Chen Chen has been coveting the RQ-11 for a long time, but he has never had any expectations for the Shadow Corps to bring drones with them.

Because he knew that in jungle warfare, the role of this small reconnaissance drone was too limited, and it would face huge trouble whether it was released or recovered.

The Shadow Corps will definitely not care about this little money, but if it crashes and other countries obtain RQ-11 related technology, the problem will become serious.

So the best solution for them is not to use it at all.

As for destruction?

That was definitely one of the options. In fact, Chen Chen was not sure whether the "possible helicopter" had been destroyed. The reason why he asked Jackal to help was just to give it a try and look for it.

It's best if you can find it. If you can't find it, no one loses anything.

Of course, the Jackal knows this too.

He was willing to gamble and work hard not because of the "shared drone" condition proposed by Chen Chen, because for Chaisili who did not need high-intensity combat, the temptation of helicopters was not that great.

What he really cares about is Chen Chen's attitude.

Being able to share sensitive equipment like drones means that you have truly become "one of your own."

This was a retreat he had planned for a long time, so when this opportunity was presented to him, he was bound to try it with all his strength.

This is a cooperation that both parties know well. In a sense, it is also the first change in the relationship between Chaisri and the Dongfeng Corps after the dramatic changes in the situation in Shan State.

Chen Chen is willing to accept this change, and it can even be said that he welcomes it.

Because this means that he has established his own influence in Shan State.

In the future, even if he breaks away from the 7th Brigade and the Wanfeng Group, he will be able to maintain a fairly large and stable "power group."


Be a warlord?

That is of course inappropriate.

But who would resist making themselves more “safe”?

Even Xiaoyu couldn't find any fault with his actions.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen closed the report in front of him with satisfaction.

Before officially starting to formulate the next plan, there is one more thing he must do, and that is to complete the expansion of the Dongfeng Corps.

Lao Zhu has completed some of his tasks, and today is the time for the interview.

Chen Chen had already made an appointment with Lao Zhu for an interview time, and he was brought there immediately, and his interviewer was already waiting in the command room.

It can be said that Chen Chen has been preparing for this interview for a long time.

He carefully selected the interview team - he originally wanted to bring Xiaoyu in, but the other party clearly refused, so he had to settle for the next best thing and let Cheng Lei participate.

Therefore, there were actually four interviewers in this round of interviews, himself, Cheng Lei, Bai Gou, and Shi Dakai.

The first two people are responsible for the professional and technical aspects, Baigou is responsible for personnel inspection, and Shi Dakai is responsible for applying the brakes.

Everything was ready, the time came to 11 a.m., Chen Chen deliberately delayed for another half an hour, and delayed the interview until lunch time.

And just such a small adjustment directly eliminated 3 of the 12 candidates selected by Lao Zhu.

In the command room, Cheng Lei shook his head and said:

"Captain, why do I feel like we are like capitalists now?"

"Specially choose to interview during breaks to screen out candidates who are unwilling to work overtime?"

Chen Chen laughed and replied:

"War is not treating guests to dinner, nor is it embroidering and painting. If you can't even endure this little hardship and can't adapt to this arrangement, it means that this person's obedience is really poor."

"Our company does not want people with poor obedience, because once such people go to the battlefield, they will cause big trouble to their comrades."

"Then how did you deal with those people?"

Cheng Lei asked curiously, while Chen Chen smiled mysteriously and asked:

"you guess?"

".Could it be the third one in queue, housekeeping, and physical fitness?"

"I'm not that inflexible, but it's about the same. I trained them on physical fitness, tactics, and skills, and I basically got it done."

"I understand, let's skip the recruit stage and go directly to the company standards, right?"

".That's pretty much it."

Cheng Lei wisely shut his mouth, and Chen Chen said no more, but waved to Lao Zhu to bring him in.

Chen Chen's interview process is a complete copy of the interview process of later large companies, with the first round of group interviews, the second round of business interviews, and the third round of final boss interviews.

The task of group arrangement was very simple. It directly referred to the recent case of Dongfeng Corps. The scenario was how to attack a heavily defended fortress-like building with only light weapons.

Shi Dakai explained the situation, gave everyone a briefing, allowed them to discuss freely, and reported the results after 30 minutes.

The mercenaries present were completely confused about the interview process - to be honest, had they never seen such a battle before?

In the past, whether you went to other mercenary groups or to join local Wudang soldiers, you just signed up and got on with a gun. At most, you could only shoot a few targets.

Now, you actually have to do this kind of trouble?

But Chen Chen attaches great importance to this group meeting because he knows that through such a simple method, many unsuitable candidates can be screened out.

Does the outcome of the discussion matter?

Not important at all.

What matters is the attitude shown by everyone during the discussion.

Those who rely on their seniority to not let others speak will be eliminated;

Those who cower and stay in the corner, not even willing to listen, will be eliminated;

Those who disagree quickly escalate to personal attacks and are eliminated.

However, if you listen quietly and express few opinions, but can accurately fit the theme, you can stay.

Likewise, those who continue to express their new opinions, even if they are very nonsensical or so nonsensical that they are ridiculed by everyone, but still actively participate in them, stay.

The one who copied the correct answer from the Dongfeng Corps was left behind - because this at least proved that he understood his goal before coming, which is really important for modern warfare.

After one round of screening, only 9 out of 12 people were left.

One of the people who was eliminated was what Lao Zhu called a "veteran of hundreds of battles." He was very unhappy about being eliminated. At this time, it was White Dog's turn to play.

He generously gave each of the eliminated people a thousand dollars in travel expenses, and then told them that they were not wanted because they were not good enough, but because their technical and tactical styles did not match.

Who wouldn't want to hear such a scene?

Under his operation, the first round of interviews ended in a relatively pleasant atmosphere.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and Chen Chen arranged for the interviewers to have lunch - at this stage, he had another little trick.

He invited the chef from the Vientiane Hotel to be present, and a team was specially prepared to prepare lunch for the interviewers, so that these people felt "emperor-like treatment."

This was a little trick he learned during an interview with a large company after he retired from the army in his previous life. At that time, the company arranged the interview location at the Marriott, and the meal standards were also prepared based on thousands per capita. He was shocked that he didn't see this one often. The old man who had passed away from the world said it was outrageous.

Although he didn't go due to various reasons and ended up opening Veteran's BBQ, this experience still made him understand one truth, that is:

For a company to be attractive, it is not enough just to have strong business capabilities; it must also meet the expectations of its employees.

Applying it to the Dongfeng Corps, that is, not only must it be able to fight, but it must also be able to make money and enjoy it.

You can't require all mercenaries - in fact, you can't require any mercenaries to have lofty ideals, because they are here to make money.

Therefore, you have to show your strength in this area and show them the pie painting.

After they have seen it, even if they don't eat it, they will become tap water to promote it in the future. In this way, the source of soldiers of the Dongfeng Corps will become wider and wider.

As expected by Chen Chen, this group of people were all stunned by the luxury of the Dongfeng Corps. Even before they finished eating, everyone started gearing up for the next business aspect.

The assessment was arranged at the training base in Chaisili. Chen Chen arranged a total of three business assessment items, including the use of multiple weapons, individual soldier tactical exercises and the final physical fitness assessment - conducted in the form of a 400-meter obstacle course.

A variety of weapons were used on this piece. He prepared light and heavy machine guns, Bayi bars, rocket launchers, pistols, mortars, and SCARs that these people would never have used.

Everyone has no problem operating the light and heavy machine guns and Bayi bars.

In the rocket launcher area, two people were unskilled, but instead of eliminating them, Chen Chen focused on them.

Because these two boys had obviously only seen others use 40 Fire, and had never had the opportunity to use it themselves, but after stumbling, they actually figured out the correct way to use it.

This shows that their observation ability and learning ability are above the average level and have considerable cultivation value.

Their subsequent actions when using SCAR-H also confirmed Chen Chen's suspicion.

Even though it was a new gun, their target shooting results were better than anyone else's.

"Are these two brothers?"

Chen Chen asked the old pig beside him.

"They are not brothers, they are comrades in the same company, and their cooperation is quite tacit."

"Understood, we will move them apart during the tactical assessment later, and keep them further apart in order."

"no problem."

The old pig nodded immediately and immediately started making arrangements.

In the first round of business, no one was eliminated. Chen Chen also saw that Lao Zhu had a good vision.

At least the people he chose were serious players.

However, entering the second round, the disadvantages of not having undergone professional training began to be exposed.

Chen Chen did not choose the most difficult CQB scenario, but chose a field battle to win points. However, even with this simple scenario, some people did not complete it so well.

They had concealment, maneuvering, and shooting, but their lack of proficiency showed that they did not have such awareness in past battles.

Chen Chen frowned and wanted to eliminate them, but felt it was a pity. In the end, he had to secretly decide that if they could pass, let Gang Li greet them properly.

In the last round of the 400-meter obstacle race, Chen Chen saw another surprise.

The physical performance of those two "comrades" was truly astonishing. Although their speed was not top-notch, even Cheng Lei couldn't help but sigh.

". He was indeed born in the mountains. His physical ability is unparalleled."

"How does it compare with your current level?"

Chen Chen asked a question without hesitation. Cheng Lei was stunned for a moment and then replied:

"It's definitely no problem to reach an excellent level. Now our qualifying time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and the military record is 1 minute and 23 seconds. It was run by the XJ Military Region."

"The two of them can run at the 2-minute level, and they still have enough energy to spare. In fact, there is no problem if they can do it within 1 minute and 50 seconds."

"Be better than me. My fastest record is 1 minute and 52 seconds."


Chen Chen nodded and said.

".How much did you run?"

How much do I run?

Chen Chen’s record in his previous life was 1 minute and 41 seconds. What about this life?

With scientific training coupled with a younger and better body, it is actually possible to run for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

However, if you really want to hit the record, it is completely nonsense.

Because it took the North five years to break through the gap from 1 minute 24 seconds to 1 minute 23 seconds.

Within 1 minute and 30 seconds, every second, even every millisecond, is a chasm.

Chen Chen did not answer Cheng Lei, who pursed his lips but did not ask further questions.

It wasn't until the second round of business interviews was over that Chen Chen deliberately asked:

"How about we both try it?"

"Captain, if you don't lead such a bully, I've been flying airplanes for many years, and now you want me to run an obstacle course with you?"

"Oh, I'm scared."

These words made Cheng Lei's head jump. They are all old monitors. If you say I can't do it, it's okay, but if you say I'm a coward, that's a slap in the face.

So, the two really took off their equipment and ran for a while. The final result was Chen Chen in 1 minute and 47 seconds and Cheng Lei in 3 minutes.

It’s not that he really deteriorated to below average level, it’s mainly that he sprained his foot in the first three steps and finally managed to finish the whole race.

".I'm convinced. Just wait and let me practice for two months."

Cheng Lei gasped and said.

His words were convincing, but his attitude was completely unconvinced. This was probably a common problem among those who retreated from the team.

Chen Chen laughed and replied:

"You're in your thirties, stop trying to be tough on me and just fly your plane properly."


Cheng Lei rolled his eyes and said nothing. Instead, he limped and followed Chen Chen back to the office arranged by Jackal in advance for the final round of training.

Seeing the two of them angry, Shi Dakai also found it funny.

However, he could clearly feel that Cheng Lei was different from other mercenaries in Pubei.

He really refuses to admit defeat, the kind who may fight to the death and refuse to admit defeat.

It is difficult to find such people in Pubei.

Maybe, this is the tradition of that team?

Others can surrender if they drop their guns and raise their hands, but if they drop their guns and raise their hands, they will perish.

Shi Dakai sighed, with admiration and fascination in his eyes

The last round of boss interviews actually went very smoothly. We talked about salary, talked about family, and checked to see if we had any children.

It's exactly like an interview at a serious company.

But there is one more step, which is to examine attitudes towards drugs.

But these people all learned to be smart, and each of them looked like they hated it. In the end, all of them passed the inspection.

However, this does not represent the final result, because Chen Chen’s unified message to them was to go back and wait for notification

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