I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 254 We need to find a military doctor

"It's very weak. It doesn't look like an elite troop."

Looking at the messy battlefield, Bai Gou made a conclusion for the team that came for reinforcements.

In his opinion, there was no doubt that these people were from the 505th Brigade. After all, they were still wearing the military uniforms of the 505th Brigade.

It is very likely that this is a team that Zhao Jialiang uses to "handle errands". After all, anyone with a brain knows that when the enemy has a helicopter, no matter what means you use to rescue, it may lead to huge disasters. Control risks.

Of course, the most correct approach is to let a bunch of rookies put on advanced equipment, then pretend to be very powerful in combat, go around the target point, and then go back and report that "the enemy is too strong and we couldn't stop them."

But Zhao Jialiang probably didn't expect that the people in the Dongfeng Corps would do such a great job.

Not only will the Shadow Corps be swallowed up, but those who come to save people will also be swallowed up! ——

But of course, this is actually easy to understand.

After all, the entire Dongfeng Corps is pursuing the highest security, and killing the enemy is the safest way, isn't it?

Seeing the disapproving expression on Bai Gou's face, Chen Chen, who was standing aside, did not speak, but squatted down to examine the body carefully.

After a moment, he raised his head and said:

"This doesn't seem to be some cannon fodder."

"Not cannon fodder? Why?"

Bai Gou asked doubtfully.

"Look, it's not weird to put body armor on the cannon fodder. It's not weird to mix a few veterans into the cannon fodder and let them use javelins to fly. However, it would be a bit strange if the guns they use are all good guns. ”

"The Bayi Bar in their hands is not an old gun used for cannon fodder. The rifling wear is very low. It should be a new gun that has just been reloaded."

"Don't look at the gun!"

Bai Gou kicked the gun out of Chen Chen's hand, and the latter raised his head helplessly and said:

"I've already unloaded my bullets."

". Then you can't develop this habit!"

"Where can I look at the rifling instead of the muzzle? Should I dismantle the gun on the spot?"

Bai Gou scratched his head speechlessly. Chen Chen gave him a blank look, then stood up and continued:

"Another point is that the shoes and military uniforms they wear are of better quality and are not military uniforms issued to cannon fodder."

"But at the same time, the equipment is not new."

"This means that they should have changed their equipment long ago. Tsk, let alone cannon fodder, even the ordinary main force does not get this treatment."

"I estimate that these must be Zhao Jialiang's private soldiers."

"Stop joking, no matter how good a private soldier is, he won't be this good, right?"

Bai Gou's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

Chen Chen, on the other hand, was completely silent.

Do you call this food?

They have body armor, anti-aircraft guns, and M56 mountain cannons, but they can’t even talk about cooking, right?

Even in terms of combat effectiveness, with almost no vision, the rescue team of this unit still struggled with the two teams of the Dongfeng Corps for several minutes. In the end, they were defeated and entered the harvesting rhythm before being driven out. The army was destroyed.

As for the main force staying at the starting position?

They had no chance to resist at all. - No, even when they were bombarded and completely suppressed by aerial firepower, a small number of their soldiers still tried to attack the helicopter with javelins and rocket launchers. Their thinking was clear. Get a batch.

The reason why it collapsed so quickly in the end was because they didn't have any anti-hidden means?

Yi Shui'er's ghillie suit can't even be seen in the thermal imaging. It is really too difficult for them to let them fight.

And even with such a huge disadvantage, they still lasted for 20 minutes, and it wasn't until more than half of the remaining people died that they began to collapse. This is really considered elite.


Or in fact, it can be said that just "setting up the starting position" is already very illustrative of the problem.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"Don't misunderstand our strength, and don't misunderstand the enemy."

"If they hadn't just stepped into the range of the cannon this time, if it hadn't been for our aerial fire cover, with just 20 of us, would you dare to fight them?"

"Even if it's a sneak attack, we can't defeat them, okay?"

"We don't have any heavy firepower at all. If we hit you with a hammer, no matter how great our field of vision advantage is, a heavy machine gun can crush you until you can't even lift your head!"

".It seems to be the same reason."

Bai Gou smiled awkwardly. He also remembered that in the battle just now, almost every few seconds, he had to command the precision shooters of his team to kill the enemy's high-value targets.

What about machine gunners, bazooka operators, artillerymen?

It was under such continuous sniping that the enemy's counterattack slowly collapsed, and our own side was able to establish control.

That's right, even if the first round of shelling took away at least 30 people, the enemy showed no signs of collapse.

In this way, are they really elite?

That's a bit troublesome.

Bai Gou frowned and asked:

"If it is really the private soldiers of the 505th Brigade that we are fighting this time, then our follow-up plan will have to change."

Chen Chen hummed and replied:

"It's a scheduling issue."

"Originally, we should not have had a direct conflict with the 505th Brigade so early. This would have caused the conflict between the 756th Brigade and the 505th Brigade to intensify in advance, which would not be conducive to the siege of Jingdong and the negotiations between He Bangxiong and Myanmar."

"But since we've all been beaten, it's useless to say anything now."

"Inform He Bangxiong as soon as possible and let him prepare to face the enemy."

"Palau's defense line is not completely stable yet. If the 505th Brigade launches a surprise attack, it will be able to attack them directly within a day."

"The situation is not good. I have to discuss countermeasures with He Bangxiong in person."

"Understood, then let's return as soon as possible."

Bai Gou sighed and asked with some reluctance:

"What to do with these trophies?"

"What else can we do? It's going to explode!"

Chen Chen also felt a little painful. To be honest, the equipment of this small hundred and fifty people was quite valuable.

The Bayi bar was in good condition, with several heavy machine guns, two mountain cannons, and an anti-aircraft gun. Although the steering gear was damaged by a grenade, it was still completely usable after being pulled back for repair.

However, the geographical location of Wanpaoshan Mountain is really awkward. The only path that can be walked along is to the 505th Brigade side of Tachileik, while the side near Dabang and the 756th Brigade is completely blocked by the mountain.

If heavy equipment wants to be transported, it must either take the Wacker Town waterway or pass through Jingdong.

Obviously, neither path is feasible.

I had no choice but to endure the pain and explode.

But before blowing it up, Chen Chen still planned to search it carefully to see if he could find any useful equipment.

This process went very quickly, and the first thing that was found were two javelins - these things were too conspicuous, and they had been targeted a long time ago, and they would undoubtedly be taken away.

In addition to the javelin, Chen Chen actually had an unexpected gain.

Two needle-1 9K310 anti-aircraft missiles!

Everyone in the Dongfeng Corps was shocked, but Chen Chen didn't take it seriously.

This thing is called the Soviet Stinger, but its price is much lower than the Stinger. It can be said to be the AK47 among man-portable air defense missiles. Its output is huge and there are many imitation models. Even Caoxian County has imitated one. A large number of troops were deployed.

Chen Chen was actually not surprised that this thing appeared in Pubei. The reason was very simple. The reason why Pubei civilians had not seen anti-aircraft missiles before was not because they could not buy them, but because they had no place to use them.

Now, the Dongfeng Corps has used a helicopter to bring two-dimensional combat into the three-dimensional realm for the first time. Is it not unusual for civilians to have some portable air defense missiles?

You know, the purchase price of Z-1 in the Middle East is as low as 9,000 US dollars, and the Iraqi militias can buy it back in bulk and modify it. Trial and error

Why so cheap?

Well, this matter has to start with the old almanac of East Germany.

The story was too long, and Chen was too lazy to explain it to everyone, so he simply asked them to put their things away, and immediately started looking for a suitable landing point to signal the helicopter to land and evacuate.

The results of the early training with containers once again came into play. After the helicopter landed, it only took 3 minutes for everyone to cover and evacuate in sequence.

Subsequently, Cheng Lei drove the Mi-171sh at full speed. It took less than 20 minutes to bypass Jingdong and reach Mengbin via Palau.


True, they did not land at Dong Tat because they still had wounded.

This casualty had a serious minor injury. After the body armor deflected the bullet, the shrapnel hit his shoulder. Not to mention that it was not life-threatening, the prognosis was good.

However, those who were injured in the previous raid by the Shadow Corps were not so lucky.

As soon as he landed in the hospital square and stepped off the plane, Chen Chen received bad news.

The mercenary named "Old Diaoye" who was snatched back by Sickle and Chicken Guan with all his life, but everyone called him Lao Diao, died.

Although the mechanic's methods are extremely cruel, it is still not that easy to snatch someone back from death.

His bleeding stopped, and he even received a blood transfusion on the helicopter. But in the end, after being sent to Mengbin, he still suffered from hypovolemic shock due to excessive blood loss. He died directly before he could even be rescued. On the operating table.

No one can blame the whole process, because his condition was always very stable when he was on the helicopter, and his consciousness was even clear.

He also comforted Jiguan and said that in the future, he would just go to the logistics department to train like Big Bird.

A big bird and an old man have the same injured part, which can be regarded as fate.

But he didn't expect that he wouldn't have the same luck as Big Bird.

On the other side, in addition to Lao Diao, Sickle and Cockcomb are also in very bad condition.

Although they reported minor injuries, in fact, the criterion for judging minor injuries on the battlefield is whether they can continue to act under the rush of adrenaline.

Just because they can do it, doesn't mean they are truly "minor injuries."

Sickle's intestines were perforated, his entire abdominal cavity was in a mess, and his excrement caused an explosive infection. As soon as he landed, he was admitted to one of the only two ICUs in Meng Bin.

The cockscomb was completely missing from the palm of his left hand, and he was also hit by a bullet on the edge of his ribs. That means he was lucky and the bones and debris were not inserted into his lungs, otherwise he would have been able to survive.

However, it is definitely impossible for him to hold a gun again.

After hearing this news, Chen Chen's excitement about winning the battle quickly cooled down.

He frowned, looked at He Bangxiong, who came to report to him in person, and asked:

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with Lao Diao's surgical treatment?"

He Bangxiong was startled. He was afraid that Chen Chen would ask this, but since he asked, he had to answer.

"There should be no problems with the surgery, but I can't guarantee it. Anyway, I've asked the doctor to check."

"The people who organized the rescue were my own doctors. I specially transferred them here. I think."

"It's okay, Brigadier He, I'll just ask."

Chen Chen noticed his nervousness and waved his hand to signal him to relax.

In fact, I really had no intention of launching an attack, this was just something that had to be done.

At this time, the serviceman who got off the helicopter also heard their conversation, so he added:

"Lao Diao's condition was already very bad. He had already lost a lot of blood when he was put on the plane, and he was given a hemostatic bandage without debridement. I suspect that an embolism had formed in his body."

"It can only be said that we are doing our best to bring him back to ensure peace of mind. Let alone Mengbin, it will be difficult to save him wherever he is sent."

"It was a matter of luck, and he was really unlucky."

Chen silently nodded, and Qinwu continued:

"Actually, the most pity is the sickle. The shot in the abdomen can be treated, but it needs to be treated by a military doctor."

"None of us are professional military doctors, so we really can't do this kind of thing."

"He was lucky this time. No organ ruptured, but the severe infection was enough for him to drink a pot. It is estimated that he will not be able to fight again in the future."

"I think it's time to have a military doctor in our team - I should say, we need to have a military medical team."

"In the presence of helicopters, the role of the medical team can be easily brought into play, and the value is still very high."

After hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded solemnly.

Indeed, the reason why military doctors were not considered before was because the Dongfeng Corps' combat tempo was relatively fast and evacuation was extremely difficult. The deployment of military doctors was not useless, but at least its usefulness was relatively small.

Because the little time the military doctors grabbed was not enough to evacuate to a place with medical conditions.

But now, with helicopters, the situation is completely different.

Military doctors can spare one or two hours for the wounded, which is enough to complete the evacuation of the wounded and save their lives.

It's worth it.

Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"I'm going to find a military doctor and I'll get it sorted as soon as possible."

"Now, we have to send the bodies of our comrades back first."

Even as the leader of a mercenary group, reporting death news to family members is definitely not a pleasant thing.

However, since the Lion Corps was merged into the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen has always insisted on doing it himself.

Looking at the extremely sad but somewhat numb family members, Chen Chen's thoughts surged.

The earliest attrition of this regiment occurred during the Battle of Hexinzhou. For a long time after that, no one was killed in battle.

But this time, the Dongfeng Corps directly lost 4 people.

Two were killed and two were wounded and incapacitated.

Close to 20%.

No family member asked Chen Chen to avenge the injured or dead. As Chen Chen said early on, this is the rule of mercenaries.


In fact, the revenge has been avenged.

But I have to say that Chen Chen himself does feel that he is still very much at a loss.

These people were all cultivated by him bit by bit.

How much cost, how much time and energy was spent, and even how much emotion and expectations were invested.

Since you have lost money, you have to get it back.

MPRI will not give up, and the 505th Brigade will not give up.

That's just right.

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