I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 263 The drone is in place

"The bad news first."

Chen Chen replied calmly.

"The bad news is that the Shadow Troopers hide their equipment very well."

".Where's the good news?"

"The good news is, we can find it too, right in the well."

"Jackal, I remember I told you many times, your puns are really bad, please don't do them again in the future."

Chen Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes at Jackal, but he actually had to admit that Jackal's pun skills had improved.

The bad news in his mouth is "hide it well" and the good news is "find that well".

Well means both "good" and "well". According to Jackal's description, they found the drone in the well. This usage is really interesting.

After all, at least grammatically speaking, he is no longer just using words mechanically.

It seems that during this period of time when he had nothing to do, he actually watched a lot of American TV series.

After seeing Chen Chen's expression, Jackal also said "cut" disdainfully.

"You just don't want to admit my progress - at least my English is much better than your tactical speaking."

"Okay, I don't have time to chat with you, let's get down to business."

"We've got the drone, guess where we found it?"

".Well, you already said it."

".I mean, in what well?"

"Isn't it just an ordinary well?"

"Of course it's not an ordinary well! Come on, what idiot would hide such important equipment in a well? It's an elevator shaft."

Jackal sat down on the chair next to Chen Chen, and then continued:

"We tried our best to search the headquarters of the Shadow Corps in Kengtung - it had been thoroughly searched by the Burmese army, but it was obvious that they did not find what they were really looking for."

"After our people entered, they used wall-penetrating detection equipment to scan all the walls and floors, because I felt that it was impossible for them not to reserve a darkroom or mezzanine in such an important facility."

"And sure enough, we found a not too big hidden space on the ground floor."

"However, we did not find a way in."

"We were going to gut the space, but we certainly couldn't start from the first floor, so we went into the elevator shaft."

"Guess what's going on? The space under the elevator shaft is directly connected to the dark room."

"Only when the elevator is on the third floor, you can enter the elevator shaft through a rope ladder and enter the tunnel under the steel frame structure."

"And at the end of the tunnel is the 'treasure room' we are looking for."

"There's a security gate there - not too secure."

"We used thermite to burn the safety door. I learned this from you."

"Then we discovered that there were more than just drones in there!"

"what else?"

Chen Chen immediately became interested because he knew that if there was an RQ-11 in the basement of Lian Banglong branch, then with the arrival of the "coaching team", the equipment that would be equipped at Jingdong headquarters would only be more advanced. .

"There's another security door."

".Are you kidding me?"

Chen Chen left Jackal speechless. After talking for a long time, he made two unfunny jokes and finally gave himself this answer.

To be honest, if the person facing him was not a jackal but one of his men, the armed belt in Chen Chen's waist should have teleported to his hand.

But Jackal didn't feel there was anything wrong with his narrative method at all. He just continued on by himself:

"This is a major discovery. The first floor is an arsenal - or, in other words, a warehouse of commonly used equipment."

"We found some new guns inside, including the SCAR you captured before, the HK416, and the drone you asked for."

"In addition to these, there are other more tactical equipment, such as sights, thermal imagers, etc."

"These equipment are obviously not just for a team of twenty or thirty people. They have a larger deployment plan."

"At the same time, the protection level of the second-layer security door has soared. It even has a self-destruction system. We have not gone further, but it is obvious that we can make a judgment even from the information we have obtained so far."

"That is, the Shadow Corps is indeed not as simple as we thought at the beginning. MPRI's operation in Jingdong is not just a mercenary group that is superficial."

"Look, isn't this important information? I think this information is more important than any equipment."

".I can't even argue with you because it's true."

Chen Chen shook his head and continued to ask:

"So what's your verdict?"

"It's very simple. The Shadow Corps has connections with the CIA. What we found was the CIA's safe house."

"you sure!?"

Chen Chen's brows instantly wrinkled.

It would be so fucking fun if we really found the CIA safe house in Jingdong.

"I'm 80% sure, I saw the photos sent back."

"I feel like no other force other than the CIA safe house would build such a thing."

"However, I'm not sure it was ever used - the wear and tear on the security door doesn't look like it was used very often."

"So that means this is an outpost that was built in advance?"

"Possibly, but certainly not now."


Chen Chen asked doubtfully.

"Because the Shadow Corps has been defeated by you, and Jingdong is about to fall into your hands. Before they can re-negotiate cooperation with Shan State, it is impossible for them to activate the safe house again, and it is impossible to continue their previous plan."

"So as I reminded you before, the impact of the Shadow Corps' destruction is indeed much greater than we imagined."

"MPRI will be back soon, no matter what, they have to get the safe house back."

"This time will be very fast. They may change their identities, but the essence is the same."

"Indeed it is."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then he said:

"But that's not the point. I have too many things in front of me to care about things far away."

“The point is, when can I get my drone?”

"In one hour."

replied the jackal.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure the stuff is on its way."

"How did you transport it?"

"We have our own pathways."

"is it safe?"

"Absolutely safe - let's make an agreement first. Each person will have half the gun and other equipment, and the drone will be yours. How about that?"


Chen Chen answered without hesitation.

Now the Dongfeng Corps' small arms are completely overflowing. There is no point in hoarding too many. It is better to give Jackal a favor.

After all, he is currently the only credible ally. If possible, he still hopes that the relationship between the two parties can be closer.

Jackal was also quite satisfied with Chen Chen's decisive attitude. He stood up on his chair and said:

"Then go out and wait - I want to see how you fly this drone."

An hour later, the RQ-11 drone was delivered just as Jackal said. At this time, Chen Chen finally knew what "their own way" Jackal said was.

The truck transporting the goods has a UN blue plate and the words "UNOMIG" spray-painted on the truck.

Chen Chen never thought that Chaisili still had such a thing in his hand, let alone that he would actually use this relationship for his own affairs.

The moment the car drove over, he looked at Jackal with admiration in his eyes, and the latter raised his head. Although he didn't speak, the word "proud" was written all over his body.

"The stuff has arrived, do you want Feifei to take a look now?"

Looking at the big box that was moved from the car, Jackal shook his head and asked.

Chen Chen stepped forward and opened the box, and what he saw was an RQ-11 drone that had obviously been used many times and had scratches all over the fuselage.

"This thing is really big."

Chen Chen said with emotion.

"Isn't this small? This is already the smallest drone I have ever seen."

Chen Chen chuckled and did not answer.

Is RQ-11 considered small?

Then you have never seen the quad-rotor drones that became popular later, nor the tactical traversing aircraft dedicated for indoor reconnaissance, nor the miniature reconnaissance helicopter smaller than a dragonfly.

But of course, compared to everyone’s inherent impression of drones in the current environment, RQ-11 is indeed not that big.

It has a wingspan of 130 cm, a length of 109 cm, and an empty weight of only 1.9 kg. It can be flown with one hand and has a battery life of up to 90 minutes.

In terms of portability and flexibility, this thing can indeed be regarded as the ceiling of its time. For the mud-legged people like Pubei who have never seen the world, this is a complete cognitive dimensionality reduction blow.

No wonder Jackal said, "He also wants to see how it flies," because he has indeed never seen it.

But in fact, the operation of RQ-11 is very simple.

The operating system, or ground station, of this drone is actually divided into two parts. One part is the flight handle with joysticks and buttons, and the other part is a portable PDA including antennas and image transmission equipment.

Chen Chen took out everything one by one and connected it to the standard portable power supply. It only took half an hour. After all the preparations were completed, he planned to fly the drone.

At this time, all the mercenaries from the Dongfeng Corps gathered around - this was their first close contact with the legendary high-tech equipment, and everyone's faces were full of curiosity.

Chen Chen casually selected someone to fly the drone, and he explained:

"It's like throwing a paper airplane. Throw it hard and it will fly into the sky."

This sentence was originally meant as a joke, but what he didn't expect was that the kid actually let out a breath before throwing it out.

The sense of ceremony was heightened, and RQ-11 landed steadily in the sky. Chen Chen concentrated on operating the joystick, making the big crow fly over everyone's heads within visual distance.

This RQ-11 is currently equipped with an ordinary CCD camera, but due to technical and weight limitations, the quality of the image transmission is extremely impressive.

When the plane flew to an altitude of about 100 meters, from the display screen, the crowds below were just blurry shadows. It was difficult to identify faces, even the equipment, let alone the faces.

This performance disappointed everyone, even Bao Qi couldn't help but said:

"The quality of this thing is too inferior. I've read reports before that its image transmission quality is poor, but I didn't expect it to be so poor."

"What's the use of such a scene? If the light were darker, I wouldn't even be able to distinguish the figures."

"It's time to replace the infrared camera - there is a spare kit in the box, you can just replace it directly from the nose."

Chen Chen flew the drone out of sight, but the laggy picture and sluggish operating feel immediately made him feel highly uncomfortable, so he had no choice but to fly the drone back again.

I have to say, he was still spoiled.

When he started playing with drones in his last life, this thing had already matured and was about to enter the era of loitering bombs.

Even the relatively backward Rainbow-802 has an extremely smooth operating feel. Unlike the RQ-11, you have to predict the signal delay when turning a corner.

Chen Chen felt more and more uncomfortable, so he simply put the handle into Bao Qi's hand and asked him to operate it.

But I didn't expect that Bao Qi was really talented in this area.

Although it is not very smooth and amazing, he still managed to fly smoothly the first time he used it.

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

"Fly one more circle and then come down."

"How to land? I don't know how!"

Bao Qi's voice was a little anxious, while Chen Chen waved his hands and said:

"Just lower the height and fly nearby, and then let it fall directly."

"This thing is just a pile of foam plastic. When it was designed, serious recycling issues were not considered. It cannot be broken."

"Really? It won't break, right?"

Bao Qi was still hesitating, so Chen Chen simply took the remote control from his hand and showed him what a deep crash landing was.

The entire plane fell to pieces on the ground. Everyone was stunned, but Chen Chen calmly stepped forward and picked up all the parts.

By the time he walked back to the ground station, the entire plane had been put back together.

".Awesome, can you still play like this?"

Bao Qi opened his mouth and said in shock.

"What's weird? The deep emergency landing function is a must-have for squad-level drones. If it cannot land like this, safety and concealment cannot be guaranteed at all."

"It makes sense - when it comes to concealment, this thing is really quiet. If it flies high enough, it makes no sound at all."

"Captain, can we do something about this, such as hanging something on it?"


Chen Chen replied decisively:

"The payload of the RQ-11 can only accommodate its reconnaissance equipment. If it is more, it will crash."

"But of course, your idea is a good one."

"Just wait, I guess it won't be long before it comes true."

As he spoke, Chen Chen handed the handle back to Bao Qi, and then said:

"Take this thing with you. It will come in handy when you go to Mengxiu for reconnaissance."

"Remember, you don't have much time. You must become familiar with this stuff in the past few days."

"We didn't have the equipment before, but now we have it. Whether the battle of Mengxiu can be fought with ease depends on how well you can use this drone."


Bao Qi replied solemnly, turned around and began to study the construction of the ground station.

Chen Chen, on the other hand, turned his head and looked southward with a deep look.

Next, he will fight two battles at the same time.

And he has to win both of these battles!

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