What good news is the cooperation ending prematurely?

When Xiaoyu said this, even Chen Chen didn't react.

After all, all he could think about was the "helicopter", and the termination of the mission meant that he had not had time to complete the "ultimate goal" and could not get the "helicopter with rockets" he wanted. .

Didn't Xiaoyu say that someone will pay the commission?

Commission is not something I want.

But soon, a few seconds after Xiaoyu hung up the phone, Chen Chen suddenly reacted.

This mission was actually destined to end early.

Because it is impossible for the north to have any direct connection with the situation in northern Myanmar. Once the mission continues, Xiaoyu is likely to fall into the vicious circle of "interference in internal affairs."

But now, as long as they completely cut off the connection with the Dongfeng Corps, it means that the Dongfeng Corps can completely let go and go on a killing spree.

As for the agreed commission?

Chen Chen believed that they would not deny it, because his value was there. If the coup army was really defeated and the Allied forces were made obedient, the gains to the north would be far from just one or a few aircraft. , even comparable to dozens of helicopters

However, as Xiaoyu said, this is good news, but it is also bad news.

The good news is that once the Dongfeng Corps puts on the mask, they no longer have any scruples in their actions. They can do whatever they want, and they can completely let go.

The bad news is that Chen Chen will no longer be able to get any real-time support from Xiaoyu.

Whether it's intelligence or equipment, it's impossible.

Only the Dongfeng Corps itself can only rely on these 24 - to be precise, 20 people.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen walked towards the jackal in the distance, and then said:

"We're getting ready to do something big. What do you think? Do you want to continue participating?"

"If you want, then follow us; if not, just in time, when you return to Mengka, take our wounded back with you."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Jackal couldn't help but frown.

Of course he could guess what the "big event" Chen Chen was referring to, and he also knew the complex consequences that such a big event might bring.

From a rational point of view, he should not take Chaisili's employees to get involved in this kind of thing, but the problem is.

The battle with Lao Fajia Trading Company really shocked him.

Not because of the fantastic idea of ​​using a fire truck to spray gasoline, but because of Chen Chen's exquisite control of time and offensive rhythm.

The so-called laymen watch the excitement, and the insiders watch the door.

While others only saw the soaring fire and the shocking explosion effect, what he saw was the more essential "core" hidden behind it.

And this core really has a fatal attraction for him.

In other words, it has a fatal attraction for all warriors active on the battlefield.

After hesitating for a long time, Jackal finally answered:

"Let's keep doing it!"

"It doesn't matter. The blame is yours. No matter what, we can't expose our identities."

"The only problem is the danger. But how can mercenaries not be dangerous? It's worth it!"

"Okay, then I will arrange for the evacuation of the wounded."

"Wait a minute - so what's the plan? Let's go straight to the old street?"

"That's not the case"

Chen Chen shook his head, unfolded the map in his hand, and then said:

"According to the information we obtained from our early reconnaissance, there are actually six large-scale teams near Laojie."

"Border defense battalion, police battalion, Bai Suocheng's private soldiers, Liu Guoxi's private soldiers, Liu Zhengxiang's private soldiers, and a mountain combat battalion of the Mianxingwei camp mountain brigade."

"All these forces are around a thousand people - the border guard camp was beaten once by us, and now it has less than a thousand people."

Having said this, Chen Chen drew a circle on the map with his hand, and then continued:

"Currently, the border defense battalion, mountain battalion, and part of Bai Suocheng's private army are performing bandit suppression tasks in the Taman Village area. They are far away from the old street and basically have no ability to return to defense."

"Liu Guoxi's private soldiers are extremely weak in combat effectiveness and are not worth fearing at all."

"Liu Zhengxiang's forces are located on the outskirts of the old street. They are typical wallflowers and are completely untouchable."

"So that means that if we want to attack Lao Cai, there are actually only two strong enemies we will face."

"Police camp, and private soldiers formed by Bai."

"Theoretically, it is possible to directly attack Lao Cai, but we can only cause losses to the enemy, but it is difficult to achieve meaningful results, and beheading is even less possible."

"So, harassment and assault are not within our scope."

"What we really want to fight is a 'war of annihilation'."

"What do you mean?! Twenty or so people are fighting thousands of people, and you told me that we're going to fight a war of annihilation?"

Jackal was completely stunned. Not only was he stunned, but other members of the core group of the Dongfeng Corps were also stunned.

No matter how exaggerated the previous war examples were, they were all based on evidence and had the conditions to "win". But now, with just such a small number of people, it would be too exaggerated to fight a war of annihilation, right?

Looking at their expressions, Chen Chen shook his head and explained:

"I'm not talking about a war of annihilation in the general sense. Do you know the Battle of Tianmu Mountain?"


Jackal shook his head, he really hadn't heard of it.

But he hadn't heard of it, but Bao Qi had.

Bao Qi's eyes immediately lit up, and then he asked:

"Are we going to fight a war of sports annihilation?"

"Yes, movement annihilation, or guerrilla annihilation warfare."

"The purpose is not to truly 'annihilate', but to cause as much damage as possible, break up the enemy's structure, cause them serious casualties, and then use the opportunity of the enemy's structure and troops to be scattered to try to destroy the enemy's main force!"

"The fighting will of these local armed forces in northern Myanmar cannot be compared to Chiang Kai-shek's. We won't need more than a few months."

"Maybe, a few days is enough."


Bao Qi nodded sharply, and then asked:

"But then our logistics will become a big problem."

"We have enough ammunition now, including more than two bases of grenades and rockets."

"But the two bases of ammunition are really not enough for us. I guess it can only support two medium-sized battles?"

"Should we also establish logistical supply lines?"

Chen Chen shook his head.

"The essence of guerrilla warfare is to abandon cumbersome logistical supplies and use a 'lightweight' structure to complete rapid maneuvers."

"This is actually very difficult to achieve. We have no mass base, and the core of the shortage of supplies is not living materials, but weapons and ammunition."

"That means we really have to fight."

"Keep fighting, keep winning points, keep grabbing things from the enemy!"

"So, the plan is clear."

"There are hundreds of sentinel points near Laojie. These sentinel points form the supply line for the Kokang armed forces. We use the sentinel points as the fulcrum to implement our own leap-frog tactics!"

After determining the tactics, the Dongfeng Corps arranged for the evacuation of the wounded and then immediately geared up and set off.

They didn't even stay for an extra minute. After all the vehicles were replenished with fuel, the fuel truck from Mengka was removed from the fleet, which stabilized the number of vehicles in the entire fleet at 7 vehicles.

Two F150 grenade pickup trucks, one Dongfeng Warrior, two machine gun pickup trucks, one machine gun Jeep, plus a carrier pickup truck carrying M120 mortars.

All vehicles have basic off-road capabilities and passing performance, and all vehicles have a full fuel range of more than 600 kilometers.

And this is the basis for Chen Chen's mobile warfare, or motorized warfare.

The convoy left Hoko and headed northwest along the path, and their first goal was the large sentinel point near Gunlong.


There is actually a military camp of the Burmese Army, which was once used by the Xingwei Brigade Mountain Combat Regiment. However, after Kokang "surrendered" and the local armed forces were reorganized, the camp was semi-idle.

There were less than 50 defenders left, only light weapons, and a very poor ammunition reserve.

Logically speaking, Chen Chen should not choose this kind of target as his "first stop", but this camp has an advantage that other outposts cannot replace, that is, it is really a military camp.

In the military camp, there must be a combat map and a radio station that can communicate with other troops!

Information, in guerrilla warfare, nothing is more important than information.

If you can grasp the enemy's movements, then guerrilla warfare can be extremely smooth - this is the terrible thing about electromagnetic control.

Sitting in the Warrior car, Chen Chen took a few deep breaths to calm down his slightly accelerated heartbeat.

As he fought tough battles one after another, he could now fully appreciate the progress of his body. If he still used his previous life as the standard, his condition and combat quality had returned to at least 90% of the level.

Moreover, he didn’t feel any “ceiling” or “bottleneck” at all.

This also means that in terms of individual soldier ability, it is indeed possible for him to reach higher heights.

A faint smile appeared on Chen Chen's face. Shi Dakai, who was sitting next to him, glanced at him curiously and asked:

"Captain, why are you laughing?"

Before Chen Chen had time to answer, the white dog behind him gave the answer in advance:

"Don't ask, just ask because you think of happy things."

".All right."

Shi Dakai shook his head and asked again:

"Captain, what is our core purpose in this battle? I mean, how long will it last?"

"It's impossible for us to really keep fighting like this until all the enemies here are eliminated, right?"

"No need to bother."

Chen Chen held the previously captured HK416 in his hand, unloaded the magazine, pulled the trigger a few times, and handed it over to Bao Qi after confirming that there was no major problem.

"You should still use the Bayi Bar for the time being. After this battle is over and you go back to complete the adaptive training, you can switch to the HK416. This time, we only need to fight until the opponent collapses internally."

"The Kokang coup forces are not monolithic. They will collapse sooner or later."

"Bai Socheng must have run away. We can't find him, but that doesn't mean that everyone can't find him."

"When the coup forces are really beaten, someone will definitely kill Bai Suocheng in order to cease the war."

Shi Dakai nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask:

"Will Peng Deren come back? He should not continue to 'split', but accept the reorganization of Lao Burma."

"So what? It doesn't matter. After all, the reorganization is just a formality. As long as he obeys, the reorganization will be done."

While talking, the convoy had arrived near Gunong Military Camp.

Under the premise of the grand strategy of motorized warfare, individual concealed reconnaissance is too slow and affects guerrilla efficiency too much. Therefore, as the "protection center" of the entire convoy, the Warriors took the lead and rushed directly to the main entrance of Gunong Military Camp.

The sentries standing guard outside were immediately confused. They didn't know who was coming or what their purpose was.


That's right, under the backward intelligence system of Lao Myanmar, they don't even know what this warrior car represents.

And Chen Chen didn't talk nonsense to him. After the other party came over with a gun, he lowered the window and yelled in unskilled Burmese:

"Open the door!"

His original intention was to frighten the other party, but obviously, without identification, even the lowest-level soldiers in Lao Burma would not be so stupid as to have no IQ at all.

A series of Burmese words came out of the sentry's mouth. Chen Chen realized that the fraud could not be carried out, so he immediately raised his arm. HK416 exploded, and the sentry who did not react at all fell to the ground on the spot.

Afterwards, everyone filed out.

This is a strategy that Chen Chen has planned for a long time. They cannot use heavy fire coverage without thinking at any time, because this battle will last for a long time, and they have no chance or way to supplement those " "Precious" ammunition.

Key props must be reserved for key bosses.

Is it necessary to use heavy firepower to attack a dilapidated military camp?

The five people who got off the Warrior were fully armored. After the Li Gang quickly threw two smoke grenades to divide the battlefield, the security personnel who had just been attracted by the gunfire were completely confused.

They had just woken up from their lazy sleep, but what greeted them was not the scolding of their superiors, but the muzzles of guns spitting flames!

In just ten seconds, more than 10 people had fallen.

Immediately afterwards, the machine gun pickup truck following the warrior vehicle also began to show off its power. The sentries on the four security platforms in the military camp were knocked down by large-caliber bullets before they had time to react. Perhaps in their last moments before death, they would resent the door. Why don't the sentries just let these murderers in?

In that case, he would at least have a chance to surrender.

The battle went very fast, and in less than two minutes, the entire camp was cleared.

The resting soldiers had no intention of resisting at all. They all dropped their weapons, lined up with their hands raised, and walked out of the barracks to surrender.

Chen Chen did not make things difficult for them - of course, the other reason was that he did not intend to waste ammunition here.

"Search for ammunition supplies and replenish ammunition!"

"Where's the radio station? Did you find the map?"

"found it!"

Bao Qi carried the radio and got into the car. Chen Chen nodded slightly, handed two white phosphorus grenades to the surrendering officer, and then said to him:

"Burn the arsenal."

The officer raised his head blankly, and finally took the grenade, pulled the ring and threw it into the only remaining arsenal in the camp.

The flames instantly rose, and the Dongfeng Corps quickly evacuated.

From entering to leaving, it took a total of 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Behind them, a "main sentinel point" has been reduced to ashes.

The convoy turned around and headed east. At this time, Bao Qi had already debugged the Myanmar radio station.

He disguised himself as the camp commander and sent out a short and irregular distress signal. A moment later, the enemy's dispatch information was fed back.

Information is confusing and fragmented.

But from the fragmented information, Chen Chen still heard the key information.

"Bai Zuocheng's soldiers are rushing from Banglong to Gunong."

"They're chasing us!"

"Let's go south to Mandalay Village and fight there!"

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