Among all the opponents who have offended the Dongfeng Corps, Zhao Jialiang can be said to be the one who has lived the longest.

The reason why he was not "dealt with" quickly was because, on the one hand, the 505th Brigade had a special status and complicated relationships. If a war was launched against him blindly, it would most likely cause instability and affect the survival and development of the Dongfeng Corps.

Of course, on the other hand, it is because

Before that, he had indeed not offended the Dongfeng Corps harshly enough.

The two sides have never had a direct conflict. The Dongfeng Corps took advantage of the previous problem with the Jianglong assault boat.

Therefore, although Chen Chen has always regarded Zhao Jialiang as a problem that must be solved and has never relaxed his vigilance against him, he has never really thought about "killing him."

But now, things are different.

He began to take the initiative to launch an attack on the Dongfeng Corps, and even used helicopters. Such a generous move meant that both sides had torn off their last masks and entered into a life-and-death rhythm.


But why?

Logically speaking, Zhao Jialiang shouldn't be so crazy.

Chen Chen couldn't figure it out, so he just stopped thinking about it.

He summoned all members of the Dongfeng Corps and began to formulate a plan to behead Zhao Jialiang.

Theoretically, it would be the most convenient and quickest way to fly a helicopter and drop aerial bombs on his head. But the problem is that Zhao Jialiang is not a fool. After knowing that his helicopter has been shot down and that he has completely lost contact with the crew, There was no way he would be defenseless after that.

In addition, Tachileik itself is an important town, and its air defense capabilities are definitely not comparable to places like Mengka and Jingtong. The danger of helicopter raids is too high, and the success rate is also frighteningly low.

Even if you take a step back, you can fly the helicopter in and avoid the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower, but how can you accurately locate Zhao Jialiang's position?

It is impossible for him to put up a flag on the street and tell you, "I'm here, come and blow me up." Instead, he may have carefully found a safe bunker to hide, eliminating any possibility of being attacked.

So the key to this problem is how to find him, not how to kill him.

Only by finding him and determining his specific location can all subsequent actions be feasible.

In the Dongfeng Corps command room, the core members gathered together again. After listening to Chen Chen's briefing, everyone fell into deep thought.

In the end, it was Shi Dakai who spoke first:

"We need more intelligence, at least we need to figure out the origin of this helicopter first."

"Although Mi-8 is common, it doesn't mean that everyone can buy it or find a pilot."

"Since Zhao Jialiang can get it, he will definitely leave traces."

"We have to use these traces to evaluate the price he paid, and then follow the clues. Maybe there will be a way to force him to show up."

"For example, if his helicopter came from Laos, then the crew probably came from that side, right?"

"With so many people dead, he must give an explanation to the other side, and this may become our breakthrough."

"This helicopter can be used as a bargaining chip in our negotiations, as well as these corpses and two aerial bombs."

Hearing Shi Dakai's words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

This is indeed a pretty good idea, but the problem is that this breakthrough is too tortuous and too illusory.

Zhao Jialiang may take the bait, but the greater possibility is that he will simply go all the way to the dark side, break his teeth and swallow blood, and directly cut off his connection with the attack.

What? You said they are still wearing the clothes of the 505th Brigade?

The clothes of the 505th Brigade are not anti-counterfeiting, so who can’t wear them?

This cannot be used as evidence at all. If this were not the case, Zhao Jialiang would not have allowed these clothes to appear in the first place.

“It’s an idea, but it’s not feasible enough.”

Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

"Any other ideas?"

"At least one of us has to work hard. It's too difficult to deal with such a blind spot - transfer Jiang He over, maybe he can find a way."

It was Bao Qi who spoke. Having worked with Jiang He, he understood Jiang He's abilities better than most others, so at this time, he subconsciously put the "starting point" for solving the problem on Jiang He.

But Chen Chen was a little embarrassed about this - not because Jiang He couldn't go to Tachilei, but because

What on earth was he going to do when he went there?

Just a task of "surveilling Zhao Jialiang" is absolutely unworkable. Intelligence work does not involve all maps, and intelligence personnel do not have a God's perspective. In the absence of basic information support, Jiang He simply cannot do it in a short time. Find a breakthrough, and you may even be exposed due to abnormal actions.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"We must at least determine the possible location of Zhao Jialiang and his possible direction of action, and provide Jiang He with the most basic entrance."

"He is a master, but it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. It is really too difficult for him to go to Tachilei to build an intelligence system from scratch."

"What about the little fish?"

Bao Qi spoke again.

Small fish?

Chen Chen sighed.

If they can participate, is there anything difficult about this matter?

Don't do any intelligence gathering, just send an order from the north, find an excuse to invite him to meet, and then kill him in person, isn't that all?

Isn’t the key point still “cannot participate”?

Since there is this bottom line, the sharing of intelligence is impossible.

However, Bao Qi's idea gave Chen Chen an idea.

Xiaoyu can't do it, Chaisili can do it.

Can you use Jackal's connections to give Jiang He a base for activity?

Although the difficulty is still very high, at least after having the basics, Jiang He's cold start difficulty has been reduced a lot.

You can try it.

Chen Mo nodded silently, and at this moment, the phone he put aside suddenly rang.

The caller was Peng Xucheng. Hearing his voice, Chen Chen suddenly had a bad feeling.

And the first words Peng Xucheng spoke directly confirmed his premonition.

He said:

"Shipwreck, I have to tell you something."

"I know you encountered an attack today, and that helicopter was provided by us."

"You provided it? What do you mean?"

Chen Chen frowned.

"Wanfeng Group purchased the Mi-8 helicopter, but we did not know that this helicopter would be used to target the Dongfeng Corps."

"The truth is, no one really could have imagined it."

"The contracts for the procurement and renovation were negotiated a long time ago, but they were only delivered recently."

"The reason why I want to make this call to you is to tell you that Wanfeng Group has no alliance with the 505th Brigade. We are just normal business cooperation."

"But your cooperation almost killed us all."

Chen Chen let out a long sigh, while Peng Xucheng's tone across from him became a little humble.

"We really didn't expect it to come to this. We can make amends."

"We have information about Zhao Jialiang, and we can help you kill him!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chen immediately became vigilant.

Kill Zhao Jialiang?

It is true that this is the current general trend. As long as Wanfeng Group wants to continue to develop into the core area of ​​​​Pubei with the help of the northern Shan State, it must comply with the decisions of the Seventh Brigade and the Wa State.

But now, they are acting too aggressively.

This shouldn't be something a businessman can do unless...

Profit driven.

Wanfeng Group's basic base is indeed not in Tachilei, but Tachilei is indeed an important source of goods for Wanfeng Group.

And now, Zhao Jialiang has taken advantage of the opportunity of Pamang Camp to grow bigger and has strengthened his control over Tachilei, and has even begun to obtain things like needle-1 and javelin.

There is no doubt that Wanfeng Group's market position has been challenged.

This is the real reason for their complete defection.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Chen's lips - he could vaguely feel that this attack and the "helicopter deal" mentioned by Peng Xucheng were not that simple.

Even if he didn't know, the real senior management of Wanfeng Group also knew.

Whether they want to harm the Dongfeng Corps is one thing, but whether they have tried it or not is another matter.

However, it is not yet time to fall out with Wanfeng Group.

The most important thing is to make good use of this opportunity and kill Zhao Jialiang first.

So, he asked:

"How to do it?"

"We can make an appointment with him and create an opportunity for face-to-face transactions."

"What you have to do is use the opportunity of this transaction to kill him!"

It takes no effort at all.

If Wanfeng Group could really get Zhao Jialiang out, it would be extremely easy to kill him.

But there is still a question - how big of a bait is needed for Zhao Jialiang to bite the hook at this time?

"What reasons are you going to use to trade with him? I mean, what are you going to sell him?"

"Equipment, equipment he absolutely needs."

"Just tell me what it is!"

Chen Chen's tone became a little cold, and Peng Xucheng did not dare to play riddles anymore, but said bluntly:

"Anti-battery radar! C-RAM! Shipwreck, do you remember the original anti-battery radar of the 7th Brigade? That was our inversion!"

"We can still get it now! From the few times you fought before, the whole of Pubei already knew your ability to play with artillery, so now, anti-artillery radar is more in demand than anything else."

"Zhao Jialiang wants C-RAM, we can give it to him - I mean, we won't really give it to him, but we can use this thing to lure him out!"

"How do you guarantee he'll show up in person?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"We have our own methods - in short, this part can be left to us!"

"We give you a time and a place, and you are only responsible for killing him. How about that? Is it reasonable?"

Reasonable, simply too reasonable.

However, this is another job of taking the blame.

It’s not like your Wanfeng Group doesn’t have mercenaries. If you want to kill Zhao Jialiang, why don’t you do it yourself?

Isn't it because I'm worried that I won't be able to kill him and will cause unnecessary trouble to myself?

Sure enough, no matter how close the cooperation relationship is on the surface, when it comes to real risks and benefits, no one will call you a brother.

Chen Chen thought for a few seconds and replied:

"Okay, that's settled then."

"I'm waiting for your news - I'll wait a week at most, and give me the results within a week!"

"no problem!"

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Looking at everyone in the command room, Chen Chen said:

"The problem is solved."

"Wanfeng Group will find Zhao Jialiang and create opportunities for us to take action."

"All we have to do is formulate a beheading plan and find a way to kill him without fail."

"Please wait for me to notify you of the specific situation. The meeting will be adjourned now."

"Bao Qi and Lin He will go to Mengxiu for reconnaissance as planned and will set off today!"


Everyone answered in unison, and then walked out of the command room one after another.

But Shi Dakai stayed.

After the others left, he approached Chen Chen and said:

"There is something wrong with Wanfeng Group's movements, and our relationship with them has changed."

"Did you see it too?"

Chen Chen asked in a low voice.

"I can tell - their roles are actually not much different from ours, but because their main business comes from arms trade and logistics, we had no direct conflict of interest before, so there would be no friction."

"And now, after the establishment of Huamei Company, we have officially called them on board."

"The large-scale bulletproof vest business some time ago was a signal. I'm afraid they started to list us as competitors from then on."

"In the future, we will have more and more conflicts, and there will be more and more things like today."

After hearing Shi Dakai's words, Chen Chen let out a long sigh.

He was silent for a long time, and finally said:

"Others say that when you become stronger, you will be surrounded by good people and friends."

"But why do I feel that as the Dongfeng Corps gets stronger, there will be more and more enemies around it?"

"No way, this is Pubei."

Shi Dakai also sighed.

"What you said applies to many places, but it certainly does not apply to Pubei."

"Because Pubei is not a place where everyone cooperates in farming, cooking, and eating. It is a place where everyone fights for food."

"There is only so much money, and there is no room for growth in the short term. The more we earn, the less others will have to earn."

"Those who have been robbed of their food by us will never sit still and wait for death. They will take it back from our mouths at all costs."

"They will even kill us, cut open our stomachs, and take away the bloody rice."

"Actually, you already know this. You told us that from now on, if you look at Pubei, there will be enemies everywhere."


Chen Chen nodded slowly, thought for a few seconds and said:

"But the good news is that the enemies come one by one, not in a swarm."

"We still have time to use Wanfeng Group to kill Zhao Jialiang first, and then we will think about how to deal with Wanfeng Group."

"Once Zhao Jialiang dies, Wanfeng Group will definitely develop vigorously in Tachilei. We cannot sit back and watch this happen, so we must be ahead of them."

"Inform Xu You to get ready."

"The time for the land grab is coming soon."


Shi Dakai turned around and walked out of the room, and Chen Chen sat back on the chair.

To be honest, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

He originally thought that even if he and Peng Xucheng were not friends, they could still be partners.

But now it seems that it may not be possible.

What about the jackal?

Chen Chen's mind flashed with that face that was always cheerful and always chirping, and at this moment, that face actually appeared in front of him again.


Jackal pushed the door open and walked in.

He opened his mouth and said:

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

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