I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 206 Take it and use it!

The bullet Bai Socheng shot seven months ago would eventually land in the back of his own head.

Chen Chen gave him a sufficient and reasonable reason, that is, revenge.

This sounds outrageous. After all, in a world where interests come first, how can anyone really put so-called "hatred" first?

For the vast majority of heroes, hatred is just a means or an excuse to achieve their goals.


However, if you think about it from another perspective, in this poor place in northern Myanmar, this reason seems particularly reasonable.

Especially when it comes to mercenaries, it makes more sense.

They were just eating one meal at a time, and they didn't even know when they would die. Playing with women and having fun was their whole life. Now that their family members are dead, is it outrageous to seek revenge?

Not outrageous at all.

And this is actually the reason why Xiaoyu said "the mission ended early".

This is just a personal vendetta. You can do whatever you want, even if it turns Bai Suocheng's whole family into ashes, it's none of my business.

The logic is self-consistent.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Now, for them, there is only one final task left.

That is, find Bai Zuocheng and kill him.

However, before that, they still have a series of complicated relationships to deal with - this cannot be handled by Chen Chen personally, but must be led by Peng Deren.

In other words, the Dongfeng Corps really had to reach the arch hall first and complete the rendezvous with Peng Deren.

The military order he issued was for three hours, and there are still two hours left.

The straight-line distance from Manda is close to 40 kilometers, and the total distance is about 60 kilometers, which is quite manageable.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Inspect the loot and replenish general ammunition within 10 minutes. We are ready to leave for the arch!"


Everyone responded in turn, feeling extremely energetic.

It was impossible not to be full, because they had just won a battle in which they thought it was extremely exaggerated to win with less, with only a few dozen people. The enemy was beaten to the point of abandoning their armor, and there was not even a single casualty on their own side.

Is this the suppressive power of the caliber?

No, this is the dual suppression of caliber and tactics.

Invisibly, a seed was planted in the hearts of these mercenaries.

They had a vague feeling that war might not be just a "craft" of eating as they had thought before, but a promising "technology".

In contrast, Jackal seemed to have little interest in this victory.

He followed Chen Chen boredly and said:

"The last battle was not interesting. The enemy was a bit too stupid--but this is also the true level of civilian martial arts in this area."

"If the convoy is like this, shouldn't it be sent to your door to be beaten by others?"

"Actually, you don't need more than 20 people at all. I feel that four people can defeat it. Anyway, four people can operate three automatic grenades and one rocket launcher."

"I understand, I'll give it to the four of you next time I have this opportunity."

Chen Chen replied seriously.

".I'm just giving you an example!"

Jackal rolled his eyes, and then said with some emotion:

"It's because the previous battles were so exciting, but this one seems ordinary."

"Motorized raids, guerrillas, creating opportunities and then attacking, interspersed with harassment, creating opportunities for the strong to defeat the weak."

"Really, with this kind of tactical level and strategic height, it's hard for me to imagine how many teams in the world can do it."

"I went to ask Bao Qi about the Battle of Tianmu Mountain. Do you know the difference between what you fought and what he fought?"

"We have no base area. General L's strategy is based on the construction of base areas."

Chen Chen replied without hesitation.

"Yes, you don't even have a base! When you move around, you completely rely on the team's mobility and combat efficiency to create time differences and strength differences."

"You are a real master. Do you know what timing is? This is timing!"

"I even think this is done more meticulously than your general."

"Then don't talk about it."

Chen Chen shook his head and explained:

"Mr. Su is good at large-scale corps operations. The distance is measured in hundreds of kilometers. Our fight is actually just a small fight."

"But if you want to talk about the essence, you still have to absorb a little bit of it. Anyway, I learned from him to fight and attack everywhere."

"You are too humble. I am very curious about what will happen if one day you really start to command large-scale corps in battle."

"Oh, how can there be so many opportunities for regiments to fight decisively in modern warfare?"

After Chen Chen said these words, Jackal couldn't help but be stunned.

"Yes, you have already established a system. There is no need for decisive battles between corps. A single mechanized infantry brigade can defeat the entire Southeast Asia."

At this point in time, the synthetic brigade in the north has not yet formed an organization, so in the eyes of Jackal, the mechanized infantry brigade is already the trump card among trump cards.

After hearing this, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

In another seven years, you'll see when the combined brigade becomes an army.

Then you will know what true despair is

However, despite saying this, Chen Chen still denied it with a serious face:

"It's not our mechanized brigade. We don't have the mechanized infantry brigade. Don't talk nonsense."

"The Dongfeng Corps only has a few broken vehicles, and they are all motorized. What kind of mechanized combat is it?"

".Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right."

Jackal stopped talking, and at this time, Shi Dakai and Bai Gou had led the team to complete the collection of all key trophies.

General purpose ammunition was replenished, but specialty ammunition was not found.

Bai Suocheng's private army seems to be quite large, but it is frighteningly poor.

The most "heavy firepower" in the team, apart from the heavy machine guns, is the only M63 mountain gun. This thing is called a panacea, but no matter how many there are, it is still useless.

"Nothing good at all?"

Looking at the disappointed Shi Dakai in front of him, Chen Chen frowned and asked.

“Really not at all”

"I'll go see for myself."

As he spoke, Chen Chen walked down the hillside and walked to the open space where the trophies were piled.

And at a glance, he knew why Shi Dakai said there was nothing left at all.

Good guy, this scene can be regarded as a large gathering of USSA (simply translated as copycat weapons).

What Kachin and Lao Cai hand-rolled Kachin guns, what golden triangle howitzers with plastic shells, what looks like a mortar but is actually a mini trebuchet, what is clearly a 120mm caliber but has a barrel of 3 meters. I don’t know what kind of mortar it is

The 4-door M63 Mountain Tornado is already considered an advanced piece of equipment for a 500-man team.

".Burn it, it's really of no use at all."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly. He really didn't like these things.

Bai Suocheng makes so much money, why is he so vague about private soldier equipment?


But it may be that it was not found.

After all, most of this convoy was swallowed up by the incendiary bombs thrown by the Li Gang. A lot of equipment was in the fire and there was no way to dig it out.

Forget it, withdraw.

Chen Chen waved his hand and the team quickly gathered. However, at this moment, the last group of team members carrying equipment arrived.

"Captain, we found this!"

"It was snatched out of the fire and basically undamaged!"

Chen Chen glanced at it subconsciously, and the things in their hands finally made Chen Chen's eyes light up.

QLZ-87 type automatic grenade.

This thing is the predecessor of the legendary sniper grenade. It uses 6 or 15 rounds of drum ammunition. It has an effective range of more than 800 meters and has strong armor-breaking capabilities. It can even be regarded as a small howitzer.

It can be said that this thing is a product of the low mechanization and low motorization in the north in the 1980s.

Since the design concept requires soldiers to carry a grenade launcher for long-distance operations, the total weight of this "gun" is only 20 kilograms. Without a tripod, it is not a big problem even for a single person to carry it, and it is very flexible.

Bai Suocheng could think of equipping his private soldiers with this thing, which shows that his "tactical thinking" is still above the qualified level.

Unfortunately, his private soldiers were suffocated to death in the car before he could use them.

"Take it with you."

Chen Chen immediately spoke.

Hearing his words, Jackal subconsciously scratched his head.

"Does this really mean anything? You already have three automatic howitzers, but you still need individual grenades? It feels useless."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"So you Chaisili still haven't been tested on the battlefield, and you can't understand the purpose of each weapon at all."

"Do you think this thing is used to cover and kill enemy lightly armored targets?"

"What if?"

Jackal asked inexplicably.

"That's not it. Don't you think this thing is very suitable for beheading?"

"Look at the 800-meter range and the optical sight. Isn't this much easier to use than the M82A1?"

".Who are you going to use to blow up?"

The jackal gasped.

"I don't know, let's see who is the next unlucky guy."

Chen Chen waved his hand and watched the team members load the 87 grenade into the car. He was satisfied with imagining future application scenarios for this weapon.

The convoy moved all the way to the northwest. This time, they really bypassed Guanyin Mountain and started running towards the arch area.

However, no one dared to intercept them.

Even the Burmese army in Mangdongba was busy cleaning up the mess and rescuing the wounded, turning a blind eye to the Dongfeng Corps that swaggered through the edge of the defense zone.

It took more than an hour for the convoy to successfully arrive near the arch, but before they even got close, they heard intensive gunfire from the front.

The battle is not over yet.

Chen Chen ordered the convoy to station on site about 3 kilometers away from the arch hall, while he led Lin He, Li Bang, and Shi Dakai to investigate.

Because they were familiar with the terrain, Lin He moved through the jungle very quickly. In just 30 minutes, they had crossed a distance of 3 kilometers and reached the edge of the real battlefield.

After occupying the commanding heights, the battle below was already clear to a certain extent.

The fighting took place entirely within the narrow valley of Xiagongtang Village, with the focus focused on the vicinity of the township hospital.

As Chen Chen expected, all the Burmese mountain battalions have been withdrawn, leaving only Bai Suocheng's border defense battalion and half of the private soldiers defending with light weapons.

The Allied forces led by Peng Deren attacked fiercely, but the problem was that they did not have an advantage in weapons and equipment.


After all, the border defense battalion can be regarded as a "regular army". Although their artillery battalion was destroyed in the last battle, there are still a small number of 107 rocket launchers, a few small and medium-caliber mortars, and mountain mortars left. Howitzer.

The supporting firepower formed by these large-caliber weapons blocked the Allied offensive several times. Peng Deren moved left and right, concentrating all the "heavy firepower" captured in his hands to break through the defense line, but was repulsed again and again.

"The will to fight is too weak."

Lying in the woods, Chen Chen shook his head and said.

"You see, the Allied forces have actually torn apart the border battalion's defense lines several times, but due to combat attrition, these soldiers withdrew without obeying orders."

"It's a pity that if the Dongfeng Corps goes to fight, hey, if we go to fight, it is impossible to fight such a fortified position."

"They used the four-by-four tactics we taught before."

Shi Dakai said thoughtfully.

"Yes, customized tactics, I can learn them pretty quickly, but I'm not very skilled at them."

"No wonder the adjutant said before that the Allied Forces have become stronger recently. It turns out the root cause is here."

"But it's only as strong as it can be."

"That's not bad either."

Several people were discussing the war in front of them in whispers, as if they were really just spectators.

But in fact, everyone knows that the reason why this battle can be fought has something to do with them.

"We have to help Peng Deren, we can't delay it for too long."

After thinking for a while, Chen Chen said decisively.

"Understood. Should I have the convoy drive up directly?"

".Don't keep doing such reckless things."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly, and then said:

"Let the white dog carry the 87 pomegranates up."

"This is about 900 meters away from the township hospital, within the effective range of grenades."

"Look, the low one-story building on the east side of the town hospital is definitely the headquarters of the border battalion."

"The location they chose is good. There is a hospital building in front of them as a cover. No matter whether it is direct or indirect fire, they can't touch it."

"There is a vast space behind, and there will be no difficulty in retreating."

"However, the premise is that no one steals the ass."

"Their perimeter security was inadequate. This is our opportunity."


Shi Dakai immediately started contacting the rear, and one hour later, 87 pomegranates were delivered.

Chen Chen set up his bipod and aimed at the enemy headquarters.

The distance is 900 meters and the density is adjusted in place.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Then, his body became completely still and his finger accidentally pulled the trigger.


The first grenade flew out, and after a few seconds of flight, the grenade accurately landed about two meters away from the side of the command post.

The loud noise of the explosion shocked all the enemies walking outside the headquarters. This grenade did not cause effective damage, but...

Not so with the second shot.

It feels like it.

Chen Chen adjusted his lying position slightly, and then, the second shell suddenly flew out!

This time, the grenade hit the roof of the headquarters!

Then came the third and fourth shots


After the smoke and dust cleared, someone rushed into the headquarters building and pulled out a body covered in blood.

Chen Chen quickly put away his gun and ordered decisively:


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