I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 232 Fulfilling the Promise

Jiang He's words immediately confused Chen Chen.

What do you mean you want to have sex with me?

Aren't you from Bao Xiaomei? What's going on with me? Can she agree?

To take a step back, you didn’t even make it clear who you are, and yet you said you wanted to have sex with me. Are you taking yourself too seriously?

The man named Ning Ming performed so well on the battlefield, but in the end he was "let go" because there were too many doubts about his identity.

And Jianghe.

Obviously, his background is more complicated, so complicated that Chen Chen can't believe him at all.

Therefore, compared to Jiang He's enthusiasm, Chen Chen acted much colder.

He just smiled and shook his head and replied:

"We don't accept everyone. If you help Miss Bao do things, then just follow her in peace."

"Don't worry, she won't treat you badly, us"

"Sir, I am not Miss Bao's person!"

An anxious look appeared on Jiang He's face. At this time, he knew better than ever that his biggest opportunity for revenge was right in front of him.

Such fighting qualities, such professionalism

Plus the legends about them that I had heard before.

There is no doubt that if there is an organization that can help him achieve his ultimate goal, it will definitely not be Xuan Ruanlong or the Wa State, but only them!

If you can't seize the opportunity this time, you may regret it for the rest of your life!

So, he quickly continued to speak:

"Sir, I'm not an undercover agent. I don't know what Bao Xiaomei told you, but I'm definitely not their undercover agent!"

"I'm not here to deal with these drug dealers, I'm not here to get rid of them, I'm here to take revenge!"

"My enemies are not these little minions, my enemies are Bansili, Suchabasak,..."

"you shut up!"

Chen Chen slapped Jiang He on the face. He was simply stunned by this man's desperate speech.

What does it mean that your enemy is Bansiri, and what does it mean that your enemy is Sucha Basak?

A deputy superintendent and a commander-in-chief of the Third Military Region.

Even if you don't want your life, there are still people here who want their lives, okay?

Jiang He's reason was knocked back by this slap. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked into Chen Chen's eyes again.

"Sir, I was wrong."

"But, I really need you, I can't. We can find another occasion to talk about some things, but, please, we must talk!"

With a "bang", Jiang He knelt straight on the ground.

Chen Chen motioned to Lin He who was standing aside to pull him up, but even Lin He, who had become much stronger after long-term training, could not pull him up.

"Sir, give me a chance."

"I have a lot of information in my hand, a lot of first-hand information that you will never get."

"I was trusted by Hua Qin and I made a lot of drugs for him."

"I improved their method, and now the whole Pubei is using my method. They believe in me, and their big boss also believes in me. Give me a chance, and I can definitely give you what you want!"

"I'm not a drug dealer, I really am not a drug dealer! I don't want to sell drugs either. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I have a way to make up for it!"

"Give me a chance, give me a chance"

Jiang He's head was already bleeding on the ground. He was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

Chen Chen was a little baffled by the scene in front of him, but he did clearly feel that there were really many secrets in this person.

There is absolutely no way he is Bao Xiaomei's person, but whose person is he?

To be honest, just based on the two names he just said, he is already dead.

But the question is, how did he get these two names?

Chen Chen's brows slowly wrinkled. After hesitating for a long time, he finally said:

"The others are off guard. I need to talk to him alone."

As a result, everyone dispersed voluntarily, and when only Chen Chen was left standing in front of Jiang He, he finally stopped kowtowing.

Blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, down the bridge of his nose and into his mouth.

His teeth had been stained red, and his whole person looked particularly ferocious and terrifying.

"How did you get those two names? Why are they your enemies?"

Chen Chen asked seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang He's eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew that as long as Chen Chen was willing to ask, it meant that he had a chance.

So, he immediately replied:

"I am a businessman, and I was originally a very big businessman!"

“My business is very inconspicuous, but my path is broad!”

"Sir, do you know what is the most inconspicuous but important product in the whole of Southeast Asia? It's mosquito nets! I sell mosquito nets!"

"This kind of thing is very special. When someone started purchasing mosquito nets on a large scale, I knew something was going to happen."

"I can get a lot of information, which is a resource for me to do business!"

"I once almost monopolized all the mosquito net business in Pubei and the Golden Triangle. I owned many, many companies. I thought I had done a good enough job. But my daughter was beaten to death by them."

"I saw the people who were beaten to death by the people from Pamang Camp with my own eyes because I knew them! I knew everyone I met!"

"This is also my talent. This is my talent that allows me to grow a business from just one stall!"

"I went to find them, but they didn't admit it at all. They even wanted to beat me to death."

"I spent a lot of money, I found my own information channels, I got a lot of public information, and finally determined their identities."

"Sir, you must know what the Phamang camp did, but you definitely don't know who is behind them. I'm not talking about the brothers Prayuth and Prawit. They are too high up. I'm talking about the people below. "

"It's Bansili, it's Sucha."

"They are the real culprits who dominate the entire Golden Triangle situation. They appear to be banning drugs, but in fact they support drug traffickers, including the 505th Brigade. Do you know? That general named Zhao Jialiang, they have a base in the mountains of Chiang Rai! It was completed recently!”

"I don't know what it is for, but when they go to camp in the mountains, anyone can guess what it is for! There is a lot of information like this."

"It goes without saying."

Chen Chen stopped Jiang He.

He stared into this man's eyes, feeling one wave after another in his heart.

There is no doubt that this person cannot obtain any closed source intelligence.

And so much information can be obtained from open source intelligence

This is really a top-notch ability.

Yes, at first, he used this ability in business.

But doing business in the Golden Triangle?

The accident he described cannot really be called an "accident."

Chen Chen took a deep breath and asked:

"So what you are saying is that you are undercover in this drug dealer camp to get more evidence so that you can bring down Sucha in the future?"

"That's right, this camp is not from Pubei. They are from the Golden Triangle. Many of them are from the Tachilei side. They were originally people who split from Nuokang."

"Even the division itself is manipulated."

"There are financial backers behind them, including people from Myanmar and Thailand. At least as far as I know, they have connections with Jingdong! They also have connections with Southern Shan State!"

"No more words, shut your mouth."

Chen Chen loosened his grip on the trigger for a moment, and then asked again:

"You mean, you did all this just for revenge?"

"This reason is too ridiculous, do you think I will believe it?"

Jiang He was obviously stunned.

But then, he asked again:

"Sir, you are the Dongfeng Corps, right?"

"This place is very close to Mengka. Only you can have such fighting power."

"Some time ago, something was on the news. It was in the newspaper that you killed Bai Suocheng's whole family in order to take revenge."

"I also want to take revenge, but I don't have a gun and I don't know how to fight. I originally wanted to rely on Xuan Ruanlong's power, but he was unreliable. Later I looked for the Wa State and Miss Bao."

"Isn't this unreasonable?"

"You have already killed your enemy's entire family. I have nothing to worry about. I want to see if I can kill even one person. Isn't that unreasonable?"

Jiang He's expression of desperation revealed a hint of determination to move forward. Chen silently nodded and finally answered:


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