I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 205 One sword can be a million masters

Chen Chen only fired one shot at Liu Zhengxiang's villa. He actually didn't know if Liu Zhengxiang was inside, let alone whether the shot was powerful enough to kill him.

But it doesn't matter, because killing is not his purpose in the first place. What he wants to do is just to declare his existence to all the forces near Laojie.

This is a strategy to lure the enemy. He must let everyone know his position.

Because only when the bait is conspicuous enough, the fish who want to eat the bait will constantly catch up and bite the hook!

The mortars were loaded again, and the Dongfeng Corps retreated again.

According to the original plan, Chen Chen originally planned to bypass Guanyin Mountain from the east side of the old street, advance towards the arch hall, and then further penetrate into the red rock, using Peng Deren's power to continue to move around.

But through radio monitoring, he got a brand new intelligence.

That is, Bai Zuocheng's private soldiers are returning to Laojie.

Due to the large number of people and the relative lack of vehicles, they had to requisition a large number of civilian trucks. Generally speaking, they were traveling very slowly. They had just arrived near Hoban at this time.

In other words, they would cross the Qingshui River in about 10 minutes, and then arrive near Manda in about half an hour.

This is an opportunity.

There is a narrow valley with a length of one kilometer on the west side of Manda Village, and the Manda Highway passes through this valley.

If you can launch an ambush here and fire from the hillsides on both sides.

Bai Suocheng's hundreds of private soldiers might really be swallowed up by the twenty-odd people from the Dongfeng Corps!

Because their formation is too bloated and their reaction speed is too slow.

But the premise of all this must be based on "the other party is unprepared".

Bai Suocheng must be convinced that his Dongfeng Corps is already fleeing north and preparing to join the Allied Forces.

A feint attack is impossible. The fighting power of the local armed forces in northern Myanmar is weak, but it does not mean that their commander is a fool - at least, Bai Suocheng is not stupid at all.

Just from the fact that he hid immediately after the war started, it is enough to explain the problem.

Then, there is only one solution.

Chen Chen took out his satellite phone and dialed Peng Deren's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Peng Deren's slightly tired but encouraging voice came from the receiver.

"Hello? Uncle Zhengxiang?"

"No, I am Chen Chen."

"Chen Chen! Chief Chen! Did you fight back? Did you fight back so quickly!?"

Peng Deren's voice quickly turned into surprise. Chen Chen did not answer, but said bluntly:

"The situation is urgent and I need your assistance."

"I just attacked the Burmese army's Mangdongba artillery field, and then blew up Liu Zhengxiang. By the way, Bai Yingneng was also killed by me, just a few hours ago."

"Now, we are near the old street, and I need your support."

"How many of you are there? Can you reach the arch? We will meet there!"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Peng Deren was stunned for a moment.

Yes, he did receive news today that there are big changes near Laojie, and Bai Suocheng has made big adjustments, but the problem is

He could never have imagined that the so-called big changes would be so big!

what the hell? !

It's easy to understand why Bai Yingneng died. It was probably because his business was destroyed and he was sent to the West with him.

But Mangdongba? ? Although there are not many remaining troops stationed there, is there still a police camp?

Then there is Liu Zhengxiang.

No wonder his phone went silent in the middle of a call. It was you who blew him up! ?

"This this."

Peng Deren couldn't help but stutter, but after a brief moment of relief, he instantly realized that this was his perfect opportunity!

The entire old street - no, the entire Kokang has been turned into a mess!

If we don’t counterattack now, how long will we have to wait? !

The Burmese army's mountain camp will definitely be transferred back. The frightened remaining soldiers in the border camp will not be worried about defeat. Bai Suocheng's son is dead, how can he not be afraid of death?

Suppress bandits?

Kill the ass! You should first think about how to protect your own lives!

This is your chance! This is an opportunity that must be seized!

"I can! I will immediately organize troops to attack the arch!"

"Give me five hours - no, three hours! I will definitely take down the arch!"

"Sir Chen, you must persist for three hours. After we capture the arch, we will continue to head south to meet you!"

"Okay, three hours. How soon can you launch an attack?"

"We have a team near Taman Village, 10 minutes, start in 10 minutes! No, start in 10 minutes!"

"We will spread the word and draw firepower for you!"

"I understand, thank you for your hard work."

With a bang, Chen Chen hung up the phone.

He didn't plan to say too much to Peng Deren, because he actually had no intention of going to the archway at all.

This was just a cover-up. He wanted to use Peng Deren's counterattack to make the various forces in the old street think that he would go to the arch to join the Allied forces.

However, this is not enough.

Therefore, Chen Chen continued to order:

"For the two people from Group 6 who were slightly injured, you drive a pickup truck to dump them near Guanyin Mountain."

"Then, abandon all equipment and evacuate on foot."

"Be careful, don't attract attention. If you perform this mission well, your commission will be increased!"


The two injured people responded immediately, and the convoy split into two. Chen Chen led the main force and began to advance rapidly in the direction of Manda.

In just 10 minutes, the convoy reached Manda again. Afterwards, all the vehicles drove up the relatively gentle slopes of the hillsides on both sides to hide. All weapons were in place, and all personnel tightened their guns.

25 minutes.

There are still 5 minutes left before Chen Chen predicts the time when Bai Suocheng's private soldiers will arrive in Manda.

These five minutes passed extremely long. In fact, after five minutes, the Dongfeng Corps waited for another five minutes before finally seeing Bai Suocheng's belated private troop at the end of the road.

The scale of this private army was really quite large, with at least 30 vehicles crowded together. Those who didn’t know it thought they were going to participate in some large-scale parade.

This is a quite stupid marching strategy. In fact, when troop vehicles are traveling, even on such a narrow and poor road section, the front and rear vehicles must maintain a distance of at least 30 meters.

Moreover, the most important thing when a convoy is moving is not to keep up with the car in front, but to pay attention to the car behind.

Once the distance is too close or too far, you should be reminded in time.

At the same time, reconnaissance vehicles should be arranged at the front of the convoy, and light vehicles should be arranged on both sides of the road as mobile adjustment sentries to prevent command confusion caused by the loss of contact between the front and rear vehicles in an emergency.

But obviously, this team failed to achieve even one point.

They were driving slowly on the Manda Highway like a tour group. At the most densely packed place, the distance between the front and rear cars was only less than five meters.

They were so confident that their enemies were gone.

But the battle is not over yet, how could the enemy leave?

Enemies can appear anywhere!

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and checked the weapon preparation status one last time.

And soon, a series of replies came from his earphones.

"The three men of the grenade team are ready!"

"The rocket launcher is ready for one person!"

"The recoilless rifle is ready for one person!"

"The four members of the rocket launcher team are in place!"

"Yun Bingbang and the two are in position!"

"Three heavy machine gunners are in position!"

"The 4 members of the throwing team are in place!"

"Two snipers are in position!"

20 Dongfeng Corps members, plus 4 Chaisili members, are all in place.


What is a bit exaggerated is that 24 people only managed to come up with 4 rifles.

Among them are two HK416s owned by Chen Chen and Jackal.

There's no way, that's what an ambush is.

After the first round of firepower output, the mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps can use their rifles again.

At this time, the convoy had already moved to the planned attack position, reaching a length of nearly 300 meters.

Chen Chen clenched the gun in his hand and then ordered:

"Start the fight!"

The rocket launcher came out, and at the same time, the rocket launcher team opened fire immediately!

The entire convoy was split into two, the cars at the end were all destroyed, and the middle section was completely burned into a sea of ​​flames!

The private soldiers of the Bai family were immediately stunned. After the violent explosion, a total of 10 vehicles in the convoy were scrapped, and in these 10 vehicles, there were still nearly 100 people sitting in them who had not had time to get out of the car and spread out!

The battle attrition occurred in an instant. The car in front noticed the change behind it, and the driver immediately stepped on the accelerator to escape. This was another extremely stupid decision.

If you don't unfold it at this time, are you going to be a target? ——

So, they became a target.

Vehicle-mounted grenades began to show off, and the first wave of "bullets" fell on the road.

The leading car was blown to the ground, blocking the entire road.

Subsequently, Chen Chen issued further instructions.

"Howitzer fire extends back, assault team prepares!"

"Simple infantry and artillery coordination, 100 meters away, pay attention to the explosion point, follow the artillery attack along both sides of the road!"

"Throwing team, move quickly and throw all the incendiary bombs in your hands to me!"

In fact, his order was only a last resort.

Without his order, the Li Gang had already led the throwing team to charge forward.

Three hundred meters passed by in a flash, and they threw dozens of incendiary grenades, burning the entire convoy into a sea of ​​flames.

By this time, the attack had only been launched for less than three minutes.

The convoy personnel have indeed begun to deploy, but what is the use? !

They had lost ground and all chance of setting up a counterattack.

The reduction in personnel is close to 30%. The most important thing is that these 30% personnel also include the commanders who were selected as high-value targets by Chen Chen.

Can't fight anymore.

500 people, so what?

From the moment they made the first wrong move, the battle was actually over.

This series of artillery fire, roaring, and burning is just a gorgeous elegy for their curtain call.

The outcome of a war is never decided after the gunshots are fired.

The Bai family's private soldiers began to flee.

Chen Chen ordered not to pursue, but to focus on those die-hards who still wanted to resist.

Heavy-duty body armor, night vision goggles, and an endless supply of projectiles.

After only firing a basic amount of ammunition, all the private soldiers were eliminated before they had time to escape.

The entire battle lasted less than 30 minutes.

No one came to support.

Because just now, Liu Zhengxiang died and the Mangdongba military camp was attacked.

Everyone is in Lao Cai, and no one dares to come out to support at the risk of Lao Cai being attacked.

Bai Zuocheng's private soldiers were abandoned.

And this also means that his own life will not be long.

At this time, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning, and the moon was falling in the sky.

Under the firelight and smoke, the cold moonlight caressed the pale faces on the ground stained with smoke and blood.

Chen Chen looked at the entire battlefield from a high place, and at this moment, his phone rang.

On the other end of the phone was a voice that was absolutely unfamiliar to him.

"I am Bai Zuocheng. Chen Chen, that's enough."

"I got your number from Peng Deren and we have already negotiated."


"It won't be good for us if we continue to fight."

Hearing Bai Suocheng's words, Chen Chen was stunned for a moment.

He never expected that Bai Suocheng would admit defeat so easily.


No, how could he admit defeat.

This is just a delaying measure.

Bai Suocheng is not Liu Zhengxiang, he is not a wallflower.

So Chen Chen smiled.

He opened his mouth and replied:

"Are you thinking about how to ease the situation and then use Lao Mian's power to kill me?"

"Old Bai, Old Bai, you underestimate me."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who can be fooled by just a few words?"

“It’s already reached this point, there’s no reason to stop.”

"Tell me, what would it be like if you didn't kill our family?"

"It's too late to say anything now."

"We are a mercenary group that is very trustworthy."

"This thing is fate."

"I told you that your whole family should pay for it, so you have to pay for it as a whole family."

I have a recommendation today, so I’ll update it in advance.


By the way, I recommend a friend’s book:

The old gods stare at the world, and the new gods are born in the strange realm.

A crazy snake girl with a scarlet lower body and a long tail, and a sexy and beautiful upper body? !

A steam monster that can cook people completely? !

And that supernatural bus that only takes people on and never leaves people off? !

Fortunately, fortunately, I am not normal either...

[Hey, I sensed an old object entrusted with the host’s old wishes. Would you like to check it out? 】

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