I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 223 Everyone is crazy

The five groups of the Dongfeng Corps set off immediately and began to advance towards Banglong under the cover of night.

The size of the fleet is not large, just one Warrior, one Predator, two F150s, and one heavy machine gun Jeep.

Of course, such firepower is considered strong in the entire Pubei, but whether it can be used is actually still a question.

You must know that the Shadow Corps is a well-organized corps. During the battle of Banglong Laofajia Trading Company, they could even rely on the intelligence network in their hands to quickly locate the location of the Dongfeng Corps and come to ask for people.

This means that it is almost impossible to drive the car into the city and set up an attack position on the narrow streets under their noses.

If the Dongfeng Corps wants to gain an advantage, it can only rely on the most prudent and conservative plan.

That is, infiltration raid operations.

Huo Ke's camp can no longer be used. The fact that there were no surprise attacks during the previous evacuation does not mean that the Shadow Corps did not discover this location.

Therefore, the Dongfeng Corps re-established a camp in the jungle near the Golden Farm on the outskirts of Banglong based on factors such as support speed, support distance, road conditions, etc., and set up multiple outposts nearly 1 kilometer ahead of the camp outside the camp to prepare for the situation at any time. Preparation for attack.

After all this was done, more specific on-the-spot investigation work officially began.

It is impossible for Chen Chen himself to enter Banglong again. He cannot take the risk of being recognized as soon as he enters the city.

Therefore, this work was naturally handed over to Lin He, Banjia and Sangye who were designated within the scope of the investigation team.

They must enter Banglong for close reconnaissance to obtain more detailed "battlefield intelligence."

At the same time, they must also take into account the collection of artificial intelligence, identify the core members of the Shadow Corps, master their action patterns, and provide complete intelligence support for the formulation of subsequent combat plans.

This is definitely not an easy task to complete. Chen Chen originally planned to give the investigation team three days.

But what he didn't expect was that just one day later, the latest information came from the investigation team.

The content shown in the intelligence surprised Chen Chen.


No, it's not nonsense like "The Shadow Corps has left Banglon".

Instead, "The Shadow Corps is on full alert and has hired hundreds of mercenaries to strengthen its defense."

Now, the warning range of the Shadow Corps branch has been extended to 200 meters outside the core building. All the dozens of surrounding houses have been included in the warning range, tightly surrounding the core building in the center!

After hearing the news, an uncontrollable thought flashed through Chen Chen's mind:

Damn it, should I call these people cowards or should I call these people smart?

Of course, the destruction of a super elite team has a major impact, but being able to complete the decision in such a short period of time and adopt this plan that Chen Chen thinks is a complete overreaction to ensure his own safety is obviously enough to explain a problem, then that is:

The other party's commander is as cautious as himself!

This will be a close battle again, and most of Chen Chen's plans prepared in advance failed in an instant.

But fortunately, this strategy also created a new opportunity for the Dongfeng Corps - they no longer have to worry about the surrounding civilians. They can rely on heavy firepower to carry out covering strikes within a radius of two hundred meters.

But the question comes again, what happens after the fight?

Will real special forces be so easily killed by artillery shells, and lose confidence so easily due to high-intensity firepower?

No, absolutely impossible.

Therefore, the situation faced by the Dongfeng Corps now is like a scaled-down version of "urban offensive warfare."

The enemy may be pinned down in the bunker by heavy firepower and unable to raise its head, but once the heavy firepower stops and once the infantry begins to enter, the Dongfeng Corps will face the most dangerous street fighting!

Moreover, the most difficult thing to deal with is that due to the large number of buildings and limited heavy firepower, the Dongfeng Corps is simply unable to carry out heavy firepower strikes on all buildings, nor can it confirm the specific location of the local headquarters.

This means that they will not be able to carry out a precise attack on the local "mastermind", and the two sides will fight an entire street battle in a "relatively fair" situation.

Very troublesome.

Chen Chen gave the latest briefing to all team members, and after listening to Chen Chen's analysis, all members of the Dongfeng Corps fell silent.

This is not the first time they have participated in a large-scale battle, but it is the first time they have fought against a "professional" team.

And in this first "professional" battle, the intensity was actually maxed out.

Yes, even the mercenary with the least common sense will know that urban street fighting is the most difficult and dangerous to fight.

Especially for the attackers, even if they drive in with an armored vehicle, they must always be on guard against being torn apart by an RPG.

Isn't the reason why the old American Black Hawk Down was so famous because it was a typical textbook on urban street fighting?

Now, the "urban area" that the Dongfeng Corps needs to enter is not large.

But relatively speaking, the Dongfeng Corps does not have many heavy weapons.

The atmosphere was a little solemn for a while, but to Chen Chen's surprise, the mercenaries were not frustrated by this. Instead, they consciously gathered together in front of the combat map and began to discuss tactics.


Of course, they did not follow the correct discussion procedures at all, and the ideas they proposed were also wild and wild.

However, as long as they have this awareness, it means that they already have the mentality that a "professional team" should have.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not interrupt them, but stood aside and listened quietly.

".I think we still can't engage in street fighting. It's too dangerous and inefficient."

"The other party included all the houses and drove away the civilians. Isn't this an act of self-destruction of the Great Wall?"

"We don't have to worry anymore. We can use heavy firepower to cover it. Let's blow it up first and then talk about it!"

"What are you bombing? We don't have that many artillery shells, and we can't even buy them now!"

"Isn't there also the AH-2? The AH-2 has a killing radius of 60 meters, so a few shells are enough."

"The killing radius is 60 meters, which is an unprotected target. The urban buildings are so complicated, and they will reach the sky within 30 meters. I think fire attack is better. If white phosphorus is not good, napalm bombs can be used, right? That thing is made of rubber and gasoline. can do it"

Hearing this, Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat and he looked at the mercenary who spoke.

It's actually a poplar tree.

When did this kid become so radical?

However, what he didn't expect was that something more radical was yet to come.

"If we want to use napalm bombs, why don't we just use throwing-type thermite bombs? Have you read the textbook? That thing is not complicated either."

"Look, it's not complicated, but the materials are still quite difficult, and the launcher is also very particular."

"No, let me interrupt first. How much explosive is needed to blow up a radius of 100 meters at once?"

"That would probably require a truckload of ammonium nitrate."

“Can I buy a truckload of ammonium nitrate?”

"You can't even transport it in after buying it!"

"I also have a way to solve the problems of delivery and destruction at the same time."

"What can I do?"

"Let's go to Jingdong to rent a small cargo plane - doesn't Jingdong have a small sightseeing plane?"

"There isn't one in Jingdong, it has to be in Mandalay. It's hard to rent a small plane. The procedures are very complicated. We can't even rent one in our status."

"But you said this, I have a new idea, it's quick and easy to use - get a hot air balloon. Over there in Bangkang, doesn't the weather forecast bureau have weather hot air balloons? Let's get a few more. It should be able to carry a small half-ton thermite bomb."

Chen Chen stood aside stunned. He looked at Shi Dakai and asked:

"Their theoretical study was organized by you?"

Shi Dakai nodded silently and asked:

"The effect is not bad, right?"


Is this good?

I'm asking you to learn special operations. How about you? No one wants to fight in? !

Is everyone really going to have a blast? !

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