I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 224 Anyway, let’s burn it before we talk about it

The discussion is still going on. There are many strategies proposed by everyone, but each strategy actually focuses on the same idea, that is, heavy firepower to destroy.

This is indeed the most common idea in urban combat. Otherwise, there would not have been such extreme examples as Li Mei's fire attack and the little boy's barbecue.

Using "non-contact" means to kill the enemy's active forces, and then sending light infantry to finish after confirming safety, is undoubtedly the safest method.

However, the safest does not mean the most commonly used.

Because of this type of method, the requirements for equipment level and firepower saturation are too high.

In most cases, urban combat will continue in a step-by-step manner.

And generally speaking, this approach involves several steps.

First, use superior force to cut off and isolate the target city's external connections.

Then, clear the periphery of the target city and establish a reliable attack starting position.

Immediately afterwards, the key points of the target city were purposefully captured to separate the city from the enemy's rear troops.

Finally, concentrate superior forces to gradually annihilate the remaining divided enemy forces.

Logically speaking, Chen Chen can also be this big.

Because although the number of enemies is large and the level of armed forces is high, since most of the armed personnel are mercenaries, the will to fight cannot be too strong.

But the problem is that he has too few manpower at his disposal. When an effective encirclement cannot be formed, the enemy has much more room for maneuver than his own.

At that time, it will not be the enemy but ourselves who will be "concentrated to annihilate" by "concentrating superior forces."

Chen Chen frowned. He really began to seriously consider the team member's plan of "getting a truckload of ammonium nitrate to blow the target area into pieces."

But whether it is raw material procurement, explosive manufacturing or explosive delivery, it is a very difficult problem.

If it doesn't work, ask someone else.

It's too far from Mengka, but if we transfer some people from Peng Deren, it's not difficult in theory.

Although these people lack urban combat experience and basic combat qualities, they can still play a big role when used to fill in lines.



If you are just cannon fodder who needs to fill in the lines, why do you have to use someone to fill them in?

The real function of cannon fodder is to consume the enemy's firepower resources and force the enemy to mobilize manpower to deal with it, thereby breaking the balance of power between the two sides in a small area, allowing the commander to easily divide the battlefield, and form a local situation where more attacks are less, and the superiors attack the inferiors.

So in theory, as long as the same goal can be achieved, the use of cannon fodder is considered qualified.

In urban combat, especially modern urban combat, there are still many equipment and tactics that can achieve the same purpose.

Among them, unmanned equipment is the most typical scenario, but in addition to unmanned equipment, tactics such as heavy fire suppression, air unit alert, and comprehensive electromagnetic interference are also quite effective.

Of course, the Dongfeng Corps does not have these things, but there is no doubt that the Dongfeng Corps can use replacement tactics.

Chen Chen looked at the combat map again and began to carefully study the terrain of the target area from another angle.

The building area controlled by the Shadow Corps is a trapezoid about 200 meters long and 150 meters wide. It is surrounded by the city's main roads and has three roads running through it. The entire area is divided into three rectangular defense areas from west to east. .

Theoretically, no matter which direction one launches an attack from, the opponent can use urban roads to quickly move and then rely on dense buildings to organize an effective defense.

But what if one's own side can use some means to eliminate the opponent's rapid support ability?

You don’t need to interrupt for too long, but only need to hold on for a few minutes. Your team of 20 people can complete a rapid breakthrough in the rapidly shrinking urban area. Prioritize one area, occupy the favorable terrain, and form a starting position for combat, and then rely on The firepower advantage gradually erodes, swallowing up the entire area bit by bit.

This definitely won't be difficult.

On the map, there are only 12 buildings in the easternmost area, 5 of which are ordinary brick and wood structures. They don't need to be broken through. One thermite grenade can complete the cleaning.

There are 7 other reinforced concrete structures in the building. Cloud bombs can be used to blast two of the key buildings, and squad CQB tactics can be used to clear the remaining buildings.

In terms of numbers, they were just enough to attack all buildings simultaneously, without being besieged or being attacked from both sides.

very perfect.

Then the only problem is how to achieve the goal of "eliminating the enemy's rapid support capabilities".

Chen Chen didn't have a good idea at the moment, so he just threw the question out.

The team members who had just been thinking about getting some equipment to blow up the entire area instantly felt that the difficulty had been reduced by several levels, and even the proposed plan became much more reliable.

"Is it possible to separate smoke? Smoke plus thermite grenades? We have delivery methods that can guarantee coverage within a certain range."

"No, the smoke segmentation can only block it for a short time. The Shadow Corps is on the opposite side. It is impossible for them to not have thermal imaging equipment and they will not be able to wait until we finish cleaning up and establish a defense line."

"Where's the fire attack?"

"Without the conditions for a fire attack, large equipment and vehicles cannot enter. If there are, they will be covered directly. What we need are weapons that can be prepared to launch an attack in a short period of time, because the longer the time is delayed, the more preparations the opponent will make. The more sufficient it is, the less likely it is to penetrate."

"Actually, to be honest, there is a very simple way. Just pay a group of people to break in - they can't massacre civilians casually, or if they really shoot, then we don't need to shoot them."

"Don't say that."

Chen Chen quickly interrupted the team member who was speaking, because he knew that although this plan seemed reasonable, it was equivalent to grabbing shit with his bare hands and throwing it at the enemy.

The enemy is ruined, but what about you?

After hearing Chen Chen's words, the man also smiled apologetically and said:

"I'm sorry, captain, I haven't caught up on my previous habits, but I do have a way to completely cut off the connection between the three areas."

"any solution?"

Chen Chen asked immediately.

After thinking for a moment, the man answered:

"The layout of Banglong is different from other places. This city was not a naturally formed settlement from the beginning."

"It was originally a piece of farmland - a farmland dedicated to growing poppies."

"Moreover, the management is very, very professional."

"So, this leads to its urban layout being different from other places. Its buildings look messy, but in fact the roads are very straight."

"The reason is simple. These roads were originally used to divide poppy fields."

"So you see, the buildings throughout Banlon are distributed in blocks."

Chen Chen looked at the map in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, he discovered details that he had not noticed before, or that he had noticed but subconsciously ignored.

That is, all the streets in Banglong are basically distributed horizontally and vertically from north to south and east to west.

The streets are straight.

And it's straight, which means

"That means if we fire a shell from south to north, it can fly all the way down the street to the other side."

"I'm thinking, if we can develop some kind of throwing weapon that can evenly scatter a string of explosives or a string of incendiary bombs on the street. Can we use this street to completely separate the enemy?"

Damn it?

What kind of engineer mine-clearing and obstacle-clearing blasting rope? !

Don't tell me, this idea is really feasible

The principle of the blasting rope is actually very simple. A rope is filled with gunpowder and explosives, and is thrown using rockets. The blasting rope is evenly distributed in a long area of ​​several hundred meters in front, and then detonated with the help of a delayed fuse.

What if the gunpowder in the blasting cord could be replaced with thermite?

Yes, a blasting cord only needs less than two hundred meters in length, and only one can completely block the entire street.

Moreover, the manufacture of this thing is not troublesome. To be honest, even if there are no rockets, a throw-type launcher can be used.

Because there is no need to make it too thick. Unlike the real explosive blasting rope, the flammable blasting rope can be dismantled.

If it is broken into several pieces and fired separately, the power will not be affected at all.


Or, optimize it again.

You have to open your mind and realize that the launch of this thing doesn't have to be in the "air" at all.

As the mercenary named Mouse said, the streets of Banglong are very, very straight.

And straight streets mean straight sewers.

Yeah, I can't put liquid fuel in it because it could blow up an entire city and turn a special operations operation into an airstrike.

but if.

What if I just try to use a thin line to cross the street that runs through the target area, and then pull the thin line a few hundred meters away to pull the explosive within the predetermined range?

Is this idea too far-fetched?

not at all! !

In May 2007, a Strike armored vehicle in the United States was blown up beyond recognition by a roadside bomb. The investigation team responsible for the investigation failed to find out what the problem was for half a month. Finally, they discovered that the source of the explosion was not something else. "Roadside bomb", but "sewer bomb"!

The local militants used a simple rope device to pull the explosives to a predetermined location from a distance of several hundred meters, and then used the pipeline structure at the predetermined location to guide the shock wave and high-temperature fuel along the pipeline structure directly to the bottom of the armored vehicle, giving Natex Terek launched a unique bottom-piercing attack.

Since there are successful cases, you can't blame me.

What a joke, if the Kurds can do it, I can’t? !

Chen Chen's thoughts broadened instantly.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Your idea is very good. Although it is a bit rudimentary, the key information you provided really gave us a very pioneering idea."

"Let me ask, if you want to put a line through the sewer without being detected, what is the best way?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone immediately understood what Chen Chen was thinking.

"Are we going to plant an explosive device through the sewers?"

The mouse's eyes immediately lit up, because he knew that this thing really had something going on.

Anyway, the purpose is to divide the battlefield, not to invade people's houses. The path that the sewer passes through is indeed enough to cover the required range!

The spirit is coming.

He couldn't wait to speak and said:

"We could just use rats - I don't mean me, I mean just use live rats tied with string and run through them."

"No, the controllability is too low. Who knows where the mice will get out? If the plan is exposed, there is no need to play."

"Is the sewer in Banglong smooth? Can it be towed directly with floating objects?"

"It's possible, but further reconnaissance is needed. Quickly inform Banty and the others to take a look. There is no need to go to the target area, just take a look around!"

"There has to be a backup plan, and on the other hand, fuel has to be reconsidered."

"The 'delivery volume' of this plan is too small, which means we have to get some other fuel."

"It feels like we're running out of thermite fuel. Is there anything else we can use?"

"Napalm doesn't work?"

"Napalm bombs can be used without blasting. We need to build a wall of fire. It needs to be super hot and have a super wide area."

"Then throw it out there."

Chen Chen interrupted their discussion and then said:

"We only need the flames to burn for a few minutes, and since both sides are enemy-occupied areas, there is no need to consider civilian casualties."

"Napalm was really the perfect choice."

"Hermetic thermite core, viscous napalm fuel envelope."

"It was thrown by one explosion and ignited by the second explosion."

"That means that what we have to do next is quite clear."

After pondering for a moment, Chen Chen said:

"Baigou, try to get some Styrofoam XX. Do you know what it is? It's XXX, you know? Just go to the supermarket and buy it. It's available everywhere!"

"No rubber?"

Bai Gou asked doubtfully.

"That thing needs to be heated accurately. If we can't do it, just use what I say."

"Understood. Where's the gasoline? How much do you need?"

"Let's try a few barrels first. If it works well, we can make more."

Having said this, Chen Chen paused for a moment, and then continued:

"In addition, we need to purchase a batch of soft rubber pipes. The diameter should be slightly larger, but it must be able to pass through the sewer."

"At the same time, we also have to make a batch of blasting and throwing devices. I thought about it and found that this thing is the most complicated because we have to open the entire sewer."

"The specific plan will wait until the investigation team reports back on the situation in the sewers. However, basically, our plan is already feasible."


Everyone answered together, and soon, the tasks were broken down layer by layer and executed layer by layer.

Two days later, all the information and equipment were ready.

The Shadow Corps did not react at all, they were still strengthening their defense.

Several new watchtowers were set up higher up, and their reconnaissance and warning range was further expanded.

But they got one thing wrong:

Their enemies come not from the air, nor from the ground, but from underground.

Looking at the "burning rope" that had been assembled in front of him, Chen Chen took a deep breath and nodded with satisfaction.

The size of this thing is really not that big.

After being split, it can even be worn around your waist and carried inside.

And when they are assembled, what will be triggered will be a violent underground fire.

Is this the first time the Dongfeng Corps has set fire?

Chen Chen has lost count.

But it seems that every time I set a fire, there will be new tricks?

If this continues, it will be time to add bitterness and sourness next time.

who cares?


Beat the ass!

When we fight, we just burn, burn, burn, and then we’ll talk about it after it’s burned!

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