"A round of coverage strikes is completed, and the killing situation cannot be observed. Firebird continues to track. Sunken ship, how far away are you?"

Cheng Lei's calm voice came through the earphones. Chen Chen, who was struggling to push through the dense branches and leaves, took a breath, looked for an angle and glanced at the smoke thrown by Lin He in the distance to mark the signal from the gap in the forest, and answered. road:

"There are still about 400 meters left, and the Firebird continues to suppress it."

"Copy that, keep suppressing it. But we don't have much ammunition."

"How much is left?"

"The three machine guns total about a thousand rounds. They cannot maintain sustained firepower. They are going to run away."

Hearing Cheng Lei's words, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

A precise fire strike could not completely wipe out the Shadow Corps?

Of course, this is actually not surprising. The top-down strike effect of the Bi helicopter has been greatly reduced, not to mention the anti-infrared means on the opposite side, which makes it impossible for the helicopter to carry out accurate shooting.

Lin He's guidance has played a huge role. If there are no tracer bullets to indicate the enemy's position and basic formation, let alone a helicopter or 10 Warthogs, they may not be able to clear an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. enemy.

Therefore, this time the attack was quite successful, it just lacked a little luck.

Therefore, Chen Chen stopped worrying and turned to Lin He and asked:

"No. 5, can I still follow you?"

"I was looking, but they were throwing a lot of smoke grenades and I was surrounded."

"I can't figure out the direction of their evacuation. It will take time."

"How many people on the other side are still alive?"

"Visually there are less than 10 people, at least more than half of them have been reduced!"

10 people.

In addition to the 4 people who were killed at the landing point, early intelligence showed that the casualties of about 25 members of the Shadow Corps had exceeded 60%.

This also means that it is absolutely impossible for the other party to organize a systematic counterattack. Next, it will be a pure cat and mouse game.

But the problem is that when a cat catches a mouse, it is sometimes difficult to catch it.

This jungle is too big. If the other party makes up their mind not to resist, it will still be a bit difficult to find them.

You can only rely on Lin He.

Therefore, nothing must happen to him, no matter what.

Therefore, Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"No. 5, stay where you are, stay hidden, and wait for response."


Lin He did not refute, nor did he show off. This was the most important thing that the previous battles had taught him, and that was:

At all times, put the commander's orders first.

After receiving his answer, Chen Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. He led the team and began to continue the pursuit along the direction of the Shadow Corps.

Following Lin He's constant prompts, they eliminated three booby traps in the forest, all of which were extremely concealed and insidious tree mines.

Chen Chen had no idea how Lin He discovered these things - this was beyond the scope of his understanding.

Maybe it's just an unusual scratch on a tree, maybe it's just a broken branch in the bush, or maybe it's an overturned leaf.

But no matter what, Lin He did it.

And his talent has become the real bargaining chip that determines the outcome of this jungle chase.

It took 15 minutes for the main force of the Dongfeng Corps to arrive at the air attack site, quickly set up a defense, and began to inspect the entire battlefield.

A total of 9 bodies were left here, without any wounded.

Of course, it is basically impossible to be injured without dying after being hit by a 12.7mm machine gun.

In extensive tests, 12.7mm heavy machine gun bullets can penetrate the entire bulletproof insert plate quite easily, and then cause huge damage to the human body behind the body armor.

Although it would not be enough to penetrate the body, the damage caused by the fragments crushed by the bulletproof plate would still be fatal if it penetrated the body.

Chen Chen checked all the corpses. Most of them were shot in the torso. Two people had their legs broken. One person was unfortunately hit in the head, leaving only a headless corpse.

Among the six players in the torso mid lane, four of them were probably hit in the chest and received their lunch boxes on the spot, while the other two died of suffocation caused by open pneumothorax + large blood vessel rupture.

The casualties at the entire scene seemed quite reasonable, but Chen Chen always felt that something was wrong.

After confirming that the environment at the scene was safe, he called Lin He over and asked him to check the surrounding areas for traces.

And after this investigation, he found that little "disharmony".

"Here, here, there should be injured people staying in these two places."

Lin He pointed to a tree trunk that had been penetrated by a bullet and an inconspicuous blood stain on the ground, and continued to explain:

"No. 4, look, the bullet should have hit the enemy behind the trunk after penetrating the trunk, right at this location."

"The plants on the ground showed signs of being crushed, trampled and then falling over."

"The man leaned back and leaned against the tree trunk behind him after being shot, but there was no blood stain on the tree trunk."

"That means he wasn't penetrated."

"Coupled with the double obstruction of the tree trunk and body armor, he was probably injured, but not too seriously."

Having said this, Lin He paused for a moment, then recalled carefully and continued:

"They must have indeed taken away a few wounded people. I heard them shouting for help in English."

"There is also this place where the bullet penetrated directly into the ground, but because of the angle, it bounced up and hit someone again."

"Pull the leaves aside and you can see the traces of bullets passing through."

Following the direction of Lin He's finger, Chen Chen pushed aside the bushes and saw a "bullet channel" close to the ground.

Those fragile herbaceous plants were broken into pieces, and they drooped to the ground as if they had been cut by a not-sharp sickle.

"So, the opponent's casualties were 11, and they still have combat-effective personnel, which should be less than 10."

"The lightly wounded are a burden, and their speed will also slow down. This is good news for us."

The white dog beside him spoke thoughtfully, while Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"This is not good news."

"When the number of troops has been reduced by more than half, they still want to bring the lightly wounded, but it is definitely not because of their humanitarian spirit or their comradeship."

"There are only two possibilities: either they have found a foolproof hiding place; or their support is about to arrive."

"It's even possible that both happened at the same time."

After hearing his words, Bai Gou reacted instantly.

Yes, no matter how powerful the Shadow Corps' background is, it is still just a mercenary organization in terms of organizational form.

A mercenary organization will not risk its own life to save the lives of others.

If they really saved someone, it must be because they thought they could.

The situation changed again, and the speed of this change almost made Bai Gou unable to keep up.

He looked at Chen Chen and asked:

"What should we do? Should we continue chasing?"

"We have to keep chasing, and we have to be fast!"

Chen Chen answered decisively, and then continued:

"I don't believe there is anywhere in this jungle where they can hide. As long as they are still in the jungle, we will definitely be able to catch them."

"Group 4, cooperate with No. 5 to go out for investigation and follow the traces."

"Other groups will follow, pay attention to fire cover and echelon defense."

"We have to move quickly and try to stop them before they reach their chosen 'safe zone'!"


Everyone answered together, and then Chen Chen stopped caring about the corpses and immediately led the team to set off.

Touch the corpse?

It didn't exist. Even when he was just checking the body, Chen Chen was extremely careful to keep a considerable distance, just to avoid unnecessary killings due to possible booby traps.

If you touch the corpse at this time, you really think your life is too long.

Besides, the opponent's equipment is actually not that attractive to the Dongfeng Corps.

Even the anti-infrared camouflage suits they were wearing had lost their meaning at this time.

After all, a mouse being chased by a cat cannot have time to look back.

So, under the command of Chen Chen, the Dongfeng Corps began to advance at full speed. Lin He was like a cheetah in the forest. After taking off the heavy protective equipment, he rediscovered his peak intuition in the jungle.

The whole team moved forward at an astonishing speed, even Cheng Lei in the air was stunned.

Because he could clearly see the movement trajectory of the Dongfeng Corps. In 30 minutes, the ground team had moved more than 1 kilometer!

Although it has only advanced 600 meters in the main direction of advance, this is because the ground team has to constantly trial and error, constantly track, and constantly adjust the direction!

If it were truly a pure jungle cross-country, the speed of this team might even exceed two kilometers per hour.

This terrifying speed, even without considering any other factors, is enough to elevate this team to the level of "King of the Jungle".

Because they can rely on their super high speed to fight guerrillas against the enemy, and the deterrence of jungle guerrillas is absolutely unparalleled in all types of guerrilla warfare.

Cheng Lei breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the fuel gauge and reported:

"There are 20 minutes of effective flight time left, and I need to return to refuel in 20 minutes."

"Understood, 20 minutes."

Chen Chen opened his mouth to answer, and at this moment, new information came from Lin He:

"The enemy is starting to move in a straight line, and their goals are clear."

All members of the Dongfeng Corps were refreshed, and the pursuit speed accelerated again. Only 15 minutes later, they once again crossed the 500-meter distance and reached the "pursuit end point" determined by Lin He.

"The traces are lost here."

"They drilled holes."

Chen Chen pushed aside the bushes and walked over. What appeared in front of him was a deep sinkhole. Looking down the sinkhole, there was an obvious cave entrance on one side of the bottom.

Chen Chen squatted down and noticed that there were very obvious traces of rope friction on the stone wall next to the sinkhole, but there was no rope left.

The enemy uses recyclable knots—either an alpine bow or a figure-eight knot.

The situation started to get a little bad. Just as Chen Chen had judged at the beginning, the enemy had really found a foolproof hiding place!

Chen Chen couldn't help but frown. He couldn't even imagine that the other party could pull this trick.

Yes, in the entire Pubei jungle, there is really no safer hiding place than a cave.

Once they were in the hole, the pursuers had no chance of catching them again.

Because the cave here is not just a small cave like some scenic spots, but a group of typical karst caves.

You never know how much space is hidden under a small entrance, and you never know where the tunnel connected to the underground water system will take you.

Maybe, after you spend a few hours walking through the narrow tunnel, you will find yourself under another mountain several kilometers away, or even in the underground pipe system of a certain city!

This is the case for Phra Indonesia Cave, Nam Um Cave, and even Han Son Cave, which has been developed into a tourist attraction.

There are still an unknown number of caves similar to them that have not yet been discovered or officially recorded.

The one in front of me is probably one of them.

"what to do?"

Bai Gou came forward and asked:

"Should we go down and chase? The situation in the cave is different from the jungle. If we chase in blindly."

He didn't finish his words, but Chen Chen could completely understand his worries.

If CQB is the most difficult battle in the world, then there is another form of battle that is definitely above CQB, and even exceeds it by several orders of magnitude.

That is, tunnel warfare.

From the Anti-Japanese War, to the Communist War, to the later Vietnam War, and even the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the side that uses tunnel warfare can gain a unique advantage.

Moreover, this advantage is completely unsolvable.

Are you going to rush in?

A machine gun placed in the main alleyway can completely wipe you out, not to mention the complicated side roads and complicated traps.

Naturally formed caves do not have so many exquisite designs, but the terrain and bunkers that can be exploited are really abundant.

Or, you said that if I don’t go in, I’ll blow it up with a ground-penetrating bomb?

That's right, the old Americans also have this idea.

But not to mention how far the effect of the ground-penetrating bomb can cover, in the current situation, Chen Chen would exchange his head for the ground-penetrating bomb?

Fire attack?

Even if you burn the entire oil depot, you may not be able to fill the entire cave system, because it is most likely connected to the underground water system.


If it is really an artificially excavated tunnel, it would still be feasible. However, the space inside this kind of natural cave is conservatively estimated to be millions of cubic meters. What kind of smoke device and pump do you need to use to remove it? Fill it up?

Oh shit.

Chen Chen couldn't help but cursed angrily. He was unwilling to let the Shadow Corps run away like this, but judging from the current situation, he was really helpless.

So damn insidious.

I just want to learn your tactics, how can you learn our tactics?

Why are you rebelling against Tiangang? Do you still want to show your face? !

Chen Chen scratched his head a little irritably. At this moment, he really felt the old beauty's helplessness in the face of Yue G.

Time passed by, and the helicopter was forced to return to supply supplies and also transport the wounded.

Looking at the silent, dark, and bottomless hole, Chen Chen couldn't help but have a thought flash through his mind:

It was really taught by a master. Now I really can’t break the trick.

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