I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 236 Conquering the City

After the test was over, Jackal, who was watching the excitement, voluntarily left, while other key figures spontaneously gathered in Chen Chen's villa.

Four people, Bao Xiaomei, He Bupa, Peng Xucheng, and of course, Chen Chen.

Among them, Peng Xucheng had purely commercial intentions. He had a chat with Chen Chen about the possibility of subsequent supply and the priority of procurement. After confirming that Chen Chen could still obtain goods in the future and have the opportunity to supply to "others" , then he said goodbye and left with satisfaction.

As for the price, he didn't even bother to ask.

As long as the goods are available, people will definitely buy them. Does it matter whether they are expensive or not?

For a businessman like him, he is really more sensitive to the characteristic of "scarcity of items" than anyone else.

After Peng Xucheng left, the three parties that represented the real ability to participate in "big events in the future" finally met officially for the first time.

In order not to embarrass Chen Chen, Bao Xiaomei acted as the "host" of the conversation and explained the situation to the 7th Brigade straightforwardly.

Of course, she did not tell all the previous information, nor did she mention any topics related to the Shadow Corps and Wen Beng La. Instead, she only gave an overview of the disputes in the northern and southern Shan States and the position of the 7th Brigade in it. Hobupah revealed the opportunity before him.

Through this detail, Chen Chen also felt the differential treatment of Bao Xiaomei, or the Wa State.

Of course, this kind of differential treatment is actually quite normal.

After all, even if a certain long-eared creature is not considered, a relatively neutral force like the Dongfeng Corps is more controllable and trustworthy than the 7th Brigade and the Northern Shan State, which have a huge base.

After listening to Bao Xiaomei's lobbying, He Bupa did begin to waver.

The development of the 7th Brigade is approaching a bottleneck, because the geographical location here is too special. The water and land transportation lines are completely in the hands of others. Even if the surrounding mineral resources are rich, if the transportation lines cannot be controlled, the resources here will eventually be lost. cannot be realized.

He urgently needs to break this closed situation, and taking Jingdong is undoubtedly the best choice.

But the question is, how can he guarantee that he will not be swallowed up by the Wa from north to south after cooperating with the Wa to capture Jingdong and his strength is greatly reduced?

No one wants to be someone else's vassal, and self-reliance is the most mainstream rule here.

He Bupa asked his question, and Bao Xiaomei also answered.

she says:

“We need you to exist, we need you to exist as ‘not belonging to the Wa State’.”

"We can have common interests and a common direction, but we cannot be 'the same body.'"

"Do you understand what I mean? The one who guarantees your safety is not anyone here, but"

Bao Xiaomei looked in the direction of Chen Chen, and Chen Chen cursed "fuck" in his heart. But at this time, it was impossible for him to cause trouble, so he had to bite the bullet and said:

"I think Miss Bao's proposal is credible."

"After all, we all know what we are supposed to do and we all know where the boundaries are."

"We can take a few steps in a more 'comfortable' direction, but we can't go too far."


He Bupa nodded calmly, with a gentle smile on his face that could not be discerned.

After a pause, he asked:

"Why don't we cooperate directly with the 505th Brigade?"

Straight to the point.

Therefore, no one who can become the overlord in Pubei is a fuel-efficient lamp.

This was the only thing Bao Xiaomei kept hidden, but He Bupa revealed it in one sentence.

Fortunately, Bao Xiaomei had already thought of a response strategy, so she explained:

"Zhao Jialiang is too far away from us geographically, and he has the greatest power - the crime of holding a jade. This has already made him an enemy of all of us, doesn't it?"


He Bupa nodded convincingly, and at this moment, Chen Chen felt the true charm of the "nine truths and one falsehood" in the negotiation strategy.

The core of it is not to hide the "one lie", but that even if others know that there is a lie in it, under the premise of "nine truths", they can pretend not to know and ignore it.

As a result, the three parties reached a new round of consensus on this.

Following the previous push for Ho Bang Hsiung to provoke internal disputes in Southern Shan State, cooperation between the Northern Shan-Wa State alliance has deepened again.

But this time, the 7th Brigade will also end up in person.

He Bupa looked at Chen Chen with some emotion, and then said:

"Mr. Sinking Ship is really a young hero. When I was the same age as you, I was still a top soldier under the Chen family."

"On the other hand, Mr. Sinking Ship is already on an equal footing with so many big shots."

"Moreover, Mr. Sunken Ship also contributed a lot to this operation, right? Just those body armors cost a lot of money."

"Mr. Sunken Ship cannot give this money away in vain."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Good guy, if you want something, you need something, and you actually come up with such fancy rhetoric.

I haven't even spoken yet, but you've already assumed that the thing is for you?

However, it is true that the first battle of the Jingdong strategy must take place between the 7th Brigade and the Mengku Camp. In this case, it is indeed appropriate to strengthen the 7th Brigade first and preserve their strength as much as possible. meaning.

So, Chen Chen replied:

"Let me be honest, the cost of these body armors is not low. I spent a lot of money to transport them from the north. I have to find a way to recover this part of the cost."

"My original plan was to ask for $15,000 a piece, but we are all our own people here, so we don't have to fight with each other."

"I can get a total of 1,000 sets at a fixed price of 8,000 US dollars per set. I can give 300 sets to the Seventh Brigade."

"Commander He, you can fully arm your elite private battalion. Their combat effectiveness will be increased at least multiple times!"

“It’s a bit expensive.”

He Bupa frowned with pretense of hesitation and bargained:

"Mr. Wreck, I know this price is very fair."

"And the war is coming, and we really need a lot of protective equipment in urgent need."

"However, for a set of 8,000 US dollars, I had to spend 2.4 million US dollars on the spot. It is not a small number."

"Sir, 2.4 million US dollars is not enough to clear my joints."

Chen Chen reminded calmly, but in fact, he had a fart "joint fee". The information cost of this business was just the long-distance call fee for the phone call to Xiaoyu.

However, the more he said this, the more credible it seemed to Hebupa.

After a moment of silence, he spoke:

"Then let's pay this price."

"But in the future, when the cost is recovered, will the price also have to be reduced?"

"of course?"

Chen Chen calmly spread his hands and replied:

“In the future, there will be more and more of these things and they will become cheaper and cheaper.”

"I guarantee that everyone in the 7th Brigade can definitely use body armor."

"That's no problem!"

He Bupa happily shook hands with Chen Chen, and the two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

The handover of the equipment went very quickly. In the afternoon of the same day, He Bupa arranged for his quartermaster to go to the Dongfeng Corps to transport all the body armor. At the same time, the payment for the goods was also transferred directly to his account.

Looking at the bright "2,400,000" figure, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh at how easy the arms business is - this isn't even arms. Just sell some body armor and make 300% of the net profit? !

After selling this batch of goods, he recovered all the costs he invested and made hundreds of thousands of dollars more. The total time spent was just over a week.

Damn it, if things continue like this, are we still going to have a hammer fight?

No wonder the United States was unwilling to participate in World War II, life or death. Who can let go of this kind of business? ——

Of course, this is just a joke.

The reason why the United States has become the largest arms dealer in the world, and even the center of the world economy, is not only because of Lockheed Martin, Thor, General Motors and the like, but also because it is harmless to humans and animals. Fat man and little boy.

Security is created, and so is the market.

And now, after completing the first business, Dongfeng Corps will start to use practical actions to fight for its own interests.

In the combat command room, Chen Chen gave a briefing to the core group of the Dongfeng Corps, explaining the current situation and the next plan.

"We have reached a consensus with Northern Shan State and Wa State. In the next two weeks, the 7th Brigade will take the lead in exerting pressure on the Burmese army in the Mengku camp, forcing the Burmese army to withdraw from Mengku and retreat to Kengtung , or near Taunggyi.”

"There is no doubt that this cannot be an issue that can be resolved through peaceful negotiations, and conflict will inevitably break out between the two sides."

"However, due to the constraints of the early reorganization plan, the two sides will conduct 'communications' with relatively restrained means. In other words, the conflict will be limited to the Myanmar Army and the 7th Brigade in Camp Mengku."

"Therefore, how to quickly break up Camp Mengku and how to solve the problem without affecting Myanmar's overall interests has become our core goal."

"To achieve this goal, we must develop a detailed combat plan."

"And the essence of this combat plan is to be quick."

"It must be done so quickly that other Burmese troops have no time to react, and the 'problem' must be turned into an 'established fact.'"

"According to the map, the nearest garrison in Myanmar's Northeast Military Region to Mengkut is located in Kenglong, and the straight-line distance from Kengdong to Mongkut is about 160 kilometers."

"According to the dispatch speed of the Burmese army, their large forces can arrive within two days, which means that our combat window is only two days."

"Then, the battle scenario is as follows."

"We will cooperate with the 7th Brigade to quickly complete the beheading operation of the corrupt officers of the Burmese Army in Mengku Camp. The purpose of the operation is to arrest drug traffickers."

"After the beheading is completed, the 7th Brigade will initiate a full takeover of the Mengku Camp, destroy the Burmese army's power deep into northern Shan State in the shortest possible time, pull out the nails, and establish a defense line in the Mengxiu area to block the Burmese army reinforcements pace."

"Subsequently, the 7th Brigade divided its troops into two groups, continued to deploy defenses in Mengxiu, and headed south to near Jingdong to take over the defense and siege position of the 756th Brigade."

"The replaced 756th Brigade will bypass Jingdong from the west, capture Palau from the south, and block the Jingdong-Tachilek communication line."

"At this point, the first phase of the combat objective has been completed."

"Subsequent missions targeting Jingdong and Tachilei will be updated in real time according to changes in the battle situation."

"Everyone, is it clear?"


After listening to Chen Chen's briefing, all the core team members in the command room felt excited for no reason. At this moment, all of them had the same idea, that is:

Damn it, the big one is really coming!

Yes, the Dongfeng Corps has fought wars before, but the so-called "wars" were actually against various ineffective civilian armed forces.

Even among the civilian armed forces, they are the ones ranked at the bottom and relatively weak.

But now, the Dongfeng Corps is really going to participate in serious "corps operations"!

First attack Mengku, then Jingdong, and finally capture Tachilei.

Conquering cities and conquering territories, making achievements on the battlefield, this is the real battle!

Even Shi Dakai couldn't help but twinkle in his eyes when he thought of that "magnificent" future.

He still remembered that on the night when he killed the "He family" designated by Chen Shenhe, Chen Chen once said meaningfully that no one would be a mercenary all his life.

Now, is the Dongfeng Corps finally taking the first step?

He wanted to ask, but he knew he couldn't.


However, even if he didn't ask, Li Bang, a stubborn man, asked without hesitation.

"Brother Chen - Captain, after we defeat Jingdong, will Mengka belong to us?"

"What I mean is that the 7th Brigade must be deployed to Jingdong, then Mengka"

"what are you thinking!"

Chen Chen interrupted him mercilessly, and then said:

"Remember, we are just a mercenary group. If we grow bigger in the future, we may become a large-scale group company."

"But we are not warlords, and we cannot be warlords. Do you understand?"

"I see!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Bai Gou immediately answered with a proud look.

In his opinion, none of the few people in the core group could move the leader's heart.

Are you kidding? What is the background of the leader? How can he stand on his own?

Or to put it another way, how could he admit that he stood on the mountaintop?

Open a company, do business, step by step, everything is reasonable and legal, no one can find fault, this is the right development path!

Relying on the big tree behind you to build a giant company across Pubei, isn't it much better than being a bullshit warlord?

So, he looked at Chen Chen expectantly and said:

"We are businessmen, right?"

".Yes, we are businessmen."

Chen Chen secretly thought that Bai Gou had finally saved himself for once, but he didn't expect that his next sentence would go back to his original form.

He said:

"Captain, we are selling body armor now, when will we be able to sell tanks?"

".Shut up, you."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and was about to continue talking, but at this moment, Shi Dakai spoke.

Finally, he was the first to ask a constructive question:

"What form will our beheading operation against Camp Mengku take?"

"The terrain of the Menku camp is very steep and heavily defended. It is not easy to conduct infiltration operations."

"I think maybe we can delay it for a while and wait until the helicopter is in place before we think about it?"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen shook his head.

"Your thinking is still too narrow-minded."

"The beheading operation does not mean that we really have to rush in front of the enemy with a knife."

"Mengka is less than 15 kilometers away from the Menku camp. Is our AH-2 just for show?"

"The cannonballs that were hidden before were just right. Well, they were taken out smoothly."

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