I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 235 Jingdong Strategy

Meng Yang's affairs were basically arranged, but Chen Chen did not return to Mengka immediately.

After determining what the Wa State wanted to do and its attitude, he had to ask Bao Xiaomei to give him a more detailed plan so that he could smoothly launch his deployment.

This discussion process did not take him too much time, after all, the issues involved were not complicated.

In a few simple words, use the evidence at hand as a guide to establish the motivation for the action and show the "justice" of the Wa's participation.

Then, use more detailed information to limit the "boundaries" of the matter, indicating that the operation only targets some "corrupt officers and drug traffickers", and try to separate the matter from the so-called "zz war" as much as possible to avoid more conflicts with Myanmar. Mass conflict.

Finally, according to the already sorted out interest chain, we will find a way to reach an agreement with the upper management of Myanmar and sort out a hidden line to "clean up the door."

In this way, the entire action is reasonable and feasible from every aspect.

It has to be said that this combination of punches is quite powerful. Even if Chen Chen looks at it from a macro-future perspective, he can't find too many faults.

But the problem is

Why does this plan look so familiar to him?

When Peng Deren took over again, didn't he follow this process?

You know, advanced experience is really being promoted everywhere. No wonder Xiaoyu didn’t come out to object.

However, Chen Chen also keenly saw a trace of disharmony in Bao Xiaomei's or Wa State's plan.

Looking at Bao Xiaomei opposite, he frowned and asked:

"So, the key to this plan is that He Bangxiong must be able to defeat the Jingdong garrison."

"Moreover, we have to quickly capture this important town that even has an airport when the 505th Brigade is likely to support Jingdong."

"Don't you think this is a bit exaggerated? He Bangxiong has less than 4,000 soldiers at full strength. The Burmese army in Jingdong has only 5,000. Although some of them are police battalions, they are still armed with guns."

"The early confrontation and siege were okay, but if we really want to carry out large-scale urban operations, isn't it sheer nonsense?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Bao Xiaomei nodded solemnly, and then said:

"That's the biggest problem we face."

"The action against Jingdong cannot be simple, it will inevitably become a protracted war."

"However, we do not intend to fight urban street battles. What we want is a city, not a piece of territory."

"So, our goal is to divide the Burmese army, cut off the connection between Kengtung and other areas, completely complete the blockade of Kengdong, and finally complete negotiations with the Burmese army on the condition of 'blockade'."

"So the one you really want to fight is still the 505th Brigade?"

Chen Chen keenly guessed Bao Xiaomei's intention - in fact, it was not that difficult to guess, it was just a classic strategy of encirclement and reinforcements.

"That's right."

Bao Xiaomei nodded and continued:

"Siege, blockade, small-scale annihilation, and then a large-scale decisive battle with reinforcements. This is the entire plan."

"It's very difficult. We don't have enough troops and we're attacked from both sides."

Chen Chen said in a serious tone:

"If there is a slight deviation in the scale, the Burmese army is likely to mobilize fully and fight a war with you regardless of the cost."

"Moreover, it is impossible for the Wa State to directly send troops, and it is impossible for other forces in the Southern Shan State to participate. If we only rely on He Bangxiong's words, he will take the lead? Either he will be involved in the 7th Brigade, or he will have to expand his army."

"It's unclear whether there is enough money to expand the military. Even if it does expand, the combat effectiveness will not exist."

"Then there are still you guys."

A meaningful smile appeared on Bao Xiaomei's face. This smile did not contain a "compliment", but indeed a kind of confidence of "I believe you can do it."

In a sense, this is recognition of Dongfeng Corps, and it is also a very high evaluation.

But Chen Chen was not complacent at all. He just shook his head calmly and replied:

"Our team is not designed to fight head-on. There is no conspiracy or conspiracy in large-scale battles. It is completely a balance between tactics, equipment, numbers, and technical and tactical levels."

"If you want us to contain the enemy's large forces, then I can only say that it is a complete delusion."

"Why? Don't you have many cases where less wins more?"

Bao Xiaomei's doubts were not feigned. She probably really thought that a small team from the Dongfeng Corps had the ability to kill a team of hundreds of civilians.

"Those are the special characteristics of the sneak attack on Hongyan. It was a beheading after being penetrated in a wide range."

Chen Chen was speechless. He was too lazy to explain to Bao Xiaomei, so he said:

"You should let more professional people talk to me about this. Anyone who has ever led a soldier will know what I mean."

"Understood. But it doesn't matter. We don't really intend to let you be on the front line. As you said, we will eventually have to involve the 7th Brigade."

"However, they must first hand in a certificate of voting - or, in other words, a ticket."

"You want them to get rid of the Burmese army in Mengku?"

"That's right."

Bao Xiaomei answered calmly, and at this point, the entire subsequent battle plan was already clear.

Before starting the battle in Jingdong, the 7th Brigade must first put pressure on the Mongkut Burmese Army near Monkha and seize control of the areas surrounding Monkha.

Subsequently, the 7th Brigade will join forces with He Bangxiong's 756th Brigade to strengthen the siege of Kengtung and force the Burmese army from other areas to mobilize support.

At that time, whether it is the Burmese army or the 505th Brigade, the alliance team must defeat it in exchange for a bargaining chip, and use this bargaining chip to exchange for control of Jingdong.

The military will always serve the government. This sentence is absolutely correct.

Even in Pubei, a place where warlords abound and force is paramount, it is impossible to deviate from this basic principle.

However, Chen Chen was very doubtful, could the Bao family really settle things after the war?

He raised his question to Bao Xiaomei. This time, Bao Xiaomei did not give him any frivolous promises, but said seriously:

"No one can guarantee where the final result will be. We just want to seize this perfect opportunity and give it a try."

"I don't think you don't understand the great significance of Jingdong. If we can take down Jingdong, the situation in Pubei will be qualitatively changed."

"With this important town, we can completely open up the external channels. From Jingdong to Tachileik, a lot of things can be transported in and a lot of things can be transported out."

"Everyone will benefit - except Lao Burma."

"Of course, if you think the prospects are unclear, you can choose not to participate."

"But I still want to say that this is the common goal of both of us. If you don't participate, you will not be able to participate when the spoils are distributed in the future."

Chen Chen nodded slowly and said without hesitation:

"We will participate."

What a joke, not to mention that fighting is the fate of mercenaries. Even without considering other so-called overall situations, just being able to take over Jingdong and completely eradicate the Shadow Corps is enough for the Dongfeng Corps to take action.

However, mercenary warfare is different from that of the Wa State and the 7th Brigade. The interests of the Dongfeng Corps must be mentioned above.

"What benefits do we get?"

Chen Chen asked.

"A commission of US$100 million, a complete trade route from Tachileik to Jingdong and Mongka, a more stable living environment, and help from the Wa State when the subsequent battle against Kachin begins."

"It's reasonable and can be done."

"So, happy working together?"

The two reached out and held each other's hands. Bao Xiaomei did not let go, but kept running her thumb across the back of Chen Chen's hand.

Chen Chen calmly withdrew his hand, and then said:

"We need a commander for this operation."

"I mean, the commander whose authority is higher than that of He Bangxiong and He Bupa."

"You need to consider the candidate for this commander as soon as possible."

In fact, even Chen Chen himself did not expect that the situation in Pubei would develop so fast.

It seems like a few months ago, the various warlords here were still fighting each other, fighting inextricably over a trade route and a few pieces of territory, but just a few months later, everyone has formed a group with obvious factions. Several teams began to try to do some big things that no one had ever done before.


Of course, just because no one has done it doesn’t mean that no one has done it.

It's just that last time, everyone's alliance was based on faith, but this time, it's based on interests.

In fact, everyone knows which of the two is better; but which one can go further, it is impossible to say with certainty.

All in all, this is not something Chen Chen needs to think about. He just needs to keep an eye on the situation in front of him and the upcoming "Battle of Jingdong".

The general direction has been determined, but a more detailed combat plan has not yet been formed. Before that, he must make all preparations for the Dongfeng Corps.

The most important of them is the first batch of heavy-duty body armor.

In fact, Chen Chen didn't have to wait long for this batch of vital body armor.

Starting from Xiaoyu providing a contact person, just one week later, the first batch of 600 pieces of body armor and bulletproof inserts arrived in Xiaomengla, and then successfully arrived at Mengka via the Dabang Waterway under Xu You's operation.

Looking at the mountains of body armor, all the members of the Dongfeng Corps had only one thought in their minds:

This time it happened.

You know, although the Dongfeng Corps does not lack body armor, it has always been "stretched" from beginning to end.

More than 20 people could barely scrape together level 4 armor, but several of them were second-hand items that had been shot, and they had just replaced the damaged front panels to the back where they were less likely to be concentrated.

But this time, they really achieved the freedom of body armor.

Due to the large volume of the cargo, it was impossible for the Dongfeng Corps to keep it completely secret. In addition, Chen Chen did not intend to hide his secrets in the first place, so he simply allowed the news to spread.

And this also leads to a result:

When the body armor arrived, almost all armed groups in Monkha city received the news.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the Dongfeng Corps to continue to release sales news. They can't wait to take the money and rush to the villa to ask for the goods. However, due to the amazing power of the Dongfeng Corps in Mengka, no one dares. Do this.

Therefore, in the end, the only ones who saw the goods at the same time as Chen Chen were Jackal, Peng Xucheng and He Bupa.

Looking at the box after box of body armor unloaded from the large truck, and looking at the slightly earthy painting of the body armor equipment, Jackal could not help but pursed his lips and said:

"It doesn't look like much. How much does this thing cost?"


Chen Chen opened his mouth and replied.

"I'm talking about the purchase price, the purchase price!"

"Can I tell you the purchase price? This is our business secret!"

"Come on, sunken ship. You can sell it for ten thousand dollars. Everyone already knows that this thing is not worth much. Come here and tell me secretly, how much is the purchase price?"

Seeing the expectant look on Jackal's face, Chen Chen finally spoke.

After all, the price of this thing cannot be a secret. After a while, Jihua will put the thing online on Alibaba.

"BOQ quoted US$2,460, and we received US$1,900."

"1900?? So cheap?"

The jackal opened his mouth in surprise, but then he said:

"Well, it's certainly a lot cheaper than the level four standard body armor we use now, but that's about it."

"Based on the cost mark-up rate, the cost of this batch of body armor should be around US$1,500? Well, it is much lower than the cost of current body armor."


Chen Chen interrupted Jackal and explained:

"You know, the north's foreign trade exports, especially when it comes to the export of this kind of special equipment, have a characteristic."

"That is, only change the units, not the numbers."

"It is very likely that the cost of this batch of body armor is only 2,460 RMB."

"????are you joking?!"

Of course Chen Chen wasn't joking, because he knew that the cost of this thing couldn't be that high.

Now there are dividends that are in short supply in the market, so Jihua can confidently and boldly charge a high price. But after a while, when the technology begins to spread, the price of this thing will start to drop off a cliff.

"I'm not kidding, it comes with a bulletproof insert, and that's the price."

In fact, Chen Chen has not yet told the most exaggerated situation. In a few years, the price of a four-level bulletproof insert plate that can protect against 85mm snipers and SVD will drop to less than 100 yuan.

".Wreck, you guys are horrible."

"You have destroyed the entire armor market, and the battlefield ecology will be completely changed by you."

"No wonder you have been insisting on increasing the intensity of firepower. It turns out that it is because you have predicted the future trend."

"The era of full protection for light infantry is coming - wait, let me ask again, how many insert boards does a complete set costing 1,900 US dollars?"

"5 yuan, including two front and sides and a crotch protector. You can also customize special-shaped leg protectors and neck protectors later. Well, there is no increase in price for additional quantities."

"Stop talking, find a model, I want to see if this thing is useful!"

Jackal said viciously.

Therefore, Chen Chen arranged for someone to take out a clothing mannequin from the clothing store, put it on the latest body armor and equipped it with a plug-in plate, and then various weapons began to fire in turn.

The 81 bar cannot be penetrated at all, even if multiple shots hit the same location, it cannot be penetrated.

M240, the first shot failed to penetrate, 2 shots penetrated, but did not cause effective damage, and the protective power was completely lost after 3 shots.

SCAR, the penetration of 7.62 Nato has increased by one level, but the first hit is still unable to deal with this rustic-looking body armor.

Seeing this result, everyone's eyes lit up.

Jackal murmured while touching the bulletproof board that was covered with bruises:

"It's over, the ship is sinking. We haven't even started selling Armor Express yet, and we can't sell it at all."

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