I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 202 Cooperation ends early

All problems were solved, and the Dongfeng Corps quickly withdrew from Banglong.

They did not encounter any obstacles during the process. This was due to the evacuation route that Chen Chen had planned long ago. Of course, it was also due to the "powerful" factor they played in the battle of Banglong.

Just kidding?

Overnight - no, within a quarter of an hour, the two largest trading houses were destroyed, and the people involved in the breakup of Bangningzhuang Trading Company even ran to the city to call the police.

But the question is, how dare the police camp take care of this matter?

Let alone Banglong and northern Myanmar, no "police" in the whole world dares to take care of this matter.

It's a low-end version of carpet bombing and a rocket launcher air strike. It relies on the shabby equipment of the police camp and the unreliable wage soldiers with guns. How dare you fight it?

It's better to report it to the superior first and then wait for support with peace of mind.

If you don't stop, even if the superiors blame you and say "I can't stop you", you can still convince your superiors.

But if we really go to stop him, whether it is convincing the group of mercenaries or the Lord of Hell, it seems that the difficulty is about the same.

Therefore, after confirming that the Dongfeng Corps had left, the Banglong Police Camp arrived belatedly.

Gunfire rang out sparsely, and it was obvious that they had no intention of hitting anyone.


Maybe not necessarily.

Maybe some unlucky guy will end up being the scapegoat?

But this is not an issue that Chen Chen needs to be concerned about.

The convoy went all the way east, and then turned south near Mananshuang. In 20 minutes, the Dongfeng Corps returned to the camp near Huoke.

According to Chen Chen's plan, they will wait in this camp for more than three days to observe changes in the situation in Lao Cai. They will especially pay attention to the dynamics of the Allied Forces, the coup forces, the Burmese Army, and the Kachin side, and look for possible opportunities.

He believes that such an opportunity will definitely arise.

After all, the battle on the front line was not going well and his son died again. Chen Chen did not believe that Bai Suocheng could still hold his own.

In fact, just as Chen Chen expected, Bai Suocheng was indeed crazy.

As soon as he received the news of the attack on Laofajia Trading Company, he immediately felt an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

He almost immediately sent his own soldiers to support him, because he knew that the police camp in Banglong was useless, and he also knew that those who dared to attack Laofajia Trading Company would definitely not be ordinary characters.

Not to mention the police camp, it was still unknown how long his own soldiers could hold out, but even if it was to fuel the war, he had to bite the bullet and fight.

As long as we hold on for two hours and wait until we can mobilize a large force for support, the problem will be solved.

No matter how big the loss in the middle is, it actually doesn’t matter much.

But soon, he found that his idea failed.

Because less than two minutes after the soldiers set off, a message that made his hair stand on end came through again:

A fire broke out in Laofajia Trading Company, and all security personnel were trapped. Those who tried to break out were pushed back by heavy fire, resulting in heavy losses.

This news is so representative that it can even be said to be a sign of his enemy.

Big fire, heavy firepower, high efficiency

Dongfeng Corps, Dongfeng Corps again!

What the hell is going on? I have just determined your identity, and you have already killed me before I even figured out your purpose?

Who are you working for? What is your purpose?

One question after another had no answers, and Bai Suocheng had no time to think too much.

He knew that it was too late even for the personal soldiers to pass by now, and the mercenary groups in the city that had the ability to respond must be mobilized.

Those people are willing to do anything for money. As long as they come up with enough money, even if they can't get out of the siege, it's still possible to relieve the pressure on the commercial bank and help the trapped people in the commercial bank break out, right?

So, he really used various connections to contact the mercenary group, but something that shocked him happened again:

There are more than a dozen large-scale mercenary groups in Banglong, plus a mess of "gangs" and "gun regiments" that may not even have names, with a total of about a thousand people, but there are only two mercenary groups. Dare to take on your own mission!

Those who rejected him all said the same thing, saying "they don't want to die"!

So how violent was it, and to what extent was it hit?

Bai Suocheng simply couldn't imagine how a small mercenary group could scare more than a thousand people from taking action? ——

It wasn't until the news came that the Bangningzhuang Commercial Bank was attacked simultaneously, and more than a dozen buildings in a manor were razed to the ground by covering fire, that he finally realized that things were not that simple.

He kept increasing his chips and finally persuaded four mercenary groups to go to Laofajia Trading Company to rescue them. But by this time, 20 minutes had passed.

Slow, too slow.

When these mercenaries arrived, all they saw was the still burning fire and corpses lying on the ground.

His son was not in the body.

When this result was confirmed, Bai Suocheng breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, from the mercenaries who rushed to support him, he heard a rumor that made his eyes wide open.

Bai Yingneng is dead.

He was shot dead by his adjutant himself and used as a bargaining chip for surrender.

Although the released prisoners tried their best to deny this rumor, and they tried their best to prove that Bai Yingneng was still alive and was just kidnapped, but as smart as Bai was, how could he not guess the truth of the matter?

His son must be dead.

His life was exchanged for the lives of these ants.

The order to massacre was issued in an instant, and all escaped prisoners became targets.

And this is the most ironic point in the whole thing - the mercenary group they sent originally planned to rescue, but after rescuing, their final mission turned out to be "cleaning up their own people".

Under the violent emotional ups and downs, Bai Suocheng felt that he almost fainted.

The adjutant on the side held the water glass tightly in his hand and did not dare to say a word for a long time.

It wasn't until Bai Suocheng finally took a deep breath that he handed over the water and said:

"Sir, don't worry yet."

"Everything has not been finalized yet. Something may have happened to Master Bai."

"Didn't we confirm it before? They don't have a background in the north."

"Besides, the way they do things is definitely not from the north. They are just a mercenary group."

"In this case, they will never dare to start a full-scale war with us, because that means they are fighting with Lao Burma."

"do not talk."

Bai Suocheng interrupted him with a cold expression, and then continued:

"Whether they have it or not, they won't admit it."

"It sounds nice. Everything the Dongfeng Corps does is ordered by the Allied Forces, but I don't understand. How would such a team listen to the Allied Forces so much?"

"If you have this strength, why don't you just go and join the Wa State?"

"It's probably a good thing to say that I don't have a northern background."

"But, without background, there is not necessarily no connection!"

"This is a conspiracy. Raise a Dongfeng Corps and let them fight us to the death. No matter who wins or loses, everyone will enjoy the results."

"It's okay to kill Wei Chaoren, but now it's all on my head? Do you really think I have no ability at all?!"

"The rabbit bites people when it's anxious. Can't I bite people?"

"Damn it, send me some people! I'm going to beat them all to death!"

"Whatever the Dongfeng Corps is, all of them will die!"

Bai Suocheng's expression was distorted and his voice was hysterical. The adjutant looked at him hesitantly and asked:

"They won't interfere over there, right?"

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible for them to interfere!"

"Even if I intervene, it's only indirect!"

"Be quick, we must be quick, don't give them time to react!"

"As long as we kill the Dongfeng Corps, the deal is done and we will no longer have any worries!"

"Tend my soldiers to chase them. No matter where they come from, find them and kill them all!"


The adjutant answered immediately, but then added:

"If that's the case, then our defense will be empty."

"Sir, do you want to get out of the way first?"

Hearing this, Bai Suocheng's eyes froze.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke:

"Then let's go."

"I'll leave first, and I'll come back when it's over!"

The large-scale mobilization of Bai Suocheng's soldiers could not fail to attract attention. In fact, just an hour after he made the decision, Chen Chen received a call from Xiaoyu.

On the phone, the few words Xiaoyu said were also very simple.

she says:

"I didn't expect you to kill Bai Yingneng. This was completely unplanned."

"Bai Suocheng has started to mobilize troops, and he will hide himself. Your situation is not good."

"There's good news and bad news."

"The bad news is that the matter is too big and your task ends here. Someone will pay the commission."

"The good news is."

"Our cooperation ended prematurely."

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