I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 253 An attempt to combine multiple arms

There was no need to worry too much about booby traps this time. Chen Chen stripped off everything he could from the bodies of the members of the Shadow Corps.

Anti-infrared camouflage suits - also known as "geely suits" in the legend, but the linings of these ghillie suits are made of tin foil, nickel metal and other coatings that Chen Chen doesn't know about.

This suit of clothing almost completely blocks all infrared signatures and has an excellent camouflage effect. It is almost impossible to be detected in the jungle when not in motion.

I really made a lot of money this time.

With this thing, the Dongfeng Corps is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to other teams in Pubei in terms of special operations.

I want defense with armor, camouflage with camouflage, and firepower with firepower.

What? You want to meet me?

Then you have to find me first.

However, when you are looking for me, my 12.7mm bullet will definitely hit your head first!

Chen Chen almost immediately put on camouflage clothes for himself - although these auspicious clothes were a bit unlucky, the staunch proletarian fighter would not accept this at all.

Nonsense, I personally saved you, how dare you come to trouble me?

Not only Chen Chen, but also more than ten camouflage uniforms inside and outside the cave were stripped off and transferred to the members of the Dongfeng Corps.

No one thinks there is anything wrong with this. After all, making the best use of everything is the most basic principle of the Dongfeng Corps.

In addition to the camouflage uniforms, this Shadow Corps team is indeed surprisingly fat.

All members have standard four-eye night vision devices, M151 target scopes, MK2 thermal imaging sights installed on HK416, and even the bullets in the guns are loaded with the same armor-piercing bullets as those of the Dongfeng Corps.

It was really taught by the same master, and there was almost no deviation in the strategic choices of the two teams.

No wonder they actually dared to launch an assault knowing that the Dongfeng Corps had helicopters. After all, in their view, if they could kill the helicopters, then with their equipment and vision advantages, destroying the Dongfeng Corps would be just a matter of effort.

But fortunately, the Dongfeng Corps won in the end.

Cheng Lei's acumen saved a member of the Dongfeng Corps. No matter how radical the people of the Shadow Corps were, they couldn't imagine how big the background of this helicopter pilot was——

Of course, Chen Chen actually didn't know either.

But judging from Cheng Lei's simple, rough and extremely efficient driving habits, he should have retired not long ago, and he must have been educated by Mao Zi.

Because in fact, helicopter driving technology and tactics in the north have been stagnant for a long time.

There was even a classic case at that time, that is, in a joint anti-terrorism exercise with Maozi a few years ago, the Army Airlines was beaten to the ground by Maozi.

Because at that time, the pilots in the north were still habitually following the past tutorials to hover and fire, but Mao Zi ruthlessly pointed out that this was the behavior of being a target.

Since then, the exchanges between the two sides have become closer and closer, and it didn't take long for the situation to reverse.

All Maozi's things have been learned, and even the rabbit has begun to teach Maozi how to perform ultra-low-altitude acceleration and rapid ground-skimming turns.

Cheng Lei was obviously the pilot who retired after this "big environment iteration". In other words, he should still be seriously at his peak at this time.

Good brother, I am wronging you by letting you open the Mi-171sh.

When we become more developed, we will at least build a Hind for you to play with!

After the battlefield in the cave was cleaned, Chen Chen led the team to evacuate quickly.

And just as they walked out of the cave, they heard Cheng Lei's call from the helicopter.

"Shipwreck, Firebird observed signs of human activity 1,800 meters to the southeast. The infrared signals were intensive, and the visual scale was around 100 to 200 people."

"There are multiple vehicles that look like enemies."

"It's reinforcements from the Shadow Corps."

Chen Chen frowned slightly.

The reinforcements came very quickly. The distance of 1,800 meters, based on their traveling speed, was basically already in front of them.

Unlike the Shadow Corps, they don't have to worry about concealment, so they can maneuver along the mountain paths. It may only take them half an hour to reach the 1,800-meter distance.

Slower indeed, but not by much.

Sure enough, as Chen Chen expected, the two projects of "hideout" and "reinforcement" were carried out at the same time.

"Do you want to abort it?"

Bai Gou asked.

Before Chen Chen could answer, Cheng Lei, who was high up in the sky, answered:

"I suspect the other party may have a discharge weapon. I saw two thin barrels."

This is a natural thing. Since the Shadow Corps wants to call for reinforcements, it must make the situation clear.

And as long as the situation is clear, it is impossible not to take this helicopter into consideration for reinforcements.

Therefore, blindly using helicopters to conduct raids is extremely risky and irrational behavior.

But without destroying them, it will be difficult for the Dongfeng Corps to evacuate to a safe area smoothly - because they are separated by Jingdong.

After thinking carefully, Chen Chen said:

"Lin He, put on your camouflage clothes and go out for reconnaissance."

"The others quickly gathered towards me and we set up an ambush."

"The Firebird lowered its rappel rope, left the combat zone and stood by to give the illusion of evacuation. It waited until we dealt with the anti-aircraft fire before carrying out the air strike."


Everyone answered together, and then the entire Dongfeng Corps moved again.

Lin He did not walk through the jungle again, but walked along the path at high speed. After only 10 minutes, he reported the enemy's latest location to Chen Chen.

"The enemy is forming a formation. The opponent has anti-aircraft guns, two mountain howitzers, a total of 6 vehicles, and about 150 people."

"They all have heavy body armor - they look like they are from the 505th Brigade!"

"so fast?"

Chen Chen said subconsciously.

The "so fast" in his mouth certainly does not mean that the 505th Brigade came so fast. In fact, Jingdong has been surrounded for a long time. If the 505th Brigade has not responded by now, it would be a big mistake. .

What he really means is that the 505th Brigade has also begun to replace heavy body armor on a large scale?

This means that the news that our side has replaced the 7th Brigade and the 756th Brigade with body armor has spread, and the backers behind the 505th Brigade have also begun to follow suit.

Pubei is a really weird place.

Call it weak, the fighting power of the civilians here is indeed frighteningly weak.

But you say strong. Under the multi-party game, the "vision" and "strategy" displayed by each team are indeed strong.

Not to mention the current heavy-duty body armor, according to Chen Chen's memories of his previous life, in a few years, civilian weapons here will be able to carry out drone strikes.

What they absorbed was also the advanced experience of the war between two countries in the northwest.

It's cumbersome and difficult to deal with.

But fortunately, Chen Chen is always one step ahead of them!

You have body armor, I wear incendiary bombs.

Although there is a huge disparity in numbers, there is really no guarantee who can defeat the other!

Therefore, Chen Chen immediately ordered:

"Groups 1 and 2 disperse and move closer to the enemy's deployment position in a small group combat formation."

"We must set up defenses along the enemy's advance route and first annihilate the enemy's response and rescue teams entering the jungle."

"Groups 3 and 4 wore camouflage uniforms, approached the enemy's deployment position from the west, and launched an assault after the interception battle started."

"Objective: Destroy enemy anti-aircraft firepower and create fighter aircraft for helicopters."

"Baigou, set up an artillery reconnaissance observation post with me, contact the 756th brigade artillery, and Bao Qi will remotely command, calculate the shooting points, and launch a round of 155 howitzer bombardment on the enemy."

"The distance is 21 kilometers, Wanpai Artillery Battery can reach it!"


A series of instructions were given, and while Bai Gou was executing them, he felt a sense of fright.

Artillery bombardment, air assault, light infantry interception

Damn it, when did the Dongfeng Corps evolve into a multi-arms coordinated combat version? !

Half an hour later, the "Special Operations Group" of the 505th Brigade set off.

The leader of the action team and the company commander of Zhao Jialiang's personal soldiers, Huisheng, was hiding in a temporary post next to the position. While looking at the military map on the ground, he frowned and asked the adjutant:

"Still unable to contact the Shadow Corps? Has their location been confirmed?"

Upon hearing his words, the adjutant immediately replied:

"We haven't been contacted yet, but the situation is basically normal at the moment."

"Their last contact pointed out the location to us, and everyone has already entered the cave."

"The signal there is not good, so it's normal for us to be unable to contact you."

"We just saw that the helicopters of the Dongfeng Corps have evacuated - it has only been more than two hours since the Shadow Corps entered the cave. Theoretically, it is impossible for them to complete the attack on the Shadow Corps in such a short period of time and then Evacuated.”

"So, they most likely found that they had no way to attack, and saw that we had already arrived with reinforcements, so they withdrew directly."

"After all, the Dongfeng Corps only has a small force. They can't compete with us head-on."


After hearing the adjutant's words, the recalled student nodded silently, and after thinking for a moment, he continued to ask:

"How is the situation with the rescue team? How long will it take for them to reach the cave?"

"The specific location is not clear. They went along the smoke first. They should be there soon."

"Do you understand why there is smoke?"

The recall student's question was actually unnecessary, because their team did not have aerial reconnaissance means. They could only see smoke coming from many places, but they had no way to connect the smoke.

However, as an experienced "expert" in jungle warfare, his adjutant still gave a relatively reasonable answer.

"It's possible that the Dongfeng Corps wants to use smoke to smoke out the Shadow Corps, but I guess they have no chance of succeeding."

"Don't be so optimistic."

The recall student interrupted him and then said:

"You'd never imagine what could happen to that sunken ship. Now it's just smoking. Maybe the people in the Shadow Corps have been smoked to death like rats."

At this point, he couldn't help but sigh.

"We arrived too late - no, the Dongfeng Corps moved too fast."

"No matter what, we should at least go and have a look."

"If there's a body, recover the body."

"If the body can't be found, at least we have been here and can give an explanation about where it is."

"Indeed it is."

The adjutant nodded slightly, with a helpless look on his face.

What else could it be?

There is a helicopter opposite!

Is it possible to really fight them, bite their butts, and avenge the Shadow Corps?

But stop kidding me.

All we can do is do our best to ensure the peace of fate.

Fortunately, our "corpse collection operation" is basically safe, right?

This thought flashed through his mind, but then, a huge "foreboding feeling" suddenly arose.

He didn't know where this premonition came from, but the next second, a strange whistling sound immediately confirmed his premonition.

"There are guns!!!"


The adjutant yelled at the top of his lungs, then immediately pulled the recall student and ran out.

The student was completely confused. He didn't understand the situation at all.

But then, a sudden exploding shell shook him back to reality.

Yes, it was bombarded!

How can this be? !

I am more than 20 kilometers away from the nearest artillery battery of the 756th Brigade, and I have just launched

Doesn't this mean that the Dongfeng Corps hasn't left yet? !

The hair on his head stood up at the recall, and the huge fear and shock made his whole face become a little distorted.

"Quick gun! Run!"

He yelled in confusion, having forgotten how to give orders for a moment.


But in fact, there was no need for him to give orders at all, everyone was fleeing into the jungle.

This is the safest direction, after all, the damage of artillery shells in the jungle will be greatly reduced.

But soon, even the dense jungle became unsafe.

Cold shots fired from unknown sources knocked down the fleeing soldiers one after another. They were obviously wearing heavy body armor, but the bullets still resolutely penetrated their bodies!

The high temperature even ignited their clothes and the surrounding vegetation!

The hunters in the dark were more terrifying than the artillery fire in the open. The recall student finally came to his senses and issued the first correct command.

"Everyone return to position! Return to position!"

"Don't be afraid! They don't have that many shells!"

And that's exactly what happened.

After four explosions, the bombardment was heard.

The soldiers of the special operations group ran back to the position in chaos, but in the gap where they had just left the position, someone had already rushed near the position and destroyed their anti-aircraft artillery with two grenades!

The squad lost its anti-aircraft capabilities.

Yes, they also have a lot of bazookas and even two Javelin missiles they just got.


But what's the use? !

Precision shooters in the dark are harvesting the lives of high-value targets shot by shot, and the situation has completely developed into a one-sided direction.

Chen Chen squatted half-crouched behind a tree, and used the SCAR-H's built-in sight to lock the crosshair on the head of a soldier who had just picked up the javelin.

He carefully avoided the man's arm in order not to hurt this precious piece of equipment.

Then, he gently pulled the trigger, and a bullet accurately passed through the gap in the side of the body armor, smashing the man's chest and internal organs into a pile of fragments.

The enemy fell straight down with almost no reaction, and at this moment, Cheng Lei, who had been waiting for a long time, arrived.

The three heavy machine guns had completed their ammunition supply, and the 12.7mm-caliber hailstones slanted down, knocking all enemies who had not had time to get up to the ground.

At the same time, the interception team had eliminated the enemy's rescue team - 8 vs. 30. One of them was also injured, but with idle time and advanced sighting equipment, the enemy did not last more than 5 minutes.

It's all over.

Chen Chen scanned the entire battlefield, and at this moment, an obvious high-value target appeared in front of him.

One person is dragged and covered by another person moving forward.

There is no doubt that that is the commander.

Hold the gun, raise your shoulder, aim, and fire.

Within 1 second, all actions are completed.


The man's head exploded.

The other person who was pulling him froze on the spot, and just 0.5 seconds later, his head also exploded.

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