I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 204 Traveling three thousand miles all in one place

On the edge of the Nu River, Chen Chen stared closely at the team of 100 people crossing the river, feeling a little confused.

He didn't know what these people were thinking, nor where did they get the courage to actually plan to rely on these private soldiers who didn't seem to have a high degree of organization to intercept a fierce mercenary who had already made a name for himself in northern Myanmar. group.

Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, but that’s not what you seek, right?

Maybe it was just the master's order.

Chen Chen didn't think much, his finger was already on the trigger.

"Attention everyone, prepare to attack."

"Give them some time and wait until everyone is ashore before attacking, aiming for maximum damage. Avoid using heavy weapons as much as possible and save ammunition."

"Bao Qi, use the 04 grenade to fire a burst and destroy all vehicles."

"We don't pursue annihilation, but we want to deprive them of their ability to pursue!"


Chen Chen's order was issued and everyone responded immediately.

After a 10-second countdown, the first gunshot sounded from the HK416 in Chen Chen's hand.

Immediately afterwards, the entire convoy drove out from the reverse slope, and the machine guns began to spit out flames. The rifles adjusted to single-shot mode hit the enemy's seven inches one after another. Shi Dakai's M82A1 penetrated the front engine cover of a pickup truck. , the flying metal fragments directly knocked the two people behind the car to the ground.

The 04 grenade in Bao Qi's hand began to show its power. After two shots to correct the impact point, the next 10 grenades all landed at the predetermined position.

The four trucks and four pickup trucks were reduced to ashes before they even had time to expand their formation. The soldiers who jumped off the vehicles in a hurry didn't even have time to figure out the direction of the bullets. They were shot by two heavy machine guns. The last round of intensive scattering knocked him to the ground.

The attrition reached its peak 30 seconds after the battle began. When these soldiers finally realized the danger and began to look for bunkers to hide, the pace of the battle was forced to slow down.

And Chen Chen also realized that this was actually the purpose of this private soldier.

They are not used to "chase" at all, they are a bait to "chase the prey and bite it"!

Bai Suozheng planned to use their lives to hold back the Dongfeng Corps and create opportunities for the large forces behind them!

I have to say that his plan is effective.

Because no matter how strong the Dongfeng Corps is, it will take time to fight a battle of annihilation in the wild.

These people only need to hold off for about 20 minutes before subsequent support troops can arrive.

By that time, one bite after another, one after another, sooner or later the Dongfeng Corps will be bitten to death on the spot!

This is a poisonous plot.

A poisonous plan at the cost of the lives of his own men.

If it were another team, as long as the commander hesitated for even a few minutes, the situation of the battle might change, causing the advantage that was finally established to be lost in an instant.

However, the Dongfeng Corps is not another mercenary group, and Chen Chen is not another commander.

After all the vehicles were blown up, he ordered directly without any hesitation:

"Everyone get on board and evacuate!"

"Lee Gang, throw smoke bombs to block the enemy's firing range!"


The well-trained mercenaries boarded the car as quickly as possible. Then, the driver, who had already put his foot on the accelerator, started suddenly, and the entire convoy sped away along the path.

Bai Suocheng's soldiers behind him were all stunned. They still don't know what happened until now.

Inexplicably, I was beaten for a round, and then inexplicably, the enemy left again?

It's like walking on the street and being slapped by a stranger. You want to fight back, but the other person has already disappeared into the crowd.

What kind of trick is this?

The people who had survived the disaster looked around and saw that there were still more than 80 people left in the original team of more than 100 people.

This slap is really a bit heavy

However, Chen Chen had no time to think about "whether the slap was heavy or not" because through the mobilization of this group of soldiers and the information from the military radio, he had basically figured out Bai Cheng's military strength. Scheduling situation.

His private soldiers were divided into two halves, one half was in the direction of Hongyan to suppress bandits, and the other half was originally stationed in Laojie.

Now, the half of the troops stationed in Lao Cai have been transferred out. Their purpose is obviously to "support Banglong."

And Banglong is no longer worth supporting, so in the next step, they will definitely pursue their own side.

He wanted to use bait to chase the Dongfeng Corps, but the Dongfeng Corps was using the battle to hang him up all the way?

From the gunong camp to the ambush in the shoals of the Nu River.

Next, the Dongfeng Corps must find a sufficiently "attractive" route.

Attack it and you will save it, disrupt the entire deployment of the coup army and the Burmese army!

And since this is done, the next sentinel point that needs to be "broken" is already obvious.

Mangtungba Artillery Field, the home base of the Myanmar Army’s Mountain Combat Battalion.

Now, almost all the mountain battalions have gone out to Hongyan to suppress the bandits. Their defenses are empty, with only one police battalion nearby to assist in defense.

Isn’t this easy to fight?

"Go at full speed! Let's go to Laojie, near the Mangdongba artillery field!"

"We stole the base of the mountain camp and then tried to destroy the old street!"


The answers from each squad leader came through the earphones, but then a new question came.

"Captain, which way to go?"

"In the direction of Mangka or Manda?"

These are the only two "fast routes" from Lao Cai to Banglong and Gunong. Under the premise of high-mobility mobile operations, the Dongfeng Corps must choose one of them.

After pondering for a few seconds, Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"Go to Manda! Bai Zuocheng's private soldiers are going from Manda to Banglong. They will definitely not set up roadblocks on this road."

"There is a time difference between us and them, which is about 40 minutes, which is enough."

"By the time they catch up with us, we will have already finished the artillery range!"


The Warrior car in the lead suddenly accelerated. Lin He turned the steering wheel and the car drove onto Highway 34 on the south side of Qingshui River, and then crossed the Mandalay Bell Tower Bridge and entered the urban area of ​​Gunong.

Several police officers from the police battalion were stationed on the bridge, but when they saw the air-conditioned howitzers and heavy machine guns mounted on this convoy, they couldn't even think of reaching out to stop it.

Are you kidding me? The Gunong Military Camp on the other side is still on fire!

Stop them and risk your life?

As a result, the convoy of the Dongfeng Corps successfully passed the bridge, bypassed the urban area of ​​Gunong to the west, and continued to turn back and drive northeast onto the Manda Highway, heading towards the Mangdongba Artillery Field.

They were going very fast, and Lin He was not an experienced driver at all. He didn't consider the vehicle's lifespan or performance limits when he stepped on the accelerator.

There was only one thing he did, and that was to step on the accelerator into the fuel tank while he could still hold the steering wheel!

For a distance of 25 kilometers, the team only spent 20 minutes.

The average speed is close to 80 kilometers per hour, which doesn't look fast, but you have to know that they are not taking any national highway in the north, but the "semi-paved road" that can be seen everywhere in northern Myanmar!

Therefore, this speed can be considered crazy.

It can also be judged from the monitoring situation of the radio station that Bai Zuocheng's private soldiers can no longer catch up.

They were still pursuing, but as the Dongfeng Corps was galloping all the way, blowing up all the sentry points on the roadside to pieces, Bai Suocheng, who was hiding in remote command without knowing where, also felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Dispatch. Police Battalion."

"Return to defense."

“Keep the old street”

Intermittent calls came from the radio, and a smile appeared on Chen Chen's lips.

Sure enough, I was still fooled.

They thought they would take advantage of the empty defense of Lao Cai to attack Lao Cai and try to end the war in one fell swoop.

But how is this possible? Are you overestimating me?

How can twenty people attack Laojie? Do you really think the Dongfeng Corps has Rambo per capita?

Mangdong Dam, Mangdong Dam is the real purpose.

At this time, the convoy was only one kilometer away from Mangdong Dam. Chen Chen ordered all personnel to stop and occupy the commanding heights on the northwest ridge.

The Myanmar Army's observation post, also located near the northwest ridge, did not last for more than 30 seconds. After the observation post was cleared, the artillery barracks below fell into complete chaos.

At this time, there were less than 300 soldiers left in the military camp.

The police battalion has been transferred, and even Liu Zhengxiang's private soldiers, who were originally located on the outskirts of Lao Cai, have been temporarily recruited into Lao Cai to assist in defense.

Mangdongba became an isolated island, and what no one expected was that this island was the first to be attacked!

What's the point? What's the point of fighting this thing? !

Is it possible that you still want to start a war with Lao Burma? Is it possible that you still want to usurp the throne and seize power to kill Nyunt Chin and Soomint Wu? !

They couldn't figure it out and didn't have time to think about it.

Under the command of the commander, they quickly tried to organize a defense line and find bunkers to hide.

However, this is their last struggle.

Because, it's too late.

How long does it take to set up an artillery position?

Maybe 10 minutes, five minutes, or faster, two minutes?

But Chen Chen only needed 30 seconds.

Because the 107 rocket launcher in his hand does not require any messy adjustments at all.

Lower the muzzle, aim it downwards and blast it!

As for two MK19s and one 04?

The effective range is more than 1500 meters, so just keep attacking.

As a result, the attack was launched at such a tight rhythm. 107 Fire's iconic "bang bang" sound sounded, and 9 rockets came out instantly.

The Mangdongba camp became a disaster. Several barracks were hit by unlucky hits. The soldiers inside fled in a hurry, but soon, the first round of grenade strikes also arrived.

60 rounds of grenades were scattered in the military camp in an astonishing manner. The howling of ghosts, blind firing of gunshots, and even the explosion of grenades thrown for unknown reasons rang out in confusion.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Chen has already debugged his 120mm mortar.

There was no artillery calculator or optical steering wheel. He just completed the calculations using the ordinary scientific calculator he had picked up and put on his body.

Such a calculation result cannot be very accurate, but it is enough.

At a distance of 1,500 meters, the cold gun is fired and the rope is pulled to fire.


The M933 high-explosive bomb screamed and fell towards the enemy position. After flying for several seconds, it exploded at a very precise angle in the middle of the crowd in the densely packed barracks on the north side of the military camp.

Under the night sky, blood mist flew across the sky.

Chen Chen quickly adjusted the direction machine, then personally picked up a cannonball and stuffed it into the barrel.

This time, he didn't watch the explosion.

"Go! Withdraw!"

The still-hot mortar was disassembled again and then carefully placed on the pickup truck.

Without even a single extra step, the convoy once again left their attacking position.

It still only took them less than 5 minutes to clear the ridge sentry point and complete the shelling and evacuation.

The Mangdongba military camp below had just resumed effective command at this time. Military vehicles drove out of the military camp and chased in the direction of the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen dropped a few broadswords on their only path, and then drove the car down the ridge. However, he did not escape northward, but made an action that the Burmese army could not have guessed.

He ran straight towards the south where the Burmese army was pursuing him. With a slight time difference, he turned onto the mountain path. Then he turned off all the lights and hid in the mountain col at the corner of the road to avoid the pursuing Burmese army.

The broad sword mine was quickly triggered, and after the explosion, Chen Chen started the convoy again.

However, he was only illuminated by the weak low beam of the leading car, and the following car followed according to the reflective markings of the front car.

This convoy quietly bypassed the several Burmese military vehicles that were blocked by the explosion and drove towards the crowded outside of Lao Street.

The Burmese army in Mangdongba probably thought that the Dongfeng Corps had fled to the north. Aren't these broadswords used to delay the pursuit?

However, this didn't cause much harm at all.

At this time, in a villa in Manjiu, Liu Zhengxiang was looking anxiously at the map in front of him.

Most of his private soldiers have just been mobilized to participate in the so-called "Old Street Defense War", but he really doesn't know what is so good about this kind of defensive war!

It's obvious that he is Liang Zi who united Bai Suocheng and Dongfeng Bing. Why did you come to us?

If you hadn't treated people as cannon fodder, if your men hadn't killed their families, would these brats from the Dongfeng Corps have been so endlessly revengeful?

To be fair, Liu Zhengxiang really doesn't think the Dongfeng Corps did anything wrong.

Put yourself in their shoes, if you were in their shoes, I'm afraid the reaction would be more intense and the methods more ruthless.

After all, this place is a ruthless place. If you don't know how to resist when you are wronged, you will be pinned to death by others soon!

Therefore, from the beginning, Liu Zhengxiang actually had no intention of participating in such complicated struggles and battles.

What Allied Forces, what Dongfeng Corps, what nothing was done in vain, it has nothing to do with me!

I just want to make money!

I just want to follow a good brother and make a fortune safely. If you say you want to take down Peng Jiasheng, okay, then let’s do it!

But now that he has gone down, why doesn't he have a chance to make a fortune? Why are you still fighting the war without sleep?

When will this bad life end?

Liu Zhengxiang let out a long sigh, with a look of helplessness on his face.

In fact, he has always been very clear about his position. He is just a grassroots, and when the wind changes, he will fall quickly.

Many times, I would find ways to avoid getting involved in something that was too "radical", such as the arms business that the Bai family did, or some kind of "population" trade that the Wei family had been involved in.

Even when Peng Jiasheng was still there, although he was also involved in drug trafficking, he was actually considered a relatively "soft" group of drug dealers.


Of course, he himself knows very well that this is not because of how "kind" he is, this is purely a means of self-protection.

You deserve to die, but the problem is... you can't just mindlessly get involved in something you did for nothing and then die inexplicably, right? ?

We can no longer follow this muddy water.

The team must be brought back!

Who knows who is strong and who is weak now? Judging from the combat effectiveness of the Dongfeng Corps and the possible background behind them, what if they liberate Lao Cai tomorrow? !

Will it be too late to surrender then? !

You have to have foresight.

Even if you can't surrender now, you still have to do what a fence-sitter should do!

Thinking of this, Liu Zhengxiang picked up the phone without hesitation and dialed a number that he knew by heart.

Peng Deren’s number.

He wanted to discuss the conditions with the other party, and wanted to explore the other party's tone.

Only by understanding everyone's intentions can you seize the best opportunity.

The phone rang twice and was answered. Liu Zhengxiang said "Hello", but before he could continue talking, a strange screaming sound suddenly penetrated his ears.

as if

Mortar! ! !

Liu Zhengxiang was stunned, and he raised his head subconsciously.

The next second, fierce air waves distorted his face, and countless fragments penetrated his body.

He flew up and fell down again.

Life was passing quickly, and before his vision completely darkened, a thought flashed through his mind:

Gods fight, and I get fucked up.

Damn it, I didn't do anything, why do I have to get fucked? ! !

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