After the command post was blasted, the coup army's defense quickly collapsed. It could even be said that it was not a collapse, but like a bunch of strange buildings built with strong magnets as the core. After the magnet was demagnetized by a shell, the iron powder surrounding it It quickly collapsed and turned into harmless dust and powder.

The few hundred remaining members of the Allied Forces were so overwhelming that they drove the Border Guard Battalion and the Bai family's private soldiers to run all over the mountain. After judging that the situation was irreversible, the Border Guard Battalion took the lead in making a move that they had become accustomed to.


The guns they had just received from the logistics were once again thrown on the ground. Of course, the Bai family's private soldiers would not struggle anymore, and followed the border guard camp and raised their hands.

This is easy to understand - damn, the mountain camps have been evacuated, why are we still fighting here?

Instead of fighting back and forth and finding out that your hometown is gone, you might as well join the Allied Forces to save trouble!

So, the scene of hundreds of people capturing Xiao Qianren appeared again. When Chen Chen contacted Peng Deren and led the convoy into the arch, what he saw were the soldiers of the border camp squatting on the ground in shock, fear, and confusion. Puzzled eyes.

"Sir Chen!"

As soon as the battlefield was under control, Peng Deren couldn't wait to run to Chen Chen. He opened his hand and wanted to give Chen Chen a hug, but he seemed to feel that he was not qualified. After hesitation, he still stretched out his hand, enthusiastically and restrainedly. Shake hands with Chen Chen.

"Sir Chen, the customized tactics you mentioned before are really useful!"

"Really, I feel that the combat effectiveness of my team has improved more than a little!"

"This time the arch was too obvious. If it had been before, we probably wouldn't have been able to do it for three days and three nights, but this time there were several times where we made wonderful breakthroughs!"

"It's a pity that there is still too little training. Otherwise, we would have taken the arch before you got here."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have to trouble you to take action this time. Did the journey here go smoothly for you guys?"

"Good luck - you should not be too confident in your own combat effectiveness. Customized tactics are very rigid. They are just like the formulas in Go. They can be included in tactics, but if they only have it, they cannot be called tactics at all."

"You are lucky that the mountain camp has been transferred. Otherwise, if you blindly follow the formula and fight like this, no matter how bad the regular army is, you will be swallowed up."


Peng Deren had a learned expression on his face. If the situation hadn't been wrong, he would have immediately taken out his notebook and written down what Chen Chen said.

But soon, he asked with some worry:

"Sir, let me ask you again, what should we do with these prisoners?"

"The number of prisoners is too great to manage."

"If Bai Suocheng comes to kill again, I'm afraid there will be a mutiny."

"Can I please help with the defense again?"

Peng Deren's idea is very simple, that is, since Chen Chen appears here, it means that they must have got rid of the pursuers from the old street.

But getting rid of it doesn't mean getting rid of it completely.

They have done such a big thing in Laojie, and the enemy will definitely chase them.

If you don't handle it well, the victory you finally achieved may be in vain.

However, Chen Chen's answer was far beyond his expectation.

"Where can Bai Suocheng still have soldiers?"

"Half of his private soldiers are here, and half of them were defeated by us. Now he is probably thinking about how to escape out of the country. Where can he take care of you?"


Peng Deren was stunned.

"No, Chief Chen, what does it mean to be defeated? Aren't you from the old street?"

"Bai Suocheng still has a team of five to six hundred people over there, this..."

"We first went to the arch near Manda and knocked out his private soldiers, and then turned around."


Nothing to say.

Peng Deren opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but felt that nothing was appropriate.

All praise and compliments are meaningless, because how can someone who can do such a thing need praise from others?

In more than 3 hours, he first blew up Liu Zhengxiang to death, then turned around and went to the direction of Manda to defeat a private soldier of several hundred people. Finally, he turned around again and came to the arch hall, and with his help, he also killed the enemy that he had been unable to defeat for a long time. The Fang Command has served it

What the hell kind of human god of war is this? !

Why can you do so many things in three hours while others can only fight in a stalemate with those mixed teams whose combat effectiveness is not strong in the first place?

At this moment, Peng Deren deeply felt that the gap between people can sometimes be so large that it can almost lead to reproductive isolation.

After a long time, he finally said:

"Sir Chen, what are you going to do next?"

"We need a truce with Myanmar. We attacked their military camp. Someone needs to take the blame for this. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I see."

Peng Deren nodded immediately and replied:

"We attacked the Mangdongba military camp with the purpose of transferring the main force of the Burmese army's mountain camp."

"We have a good reason, a good motive, and it's not troublesome to explain."

"Moreover, this raid originally took place on the battlefield. There is no completely irresolvable hatred between the two of us - this is a conflict that can be resolved through trade."

"Don't worry, Chief Chen. I will be responsible for the subsequent negotiations and I will ensure that you are picked clean!"

Chen Chen smiled with satisfaction.

This was the solution he wanted.

Many people feel that if the two forces start a war, it will definitely be a fight to the death.

But in fact, this inference only applies to the Dongfeng Corps, and only to the Dongfeng Corps itself.

Just like Chen Chen and Bai Suocheng, even if they fought like that, Bai Suocheng still retained the option of ceasefire and peace talks, but Chen Chen rejected it.

The same goes for the Burmese Army and the Allied Forces. Fighting is not the purpose, but a means to obtain benefits.

Now that the fight has reached the point where "there will be no good consequences for either side if it continues", it's time to sit down and have a serious talk.

Chen Chen was relieved to leave this kind of matter to Peng Deren.

As long as we handle it well, we can easily get over the "festival" we have with Myanmar.

After all, everyone is doing it for money and status.

Soo Myint Wu was like this, Niu Qin was like this, Ang Ting Ling was like this when he died inexplicably, and Peng Jiasheng and Peng Deren were like this even more.

Since this is the case, everyone should be sensible and stop being tough and make things get out of hand.

After solving a difficult problem, Chen Chen felt much more relaxed. He looked at Peng Deren and asked slightly teasingly:

"How about it, can your old man come back?"

Peng Deren chuckled and replied:

"Whether he can come back actually depends on what you say."

Damn it?

So sensible?

Chen Chen looked at Peng Deren with admiration. He originally thought that after winning a big victory and regaining his things, Peng Deren would be arrogant and self-righteous.

But it was obvious that he was really hurt this time.

It hurts, and I clearly understand my position.

However, Chen Chen would definitely not take up this topic.

Based on his knowledge of the north, it won't be long before specialized personnel will contact Peng Deren and give him some "warnings" and "hints" to let him know what to do next.

You don't have to intervene, at least you can't speak on behalf of the real eldest brother blindly.

That is acting on behalf of others, and it is also blind confidence in oneself.

Therefore, Chen Chen just smiled and replied:

"I can't decide these things. I'm just a mercenary. I fight for money."

"This time we suffered a lot of equipment losses, and our inventory was basically empty. I'm wondering if you can use your discretion since you have captured so much loot."

"It should! It should!"

Peng Deren looked magnanimous and was not offended at all by Chen Chen's behavior of "scraping off two ounces of meat from every passing rat."

On the contrary, he was so happy.

Are you asking for money to make things difficult for you?

Stop talking about it. With his status, many people have handed the whip to his hand, but he is too lazy to whip it, okay?

What's wrong with being an ATM slave? Explode gold coins!

So, he went on to say:

"Even if we don't mention that Chief Chen helped us contain the mountain camp, the few shots in the hospital alone are worth at least one million US dollars - no, two million!"

"Sir, please see if you want cash or equipment."

"We also have some purchasing channels here. If you want equipment, we will go all out!"

"I need equipment, but I need to store it with you first."

Chen Chen answered decisively.

He is really not short of money now. The company has 8 million US dollars in its account that cannot be spent. There is no need to accumulate too much cash when there is no chance to purchase more useful equipment for the time being.

What? You mean helicopter?

How could that thing be in place so quickly? It's not a foreign trade product like the Warriors that is already exported.

You have to wait for at least a while, maybe a month or two if it's quick, maybe a few months if it's slow.

By that time, I don’t even know how much more money I have in hand.

Therefore, instead of asking for money, it is better to see what equipment can be dug out from Peng Deren.

"No problem, sir, give me some time and I will satisfy you!"

The exchange between the two ended like this. All members of the Dongfeng Corps entered the Gongtang Village camp to rest, while Chen Chen took the original four members of the Dongfeng Corps to the "home" of the Li Gang.

Returning to the door of Tsuchiya again, Gang Li couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

In just a few weeks, his family's old house was abandoned, with snakes and rats running rampant inside, and the stench was overwhelming.


In fact, this cannot be said to be an old house, but rather an old nest. After all, a house is used to describe a residence, and this dilapidated mud house is, at best, a slightly sturdy shack.

There is nothing to miss.

Li Bang took an incendiary bomb from his chest and threw it into the house without hesitation.

The flames rose, and he said goodbye to the past completely.

Seeing the relieved expression on his face, Chen Chen asked:

"What are your plans for the future?"

He actually asked this question many times.

But every time the situation changed, he had to ask again.

This is not verbosity, this is responsibility for one's subordinates and oneself.

Hearing this, Li Bang scratched his head and asked subconsciously:

"Aren't you still going to kill Bai Suocheng?"

"What I mean is what are the plans after killing Bai Suocheng? There is no suspense about his death, it is just a matter of time."

"As for you, your revenge will be finished soon, and you have made enough money. If you need it, I can even give you an extra sum of money so that you can take your family to do what you really want to do. "

"No, Brother Chen."

Li Bang scratched his head inexplicably and continued:

"Bai Suocheng is dead. Over there at the 505th Brigade, isn't Zhao Jialiang still alive?"

"Zhao Jialiang has a trivial relationship with you?"

Chen Chen couldn't help but feel angry.

"Isn't he our next target?"

"Who told you he was the next target?"

"Didn't he catch a small fish?"

"Didn't Lianyi come to catch the little fish?"

"Isn't Lianyi's backer Zhao Jialiang?"


Chen Chen was completely speechless.

Completely different from Shi Dakai, Li Bang didn't have any overly complicated ideas at all.

He doesn't know about "spring cleaning", he doesn't know about "changing the world", he doesn't know about "killing all the damn people". His vision is very narrow and short, which is caused by his growing environment and educational background.

He can only see a small range of things in front of him, so all decisions are made based on these things.

For example, if Bai Suocheng and Ming Xuechang killed his family, then he would kill Bai Suocheng; another example, if Zhao Jialiang and Xiaoyu had an indirect feud, then he would help Chen Chen to kill Zhao Jialiang. Kill Jialiang.

He won't think about the complicated political struggle, let alone how the general situation changes. His life trajectory is composed of small goals one after another.

This also explains why he can persist in that boring training for so long, and even achieves gains far beyond those of ordinary people.

In a sense, this is pure.

Chen Chen sighed and continued to ask:

"What about after killing Zhao Jialiang?"

"Who knows? Let's fight for now, as long as we have nothing to do, we will have nothing to do."

".Okay, okay, okay."

Chen Chen felt inexplicably aggrieved. It was as if he had tried his best to confess to a girl, but the other girl told him, "Your zipper is unzipped."

However, after a brief period of frustration, he also felt a sense of relief.


The life of a mercenary actually doesn't have to be too complicated.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, just play around and see.

The flames grew stronger and stronger, and everything dirty and corrupt had been burned to the ground. Chen Chen's face was a little hot from the heat, and Shi Dakai had already hid aside.

"Stand away, thermite bomb sputtering is no joke."

After hearing Shi Dakai's words, the three of them took a few steps back.

The wind in northern Myanmar cannot be called "cold" in any way. After being heated by the flames, it seems to be getting hotter.

The blazing wind blew by and brought new news.

Shirabu was defeated.

As a result of the latest communication, all except Liu Guoxi were given up.

The clean-up has begun again, and all the blame has been thrown on Whitehead.

This "coup" is characterized as an armed rebellion, and the Peng family will return to being decisive and stabilize the situation.

In exchange, the Peng family will accept reorganization but retain considerable autonomy.

At the same time, the remaining interests of the three families will be equally divided among the Peng family, Niu Qin, and Somin Wu.

Everyone is happy.

Except for Bai Cheng.

He was escaping in a hurry. After failing to cross the border from Nanxiao, he was heading south with an elite private soldier team of less than twenty people to protect his family. Just now, he appeared in Hoban.

It's time to end everything!

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