fire truck from the Red Building!"

The so-called Red Building is the building on the north side of Laofa Commercial Bank.

This building faces north and south. In theory, attacks can be launched from the roof and side windows to suppress the fire trucks, but Chen Chen has assigned two teams to the fire trucks!

In addition to the driver and water dragon operator, the two teams also had four light machine guns, and these four light machine guns suppressed the entire side of the building to the point where it was impossible to raise the head.

It doesn’t need to be too long, 20 seconds is enough.

Because, in just 20 seconds, 400 liters of gasoline had been spread "unevenly" across the entire building facade.

Once again, the enemy lost the opportunity to fire.

After receiving the feedback that "don't dare to fire", their commander was about to collapse, but before he could make a decision, Chen Chen took advantage of the electromagnetic control power and once again made a decision a few seconds in advance. response.

"Give up the west side position!"

"No. 1, use smoke bombs for cover, and the fire trucks go to the north side to spray the red building!"

"You only have 20 seconds! Listen to my countdown and start taking action!"

"Vehicle team, shell the north door! Launch a round of machine gun fire at each window on the floor!"


After a decisive reply, smoke bombs were thrown one after another.

The nearly 70-meter-long north road was instantly shrouded in smoke. At the same time, the warrior truck, which had already arrived and was waiting in the wasteland further north of the road, began to use a vehicle-mounted 04-type howitzer to suppress the gate of Laofajia Trading Company.

The heavy machine guns on the other two modified armed pickup trucks also began to spit out tongues of fire, and large-caliber bullets sent debris flying across the wall.

The grenades fell like raindrops, and the enemy who had just received the order from the command center and rushed here was in danger.

They even looked helplessly at the three cars on the opposite side, watching them stop there fearlessly and raining deadly bullets on themselves.

This wasteland was originally cleared to bring greater security to Lao Fajia Trading Company, but now, it has become the enemy's best offensive position.

How is this possible? ——

No, how is this impossible?

The skirmishers who attack with a few broken guns may need cover in the woods and houses, but the elite mercenaries driving Warriors and mounting automatic howitzers don't!

Once again, the enemy's decision-making process was blocked.

From the beginning of the battle to now, this is the third time that Chen Chen has interrupted the enemy's OODA loop!

As the smoke rose, the fire trucks began to pour gasoline on the facade of the north wing. The enemy was almost unable to fight back, because it took at least 10 seconds from the time they were suppressed by heavy machine gun fire to the time they came out of the bunker to fight back. time!

And 10 seconds later, when the heavy machine gun fire finally stopped and they looked for the target, they found that most of the windows had been poured with gasoline, and the few floors that had not been affected were too low to see through. It is extremely difficult to find the target through the smoke!

"Stop turning off the fucking gas!! Fight back with a bazooka! Fight back!"

On the listening radio, the enemy commander's voice had begun to become hysterical.

He felt like he was fighting this battle as if he was being suppressed in someone's shadow!

Every step is guessed and every decision is countered!

The conflict in the south was still going on. He knew clearly that it was a feint attack, but he had no way of making an effective counterattack!

The main entrance has been knocked down by a round of bombing, and it is impossible for our side to rush out, but the problem is that the enemy does not seem to have even thought about coming in!

They just want to set fire to it! They just want to suffocate themselves inside the building!

We have to come up with a solution quickly, we have to kill that fire truck as soon as possible!

Fire! ? If there's a fire, start the fire.

At least now, the buildings on the south and east sides have not been affected!

So, he calmed down and said:

"Everyone evacuate to the white building on the east side immediately!"

"The Blue Building on the south side continues to hold on, don't worry, they."


Before the commander finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded.

This was a salvo of four rocket launchers, but eight shells were fired.

Because what they use is a twin-mounted 84 rocket launcher!

The napalm bomb instantly ignited the fire, and the entire east side of the building's exterior was almost completely covered in flames.

In fact, such an attack is not very lethal. The fuel only burns on the outer wall, let alone the back of the building. Even if you just retreat to the corridor away from the window, you don't have to worry about the damage from the flames!

However, as Chen Chen had said long ago, the shock and suppression brought by the "incendiary weapon" were so strong that all the mobile security personnel stopped in their tracks.

They subconsciously wanted to rush out of the north gate, but at this moment, they saw a scene that terrified them.

The red fire truck was already parked in front of the gate.

A water cannon was fixed and sprayed gasoline inside.

It is impossible to get in, because even tanks cannot pass through the multi-layer blocking device installed at the gate.

However, it cannot get in, but oil can.

The gasoline sprayed from three water cannons crossed a distance of nearly 50 meters and spilled onto the open space inside the commercial bank.

It was like an inexplicable heavy rain, and the clothes of the enemies standing in the open space of the square were all wet.

To be honest, the traffic is not that big.

But, this is not water after all.

"Knock it off! Knock it off! Knock it off!!!"

The commander yelled wildly, and at this time, Chen Chen issued an order to the "arson team" through the radio.

"Personnel evacuated, vehicle team covering."

"Prepare to burn armor-piercing rounds."


There was a loud bang.

As an armor-piercing incendiary bomb hit the ground in front of the fire truck, the gasoline that had begun to volatilize in less than two minutes burned instantly.

The high-concentration gasoline vapor deflagrated, and after a slightly "dim" fire flashed, all the buildings that had been spilled by gasoline burst into flames!

The buildings on the west side, which had the most spilled traffic, burned the most. Although the flow on the north side was less, it was still high enough to create a high temperature that made people completely inaccessible.


At this moment, what fire management has become a joke.

Can you use a fire extinguisher and a fire hydrant to put out a fire comparable to hell?

Do you really think you are from the north? !

There is no way, the moment the fire ignites, everything is over.

The wails echoed through the entire Afa Trading Company, and the only way for them to survive was to build a building on the south side.

The security guards who survived the first wave of explosions no longer cared about listening to the command. They ran southward like crazy, completely ignoring the commander's order asking them to kill the fire truck.

At this time, the unattended fire truck was still spraying gasoline.


To be precise, it was spraying flames.

After deflagration, the flames flowed back along the "oil column" it sprayed out, and quickly ignited the flame at the exit, forming three shocking fire pillars.

The gasoline on the surface ignited a fire, but the relatively low-temperature part inside still followed the predetermined ejection route.

There seemed to be a rain of fire falling from the sky, and it was a real rain of fire.

Chen Chen didn't know how long this car could last.

Before the flames ignited, it had sprayed more than 2,500 liters of gasoline, but at this time, there was still nearly half of the gasoline reserve in the fire truck's water tank.

Once it explodes.

It will be a grand fireworks.

"Group 3 retreated, met with the vehicle team, and headed to the south to support me."

"Group 4 remains on the north side for observation and alert."

"Jackal, stay on the east side and be on guard."

"Waiting for the flames to spread, the enemy can only evacuate from the east or south side."

"We wait and kill them!"


By this time, the fire had become uncontrollable.

Only three minutes had passed since the first drop of gasoline fell on the wall.

The fire truck finally failed to hold on, and a rocket fired at it from the south building completely detonated the vehicle.


The flames exploded into a small mushroom cloud, and the shock wave swept across, shattering the glass of all the surrounding buildings.

However, the explosion did not extinguish the flames, but a gentle northwest wind blew by, causing the raging flames to reignite again.

The enemies in the south tower had already felt the heat, as the flames began to spread in their direction.

In just a few hundred meters, the vehicle team rushed to the south with the 2 and 3 groups who set fire, and completed the final rendezvous and defense line arrangement.

At this time, the enemies in the south building began to smash the windows crazily.

They couldn't care less about the enemies that might exist opposite them, because they knew that if they didn't run away at this time, they would be burned alive by the northwest wind!

A corner of the south building has already started to catch fire!

And the gasoline on the ground flows into the underground arsenal. Who knows when an explosion will occur! ?

Fast, too fast.

It’s so fast that they don’t have time to think, and it’s so fast that they can’t deal with it at all.

What happened in those few minutes was beyond the limits of their understanding.

Finally, the barbed wire on the first window was pried open, and everyone jumped out of the window to escape.

They saw the gap opened by Bao Qi at a glance. Following the collapse of less than half of the wall, they fled one by one.

They knew clearly that a gun was pointing at them, but they no longer cared so much.

"Defend! Establish defense! Retreat slowly!"

Chen Chen saw the man who was shouting orders, so he gave the order without hesitation:

"Get rid of it."

"Leave no one behind!"

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