I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 237 It’s not that the straight 9 is unaffordable, it’s that the Mi 171 is more cost-effectiv

Chapter 237 It’s not that the Z-9 is unaffordable, it’s that the Mi-171 is more cost-effective

The plan is drawn up quickly, but the action cannot be carried out hastily.

Large-scale joint operations are not like the Dongfeng Corps' previous guerrilla operations. Just a question of command authority is enough for the three parties involved in the operation to discuss it for several days.

Of course, this is an inevitable step. After all, the two forces have never cooperated before. If the problem is not solved now, if there is poor information transmission and command failure on the battlefield, it will be very fatal.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not urge them, nor did he give them any hints. But what was quite dramatic was that the three parties fought back and forth, and finally came to a conclusion that made Chen Chen dumbfounded, that is:

Since the two main battle forces each have their own relatively separate combat missions and there are not many opportunities for coordination and linkage, there is no need to establish a unified command.

Command authority still belongs to the front-line troops, but in order to facilitate subsequent dispatch and liaison, a role similar to a "combat staff officer" should be established among the three parties to be responsible for communication and liaison.

There is no doubt that everyone hopes to put this job on Chen Chen, because he is the only one among several forces who does not have "territory" or "vested interests".

It's like in a hospital, your family may want you to die, not to mention your enemies, but the doctor is the one who wants you to live under any circumstances.

The current situation of the three-party alliance is the same. The Wa State can withdraw at any time, the 7th Brigade may defect, and the 756th Brigade may step out of the cauldron and take a hit, but only the Dongfeng Corps will regard the capture of Jingdong as an inevitable task.

Chen Chen could neither defend nor refute this judgment, but he would never be stupid enough to take the matter seriously.

Just kidding?

I'm just a mercenary, taking advantage of your big move to get involved, taking on some missions and selling some arms to make some money, while doing what I have to do. Killing the people who deserve to be killed is already the limit, you guys Still want to drag me down?

Stop it, I can't bear this responsibility.

What's more, he also knows that this so-called "combat staff" does not mean that he has become the chief officer of everyone, nor can it explain how much decision-making power he has in this extremely large-scale operation. At most, he can obtain some Initiative beyond expectations.

Not cost-effective, very not cost-effective.

Instead of worrying about this, it’s better to seize the time and make money!

Trying to sell their body armor!

After the second batch of body armor arrived in Mengka, Chen Chen immediately arranged for assault boats and cargo ships to send them to the 756 Brigade through the Mekong River waterway, and recovered a huge amount of money from the 756 Brigade.

Afterwards, he collected a large amount of cash non-stop and once again issued a purchase order to the north through Xu You.

This time, he asked for a full 2,000 pieces of body armor, and planned to stockpile them for a while before deciding how to distribute and sell them.

Of course, since the trade routes have been opened and the contacts have been established, he will never waste Jihua 3523's relationship.

This year, the north has made some progress in optical observation equipment. Especially in 2008, all core thermal imaging technologies were broken through. The export ban on equipment with more than 300,000 pixels in the West was directly shattered. Civilian thermal imaging cameras also began to flourish. develop.

Among them, Amap Infrared, the most representative one, even developed a two-megapixel infrared focal plane array detector in 2009, bringing advanced equipment such as thermal imaging into the field of cabbage.

Although the development of the civilian market is not as fast as that of the military market, the prices of thermal imagers and thermal imaging telescopes are generally still high, but the high price does not mean that they are not available.

Because, after the ban was lifted, major international manufacturers have begun to dump portable thermal imaging cameras northward.

He put forward a purchase requirement in the name of "Procurement of Forest Fire Monitoring Equipment". Jihua Factory came forward and collected a batch of portable thermal imaging cameras that were available on the market. There were about a hundred of them in total. The price is only US$1.1 million.

There are everything from Celestron, BIJIA, and FEIRSH.

Of course, these things are not as precise, as convenient, and as "suitable for combat" as the four-eye night vision devices used by Chen Chen and others, but the difference between having them and not having them is the difference between life and death.

You're about to have a big fight, are you sure you don't want to buy emergency supplies first?

In addition, Chen Chen also bought a batch of ordinary telescopes. These things were really cheap. Even Jihua didn't take the money in the end and gave them as gifts.

But Chen Chen resold it to the Seventh Brigade and made a small profit of US$200,000.

At this point, everything that could be sold in the short term had been sold. After finishing the work of making a fortune, Chen Chen began to make preparations to obtain more information he needed.

The coalition needs someone to keep an eye on the movements of the Shadow Corps, because they are the only "special forces" in the entire Shan State that are still capable of carrying out beheading operations. They must be prevented from causing unnecessary trouble outside the battlefield, and if possible, The opponent must be eliminated before a large-scale battle begins.

This mission is also the mission of the Dongfeng Corps.

To achieve this goal, the best candidate should have been the experienced Jiang He, but Chen Chen did not choose him.

The reason is simple, he doesn't meet the standards of believability.

On this point, Chen Chen and Bao Xiaomei had the same idea, so after a brief discussion, they unanimously decided to put Jiang He under house arrest first, and Chen Chen would select additional personnel to carry out the infiltration investigation mission.

So the task finally fell to Sang Ye. Anyway, it was not the first time that he had guest-starred as an intelligence officer, so he was quite familiar with the job.

After watching Sang Ye leave, Chen Chen had done everything he could do.

The next thing to do is to wait quietly.

Waiting for the time to come, waiting for the training to be completed, waiting for the logistics to be fully prepared, and waiting for the main officers of the Mengku Camp to return to their camp.

Late at night, the muzzle of the AH-2 turned quietly. Chen Chen carefully checked Zhu Yuan. This time, he calculated very carefully.


At this moment, his cell phone rang.

There is no doubt that the only one who can call him at this time is Xiaoyu.

"What are you doing?"

Xiaoyu's tone made Chen Chen stunned for a moment, and he didn't even know how to answer for a moment.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"I'm adjusting the gun position."

"?? Don't tell me which AH-2 it is."

"that is."

Chen Chen replied with some guilt.

He felt like a rebellious child now, doing something that his parents didn't explicitly prohibit, but obviously didn't approve of, and he got caught.

Fortunately, Xiaoyu seemed to be well prepared for his answer and his current situation. After hearing the answer, he didn't show much surprise. He just said a little "seriously":

"Shipwreck, remember, what happened this time is not your business."

"I am making this call to remind you of this. We have said before that business belongs to business and zz belongs to zz. I hope you can distinguish it clearly."

"Don't worry, I know the difference very well."

Chen Chen sighed and continued:

"I am not the leader of this incident. I only hope to use this incident to solve some of our own problems."

"For example, take out the Shadow Corps."

"In order to kill the Shadow Corps, you have to turn over the entire Shan State?"

"It was the Bao family who turned it over, not me. You should call Bao Xiaomei or Bao Youxiang."

Chen Chen's answer almost choked Xiaoyu. After a few seconds, she continued:

"Someone has already talked to her. I have no control over her. I am only responsible for you - my work is only responsible for you."

"No matter what, you have to control yourself."

“Don’t do anything you shouldn’t do, ever.”

"Otherwise, you'll never be able to go back."

Hearing this, Chen Chen nodded subconsciously. After a moment of silence, he said crisply:

"You can trust me a hundred times."

"I never pushed for anything, I just did what mercenaries would do."

"I just sell equipment, accept missions, and kill the enemies that threaten me the most."

"The Wa State, Northern Shan State, and Keng Tung are just background boards."

"What they do has nothing to do with me. To be honest, I just want to kill the Shadow Corps."

".That's good."

Xiaoyu's tone on the other end of the phone relaxed instantly, and then she said:

"If that's the case, then we can continue with some of the things we talked about before."

"You have an idea for your helicopter. There are two options. Which one do you choose?"

Chen Chen became interested instantly.

"tell me the story?"

Xiaoyu coughed and said:

"Option one, give you the dolphins according to your request, but you have to wait 6 months."

"Option two, I'll give you Mi8, and it will arrive in two weeks at most."

"How about it, which one to choose?"

"???You didn't plan to let me choose at all, did you? No, this is too bullying. Mi-8, an antique from any era, is also used to follow."

"It's Mi-171sh, an improved version of Mi-8."

Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen, and the latter immediately said after being stunned for a moment:

"Option 2! Option 2! Where to pick up the goods?!"

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