I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 222 Enrollment expansion!

Regarding the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen has always adhered to the principle of valuing the elite rather than the large number of troops. To put it more bluntly, what he wants to build is not a "warlord team" with a large number of people and weak combat effectiveness, but a "warlord team" with a weak combat effectiveness. Support "quasi-special forces" that maintain an appropriate number of personnel and combat effectiveness that can crush other armed forces in Pubei.

But the problem is that the "specialness" of special forces is not only special in "people", but also special in many aspects such as systems, tactics, equipment, intelligence, etc.

If he wants to achieve Chen Chen's goal, and if he wants his gradually forming corps to compete with world-class PMCs and the most elite teams among these PMCs, then he must look at it from an all-round perspective. , to build this corps.

Training and improving combat effectiveness in battle is the first step, mastering the source of equipment is the second step, and the third step

Of course, it is to replenish the supply of troops, expand the team, and improve the fault tolerance rate!

In fact, Chen Chen has been considering this step a long time ago. The shortage of manpower brings not only a shortage of combat deployment, but more importantly, even a high-quality mercenary group like the Lion Corps actually has poor personnel quality. It's all uneven.

It is difficult for you to carry out targeted training for personnel who have been stereotyped for a long time. A very simple example is that if a mercenary who is used to using rifles is suddenly asked to shoot a machine gun, will he be able to shoot well?


What are scattershot, transcendental shot, and blocked shot?

Even the simplest machine gun tactics require high-intensity training and highly sensitive physical instincts.

This also led to the extremely unreasonable internal position of the Dongfeng Corps.

At present, excluding Big Bird, who was seriously injured before, there are still 23 available combatants. However, among these 23 people, there are 6 snipers, and the only machine gunner who can truly operate a heavy machine gun proficiently is Bao Qi.

Therefore, the Dongfeng Corps is in urgent need of additional manpower and professional combat positions, so as to improve personnel coordination and increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

This kind of thinking is probably completely unbelievable to many mercenary groups, because in their view, doesn't a mercenary group only need one person with money? No matter where you are?

But in fact, an ordinary team with complete configurations in all positions, tacit cooperation among personnel, and proficient professional combat skills can completely defeat a makeshift super elite team with incomplete positions.

This was the reason why Dongfeng Corps pinned the "Seal" to death before.

Therefore, after deciding to start a large-scale expansion and military training, Chen Chen immediately called Peng Xucheng. After discussing some things, he called a person who had contacted him many times before, but he had never given an answer. A character with a clear answer.

Old pig.

The phone only rang twice before it was connected, and after it was connected, the slightly excited voice of the old pig came from the receiver.

"Captain Shen! Good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon, old pig. Do you have time?"

"There is time, there is time, I have too much time!"

The old pig almost shouted, because he knew better than anyone else what this phone call meant to him.

Generally speaking, it is either a good thing or a bad thing for a superior to call you specifically, but it is definitely not a trivial matter.

Although Chen Chen is not Lao Zhu's superior, the principle is still basically the same.

Moreover, Lao Zhu asked himself that he had never done anything bad. In the previous missions he performed with the Dongfeng Corps, he handled the tasks quite to the satisfaction of the temporary commander, that is to say.

This call must be a good thing.

Damn it, is there finally something about joining the Dongfeng Corps? !

Old Zhu felt like he was about to shed tears. Three months. Do you know how I spent these three months? !

Seeing those mercenaries who originally fought side by side in Xiaotianyuan Village following their superiors and fighting several big battles without losing their numbers, one by one getting rich and using luxurious equipment, I was so envious that I really gritted my teeth with envy. Got it!

Especially some time ago, all members of the Dongfeng Corps were paid, and some news about the internal treatment of the Dongfeng Corps began to leak out.

After hearing the news, Lao Zhu only hated himself for not voting decisively at that time.

Damn it, the war pay is 50,000 US dollars?

Damn it, you still have a guaranteed salary of several thousand dollars when you’re not fighting?

Damn it, not only will you receive a pension after becoming disabled, but you will also be able to arrange logistical positions?

Is this a mercenary group? Is this a mercenary group from Pubei?

This horse riding is simply heaven! ?

Captain Shen is so conscientious that it makes people feel that if he doesn't go to Dongfeng, his mercenary career will be in vain.

However, I had taken the initiative to contact him several times before, but all I got were vague and unclear answers. Now I have finally made a decision?

He suppressed his emotions and continued to speak before Chen Chen could answer:

"Sir, I am available at any time! Whenever you are here, I can come to you immediately!"

After hearing Lao Zhu's answer, Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Come over now if it's convenient."

"By the way, tell Peng Xucheng that he is coming to find me."

"I've already said hello to him, don't worry."

"I understand, I understand!"

The old pig's voice even trembled a little.

Look, what does thoughtfulness mean?

This is called thoughtfulness!

Which boss will help you solve the problems of the previous company when recruiting people? Dongfeng Corps did it, and Sunken Ship did it.

Who would follow such a boss if not him?

So, just 15 minutes later, Lao Zhu drove his broken pickup truck to the Dongfeng Corps' villa and saw Chen Chen who had been waiting there for a long time in the combat command room.

"sit down."

Chen Chen said hello to Lao Zhu, and then continued:

"I guess you know why I called you here."

"We don't need to hide it, let's get straight to the point."

"You are a very good machine gunner. I have seen you operate light and heavy machine guns before. You are very skilled in tactics."

"In addition, you also have relatively good team command skills and can bear some temporary command and blame."

"How about it, would you like to come to Dongfeng Corps and give it a try?"

"Yes, I am so willing!"

Lao Zhu answered without hesitation. His decisive attitude made Chen Chen a little confused.

Shouldn't we be appropriately reserved?

But what he doesn't know is that what the old pig fears most is that if he hesitates, the opportunity will slip away again.

Therefore, Lao Zhu had already made plans. No matter what Chen Chen asked, his answer was:

good! good! good!

".I haven't said the conditions yet."

Chen Chen scratched his head and said.

"Just follow the basic conditions. Your treatment is already much higher than ours."

"Huh? Taller than you??"

Chen Chen was shocked.

Lao Zhu is at least the squad leader among the elite Wood Ghosts. Can the money he offers really be higher than his?

"Sir, one battle costs tens of thousands of dollars, which is almost my annual income."

"Moreover, the most important thing is not the amount of income, the most important thing is the future."

"To put it bluntly, it is possible to make that much money in Mugui, but the risk of making that much money cannot be compared with the Dongfeng Corps."

"It's really easy for mercenaries to die. Even for elites like us, the casualty rate is actually very high."

"But you are different. Your casualty rate is frighteningly low."

"With high income, high equipment level, and low casualty rate, I think no one would want to join such a mercenary group."

"If your threshold hadn't been too high for anyone to cross, I guess the Dongfeng Corps would have been the largest mercenary group in Pubei just based on its current reputation."

That seems to be the case?

Chen Chen instantly understood what Lao Zhu was thinking, so he stopped asking any more questions and continued following his topic:

"This is indeed true."

"Our combat effectiveness is high, so the requirements for personnel are also very high - of course, you must have met it."

"However, reaching this point is not enough. To join the Dongfeng Corps, you have to do one thing for me first."

As soon as these words came out, the old pig was stunned.

You won’t need to submit a certificate of investment, right? Didn't you say that you have already negotiated with Peng Xucheng?

"What's going on?"

he asked quickly.


"Recruiting? That's too simple - hey, it doesn't seem to be that simple."

"Of course it's not simple. What I want is elite."

Chen Chen smiled slightly and then said:

"I need you to use various means to help me form a team of thirty people in the shortest possible time."

"The core position of the team, I will give you a list."

"My requirement is that everyone in the team must have basic combat effectiveness, and this 'basic' refers to the basics according to the standards of the Dongfeng Corps."

"How about it? Can you do it?"

The old pig frowned.

He wanted to say okay, okay, but he really couldn't.

Find 30 mercenaries who meet the standards of the Dongfeng Corps in a short period of time, and they must be in designated positions

Then we can only dig them from various mature mercenary groups.

Wood Ghost can dig out some here, but the problem is that 30 people can basically drain Wood Ghost's elite.

Even if he wanted to do it, Peng Xucheng couldn't do it.

After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"How short a time does this short time refer to?"

"Two months, but at least there has to be progress every week."

Chen Chen replied.

"Okay! I can try!"

The old pig answered decisively.

Two months is a short period of time and the task is very heavy, but it is not impossible to give it a try.

So, Chen Chen stretched out his hand to him and said:

"Welcome to the Dongfeng Corps."

"By the way, what I just mentioned is just an additional task. You still have to participate in training and combat."

"Well, starting from tomorrow."


The old pig was confused.

Why does this feel different from what I imagined?

Is the task too heavy?

No, that seems to be the way it should be.

If the Dongfeng Corps was really so easy-going for outsiders to watch, they wouldn't be like this now, but they should all be dead long ago.

All problems with equipment and personnel were taken care of, and Chen Chen immediately started to enter the next stage.

That is, targeted special operations training.

Of course he won't focus on practicing things like marksmanship, coordination, physical fitness and the like - although these things are indeed the basic elements of forming a special forces with sufficient combat effectiveness, but what these trainings bring The improvement is too small and the speed is too slow.

Being extremely utilitarian, he definitely couldn't be satisfied with that speed, so he only practiced one thing:

Systematized combat.

It cannot reach the level of digitization, informatization, and networking, but the most basic things still need to be practiced one by one.

Monitoring and eavesdropping, counter-reconnaissance and counter-intrusion, raids, assaults, and six essences, five tests, and four tests are all included in the training plan.

Of course, these things cannot be accomplished in one day, nor can they be mastered in a month or a few months.

At the beginning, Chen Chen mainly focused on the most basic tactical level.

For example, the core team has long been familiar with target setting, enemy reconnaissance, team coordination, ammunition management, firepower application, resource management, etc.

These things are not complicated and can be learned once, but no one would say that it would be difficult to realize them.

In the previous battles, the mercenaries from the Lion Corps had already had preliminary concepts, so after Chen Chen explained the problems thoroughly, they basically learned quickly.

After two days of short-term training, the entire team has undergone obvious changes.

The most prominent feature is that during training, everyone can basically follow the principles of target selection and target control to shoot "targets that should belong to them" before firing.

In addition, Chen Chen also re-divided the current team into teams and equipped everyone with weapons according to their positions.

At this point, the Dongfeng Corps' three five-man groups and two four-man groups have finally been equipped with the necessary roles.

And next, it’s time to test the results of the assault training.

In the command room of the villa, Chen Chen was writing and drawing on the map while briefing all members.

"According to our early basic reconnaissance results, our target location this time is in the center of Banglong City. It is a building with an overall 'mountain shape'."

"The building has three floors and is a reinforced concrete structure. Inside the key locations of the building, there are fire points that are simply reinforced with steel plates."

"There are about 20 permanent personnel in the entire building, 5 of whom are elite mercenaries from the Shadow Corps. They are likely to have service experience in special forces and have rich experience in CQB defensive operations."

"Our goal is to find the right opportunity to quickly break through this building and eliminate all enemies."

"However, the enemy this time is different from any other time. They are elites. They cannot leave us the chance to 'burn the building', nor can the entire army be annihilated because of a single fire coverage."

"In addition, because the building is located in the center of the town, surrounded by dense residential buildings, complex terrain, and numerous bunkers, it is difficult for us to carry out coverage strikes at long distances."

"Because once innocent people are harmed, it may cause us to lose the 'initiative' in a certain sense."

"So most likely, we're going to have to fight each other head-on."

"And this is going to be a tough battle."

"I hope everyone will cheer up. Everyone must keep their position, shoulder their responsibilities, and watch the backs of their comrades."

"We don't wish anything bad to happen to anyone in this fight, but I have to say that sacrifice is very possible."

"And what you have to do is use what I teach you and do your best to keep everyone alive."

"Now, everyone get ready."

"This will be the beginning of us truly becoming the strongest mercenary group."

"Remember, since our enemies are on the list, they will definitely be off the list!"

"Set off!"

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