By the time Chen Chen said "Kachin should be the next target", Xiaoyu's purpose of coming to Mengkha had actually completely changed.

She originally just wanted to talk to Chen Chen about the changes in the undercurrent of power in northern Myanmar, and wanted the other party to be prepared and provide certain support and convenience for the "mission" in the north in subsequent actions.

But what she didn't expect was that Chen Chen had no interest in these overly complicated things.

There are probably only two purposes for deceiving yourself.

The first one is to determine from his own words the "upper limit" of the Shadow Corps, or the CIA's penetration in northern Myanmar, and determine whether Dongfeng has the ability to compete with them.

The second one is to finalize the helicopter matter.

From the perspective of the Dongfeng Corps, there was really nothing wrong with Chen Chen's handling of these two things. It was entirely based on his own safety and the strategy of maximizing interests.

Good for small fish

She felt a little cheated.

So I'm just a tool?

Come when you call it, go away when you wave it, and run away when you use it?

Although the two parties do have a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship now, there is no need to be so direct, right?

Especially after seeing that Chen Chen didn't even prepare a room for her, she was completely speechless.

"No, Mr. Shipwreck, didn't you expect that we might need to stay overnight in Mengka?"

Chen Chen, who was temporarily cleaning up the room for the three of them, smiled awkwardly and replied:

"I thought you just left after talking. Who knew you would have to spend the night?"

"You don't have any brains at this time? My current identity is the account manager of Mongla Urban Construction Group. Do you think any account manager comes to visit customers all night and then leaves immediately? Is this logical?"

"Or are you planning to let us stay at the Vientiane Hotel?"

"That's not the case"

Chen Chen waved his hands quickly and continued:

"There are still a lot of rooms, but they haven't been tidied up. It's impossible for the two brothers to really sleep. They can just rest."

"How long do you plan to stay in Mengka?"

"Two days."

Xiaoyu replied briefly.

"What are the specific arrangements?"

"Continue to talk to you about Kachin and the Shadow Corps."

"This issue covers a large area and involves too many things. It is not comparable to the Kokang and Banglong issues you dealt with before."

"In terms of complexity, it will even be higher than that of Southern Shan State and Tachileik."

"As you said, no matter what you do as a mercenary group, it has nothing to do with us, but at least you have to make us somewhat prepared."


Chen Chen nodded, patted the pillow on the bed and said:

"Okay, you can sleep here tonight."

"How's it going? Do you feel a sense of déjà vu?"

"Isn't that familiar? I slept on these sheets when I came here last time. You haven't washed them yet, right?"

"Don't slander me. They have all been washed. Do you think such a big villa is not kept clean?"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu stepped forward and picked up the sheets and smelled them. It really smelled like mites that had been killed by the sun.

It was still early, her work wasn't over yet, and she couldn't just sleep through the time.

So, after thinking for a moment, she said:

"Can I go to Mengka City for a walk?"

"What is the purpose?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

"There is no special purpose. Let's take a look at the changes here - after Chen Yimin's death, we have not updated the situation here in time. We can take this opportunity to make up for it."

"Don't you have a special informant?"

"No in Mengka. It's too small here. If the 7th Brigade wasn't stationed there, it wouldn't actually attract much attention at all."

"Our focus in Shan State is mainly in the Tachileik and Kengtung areas. This is not a secret, it is the same for everyone."

After hearing her words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

"Everyone is the same" does not include himself, of course, but refers to the "big forces" who want to reap benefits in this land.

Myanmar, Thailand, North, Old America

Everyone is the same.

However, these forces probably never imagined that this humble town would suddenly become the eye of the storm in northern Myanmar due to the rise of a mercenary group.

Its power is constantly sweeping across the entire land of northern Myanmar, but it itself is extremely calm - even peaceful.

Perhaps, this will be an "advanced experience"?

Xiaoyu looked at Chen Chen thoughtfully, waiting for his answer.

Chen Chen hesitated for a few seconds before asking:

"You guys won't have any discipline problems, right?"

"Brother, I'm from the intelligence department."

Xiaoyu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Do I need to remind you of this? Have you ever seen an intelligence officer who stayed in the room all day long?"

"I think you are quite strange sometimes. You are so familiar with our rules that you feel like one of your own, but you seem too old-fashioned."

As soon as he said this, it was Chen Chen's turn to roll his eyes.

What can I do! I'm not an intelligence officer!

In my last life, I was working behind your back, okay? What little I know about you is basically limited to paper, pre-war briefings, or a few face-to-face interactions. How can I know what your real working methods are?

Who knows what tricks you guys are up to——

But speaking of which, in my last life, I heard that intelligence officers stationed in a certain African country were keen on eating samsa at various roadside stalls, and eventually gave themselves acute gastroenteritis.

Of course, his "hobby" also paid off. Just through the price fluctuations of this street snack, he speculated that the official grain policy would be tightened at that time, and issued early warnings to various local departments to stockpile grain.

And sure enough, just two weeks later, local flour and brown bread prices began to increase, and a month later they entered a temporary rationing system. Unprepared people in many countries were forced to evacuate, and only the elders in the north guarded the cold storage and ate. drink.

Thinking about it this way, the work of these people may indeed not be as "rigid" or strict as they thought.

The dead line is that the identity and purpose cannot be revealed, and the rest are basically free to play?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"Then let's go shopping. Do you want to take someone with you?"

"is it safe?"

"It's definitely safe. Let's see if you have any special requirements."

"You really have the final say whether Mengka is in chaos or not?"

"That's ridiculous, are you going?"

"Go, you take two people with you. I won't take anyone with you. It's more low-key this way."

Xiaoyu answered decisively, so Chen Chen asked Shi Dakai and Li Bang to join them, and the four of them set off along the road at the entrance of the villa, heading towards the center of the city.

The distance is not too far, less than two kilometers.

Xiaoyu said he was observing, but in fact his pace was not slow, just like ordinary pedestrians in the city.

And when they went to the central area and walked around the "fairly prosperous" downtown, Xiaoyu's intelligence collection work was mostly completed.

Sitting outside the Ei Thander Myo restaurant where Jackal treated Chen Chen to dinner for the first time, drinking coffee, Xiaoyu said with some sigh:

"This place is a bit different from other towns in northern Myanmar."

"There are no maguo on the streets, there are no corpses in front of the hospital, and even the mental outlook of the prostitutes in the Pheasant Shop is better than in other places."

"It seems that He Bupa did some things after he came to power."

"The main thing is anti-drugs."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and continued, then continued:

"Actually, the drug problem in Mengka has not been completely solved at all, but there were two key battles that set the tone."

“In terms of formal compliance, Mengka still does better than other places.”

"One thing that is worthy of recognition is that He Bupa at least no longer collects the fruit tax."

"So radical? Then how does he make money?"

Xiaoyu asked doubtfully.

Her "radical" assessment is actually not an exaggeration at all. Which warlord in northern Myanmar does not sell drugs? Even if they don't sell drugs, they at least collect taxes and suck blood.

And He Bupa cut off the last connection in one step, which was really a radical and exaggerated move.

However, she didn't know it, but Chen Chen knew very well how He Bupa made money, and also understood how he still survived after cutting off the drug profit chain.

"He Bupa's main sources of income now come from two sources: first, minerals; second, casinos; and third, arms."

"Needless to say about minerals, he took over a large amount of Chen Yimin's properties. Almost all the mines near Wanxingping were included in his pocket, which gave him a relatively stable cash flow."

"Secondly, he rectified the casinos in the city and cooperated with Wanfeng Group, attracting a large number of gamblers from the direction of Mongla. It is said that he made a lot of money."

"The third point is that when he sells arms, he also uses Wanfeng Group's thread."

"Still deformed, drinking poison to quench thirst."

Xiaoyu made a judgment on the spot.

"Yes, but at least it's much stronger than the drug ecosystem, isn't it?"

"You can't ask them to do it in one step, and I can't even ask them to do it - we are just a bunch of mercenaries. We only want to steal money, no matter where the money comes from."

"Then I hope you grab more."

Xiaoyu looked at Chen Chen with a half-smile, but Chen Chen didn't answer. Xiaoyu snorted and continued:

"Where does Hebupa's arms mainly flow? Are there any signs of flowing to the north?"

"Absolutely not now."

"Are you so sure?"

Xiaoyu frowned and asked:

"Is there any basis for judgment?"

"Does this need a basis for judgment? The trade route has not been fully opened yet, and the few things he has are not enough for us. Before I go to work for nothing, I can't even buy a few mortar shells from him. 40-gun is such a crappy thing. Everything on the street was out of stock, and in the end it was the Wanfeng Group that forced them out.”

"I have to say that the situation in the supply chain is still very serious."

Chen Chen stole a glance at Xiaoyu and met his slightly smiling eyes.

"Are you hinting at something?"

"No, no. There's no hint, it's just whining."

"Okay, then I'll just pretend you didn't say anything."

"Hey - forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Chen Chen had no choice but to shut up, while Xiaoyu asked curiously:

"So how much did you buy and can you still buy out all the arms?"

Chen Chen raised his head and thought for a moment before replying:

"I bought a small three million a month."


“Of course it’s in U.S. dollars.”

".Then you really are this."

Xiaoyu gave Chen Chen a thumbs up and said.

Three million US dollars worth of arms were destroyed in one month. How exaggerated is this?

Judging from the basic equipment of the civilian armed forces in northern Myanmar, this amount of money is equivalent to 10,000 Bayi bars with basic ammunition, which can arm at least a militia group of 5,000 people with supplies and a month's salary.

This is only the consumption of ammunition. Taking into account the loss and depreciation of other equipment and personnel wages, the Dongfeng Corps dispatched in one dispatch and killed six million US dollars.

While others are fighting a war, the Dongfeng Corps is purely fighting for money.

Thinking about it this way, with this investment, it is really not surprising that they defeated Bai Zuocheng.

Chen Chen seemed to have already known this number. He just said modestly:

"It's just so-so. The cost-effectiveness ratio is still acceptable."

"That's true. At least you haven't boarded the helicopter yet. Come on, let's go shopping again."

Xiaoyu stood up, and Chen Chen drank the last sip of coffee and followed her.

Because the real identity is sensitive and the temporary identity is not completely reliable, Xiaoyu did not wander around unscrupulously. Instead, she followed the predetermined "script" and used the logic consistent with her identity to go to various places in Mengka. Walked around the construction site.

And this also gave her a new understanding.

"Most of the materials and equipment used in these construction sites come from the north."

"Theoretically, it shouldn't be possible, because Myanmar itself has these things, and it used to be easy to come along the Tachileik Highway."

"It seems that the siege of Kengtung has begun to affect the situation in northern Myanmar. Now it is building materials, and the next step is daily necessities."

"There's going to be an increasing reliance on the north, which is... well, good news for us."

"Wreck, your contribution really goes beyond what's apparent."

"It's good to know."

Chen Chen pursed his lips and continued:

"Sister, let's get some helicopters."

"???Didn't I tell you?"


"You guys can only afford one helicopter. Do you really want to build an air assault brigade?"

"It doesn't matter whether we build it or not, but with or without the air force, the difference in war patterns can be as big as a century."

"What theory of air war? Your thoughts are dangerous and leftist."

"I also want the three armed forces to cooperate, and the problem must be conditional."

Chen Chen sighed and continued:

"I can no longer expand my manpower on a large scale. Unless there is a breakthrough one day, my team can only be reduced to less than a hundred people."

"In this case, when I really face a large-scale head-on conflict, I have no advantage."

"The plate is expanding and the territory is being established. What if one day I am forced to fight a positional war?"

"At that time, I will no longer be able to obtain outsourced manpower through hiring, which means that I can only rely on firepower to make up for the lack of manpower."

"Isn't that easy to understand? So, I really want more helicopters."

After listening to his words, Xiaoyu couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Of course she understood what Chen Chen really wanted to express.

In fact, during today's "walk", Chen Chen spent the whole process preparing for this last paragraph.

This seems a bit deliberate and cunning, but not annoying.

Because Xiaoyu knows very well that only by being cautious and careful like him can he really be able to gain a foothold on this land and develop and grow.

In the final analysis, what he made was just a very reasonable request.

It cannot be said that it can be realized immediately, but there is indeed room for consideration.

After all, if the Wa State can have it, why can’t the Dongfeng Corps have it?

Wa Bang was convinced on the surface, but secretly he did a lot of dirty things.

And what about the Dongfeng Corps?

This kid has never admitted that he has any intention of "taking refuge", nor does he admit that he is "one of his own". He only talks about benefits and use.

But he did defeat Nuo Kang, Bang Long, and Bai Suocheng.

They even wanted to kill the Kachin.

Well, to grab money

In this way, they may deserve something more than the Wa.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu secretly made a decision in his heart.

She raised her head, looked at Chen Chen and said:

"Call sister again and let me help you think of a solution?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes and said:

"Auntie, please!"

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