Since the Shadow Corps chose assembly point No. 4, Chen Chen could basically guess their intentions.

There is no doubt that they intend to pass through Wan Kao Mountain, and then directly arrive at Waike Town, Kangxiang Township, located on the west bank of the Mekong River, where they will get transportation, then proceed along the Mekong River, pass through the Mong La Pier, enter the main road of the Mekong River, and then follow the main trunk road of the Mekong River. The road goes down the river to reach Tachili.

Chen Chen was very familiar with this waterway, because they had walked through it more than once before when they were fighting Nuokang.

It's just that at that time, the direction our side was going was basically against the current, but now the Shadow Corps is going against the current.

And Chen Chen knew very well that he could never let them reach the Mekong River easily.

Although river chasing sounds very exciting, in fact, for the party pursuing the helicopter, the risk factor is also greatly increased.

Since the river here is relatively narrow and the vegetation on both sides of the river is very lush, as long as the other party accurately controls the ship and lets the ship travel along the river bank, it can drag the high-altitude reconnaissance into a quite embarrassing situation:

If you want to find someone, you have to lower your altitude to close the distance.

But once the altitude is lowered and the distance is shortened, the helicopter becomes a moving target for them.

Chen Chen didn't know what weapons the Shadow Corps had in hand, but he was unwilling to take risks.

What if they arranged an assault boat with anti-aircraft guns here?

No, we don’t even need anti-aircraft guns. Just build a fishing boat and install a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, and you can cause a lot of trouble to your own side.

It's okay if you can't catch him when the time comes, but it's nonsense if you cause a machine-destruction and everyone is killed.

Therefore, Chen Chen’s strategy is very simple:

Call for support.

The four of them, Bao Qi and others, had already left Jingdong. They had arrived at Mengka half an hour ago, and the four of them could just drive the Jianglong assault boat over.

It takes 5 hours, which means that Chen Chen needs to hold the Shadow Corps back for at least 3 hours - because at the fastest speed, it will take more than two hours for them to reach Wacker Town through the jungle.

Everything is clear. The next thing to do is to get in front of their path and block them with the gun in your hand!

After an 8-minute flight, Chen Chen and his team had arrived at Assembly Point No. 4. Looking down from a high place, there was a particularly prominent tree. It was the "sacred tree" that nearby villages often came to pray for. Because of this easily observable feature, this location was chosen as the rally point.

But now, there was no one near the assembly point.

Even through the thermal imaging equipment on the helicopter, Chen Chen didn't see any trace.

It's common, but also... unusual.

The common reason is that thermal imaging is not really "omnipotent" in a jungle environment. Overly lush branches and leaves will block the transmission of infrared signals. In many cases, even if it flies overhead, as long as the helicopter is properly concealed, the heat source cannot be found.

But the problem is that the Shadow Corps has clearly completed its assembly and started maneuvering in small groups, so their heat signature should be quite obvious.

Even if you can't locate it accurately, it's not difficult to find heat sources emanating from one place or two. How could you find nothing like this?

Can they also have anti-infrared camouflage? ?

Chen Chen couldn't help but frowned.

In fact, anti-infrared - or to be more precise, "anti-thermal imaging camouflage" is not as magical as many people think. The high-end ones include nickel metal fabrics, and the simpler ones are just covered with mud all over the body.

But the latter is obviously not something the opponent would do, so it is obvious that the Shadow Corps has specially prepared corresponding anti-infrared equipment. This means that they know very well who their real enemy is, and they also know that they will definitely be attacked. Intercept!

They didn't take any chances. This is indeed the quality that a professional team should have.

It seems that this jungle battle will become quite difficult.

Seeing that it was impossible to achieve results in aerial reconnaissance, Chen Chen made a prompt decision to rappel directly 1 km east of Assembly Point No. 4 on the connection line with Wacker Town.

He is not afraid of the Shadow Corps attacking at this time, because if they can hit him, the Mi-171sh's side door machine gun can also hit them.

Everyone is equal before the 12.7mm caliber bullet, and they should never be able to bet on whose life is greater.

And sure enough, everything went smoothly during the rappel.

The helicopter dropped 5 ropes, and the 5 people arrived on the ground almost at the same time. Then, Chen Chen immediately ordered from below:

"Establish a defense line on the spot, and the Firebird will hover and deliver to the landing site No. 4. After completing the delivery, it will immediately take off again."

"The airborne landing team will be led by Lin He and will arrive at the rappelling point within 15 minutes and meet us!"


Cheng Lei's calm and even relaxed voice came from the headphones. Chen Chen didn't say much, but immediately used the recon telescope he carried with him, turned on the thermal imaging mode, and searched all surrounding areas.

The field of vision on the ground is better than that in the air, but this time, he still found no trace of any moving target.

Things are not going well.

The strategy used by the other party is really the same as the strategy I chose before. It does not require any foreign aid, does not add any unnecessary manpower, and just dives into the jungle. How can you find me?

There are many jungles in northern Myanmar. As long as they are determined to hide in them, it is really difficult to find them.

Not to mention they also have anti-infrared means.

And the most important thing is that this time they are not like the Dongfeng Corps last time, with a burden like Jiya.

All of them are elites, all of them are combatants!

In this case, if another team comes to chase, the mission may be declared a failure.

But fortunately, both Bai Gou and Lin He have rich jungle tracking experience.

There is still room to fight.

Chen Chen waited patiently. After the helicopter successfully landed at a landing site a few hundred meters away, Chen Chen immediately ordered the assembly to begin.

There are not many manpower on both sides. In order to ensure the detection capability during jungle maneuvers, they must be condensed together as much as possible.

"Groups 2, 3, and 4 immediately moved closer to me. We were very close to the enemy and moved forward in a Z-shaped rapid search."

"The investigation teams advance in steps, keeping a distance of more than 100 meters between each team."

"Take cover, don't"


"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

There was a sound explosion in the earphones, followed by a burst of gunshots. Chen Chen was interrupted before he finished speaking, and then Cheng Lei's voice rang out.

"A small group of enemies was found. They ambush near the landing point."

"There was an RPG and it missed me."

"Suppression fire is being implemented, but the effect is not good. Reinforcements are needed."


Chen Chen couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Sure enough, it was taught by a master, and the ideas are almost exactly the same!

Chen Chen's intention was to perform a landing at a long distance and cut off the opponent's route, but the opponent was not stupid. They moved forward quickly and ambush near the most likely landing point, catching his own side by surprise!

"Someone is hurt! Someone is hurt!"

"Suppression! Suppression with fire!"

"Where's the RPD?! RPD!"

"Leave the landing point and enter the jungle!"

"Retreat! Central Law retreats!"

"Leave the body alone, he can't be saved!"

Chaotic calls continued to sound, and Chen Chen could feel the intensity of this sudden attack even from a few hundred meters away.

At least two people have been reduced, but the cover from our own helicopters seems a bit weak.

There is no way, there are too many obstacles and bunkers in the jungle!

Even if the two machine guns on the hatch and the tailgate fire at the same time, the suppression force they can exert is extremely limited.

But the good thing is, limited is better than nothing.

In 30 seconds, the two machine guns poured out nearly a thousand rounds of bullets, instantly pushing back the enemies in the semi-arc area, giving the landing group time to retreat.

Chen Chen had already begun to lead the team to the landing point, and at this time, Cheng Lei's voice sounded again.

"The airborne landing group is retreating to the assembly point. The ship is sinking. Organize a response. Do not continue to move forward."

"I see a heat source in the forest, and there may be enemies around."


Chen Chen took two deep breaths, got rid of the slightly chaotic thoughts in his mind, and straightened out his thoughts again.

Then, he ordered:

"In accordance with the central stripping tactic to evacuate, the landing team left the landing point as soon as possible and went to the originally scheduled assembly point No. 5 on the north side to rendezvous."

"The wounded remain where they are."

"Firebird, cover the wounded and cut off the enemy's pursuit route."

"White Dog, lead the team forward quickly, disengage, don't let them catch you!"

"Lin He, abandon the heavy equipment and bring tracer bullets. Go forward alone and bite them!"


"Understood, the Firebird hit three people, and the enemy has fallen to the ground."

Everyone answered immediately, and Chen Chen also began to turn and move at full speed in the direction of Assembly Point No. 5.

The situation was very critical. Chen Chen really could not have imagined that the other party would adopt such a crazy and radical strategy to launch a surprise attack on his side!

They really fought hard against the heavy firepower of the helicopters, and even almost succeeded.

This is because they do not have enough rocket launchers. If they have one per person, the Mi-171 landing this time may turn into a "hippo crash".

As the altitude of the helicopter increased, the suppressive force returned to the Dongfeng Corps.

The storm of bullets kept tilting downwards, and Shi Dakai also set up the M82A1 at the hatch. With the help of the thermal imaging sight, he captured the heat source in the jungle, and then found the enemy who was shooting, and shot him directly. Broken to pieces.


50 bullets can completely ignore the defense of the heavy body armor worn by the opponent. With this iconic gunshot, the pressure faced by the entire Dongfeng Corps suddenly decreased.

The RPD kept firing, and the flying bullets limited the enemy's pursuit speed. Under the leadership of White Dog, the entire airborne team traveled through the forest at a high speed that no other team could achieve.

"The landing team is basically safe. The ship sank. Will the Firebird stay near the landing point and look for opportunities to carry out rescue?"

"Stay where you are and organize rescue as soon as possible. Who is at the scene?"

Chen Chen answered decisively, and a moment later, a hoarse voice came from the earphones.

"I'm Sickle, I'm here. Smoker was killed, Lao Diao was seriously injured, and Jiguan and I were slightly injured."

"I'm bandaging it, and the cockscomb is on alert. I'm going to save Lao Diao right away."

"Understood. Stand still and wait for reinforcements. The enemy's position will be exposed and they will withdraw soon."

"No. 3, determine the location of the wounded and throw smoke bombs to cover the line between the enemy and ourselves."


Shi Dakai answered calmly, and then smoke bombs were thrown one after another.

This sudden counter-ambush operation finally came to an end, the gunfire stopped, and it was obvious that the enemy had completed their evacuation.

Extremely decisive, extremely quick, extremely determined.

In just one face-to-face encounter, our team lost 4 people. Thanks to Cheng Lei's superb skills, although the enemy failed to directly destroy the helicopter, they successfully held it back.

This is the powerful enemy!

Although the enemy also paid the price of at least 4 deaths, they used these 4 lives in exchange for an opportunity to annihilate the entire Dongfeng Corps.

Such decisiveness cannot be possessed by the original team of the Shadow Corps!

The quality of their individual soldiers is indeed not weak, but it is absolutely impossible for them to have the ability to accurately capture fighters on the battlefield!

The commander who directed the Burmese army to conduct an armored assault was from the Shadow Corps.

It’s true, because the styles of these two battles are almost exactly the same.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and led the five people on his side to quickly rush towards the assembly point.

Without the cover of the helicopter, the firepower intensity of the Dongfeng Corps dropped by one level.

But fortunately, after the first tentative attack was over, the enemy who paid the same heavy price also had to spend time reorganizing their formation, which gave the Dongfeng Corps an opportunity.

20 minutes later, all team members completed their assembly near assembly point 5.

The defense line was immediately established, and the investigation team sent out 300 meters of warning from four directions. At the same time, the helicopter that completed the search around the landing point also found a new landing point. After waiting for a few minutes, the slightly injured Sickle and Cockscomb Tow were found. The old man, whose thigh was punctured and seriously injured due to blood loss, boarded the helicopter.

Later, Shi Dakai assisted the mechanic in performing emergency hemostasis treatment on the seriously injured. The mechanic used almost the same technique as Chen Chen, but it was more rough.

The condition of the wounded is basically stable, and immediate evacuation is impossible. The helicopter must continue to perform battlefield support missions.

The battlefield was reshuffled, and the Shadow Corps paid the price for their adventurous plan.

Their position was completely exposed and their evacuation direction was locked. Chen Chen was absolutely sure that Wacker Town was also a smoke bomb and they had to go directly south!

Intelligence from Lin He's side continued to come in, and the advantage the other party had established with the help of anti-infrared equipment was gone.

Now, the Dongfeng Corps is only 800 meters away from the main force of the Shadow Corps, and the pursuit time is only 40 minutes behind.

Moreover, Lin He has already bitten them.

He was constantly guiding the helicopter in the direction, and Chen Chen also began to chase in the direction where the Shadow Corps was escaping.

At this time, in the dense forest.

Connor was leading the team forward at full speed. He knew that there could be no enemies in front of him, so he simply abandoned the reconnaissance formation and moved forward quickly in a column that was most conducive to increasing speed.

The atmosphere in the whole team was a bit strange. They were not happy about the sacrifice of their comrades, but the fact that they had "most likely escaped the pursuers" made them extremely relaxed.

His adjutant, the former leader of the Shadow Corps, kept complaining in his ears, but Connor did not stop him.

"Damn, that rocket was really just a miss!"

"If I had known better, I would have brought a few more rockets. I say you can't sacrifice everything for mobility!"

"That pilot is definitely a veteran. He discovered me first!"

"He locked all possible launch positions when he landed. Where did he come from? It feels like he takes several rockets every day! He has so much experience!"

"Damn it, I could have wiped them all out."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Connor finally couldn't help but interrupt him, and then continued:

"The purpose of this assault was not to annihilate them all. Do you think the opponents are rookies like Pubei who just got the helicopter and don't even know how to swing and maneuver?"

"They are from the north! Their navy can beat Maozi's doe to pieces in a Dolphin!"

"Didn't you see their drills? Didn't you see the peace mission in 2009?"

"Stop complaining. It's good to fight like this. At least now, we have dealt with them."

"But why don't we just leave? How can they catch up with us?"

The adjutant asked puzzledly, and Connor replied with an iron heart:

"I said you need to know your enemy. Doesn't that explain the fact that their helicopters can fly right over our heads?"

"They know our plans and we have to give them the wrong signal."

"We have to disrupt their rhythm. At least now, they no longer have the ability to use helicopters to intercept them by air."

Connor finished speaking, and the adjutant stopped arguing.

But as the voice became quieter, Connor suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The sound of the helicopter was a little too close.

Can they still find themselves?

It shouldn't be.

The canopy here is very dense, and we have anti-infrared camouflage suits. Theoretically, there is no technology in the world that can detect our own from high altitude in this situation.



What if it’s not high altitude?

Connor's eyes suddenly widened, but it was too late.

A series of gunshots rang out, and tracer bullets rose from the ground and flew into the air.

Then, tracer flames like a snake of death bit in the direction of the Shadow Corps.

Connor was stunned for a few seconds.

He subconsciously directed everyone to hide, but he forgot that the tracer bullets were only used to indicate the direction.

The sound of the helicopter suddenly became louder, and then, hail-like bullets fell from the sky!

Following the path traced by the tracer bullet, the 12.7mm caliber bullet swept past!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and Connor's eyes were about to burst.

Damn it, how is this possible!

I clearly laid a trap and left an observation post! !

A bullet penetrated the small tree trunk in front of Connor, and then hit him hard.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

His tactics are so subtle and high-end.

However, his enemies don’t fucking reason with him at all! !

How on earth did you keep up with me? How dare you follow me? !

It was too late to say anything.

Connor coughed violently - his lungs had been punctured

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