I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 208 White Pigeons Don’t Eat Meat


The convoy of the Dongfeng Corps entered Hoban City without any hindrance. The police battalion and security brigade here had already received the news and made way for this team that had just turned Guangdao upside down.

Everyone is very cooperative. This cooperation is not only because of "authority", but also because of "fear".

What a joke, who is not afraid of death?

Bai Yingneng was not afraid of death, and someone just drove the fire truck into his face.

They are all fake drops, they are not water at all, they are all gasoline.

All in all, at this time, no one cares about "face", "rules" and other illusory things anymore. All they can do is to hand over all the information in their hands to the Eastern Corps, and then retreat to the periphery to continue On alert, the Dongfeng Corps will make the final decision.

Bai Suocheng's family lived in a monastery on the edge of Hoban. They had cultivated various connections and should have been able to successfully evacuate to Gunong, and then leave northern Myanmar along Route 34 and go to Thailand.

According to his plan, at each pass, he would provide the Burmese army with a way to obtain a portion of his property.

When he went to Thailand, his assets were basically wiped out.

This is buying your life. It sounds simple and crude, but it is actually very useful.

However, Bai Suocheng never thought that his position would be leaked by a "careful person".

The motive of the interested person is unknown, but in any case, under the guidance of this piece of information, the Dongfeng Corps successfully blocked Bai Suocheng before he left Hoban.

Looking at the monastery in the distance, Chen Chen had the illusion of being in another world.

Once upon a time, Wanhe Nai's bandits also used Menglang Temple as their refuge, hiding inside and resisting stubbornly.

The current situation is exactly the same.

"How to fight? Just charge forward?"

Shi Dakai, standing next to Chen Chen, asked.

"I do not know."

Chen Chen shook his head slightly and replied:

"Our key issue now is not the hostages in the monastery, but the interests of the Burmese army."

"Bai Suocheng spends money to buy his life. This trick is quite effective."

"If we kill him, it will be equivalent to cutting off Lao Burma's financial resources, and it will cause a series of unnecessary troubles in the future."

"So why didn't Lao Mian control him from the beginning? If he was tried slowly, he would always be able to find out, right?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's a relatively easy way for them."

Chen Chen didn't explain it thoroughly because Shi Dakai didn't need to understand such an overly complicated thing.

However, judging from the information he has, at this point in 2010, the "interest network" represented by Bai Suocheng was no longer very complicated.

If we let him develop for another 10 years, wait for the electronic fraud to reach a large scale, wait for Tether to be launched, wait for the "Southeast Asia Integrated Money Laundering Alliance" to be born, then it will really be impossible to start.

After a slight pause, Chen Chen continued:

"I'm sure I have to kill him, and I have to kill him quickly."

"As for offending Lao Mian, there is a way."

"Leave someone at home for him."

"Who to keep?"

"Bai Yingcang? Or choose two of the four daughters to stay? Bai Yingping and Bai Yinggai?"

"I think it's feasible."

Shi Dakai nodded and continued:

"Leave a thought for Bai Suocheng, coupled with the threat of force, his cooperation will only be higher."

"This does not affect Laos and Myanmar's continued gains, and it can also achieve our goals."

"However, I have no idea who to choose."

"Let's talk about it then."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued:

"Now, we have to take down the monastery first."

"The situation is not complicated, the number of armed personnel is small, and the level of equipment is average."

“I haven’t played CQB for a long time, can I still play?”

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

20 minutes later, the attack on the monastery started on time.

The action process is actually really lackluster, because there is no exciting close combat assault at all.

The building area of ​​the entire monastery is very small, divided into three floors, covering a total area of ​​less than 400 square meters. There are probably more than ten rooms, but the sealing is also very poor.

Chen Chen finally found the opportunity to implement the tactic he had mentioned long ago - throwing smoke bombs all over the street.

Gang Li held an MM1 in his hand, which was filled with smoke bombs. He fired one round at the monastery from a distance of about a hundred meters, and then more than 20 people from the Dongfeng Corps each threw two smoke bombs from different directions. The entire monastery was immediately sealed.


In fact, these smoke bombs are the last of their inventory.

After a series of battles, even if the Dongfeng Corps continued to replenish ammunition, it was still close to running out of ammunition and food.

But fortunately, it is not a waste if it is used in this final battle.

After throwing the smoke bombs, Chen Chen directed the Li Gang to add a few thermite grenades to the outside. The blazing flames and the smoke that could not be dispersed at all made the people trapped in the monastery completely confused. They were like smoked voles in the countryside. The vole was stuck in a hole and didn't know where to run or whether it should run.

When they finally couldn't hold on any longer, the people in the monastery ran out one after another holding their noses.

They basically had no ability to resist. The Dongfeng Corps, which was waiting for help, shot one by one. Everyone with weapons in their hands was shot dead on the spot. The Bai family members obediently did not take guns. In the end, they survived until the smoke cleared and everyone was captured. when.

Chen Chen first sent away the monks in the monastery and asked them to go to the hospital for medical treatment. Then, what happened next was what happened between the Dongfeng Corps and Bai.

"You can't kill me."

Bai Suocheng looked at Chen Chen with undisguised resentment in his eyes, but beneath the resentment, there was also subtle fear.

"I have reached an agreement with Myanmar. They need me alive, otherwise they will get nothing."

"Kill me and you will be their enemy."

"We really don't need to do this. I've already given up. Why do we have to kill everyone?"

Chen Chen shook his head indifferently and replied:

"Come on, ask the person next to me."

"When we ran out of the Allied Army's camp, we already gave in. Why do you still want to kill them all?"

"Their family didn't make any mistakes, right? We even helped you a lot. I just want to ask, what do you think, do you want to put the blame on us?"

"Do you know how Shi Dakai's family members died? Do you know how Li Gang's family members died?"

"You do not know."

"You think that something like that will never happen to your daughter, your mother, and all your family members, so you are so unscrupulous."

"But I just want you to know that it's the same for everyone."

"Everyone is equal before me."

Bai Suocheng fell into silence.

After a long time, he spoke:

"That was all done by the people below. You can't attribute all the reasons to me."

"And you were just a small role at that time."

"Even if I knew, why would I care about your life or death?"

"This place is like this. No one will care if a few minor characters die."

"Isn't it the same for you? Don't those soldiers you killed have family members?"

Chen Chen smiled.

He never expected that Bai Suocheng could come up with such a reason to suppress himself.

Maybe for some Holy Mothers, this reason is really enough for them to break the defense.

But to Chen Chen?

Just ridiculous.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and replied:

"You really look down on me a little too much. Do you think I am the kind of person who will be trapped by these words of yours?"

"I kill people too, even much more than you do."

"But I only kill people on the battlefield."

"That's the difference between you and me."

"Another point, didn't you say that no one would care about the death of a minor character?"

"Then tell me, who is the small character now?"

After the words fell, Bai Suocheng froze on the spot in astonishment.

He suddenly realized that he really had no cards left to negotiate with the man in front of him.

This Chen Chen, the leader of the Dongfeng Corps, does he really care what the Burmese army thinks?

Maybe you do, but at least you won't care enough to let yourself go.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Bai Suocheng asked dejectedly.

"It's simple, someone in your family can be alive."

"But you have to choose yourself. You can only choose one."

Kill people and kill your heart.

Bai Suocheng raised his head suddenly. Bai Yingcang on the side wanted to resist, but was knocked down by the well-prepared Li Gang with a rifle butt.

Several looks mixed with fear and anger fell on Chen Chen, but he didn't pay attention at all.


"Give you a minute."

"If you don't choose, I will kill you from left to right."

"Well, No. 3, help Mr. Bai over and to the far right."


Shi Dakai picked up Bai Suocheng and threw him to the far right of the team. At this time, he could no longer kneel down at all.

No one dared to speak, only Bai Yingcang was cursing angrily.

Chen Chen did not attack him because his reaction was actually part of the torture.

Very cruel.

However, is it really necessary to sympathize with this family?

Needless to say what will happen in the future, the crimes they have already committed would have been enough for Ling Chi many, many times in ancient times, and then they would have to turn around to kill the nine tribes.

Killing for life is a matter of course.

Bai Suocheng looked at Bai Yingcang blankly. The latter probably felt that he must be the one who would survive, so he became more and more unscrupulous.

But what Bai Suocheng said next made Bai Yingcang stunned.

"Ying Lan must live."

Everyone's eyes instantly turned to Bai Suocheng.

Chen Chen nodded slightly and said approvingly:

"A very good choice. She is the only one who is relatively clean and has enough zz resources."

"Everyone else is either too small or not clean."

"Bai Yinglan is alive. She can even use your remaining resources to continue trading with Lao Burma. Maybe one day she can make a comeback and fight back?"

"I just guessed that you would make this choice. It's very smart."

"Would you like to do it yourself?"

As soon as the words fell, the prisoners instantly became confused.

There was no need to hesitate anymore. Chen Chen made a gesture and a gunshot rang out.

Everyone fell.

Except Bai Yinglan, and Bai Cheng.

The two looked at each other in fear, with blood even oozing from their eyes.

"it's over."

Chen Chen looked at Bai Suocheng and said.

"it's over."

Bai Suocheng nodded, desperately and calmly preparing to meet his end.

The next second, gunfire rang out.


However, it was not Bai Zuocheng who fell, but Bai Yinglan.

A bloody hole appeared between her eyebrows.

Bai Suocheng looked at Chen Chen in astonishment, who shook his head and said:

"I still think it's better to kill him."

"There are many opportunities to make money in northern Myanmar. You can make the little money quickly. At worst, Peng Jiasheng can make up for it."

"You're just a nobody anyway, who cares?"

The canthus of the white eyes is about to split.

"Chen Chen! You must not-"


FN57's short gunfire sounded, and everything returned to calm.

By this time, the thermite bomb had gone out.

Winds from further east hit Kokang, blowing away the smoke that hung around the monastery.

Noon has arrived, and in the monastery, the monks who have just been released are dutifully performing their "clerical duties" driven by their "faith".

The bells were ringing slightly more urgently than in the past. Under the clear sky with the scorching sun, the white doves that had been raised in the monastery and had been driven away by gunfire and smoke flew back again.

They landed around the corpses on the ground, walking curiously, and tentatively pecking at the splattered flesh and blood residue.

That's not to their liking, so they fly away again.

But their sharp beaks and their wings were already stained with blood.

Among the whiteness, there are stains of sin.

Chen Chen sighed and said:

"It's a pity that pigeons don't eat meat."

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