I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 212 I want to meet you

The period from 2009 to 2011 happened to be the time when the United States was most vocal about its return to the Asia-Pacific strategy, which included the loosening of its policy toward Myanmar, the visit of the United Nations Secretary-General to Myanmar, the Naypyitaw meeting of the Asia-Pacific Affairs Group, and Aung San Suu Kyi’s being released and other complex activities.

However, Chen Chen actually doesn't care about these overly macro trends. What he really cares about is something that is really related to him.

That is, the development of the Wenbang organization in Kachin.

Or to put it more bluntly, it is the CIA’s infiltration in Kachin and northern Myanmar.

This was something he didn't want to get involved in, but it was absolutely impossible to get around it, and he was actually forced into it after defeating Lao Fajia Trading Company.

Therefore, he must understand the latest trends of the enemy and grasp the details of the changing situation. If the CIA intends to change their strategy in Kachin in advance, he must also be prepared in advance.

The key to this change actually lies in whether Gan Mao will contact the CIA.

This is why Chen Chen told Xiaoyu to pay attention to Gan Mao's flight schedule.

Because this thing can really explain a lot of things.

Of course, Chen Chen's information actually comes from the parallel world of his previous life. It may be accurate, but due to the butterfly effect, it may not be completely accurate.

Therefore, it is understandable that Xiaoyu wants to meet him. After all, there are some things that cannot be discussed on the phone and can only be discussed clearly in person.

But in this case, wouldn’t Xiaoyu want to return to northern Myanmar?

It is indeed possible.

After all, the injury has been healed, and such a long time is enough to complete the separation from the original identity.

In addition, she has rich experience and is irreplaceable in northern Myanmar affairs. A second assignment is also possible.

But what identity will she use this time?

Last time it was Thai Chinese, what about this time?

Wa Chinese?

It seems unlikely.

Chen Chen shook his head to dispel the messy thoughts in his mind, then put down the phone and continued to enjoy his rare afternoon sunshine.

He felt like a plant. He had been covered by a thick protective film before. Now he took off his equipment and wore light clothes. Under the sun, even his skin felt like it was "breathing". illusion.

What's even more exaggerated is that after traveling for several months in northern Myanmar, a sunny place, he is much whiter than when he first crossed.

Not only him, but everyone in the Dongfeng Corps turned pale.

There is no doubt that this is the result of wearing a mask all year round.

With the double vigilance of the security guards hired from Mugui and members of the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen did not have to think too much about safety issues. After putting aside his worries, he quickly fell asleep.

After waking up, it was less than 6 o'clock, but he had already received a call from Xiaoyu again.

"I'm in Xiaomengla. Come meet me here in Daluo."

"What the hell? So fast?"

Chen Chen glanced at his watch subconsciously. It had only been more than two hours since they hung up on the last call.

"It's slow enough. Two hours is enough for you to defeat the Bai family. You are so fast, don't I have to be faster too?"

"Come on, let's meet with the business representatives at the Poly Technology Office. Is that okay?"

After a slight hesitation, Chen Chen replied:

"No, if you want to talk, come to Mengka. I can't go."

"Are you afraid that I'll eat it for you?"

Xiaoyu asked in slight surprise.

"Safety is not guaranteed. No one dares to touch you in this place, and there are many who dare to touch me."

"There will be no problem if you come to Mengka, but if I go to Daluo, there may be a big problem."

After hearing his answer, Xiaoyu on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then said decisively:

"Then just wait in Mengka and give me a suitable identity. I'll be there in about two or three hours."

"Still the old rules, you have to ensure my safety. If I lose a piece of skin and grow a bump at your place, you will have to explain."

"Don't scare me. According to what you said, I have to kill all the mosquitoes in Mengka? Come on, I'm going to cook."

Chen Chen's tone became much more relaxed, because he knew that Xiaoyu, or the people behind Xiaoyu, were willing to put the meeting place in Mengka, which at least meant that he was still trusted.

Of course, this kind of trust is bound to be accompanied by more backup.

For example, after Chen Chen spent more than two hours cooking dinner, he discovered that not only Xiaoyu was here, but also two "salesmen".

And judging from the fact that they didn't even say a few words, it was obvious that these two salesmen were not doing ordinary sales work.

Maybe it's not weapons that are being promoted, but ammunition?

Well, the kind that comes out of the chest.

But in short, under the influence of Xiaoyu, the two of them had a very friendly attitude towards Chen Chen. After shaking hands and chatting a lot of nonsense that both parties knew well, they sat together and had a simple dinner. Afterwards, Everyone exited the living room, the salesman turned on the electromagnetic shield he carried with him, and the meeting between Chen Chen and Xiao Yu finally got on track.

The two sat opposite each other. Chen Chen looked at Xiaoyu's face and found that she had gained a bit of weight after not seeing her for a while.

Compared to the thin and pale face she had last time we met, her face began to show some signs of baby fat, making it difficult to tell her age for a moment.

However, theoretically speaking, an intelligence officer who can achieve her position must be at least 24 years old.

Because there is a fixed process for personnel training, even if it is more radical, starting from the age of 16, after being trained at multiple levels in schools, agencies, and front lines, you must be over 22 years old by the time you are able to be assigned to perform tasks independently.

Xiaoyu can not only perform tasks independently, but also has considerable front-line decision-making power, which means that her actual combat time will be at least two years.

Around 24 or 25?

But looking at her appearance, she really doesn't look like she is 25 years old.

Whether it's the dressing style, makeup, or original appearance, they all tend to be "younger".

I feel like a female college student who has not yet graduated, with a hint of stupidity in her innocence.

Even if you look directly into her eyes, you will never see anything unusual.

But Chen Chen knew that this was just her disguise.

The real royal sister pretends to be a lolita, which is too deceptive.

Seeing Chen Chen's scrutinizing eyes scanning up and down, Xiaoyu frowned in confusion and asked:

"What are you looking at?"

"I want to see if the injury on your hand is healed. How is it? Does it affect your activities?"


Xiaoyu shook his head and continued:

"It's just a broken bone, and there are no neurological problems. It recovers very quickly."

"The lung injury is more troublesome. We are still recovering and cannot exercise strenuously."

"So, you'd better not cause trouble while I'm in Mengka, lest I can't handle it."

".Your stereotype of me is too serious. Do I look like the kind of person who can cause trouble anytime and anywhere?"

Chen Chen spread his hands innocently, and a playful smile appeared on Xiaoyu's face.

"Ah, yes, yes, it's all someone else's fault, right?"

"Indeed it is."

Chen Chen answered seriously, Xiaoyu blinked and ignored the topic calmly.

"Let's talk about business. Where do you want to start?"

"Start with the helicopter."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation.

".I guessed you would say this."

"You can't be too anxious about helicopters. Import and export trade, how can it be that simple?"

"You did a good job this time. Basically, it can be said that getting the helicopter is a certain result."

Hearing this, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The helicopter you’ve been longing for is finally here!

If after struggling for so long, you finally give yourself an answer of "it's not in compliance with the rules and will not be approved", then you really have to give up and quit.

But before he could express his gratitude to the organization for their concern, Xiaoyu continued:

"However, the export of helicopters is a very sensitive matter. Neither you nor any local armed group in northern Myanmar is qualified to get helicopters from us."

"So, in order to get the helicopter, we have to design a fairly complete and reasonable process."

"This process requires involving multiple forces. The current initial strategy is still to use Poly Technology to conduct re-export trade through commercial companies in Laos or Vietnam."

"A lot of what you want is impossible to get in this format."

"What you can get is a 'cargo or firefighting' helicopter that has been stripped of all military equipment and completely civilianized."

"But we can guarantee that this helicopter must be a product of military conversion to civilian use."

After saying the last words, Chen Chen felt relieved instantly.

In fact, he didn't really want a military helicopter with artillery and machine guns. That was nonsense. Not to mention that he was just a mercenary, even if he unified northern Myanmar and became the largest warlord in northern Myanmar. , it is impossible for the north to export such a thing to itself.

However, if it is just a commercial helicopter, it is not cost-effective to get it from the north.

The "military-to-civilian" helicopter is a rather ambiguous intermediate product.

It may not have weapons, but it can retain the weapon hanging beam; it has no fire control radar, but it can have a photoelectric turret; it may look exactly the same as the civilian version of Dolphin, but its real "modification" potential is absolutely different. language.

In other words, Big Brother does not intend to put things in place all at once, because that would be too reckless and unruly.

However, if something is given to you and you want to change it in the future, can’t you do it yourself?

Nuokang can change it into a skylark with a rocket launcher. You can change it into a straight-9 yourself - no, should you change it into a dolphin or not?

So, Chen Chen nodded decisively and said:

"No problem, I can handle the rest by myself."

"But the instruction manual that comes with it cannot be in French."

"Don't worry, there won't be any problem with this."

Xiaoyu nodded solemnly and then continued:

"Next, is it time to talk about Gan Mao?"

"Let's talk about the Shadow Corps first."

Chen Chen calmly lowered his voice slightly and continued:

"I first need to confirm, do the Shadow Corps have any contact with JFT? ​​Or, do they have any contact with DEVGRU?"

DEVGRU stands for the US Naval Special Warfare Research Group. In a sense, this thing is the superior administrative unit of the JTF, the Joint Task Force.

Chen Chen didn't originally think of the background of the Shadow Corps in such a "terrifying" direction, but when the man brazenly called himself Red Blood Cell and said such tendentious words, he had to think about it carefully.

After hearing his question, Xiaoyu's eyes changed imperceptibly.

"Do you even understand this?"

"Is there anything difficult to understand about this? Richard Marcink has been interviewed several times. I heard that his autobiography is about the same and is about to be published."

Richard's Declassified Seals was published in 2011, which was indeed the time when he was most active, so Chen Chen's explanation is very tenable.

Xiaoyu no longer asked any more questions, but said bluntly:

"I no longer care where your information comes from. Anyway, judging from the current situation, our enemies should be eager to kill you."

"Sometimes, this is also a united front value. To put it bluntly, according to the information we have, the Shadow Corps cannot have any direct contact with DEVGRU."

"They are MPRI's black gloves, but they are not CIA's black gloves, and they are certainly not JSOC or USSOCOM's black gloves."

"So, the person you are talking about named himself Red Blood Cell, which is most likely to put money on his face."

"But the fact that he can do such a thing is also a hint. All in all, your judgment is quite accurate."

"Their background is strengthening, but it's not that strong."

These words gave Chen Chen reassurance.

It's good that the Shadow Corps has contact with the CIA. If they also have contact with the Joint Special Operations Command or something like that, then it would be sheer nonsense to kill them.

Because that means that the actions of the United States and the United States in northern Myanmar are no longer "infiltration", but converted into "combat"

This sounds unrealistic, but as a mad dog, who can say clearly?

"Then it won't be a big problem."

"What do you mean it's not a big problem?"

Xiaoyu asked with a frown.

"It means that if they really do something outrageous, I have a plan to kill them."

"Of course, there is no rush, but there will always be opportunities."

"Are you planning to destroy the Shadow Corps?"

Xiaoyu's tone was a little unbelievable.

After all, in her opinion, intelligence and operations work is a long-term, relatively slow-paced job.

Even if it wants to affect the situation in one place, it must be prepared slowly and unfolded slowly.

Instead of being like Chen Chen, who wants to "kill" whoever comes up.

But Chen Chen's next few words were even more exaggerated.

He said:

"Destroying the Shadow Corps is of no use."

“To really solve the CIA’s deployment here, Kachin must change its world.”

"But that's a long-term goal."

"In the short term, it's better to establish a civilized organization first, fight against the Shadow Corps, and grab the fruits of MPRI's operations here."

"We are mercenaries anyway. We can make a fortune by attacking anyone. Why not attack something bigger?"

Xiaoyu was stunned.

After being stunned for several seconds, she said:

"No. If this is your plan, then why did you ask me to come over to talk? What else do we have to talk about?!"

"I want to see you, don't I?"

Xiaoyu's expression froze, Chen Chen laughed and continued:

"You're kidding, the main thing is I want my helicopter."

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