I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 256 I’m looking for drones

Chen Chen did not expect that the coach of the Shadow Corps he killed had such a background, but as he said, no matter how strong his background was, as long as he was not in active service, he was just an American version of Chen Shenhe.

Are you coming to MPRI?

Come on, in this poor place like Pubei, to be honest, it’s not easy for anyone to come.

Well, except for rabbits.

The delivery ability was too poor, and the relationship with Lao Mian suffered a big loss before they could be repaired. The most they could do was to arrange a new team to come over.

What, you can still send the Rangers over?

No, they can't even come. Only the Rangers on horseback can come into contact with the current Dongfeng Corps.

I have to say that Chen Chen is indeed a bit inflated.

There is nothing we can do about it. In Pubei, whoever has a Mi-171sh and a mature and experienced crew has to expand a bit.

Therefore, after hanging up Xiaoyu's phone, Chen Chen didn't think much more, but called He Bangxiong as planned to confirm the follow-up deployment and specific combat plan with him.

The call was connected, and He Bangxiong's enthusiastic voice came out immediately.

"Brother, what's wrong? Are the conditions of the injured over there okay?"

"Fortunately, it's basically stable."

Chen Chen opened his mouth to answer, and then asked:

"I'm calling to ask you how the defense line in Palau is being deployed. The movement of the 505th Brigade is very clear now. It will definitely have a big battle with you."

"Moreover, their equipment has been significantly strengthened, and their collusion with the United States and Thailand may have deepened."

"Not only do you have to be prepared for them to have advanced equipment, but you also have to be prepared to deal with their advanced tactics."

"How are you going to deal with it?"

This sentence stopped He Bangxiong immediately.

How else to deal with it?

Aren't they just like the third child, digging trenches, setting up machine guns, and placing mines?

Brigade 756 doesn't have many troops, but there are still a lot of landmines - especially home-made landmines, which are so numerous that they can't even bury them all.

After He Bangxiong determined that he would deploy defenses in Palau, he had arranged for his engineers to place a large number of mines in both the front and rear directions of the position. These mines would seriously slow down the enemy's advance and create opportunities for the 756th Brigade.

Of course, he did not plan to rely entirely on landmines for defense, so he had already deployed machine gun positions with sufficient firepower at several commanding heights around Palau. At this point, he had learned well from the experience of the north. .

Someone in the north was drinking coffee and thinking about how to set up a machine gun. He walked around the battlefield and basically found all the spots suitable for placing machine guns.

He Bangxiong told Chen Chenyi his plan, and Chen Chen's brows were really more wrinkled than sauerkraut pickled in winter.

What age has it been, why is it still the same idea of ​​​​balanced position warfare?

If you are wrong, you are right.

But the problem is, if this continues, it will be a pure war of attrition. Can you outlast the people of the 505th Brigade?

There are people from Thailand and the United States behind them!

Moreover, they occupy a real cargo circulation port. In terms of logistical supplies alone, it is much more than your 756th Brigade.

Chen Chen sighed, thought for a moment and then said:

"In positional warfare in a modern battlefield environment, the most critical thing is not to prevent skirmishers from charging, but to air defense, counter-artillery, counter-depth mine breakthrough, counter-electronic warfare, and maintaining smooth logistics and command."

"Think about it for yourself, which of these points have you accomplished?"

He Bangxiong was stunned.

After a long silence, he tentatively asked:

"Didn't anti-depth mine breakthrough also happen?"

"Brother He, I have a plan in mind. None of the machine gun positions you have set up can cover your minefields. So tell me, how can you ensure that the enemy does not break through the minefields? ?”

"Use mines!"

"You have engineers, but others don't?"

"He clears mines and I lay mines. I am faster than him."

"Your idea is okay, but the problem is that you don't have an advanced mine-laying system. Later, the minefield will become the first battlefield. What's the use of those arrangements on your position?"


He Bangxiong reacted immediately and then asked:

"Brother, how should I adjust here?"

Chen Chen pulled over the map and roughly marked the machine gun position selected by He Bangxiong, and then adjusted the position of the position.

To be honest, this is definitely not an easy job.

One move affects the whole body, and every adjustment of the position means that all other firepower points must follow the linkage.

While Chen Chen was adjusting, he also had to confirm the shooting range with He Bangxiong, which was very inefficient.

But fortunately, he is not doing a global deployment, just making the minefield "safe".

It took half an hour, and the adjustment was basically completed. He Bangxiong said with emotion:

"It does look much better this way. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. It's not too deep to move forward, and the rear cover is sufficient. Brother, I knew you were not only good at fighting special battles!"

Chen Chen coughed and did not answer, but then said:

"After completing the anti-depth mine breakthrough, the next step is to counter-artillery."

"It is impossible for Zhao Jialiang not to have artillery in his hands, and you have seen the power of artillery strikes yourself."

"So, even if you can't lock down their artillery units before the war starts, you still have to destroy them in time after the first round of shelling."

"This requires your artillery reconnaissance team to be able to detect in time, calculate in time, and provide feedback in time."

"Brother, you don't need to say anything. Do you think I am the person who can do this?"

He Bangxiong's tone was a little helpless, and Chen Chen also realized that there was no team with this ability in Pubei.

However, the fact that artillery bombardment cannot be achieved does not mean that there is no other way.

There are many anti-artillery drones, and there are also advanced equipment such as Excalibur and Lancet. He Bangxiong definitely does not have these things, but Chen Chen can get him the simplest one. The most brainless plan, that is.

Positions are decentralized.

No matter how awesome the 505th Brigade is, you only have a few cannons.

My positions are scattered, which one do you want to bomb?

Therefore, Chen Chen re-adjusted He Bangxiong's position layout, and all heavy firepower was dispersed, forming a wide-ranging firepower layout like spreading sesame seeds.

Of course, such an arrangement will also lead to a problem, that is, the distribution of troops is too scattered. When the degree of organization is low, it is easy to cause a catastrophic defeat.

Therefore, this requires that electronic warfare capabilities must be improved, and at least one's own communications cannot be interfered with.

At the same time, in the first round of battle, the 756th Brigade must be able to win and boost morale.

In this way, Chen Chen really chatted with He Bangxiong for more than two hours and gave him a good round of theoretical and practical lessons in positional warfare.

Of course, Chen Chen's suggestion may not be completely correct, because the actual situation on the battlefield and the actual on-site environment must be taken into consideration.

Therefore, Chen Chen also repeatedly told He Bangxiong that he must go to the scene to see it before making adjustments to the deployment as appropriate. His discussions with him were limited to paper and may not be completely usable.

To this, He Bangxiong naturally agreed wholeheartedly, but after hanging up the phone, Chen Chen suddenly remembered that he had just wanted to ask him about the deployment situation, but how could he just chat with him and start doing it himself?

Don’t let the commander-in-chief turn into myself then!

Chen Chen scratched his head and exhaled subconsciously.

He sorted out his next plan in his mind. Apart from finding a military doctor, or a team of military doctors, the most important thing was to replenish his own consumption of "advanced firepower."

C-5 rocket launcher, AH-2 howitzer shells, cloud burst shells, recoilless shells.

These things had been severely consumed before and had not been replenished in a short period of time.

Now, before the 505th Brigade completely turns against other forces in Pubei and completely blocks the Tachileik Port, this short window period is the only chance.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately called Peng Xucheng, Jackal and Xu You and placed orders for different weapons to them.

Peng Xucheng is responsible for handling the 155 artillery shells, Xu You is responsible for handling the C-5 rocket launchers, and Jackal is responsible for handling the cloud burst bombs and recoilless artillery shells.

The first two people agreed happily, and even if they were not sure they could get it, they both expressed their willingness to work hard, but only Jackal said that he must meet Chen Chen before he could consider it.

It has to be said that with the support of Chai Sili, Jackal's status is indeed different from others. No matter how big Chen Chen's Dongfeng Corps develops, the two of them are still basically equal.

Chen Chen couldn't resist him, so he called him over directly and met him in the lobby of the villa.

As soon as he saw Chen Chen, Jackal came over mysteriously, deliberately lowered his voice and asked:

"Wreck, do you know who you killed?"

Looking at his expression, Chen Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Did the news spread that quickly?

Xiaoyu has just sorted out the information, but you Jackal already know it?

No way, Chaisili’s intelligence network has already reached this level?

He shook his head in confusion and asked tentatively:

"I don't know, who is it?"

"Jonathan Connor! An old American combat hero who was famous for several raids in the Gulf War. After retiring, he was also a patriotic model!"

"I don't know why he joined MPRI, but all I can say is... Shipwreck, you are in big trouble this time!"

Jackal revealed all the information he had without reservation, and his attitude made Chen Chen even more confused.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Chen Chen asked.

".Do you even need to ask? I don't want my partner to die so quickly."

"This news has not spread yet. At present, there is only a small-scale leak of information. It is a coincidence that I can get it. But in short, you must be prepared."

"I know."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and said:

"Someone has already warned me."

".That's what it should be. But I'm really curious, how did you kill them?"

Jackal scratched his head and continued:

"There is not much difference in your numbers. Your jungle combat skills may be slightly higher, but I heard that you have captured the anti-infrared camouflage suit, which means that their information advantage is far greater than yours."

"The jungle is the most unfavorable terrain for helicopter operations. Theoretically, helicopters can only be used for rapid maneuvers, and they must also beware of attacks by anti-aircraft light weapons. I don't understand. Can you tell me?"

A smile appeared on Chen Chen's lips, and he asked with a hint of teasing:

"What do you give in exchange?"

".Didn't I already exchange information about Jonathan Connor?"

"But I already knew this information, and I also knew why he was here."

".Then I have nothing to give you."

Jackal helplessly spread out his hands and leaned on the sofa, assuming a posture of letting others be slaughtered.

After all, he really couldn't give Chen Chen too many good things.

The current Dongfeng Corps is no longer the mercenary group that lacked all the equipment before. Now they even have helicopters!

How could they still value something that Jackal could get with his authority?

However, Chen Chen didn't think so.

Because there is one thing that he really likes, and only Chaisili can get it.

He opened his mouth and said:

"I remember that Chaisili has an office in Jingdong, right?"

A long time ago, Jackal once said that they have offices in Jingdong and Tachileik, and they also provided some help to Chen Chen. Chen Chen was still very impressed.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Jackal asked doubtfully.

"I want you to do something for me."

"What's up?"

"Search the house."

"Search your home?! Whose house is being searched?"

"From the Shadow Corps."

Chen Chen sat up straight and said frankly and unabashedly:

"The reason why we want to fight against the Shadow Corps is to get the equipment they have."

"However, the equipment I am talking about is not anti-infrared protective clothing or the like, but a drone."

"They had a drone in their hands, an RQ-11. I originally thought they would bring this drone with them in this jungle battle, but obviously, no."

"So, I hope you can help me find this drone from Jingdong and give it to me."

The Jackal sat up straighter, his expression becoming serious.

"Are you sure the drone is still in Kengtung? It has not been destroyed or handed over to the Myanmar Army?"

"I am sure."

Chen Chen nodded slowly and expressed his judgment:

"First of all, it is impossible for this drone to be handed over to the Myanmar Army. This is not in line with the basic principles of technology control by the United States."

"Secondly, it is unlikely to be destroyed. Because the Shadow Corps' original plan was to retreat, not to give up completely - they will eventually come back."

"In Banlon, they have already lost a drone. Even if it is a crappy product like the RQ-11, I don't believe MPRI will give it up casually."

"So there is a high probability that they hid the last drone. As for where it is, we don't know."

"This needs to be negotiated by you. It needs to be done here."

"Negotiations will be made upon reaching an agreement with Myanmar."

Jackal finished what Chen Chenwei had said. Chen Chen nodded and replied:

"That's right."

"So, is this deal reasonable?"

"Of course it's unreasonable. If I can get the helicopter, I can get greater benefits by handing it over to the head office than to you."

"Don't say it's just a change of information, that's it."

"We can share this drone."

Chen Chen interrupted Jackal and then said:

"Also, you should pay attention to the civilian drone market."

"Quadrotor drones have become more and more unpopular. Things like drones will soon become worthless."

"RQ-11? It's just something that will be eliminated soon."

"The Thai military has no shortage of this kind of thing, so what's the point of giving it to them?"

"Why don't you give it to me and we can trade privately."

Jackal nodded slowly, and after a few seconds of silence, he replied:

"no problem."

"I'll go find it for you!"

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