I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 231 Just crushing the game

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Dongfeng Corps had arrived at the No. 1 assembly point near the Mengyang Reservoir, which was also the location of the scheduled artillery position.

This location is 1,800 meters away from Mengyang Reservoir Hexinzhou in a straight line. There are no obstacles in the middle. Whether using mortars or rocket launchers, you can get a good angle and range of fire.

What's more important is that this place is inaccessible, and the Dongfeng Corps can clear obstacles and prepare positions unscrupulously.

After they made all preparations and calibrated the pointing of mortars and rocket launchers for the last time, the time only reached nine o'clock.

Chen Chen lay on the ground and gave the command to the assault team to move forward and hide in Position 2 near the jungle on the edge of the reservoir.

Everyone took action, but he stayed in place with White Dog, quietly monitoring the movements of the camp through recon III.

"The location chosen by these drug dealers is really good. In a place like Hexinzhou, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend. It seems to be isolated and helpless, but as long as you prepare two boats, if someone comes, you can open the boat. If they circle around the reservoir and then dive into the jungle on the edge, even gods can't catch them."

"Our long-range fire strike plan may be the only effective plan, but there are not many teams in Pubei that can launch artillery attacks outside their warning range."

"No wonder the Wa State doesn't take action. They really don't have the ability."

The white dog sighed loudly, while Chen Chen shook his head and denied:

"The United Wa State Army is much stronger than you think. It's not that they don't have this strength, but they have to consider the impacts from many aspects and cannot rush ahead by themselves."

"Let's put it this way, we are most likely to act as the 'famous V' again."

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, if you offend us, the consequences will be the same as if you offend v."

Hearing this, Bai Gou nodded thoughtfully and stopped talking. A moment later, feedback came from the two people's headphones that the assault team had arrived at the scheduled departure position and found the target speedboat.

It was fast and it took less than 20 minutes to cover the distance of 600 meters.

You know, this is 20 minutes in jungle terrain.

It can be seen that Lin He's familiarity with the jungle is really irreplaceable in many cases. As long as he is around, Chen Chen will never regard jungle maneuvering as a problem.

After the assault team was deployed, Lin He continued to move forward, bypassing a distance of nearly 4 kilometers to the east bank of the reservoir, and conducted reconnaissance from a relatively close position.

The situation has indeed not changed, and all the information is exactly the same as what Bao Xiaomei provided.

This means that the intelligence green light is on.

Lin He retreated to the starting position. With all combatants deployed, the mission entered the most boring and longest stage in terms of perception.

That's waiting.

According to the plan agreed with Bao Xiaomei, this attack will be launched on time at 11 o'clock. Before the attack, the informant Bao Xiaomei said will leave the central area of ​​​​Hexinzhou and find a way to retreat to the edge of the island. Here, to avoid the explosion damage of "the accuracy may not be that good".

He would be unable to send a signal or indicate the location to the Dongfeng Corps.

The only thing both parties can rely on is a simple "time signal".

Can this time signal save his life?

Chen Chen was not 100% sure.

But, it’s a gamble anyway, so it’s better to be bolder.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the lurking in the jungle gave Chen Chen a familiar illusion.

Staring at He Xinzhou with blurry lights flashing in the distance, his thoughts couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Going back a year, this is how he stared at the Wanhe Nai camp.

At that time, he only had an SVD, and he could only observe through the PSO-1 that came with the SVD.

And now, the recon III thermal imaging telescope, the M82A1 sniper, a full set of level four body armor, and the M120 mortar behind it.

The speed of equipment upgrade is really fast enough.

It's just the source. It's somewhat incorrect.

They were all stolen.

Really, if you think about it carefully, none of these things on your body were bought with money.

Even the level four body armor has been changed countless times, and now it is the interceptor provided by the Shadow Corps to its mercenaries.

Come on, if the bandits take this position, they can be regarded as beings like the ancestors.

However, fighting for money, food, and equipment sounds great, but after all, it cannot last long.

After all, the development of a mercenary group is not an open world RPG game, but more like a magic tower.

In the early stage, you can rely on fighting monsters to grab attribute points and equipment, but if you don't arrange it well and your combat effectiveness is not improved enough, you will eventually be stuck in front of a certain monster and you will never be able to move forward.

Most of the forces in this land are in this situation, but Chen Chen doesn't want to be like them.

So, it still has to be farming.

After this time, the "cleaning company" can be established. The next step is to try to solve the supply problem by ourselves.

Sure enough, entering a factory is the ultimate goal in life.

If you want to be more advanced, you can build your own factory.

Chen Chen couldn't help but have a smile on his face. He seemed to have seen the eyes of the gentlemen in the north who were so surprised that they wanted to cut themselves into slices for study when his factory built the 191.

Wait, it won’t really be sliced ​​and studied by then, right?

Forget it, forget it, don’t think so far ahead——

At this moment, the watch had reached the 10:55 position.

Chen Chen stood up, drove the shell to the muzzle of the 120-gun, and then handed the match rope to Bai Gou's hands.

"Attention all units, there is a 15-minute countdown to the operation, and the clock can be started."

"Received, watch completed. 22:55:36, 37, 40, 45"

Yang Shu's answer came over the radio. Chen Chen once again raised his telescope to look at Hexinzhou in the distance. At this moment, an extremely blurry figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

The figure flashed out of the woods in Hexinzhou, and finally stopped by the river in Hexinzhou.

Immediately afterwards, two other figures appeared beside him. After staying for a while, they turned around and returned to the center of Hexinzhou.

There is no doubt that this must be the undercover that Bao Xiaomei mentioned.

All the conditions were met, Chen Chen did not hesitate anymore and ordered:

"The assault team sets off!"


When the number on the watch jumped to 22:00, he pressed the fire button of 107 fire.

At the same time, White Dog also pulled the 120-force match rope.

Nine rockets came out of the gun like nine fire dragons, followed closely by the scream of heavy mortar shells.

Seconds later, the mortar shell hit the ground.

The fire flashed away, and several seconds passed before Chen Chen heard the explosion in the distance.

He knew that everything was actually over.

Jiang He soaked in the water blankly. He couldn't understand at all that this so-called "attack" was actually launched in this form.

He thought that the team would rush over in a speedboat, with machine guns mounted on the speedboat and fired at the island. The drug dealers on the island kept raising their guns to fight back, and were knocked down one by one by the machine guns.

During the process, the attacking party may encounter casualties, but they will definitely rely on their superb fighting qualities and firm will to reach the island. Then a team of people will rush to their side and press their heads to cover their evacuation. Others wore night vision goggles and threw smoke bombs and continued to move forward until all other moving targets were wiped out.

Isn’t that how it’s done in Hollywood movies?

To take a step back, aren’t the anti-drug operations that I saw in the news played out like this?


What the hell is going on now?

Along with a sharp whistling sound, his ears suddenly became deaf.

Then, under the huge shock wave, his chest felt like being hit hard by a huge boulder, making his lungs shrink into a ball.

This kind of pain is something I have never experienced before - or in fact, I have experienced it.

When my daughter died, I felt like my heart was shrinking.

But that feeling was more psychological, and now... it's fucking real!

His heart beat extremely hard, and Jiang He felt like he couldn't breathe evenly.

He saw someone running in his direction, but the person fell to the ground before he could run a few steps.

Jiang He was really scared, but this was not the end.

From the other side of the reservoir, several fire dragons rushed over with unstoppable power, and then fell straight onto the island.

That's a rocket.

Jiang He spit out the water that filled his mouth. He felt that his mouth smelled like rust.

Maybe he was vomiting blood.

However, vomiting blood is better than dying.

The entire island was almost completely covered, and those fragile buildings had long been turned into powder.

The unlucky guy who fell not far in front of him just now was hit again by a rocket as if he was the chosen one. After the explosion, his body turned into blood mist and scattered in the air.

Is this battle a bit too big? ?

Jiang He felt that he was completely confused. He was even so confused that when the speedboat stopped next to him, he could not react by "raising his hands and surrendering".

But fortunately, the other party seemed to have recognized his identity a long time ago. The person leading the team just pointed the gun at his head and did not shoot him to death.

"Are you Jiang He?"

The man asked.

"I I am."

"Leader, I am Yang Shu, the target is safe, ready to start cleaning up the entire island."



After a short conversation, Yang Shu turned to Jiang He again and said:

"Wait here."

"Shortfoot, Rat Alert, the others will clean up with me."

"Group 1 has taken control of the pier and is advancing from east to west."

"Pay attention to the identification of friend and foe, and pay attention to refilling the gun."

"There are 4 cellars in total. Do not use thermite bombs, use grenades."


Everyone answered again, and after leaving two people behind, everyone in the second group, including Yang Shu, set off immediately.

The moment they turned around, Jiang He suddenly stood up from the water and asked in a panic:


"There are only .4 of you?"

Yang Shu paused and replied:

"Fight them, four people are enough."

Intermittent gunshots continued to sound, and Hua Qin's "death struggle" that Jiang He expected did not appear at all.

The whole battle was carried out quickly and cleanly, and he even felt that it was not fighting, but cleaning.

After the last gunshot, the entire Hexinzhou fell into silence.

After a few more minutes, the two people on alert received the order and brought Jiang He to the camp.

It wasn't until this moment that Jiang He really saw the situation in the camp.

There is an obvious crater in the center of the camp in the north. The soil around the crater has been completely turned over and is so soft that it looks like it has been carefully plowed. Food can be grown by just spreading seeds.

There were corpses lying scattered on the ground, and the place where the corpses were the densest was the "party hall" in the camp.

Those people were probably still drinking, and then suddenly, the wine glasses in their hands shattered into powder.

Immediately afterwards, their fragile internal organs were shattered into powder


Looking at this hell-like scene, Jiang He's body was shaking involuntarily.

But the men around him didn't seem to have any mood swings. They just stood indifferently where they should be, patrolling the surroundings vigilantly.

"After counting, there are 20 corpses in total. The intelligence says there are 21 people. It should be complete."

"Can you confirm one last time, which one is the leader?"

Hearing Yang Shu's question, Jiang He nodded quickly, and then checked carefully with the light of the opponent's muzzle tactical flashlight.

It only took him two minutes to find the naked Hua Qin. His face was completely distorted, his chest was cut open by shrapnel, and under the neatly broken ribs, there was a heart that no longer beat.

Jiang He suddenly felt a little ironic.

This man always said that he would take out other people's hearts and minds, and now, his heart and soul has really been taken out.

"This is it, Hua Qin."

Jiang He pointed at his body and said.

"Are you sure there is no one else? Don't try to hide it. If we find any details that are inconsistent with the information you said, you will never survive tonight."

"No matter who you are, we don't care, understand?"


Jiang He took a deep breath and said firmly:

"There will definitely be no one else, there are only 21 people here, including me!"

"If you can still find a second person, I dare to pay for your life!"

"So confident?"

Yang Shu asked in surprise.


Jiang He nodded firmly and replied:

"I didn't make any mistakes."

"One mistake and I'm dead."

Half an hour later, after Yang Shu led a team to conduct a net investigation on this Hexinzhou, which was not too big in the first place, Chen Chen landed on the island with the help of a speedboat.

He was quite satisfied with the process and results of this operation - after all, no one on his side was injured, and not even many bullets were fired.

According to Yang Shu's feedback, after two rounds of bombings, the drug dealers in the camp were already dead. The only thing they did after landing was to carry out an inspection of all the drug dealers and their corpses who were still struggling. Refill the gun.

The lethality of the 120mm mortar in relatively open terrain is quite amazing, and the 107mm mortar is even more cost-effective as a supplement.

These two things are really powerful tools for attacking cities. It seems that after the company is established, the first thing to do is to get more artillery shells.

Seeing Chen Chen walking into the camp, Yang Shu quickly greeted him, stood at attention and reported:

"Captain, everything has been cleared."

“Not a lot of loot was found – but there was some cash.”

"The preliminary interrogation has been completed."

“According to the informant’s account, this drug manufacturing base is the most important of Big Boss’s several bases and is of a ‘factory nature’.”

"The real 'sales place' is in Mengyang City."

"However, the main boss is indeed dead. Their stronghold in the city should be empty now, and they can be picked up later!"

Chen Chen nodded approvingly and said:

"Well done, I'll give you a bonus when I get back."

Then, he looked at Jiang He and asked:

"Are you Jiang He?"

Jiang He was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously imitated Yang Shu's movements and stood upright.

"Sir! My name is Jiang He! I want to have sex with you!"

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