After flying the drone, Chen Chen and Jackal roughly divided up the remaining equipment.

In fact, these guns and sights are not too rare for either the Dongfeng Corps or Chaisili, but after all, they are still valuable.

Chen Chen will definitely not care what Jackal does with these things. For him, whether they want to use or sell them, they have nothing to do with the Dongfeng Corps.

On the contrary, in a sense, if they really sell this thing, it will be a good thing for the Dongfeng Corps.

Because that means that Chaisili took the blame inexplicably and took the blame. If the CIA wants to investigate in the future, it will lead to another wrong direction.

Jackal was well aware of this. He didn't even bother to look at the items when he got them. He drove directly to the entrance of Wanfeng Hotel and went upstairs to find Peng Xucheng.

Obviously, he just wanted to ship the goods and not keep these easily traceable and hot things in his hands.

Chen Chen and Jackal arrived at Peng Xucheng's office together. Peng Xucheng stood up suddenly, but Chen Chen just waved his hand for him to sit down, and then motioned to Jackal to talk about him first.

Jackal could tell at a glance that Chen Chen and Peng Xucheng had something to do, so he didn't waste too much time. He just briefly explained his demands and left.

After Jackal left, Peng Xucheng immediately stood up again.

"Shipwreck. I originally planned to go find you myself."

"But this incident did cause a lot of problems, and the entire group was in a state of chaos."

"In the five hours since the attack, we have no idea what's going on."

Peng Xucheng's words were indeed without water. It happened so fast and suddenly that Wanfeng Group had no time to react. It was normal.


It can even be said that the fact that they were able to sort out the situation and contact Chen Chen to explain the situation in a short period of time after the incident occurred is considered a high-level performance in Pubei.

But the problem is that the premise for applying this evaluation criterion is that they really have no foreseeability of the result.

But what about reality?

The conflict between the Dongfeng Corps, and even the Northern Shan-Wa State interest groups represented by the Dongfeng Corps, and the 505 Brigade has been going on for more than a day or two. Your Wanfeng Group has such a large intelligence network in your hands. How dare you say that this No foresight?

If this is the case, Wanfeng Group does not need to continue its business and can simply switch to selling fruits.

Therefore, after hearing Peng Xucheng's explanation, Chen Chen did not let down his guard.

He came here this time to negotiate terms, not cooperation.

And if you want to negotiate terms and let others owe you something, it is the most convenient entry point.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not answer Peng Xucheng's words, but asked directly:

"How do you plan to ask Zhao Jialiang out?"

"Can't get a date."

Peng Xucheng shook his head and replied:

"What we can do is confirm the delivery location and make sure he shows up."

"As for the specific location and time, we cannot specify."

"But I think it's enough to be able to determine his specific whereabouts, right?"

"not enough."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"If you don't know exactly where the transaction is until an hour before the transaction, tell me, what do I need this information for?"

"Impossible. C-RAM must be debugged. Zhao Jialiang must personally test the effect. As long as he appears, he will be exposed for more than two hours."

Peng Xucheng continued firmly:

"We can even extend the debugging time and extend the window period for his exposure."

"We will bear this part of the risk ourselves!"

After hearing his words, Chen Chen was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly said:

"It seems that you really want Zhao Jialiang to die."

".He must die."

"What are you trying to hide?"

Chen Chen's tone was a bit aggressive, but Peng Xucheng seemed to have expected it and did not show any "offended" reaction at all.

He just sighed calmly and replied:

"I know you will have such doubts after something like this happens."

"That's why we decided to tell you the truth frankly before you find out the truth for yourself."

"That's to avoid giving you the illusion that we're hiding something."

"As I said, Wanfeng Group is a company that pursues profits. Everything we do is to maximize profits."

"The helicopter sold to Zhao Jialiang was for profit, and it is also for profit to kill him now."

"One thing I can guarantee is that in the process of pursuing our interests, we have never thought of becoming an enemy of the Dongfeng Corps."


What guarantee do you have?

Anyone can say empty words, but the true attitude must be based on what is seen above.

Obviously, Wanfeng Group has done something wrong.

If they want to make up for the consequences of what they did wrong, they must pay more.

"I don't care if you want to be our enemy."

Chen Chen said calmly:

"We have too many enemies, it doesn't matter even if there is one more Wanfeng Group."

"But I want to remind you that the Dongfeng Corps is the core of the entire northern Shan-Wa alliance."

"We have many key threads in our hands, which to a large extent will determine the final outcome of the matter, or the final success or failure."

"If you jump out and cause trouble at this juncture, the Wa State will definitely not let you go without us resisting."

"I see."

Peng Xucheng nodded again and said:

"That's why I said it was really an accident."

"It's not an accident, you just messed up."

Chen Chen interrupted him unceremoniously. Peng Xucheng was speechless and could only remain silent.

The two of them looked at each other like this for a full two minutes. The atmosphere was awkward and solemn. After a long time, Peng Xucheng finally took the initiative to speak.

"No matter what, once Zhao Jialiang dies, the conflict between us will be completely resolved, right?"

"There is no need to worry about right and wrong, we"

"Then why don't you go kill him yourself?"

Chen Chen tit-for-tat asked sharp questions that Peng Xucheng had to answer. The latter's words were choked in his throat before he finished speaking, and even made Peng Xucheng cough.

"Ahem, if we can do it, of course we will do it ourselves."

"The problem is, we can't."

"That's clear."

Chen Chen finally waited for the answer he wanted.

So, he relaxed and leaned back on the sofa and said:

"You want to do it, but you can't."

"Now, you hire us to do it for you. Is this logic correct?"

Peng Xucheng was confused.

"Jackal has always said that you are very good at bargaining. To be honest, I really didn't think so before."

"But today, I learned a lesson."

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Then I need to know, what can you get after killing Zhao Jialiang?"

".A lot. Those things that He Bangxiong cannot control will eventually belong to us."

"The most important thing is a free market and a free supply chain."

"The value of these things is immeasurable. If used properly, they can even establish a brand new force."

"You're very candid."

Chen Chen praised it.

"It's now, is there any point in not being honest?"

Peng Xucheng couldn't laugh or cry:

"I know what your next sentence is - you want half, right? Yes, Wanfeng Group will give you half."

"To be honest, we can't eat so much. Instead of giving it to others, I might as well give it to you."

"But, I've given it to you. Whether you can keep it or not is your own problem."

"You don't need to worry about this."

Chen Chen chuckled and stood up from the sofa.

"Then let's have a happy cooperation."

"Give me the information as soon as possible, we can't wait too long."

After that, he stood up and left.

Peng Xucheng, who stayed in the office, looked at his back with complicated eyes and did not look back for a long time.

At the same time, in a certain inconspicuous residential building in Dachilei.

Zhao Jialiang was sitting on the sofa in the narrow living room, eating an ordinary dinner prepared for him by the life secretary. The adjutant beside him was standing with his hands hanging, reporting the latest situation to him in a low voice.

"Based on the current situation, our helicopter has been definitely lost."

"This incident far exceeded our expectations. According to the original plan, we originally thought that the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower would only be a few portable anti-aircraft missiles and a small-caliber anti-aircraft gun."

"In this case, the modified Mi-8 can completely rush into the bombing range and evacuate calmly after dropping the aerial bomb."

"But we didn't expect that the opponent's reaction speed was almost extremely fast, and his will to resist was also frighteningly high."

"According to the informant's report, they did not try to escape after discovering the helicopter, but immediately organized all personnel to intercept and counterattack."

"Our helicopters came under intense ground defense and control fire, including light and heavy machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, rocket launchers and man-portable anti-aircraft missiles."

"The pilot tried to evade, but he was unlucky - a rocket hit the helicopter's tail, causing the aircraft to crash."

"Strictly speaking, this is not our problem."

"The combat plan itself is rigorous and the success rate is extremely high, but our luck is too bad."

"This is not a matter of luck at all!"

Zhao Jialiang interrupted the adjutant and then said:

"In Pubei, there is no team that can't see the helicopter but not run. As long as they run, even if it only runs for a minute, our helicopter can play its due role."

"We lost, but not because of equipment, but because of people."

"Those people don't know what fear is at all. Their first reaction when they see the helicopter is not to run, but to destroy it!"

"Such characteristics are so terrifying. I even doubt that even if they only have rifles in their hands, they can shoot down the helicopter when we get close to drop bombs."

"I don't know how the sinking ship trained such a team. No matter what, we didn't lose unfairly."

Zhao Jialiang sighed and his expression became serious.

After a pause for a few seconds, he continued:

"One failure does not mean we have entered a comprehensive disadvantage."

"Special operations and decapitation operations, we are indeed inferior to them."

"However, it is absolutely impossible for them to compete with us on the frontal battlefield."

"What we have to do is push it all the way through."

"After this period, everything will be over."

"That's right."

The adjutant nodded with deep understanding, and then agreed:

"So no matter how others object, I always say that keeping a low profile for the time being is the right decision."

"There shouldn't be any impulsiveness on the battlefield. Only by avoiding its sharp edges and giving full play to our own advantages can we win the battle."

“This is not weakness, but wisdom.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jialiang cast an appreciative look at the adjutant.

This time I really stepped up my game.

A helicopter and two 250kg aerial bombs. Logically speaking, who can be bombed without death?

As long as the specific location can be determined, even if it is thrown on Bao Youxiang's head, he will die!

However, this sunken ship is really not dead. Not only is it not dead, it will definitely launch a crazy revenge on itself in the future.

I have to say that he was actually scared.

Nonsense, how can he not be afraid of people like Sunken Ship?

Chen Yimin died. He killed the four bold families all over again. Even the most difficult-to-kill Shadow Corps was suffocated to death in the cave.

As long as anyone is targeted by him, there will be no one left alive.

Therefore, as soon as he learned that the operation failed, he immediately implemented the backup plan.

That is, disappear from everyone's sight.

This "overly conservative" plan was opposed by many people, but Zhao Jialiang himself knew that this was the only feasible plan.

Don't talk about hiding in a military camp with anti-aircraft firepower arranged, don't talk about hiding in an impregnable bunker, even if you run to the moon, as long as the shipwreck knows that you are there, he will find a way to hunt you down!

The only real safety is to prevent him from finding it.

This is indeed very cowardly.

But he's also very smart, isn't he?

Not everyone can understand this kind of cleverness, so the adjutant's approval is particularly valuable.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jialiang said:

"I have long said that you have a bright future. Now it seems that your strategic and tactical thinking has indeed surpassed that of others."

"It's better to learn from your commander."

A sincere smile appeared on the adjutant's face, but then he spoke again:

"But we have a problem now - Wanfeng Group has given us a new supply intention."

"They have a set of counter-battery radars that are very useful to us."

"They're looking for a buyer and they just asked us."

"I was wondering if we should make contact with them?"

"This is most likely a trap for them to deceive the chief."

"But we may also be able to take advantage of this opportunity."

"What I mean is that we can take advantage of the situation - the Dongfeng Corps will definitely launch an attack on us. Maybe we can also catch them all."

Zhao Jialiang's eyes lit up.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said:

"You can try it!"

"Understood, I'll do it immediately!"

The adjutant turned and entered the study and picked up the phone.

A series of instructions were issued, and a trap with ulterior motives gradually took shape.

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