"So, attacking the Mengyang Reservoir can actually lead to so many things?"

In the combat command room, the core members of the Dongfeng Corps sat together again, and after listening to Chen Chen's briefing, Shi Dakai couldn't help but be the first to ask his own questions.

Chen Chen shook his head slightly and explained:

"In fact, to be precise, the Mengyang Reservoir operation was not just an ordinary point-grabbing operation."

"When I first talked with Bao Xiaomei, she used the trend of 'decentralized drug production' as an introduction."

"It should be said that we didn't find out it was a big deal until we were about to fight. It's just that it was an important but not urgent matter, and it was finally put on the agenda."


Shi Dakai nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to ask:

"So what's going on with the undercover thing? Is the confirmation reliable?"

“It’s not necessarily reliable, and it’s even risky.”

Chen Chen replied seriously:

"Xiaoyu reminded me before that the Bao family's actions against the so-called 'decentralized drug manufacturing' factory have nothing to do with the north. In fact, this is also the case. Even if the Wa State wants to ban drugs, it is impossible to spend so much money directly on drug traffickers. We have an undercover agent in the team.”

"This is a very high-cost, very high-risk operation."

"It is very likely that they are trying to achieve some special purpose, and this purpose must use the Mengyang Reservoir as the entry point."

"We don't know what they want. In fact, we don't care. Because we do have the same direction as them in our actions."

"Destroy the Mengyang Reservoir and rescue the people they want. Then we can get the support of the Wa State and officially establish the Huamei Cleaning Company."

"This is a huge benefit, no matter what, it is worth our special trip."

"In addition, the drug dealers in Mengyang Reservoir are also related to the previous operation of the Banglong Shadow Corps against Huamei Trading Company. We still have to complete the final finishing work."

At this point, everyone understood what Chen Chen meant.

This operation will be a rare and pure mercenary mission in a long time.

At least that's how it seems on the surface.

As a result, everyone no longer had any objections, and Chen Chen began to brief everyone on the specific mission plan.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be this briefing.

Nothing good to say.

As we all know, the reason why drug traffickers and drug production bases are difficult to destroy is most of the time not because of how tight their defenses are or how powerful their firepower is. The most important thing is that they are concealed.

But now that the location of the Mengyang Reservoir drug manufacturing base has been completely exposed, what else is there to say?

Capturing talents requires careful planning, and the Dongfeng Corps is only responsible for clearing the ground with firepower.

".So, our basic strategy is to fire a 120-mm mortar shell at the drug manufacturing base in Hexinzhou, Mengyang Reservoir, at a distance of about two kilometers."

"According to intelligence, there are only a few simple shacks and brick and wood structures in the entire drug manufacturing base, clustered in an open space of about 50 meters in radius."

"This killing radius can basically be completely covered by the range of 120 mortar shells."

"After one shot, the opponent should have few moving targets left."

"Then we will use the 107 rocket launcher for another round of fire coverage, firing 9 rocket launchers to eliminate the enemies that were not eliminated in the first round of artillery."

"Finally, our commando team will go out to the starting point at the edge of the reservoir, take the speedboat provided by the Wa State and board the Hexinzhou Island for the final finishing touches."

"The entire operation will last five minutes, and we will evacuate quickly after completing the mission."

"How's it going? Are there any questions?"

"I have a question."

Bai Gou raised his hand and asked with some confusion:

"The M120 mortar shell costs 10,000 US dollars per round, and the 107-fire rocket currently costs 2,700 US dollars. Our trip is close to 40,000 US dollars. Bao Xiaomei only gives a commission of 100,000 US dollars, based on operating expenses. In terms of proportion, isn’t that a pure loss?”

Chen Chen looked at Bai Gou blankly, and then realized that he had indeed not considered this issue.

Although compared to the Dongfeng Corps' current operating expenses of 13 million U.S. dollars and his own personal savings of nearly 9 million U.S. dollars, this is indeed a small number.

But in business, you can’t lose money.

So, Chen Chen nodded in agreement and asked:

"Do you mean we need to reduce the amount of equipment used? This is not easy to operate."

"No, I mean, Bao Xiaomei has to pay more."

Bai Gou bit the word "add money" very hard. Looking at his serious expression, Chen Chen couldn't help but smile.

It seems that just over half a year ago, Bai Gou was still a "little player" who would tremble in front of Bao Xiaomei, but now he actually started bargaining, trying to steal Bao Xiaomei's wool.

I have to say, the progress is quite rapid.

"It does make sense."

Shi Dakai nodded with deep understanding, and then said:

"The price of 100,000 US dollars was set a long time ago. At that time, we were relatively junior in terms of scale, equipment level and influence, so getting 100,000 US dollars was almost enough."

"But now, the Dongfeng Corps is no longer the Dongfeng Corps of the past."

"If you really only offer 100,000 US dollars, it would be a bit disrespectful."

"Of course, I understand that the main purpose of this mission is not to make money, but to gain a trusting relationship with the Wa State."

"But no matter what, let's increase it a little, at least to the extent that we don't lose money."

"No problem, I'll go talk to Bao Xiaomei."

Chen Chen nodded decisively. After the pre-war briefing meeting, he successfully called Bao Xiaomei and successfully increased the remuneration to 500,000 US dollars.

Now it's basically reasonable

The issues of "whether it can be fought" and "how to fight" have been basically solved. Next, the Dongfeng Corps began to prepare equipment and personnel non-stop.

Although it was the core group that participated in the discussion, Chen Chenzhen did not intend to rely on a few "experienced people" to rush to the front line every time.

So this time, he only sent out a total of 3 reduced teams with a total of 12 people, and almost all of them were "new faces."

The only old people are him and Bai Gou, who are responsible for leading the team and operating the remote support weapons.

As for Li Bang, Shi Dakai, Bao Qi and others, they were left at the base and were responsible for training and other daily operations.

The first group of people that Lao Zhu is looking for have been brought in, and someone needs to be interviewed and assessed.

And Shi Dakai and Bao Qi are just qualified for this job.

With the internal and external affairs plans in place, Chen Chen did not hesitate and summoned all the team members who were scheduled to participate in the operation and asked Bai Gou to do the pre-war mobilization on his behalf.

Bai Gou, on the other hand, walked up to the crowd with dignity and performed a combination of "take a break" + "tell me", which made Chen Chenmeng return to his previous life.

He looked at Bai Gou's face and inexplicably felt that red light was emanating from his dark face.

No matter what, the team's energy and fighting spirit were still very high. When Bai Gou loudly asked "Do you have confidence?" and everyone answered "Yes! Yes! Yes!", Chen Chen really felt this. The team gradually formed a cohesion.

So, he did not stop the white dog, but after his lecture, he followed everyone in the car and set off, heading all the way to the target location along the Mengyang Highway.

This time, due to the participation of the Wa State, the intelligence preparation was quite sufficient, and even the layout of the camp was clear, but this did not make Chen Chen relax his vigilance.

According to his plan, after arriving near the Mengyang Reservoir, he will first arrange a close reconnaissance to confirm the accuracy of the intelligence, and then start the battle according to the predetermined battle plan.

There are still 8 hours left, and the end of the drug dealers in Mengyang Reservoir is approaching.

At the same time, in Mengyang Reservoir.

Jiang He is making the final preparations. He knows that on this seemingly ordinary day, these "brothers" around him will usher in the final doom.

They were being targeted, and it was said that they were being targeted by a team that was ruthless and never showed mercy.

No enemy has ever escaped alive from that team. Even a powerful one like Nuokang was found dead in the wilderness, with half of his face eaten away by mountain rats when he found it.

Therefore, Jiang He had no doubts about the success of the operation. The only thing he wanted to do was to run as far away as possible when the scheduled time came, so far that it was absolutely impossible to be affected.

Looking at the "sinners" who were still busy manufacturing drugs in the factory, Jiang He couldn't help but feel a bit of the joy of "revenge" in his heart.

He has been waiting for this day for too long.

In fact, if I really want to care about it, I don't actually have many noble thoughts.

From the very beginning when he broke into the drug traffickers led by Hua Qin in Mengyang Reservoir as a "chemistry teacher", what he wanted to do was very clear, which was to gain their trust and obtain enough intelligence. Then hand over this information to the Wa State and other forces, and use their power to wipe out this group of drug traffickers.


No, this is not justice, because he is not for drug control at all.

Even at the beginning, the partner he cooperated with was not from the Wa State, but another drug dealer named Xuan Ruanlong from Huayxay.

He made a request for cooperation to Xuan Ruanlong, analyzed to him the impact that the large-scale development of this new drug might have on his business, and gained Xuan Ruanlong's trust and the opportunity to cooperate.

Unfortunately, not long after the undercover operation was carried out, the contact between himself and Xuan Ruanlong was severed.

I don’t know what kind of warning or threat the biggest drug dealer besides Nuokang received. In short, he stopped contacting me and all the conveniences he provided disappeared.

I have to say, it was a difficult time.

Jiang He was almost killed by Hua Qin because of this, but fortunately, using his professional knowledge, Hua Qin realized his value again.

Change the formula of horse medicine (Ephedra), introduce advanced purity analysis equipment, formulate a standardized drug production process, and find new chemical raw materials to replace traditional Ephedra.

The cost has been reduced, the quality has been improved, and the safety has been even higher.

Hua Qin made a lot of money and sold a lot of drugs, and his trust in Jiang He also increased.

This kind of trust is very bitter. Jiang He knows that his trust in Hua Qin was actually earned by lives "cannibalized by drugs" one after another.

But, he doesn't care.

He just wants revenge.

He was lying on the bed, holding in his hand a photo whose edges had been touched and faded, and his eyes radiated surging murderous intent.

There is a girl in the photo.

A girl who doesn't look very young, but already has a vague "girlish temperament".

Of course this girl was his daughter, and of course she was already dead.

In fact, in this land, this kind of thing is really not that "rare".

What Jiang He really couldn't accept was the way she died and the way the murderers dealt with it.

She was just playing by the river for a while when a stray bullet inexplicably got into her brain.

When he arrived, most of her brain had been taken away by the river water.

At that time, I jumped into the water like a madman to retrieve the white brain tissue that was floating in the backwater bay, and put it into the skull that had been completely opened. It seemed that if I did this, my daughter would survive. Same as coming here.

But of course this is impossible.

She is dead after all.

From the front, it looks like she is asleep.

But from behind, it looks empty.

Jiang He let out a long breath, and at this moment, the man named Hua Qin opened the door and walked in.

But he just glanced at the other person lazily, and his eyes returned to the photo again.

"Still looking at your niece's photos?"

Hua Qin sat on a chair nearby and asked in a gentle tone.

"Well, if she hadn't died, she would be in high school by now."

These words choked back what Hua Qin was about to say. He was silent for several seconds before he spoke:

"We are all dead, so we can only mourn and accept the changes."

"I told you when you first came here. This kind of thing is very common. You want to take revenge, but now Nuokang has been killed, and not one of his people is left. What do you say? , Who are you looking for revenge on?"

"Listen to my advice, brother, and make money."

"If there is a real chance in the future, if you help us become bigger, we will find a way to find the murderer."

"I promise, I will definitely dig out their hearts and put them in front of you."

"You treat your brother so deeply, and he will never treat you badly."

Hearing his words, Jiang He nodded noncommittally, and then asked:

"What do you want from me?"

Hua Qin scratched his head and replied:

"Actually, it's nothing serious. If you're in a bad mood, forget it. I originally planned to ask you to have a drink together tonight, but we haven't relaxed for a long time."

"You guys drink."

Jiang He waved his hand and ignored Hua Qin.

At this moment, he felt that his "luck" had finally arrived.

The time, place and people are favorable.

This drug manufacturing den must be destroyed.

After this den is eliminated, he can escape smoothly and take the information he has mastered to do bigger things.


He's not a target, he's just a springboard.

His real target is Camp Pamang, Thailand, and the "serious people" who control the entire Golden Triangle criminal network in a sanctimonious manner.

Hua Qin, Hua Qin.

Do you know how long it took me to find a gang that calls "hemp fruit" "horse medicine"? (Note 1)

You are going to die today.

Don’t blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame me, blame you for being with the wrong person.——

Note 1: Horse medicine is a transliteration of Thai. It is common in the Golden Triangle but not in northern Myanmar, which proves the relationship behind the drug traffickers in Mengyang Reservoir.

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