The RD4 promised by Xiaoyu was delivered quickly - to be honest, this thing is quite untechnical. If Chen Chen wants to rub it, he can do it by hand if he takes a while.

But if we talk about simple and crude effects and unique stability on the battlefield, how many equipment in the world can compare with Maozi's equipment at the end of World War II?

This thing is a large amount of food, and there is no risk at all.

Because it's really an antique.

The old man was so old that Chen Chen couldn't even think of which garbage dump Xiaoyu and the others fished them out from.

However, although he is old, in the first test, the effect of this thing really stunned Chen Chen.

Two RD4s were loaded on a pickup truck and circled around a mountain southeast of Mengka. After 10 minutes, the mountain disappeared.

Chen Chen now has a total of 8 units in his hands.

Based on this effect, the east-west length of the core area of ​​Tachilei is less than 8 kilometers, and the north-south length is only two to three kilometers.

What does this mean?

This means that under ideal calm wind conditions, the entire Tachilei will be turned off directly.

Of course, the actual effect cannot be that good. After all, the smoke will disperse and the building will be less affected by the smoke.

However, the coalition's attack on Tachilei did not really mean that it would be rushed in all at once. It must be divided into parts.

If I blow 8 RD4s at you at a time, can you handle it?

You can't see the road clearly, why are you fighting with a hammer?

Just like this, layers of cover are gradually advanced, and one-way smoke is continuously created. I don't believe that the 505th Brigade can still hold on!

Chen Chen was really satisfied with this equipment, and the "choice" provided by Xiaoyu really opened up his mind to a certain extent.

Yes, it used to be said that poison gas or poison gas bombs could not be used. That was because the equipment and technology could not keep up. If it was to be used, it would have to be the kind of lethal poison gas.

So what if there is a combat scene like that of Banglon Laofajia Trading Company in the future, and I have RD4 in my hand, and at the same time I accidentally throw a handful of chili powder into the combustion chamber?

Why, you can't use gas bombs, and you can't and won't allow tear gas to be used, right?

Open your mind!

Chen Chen was so satisfied that he even liked Xiaoyu more and more as he looked at it.

How else can I say that you are considerate of your own people? Whatever he lacked, he gave him away, and he didn't just give him equipment, he also showed him the way, making up for the shortcomings in a subtle way.

Therefore, during the few days that Xiaoyu stayed in Mengka, Chen Chen was very obedient to her.

The small and shabby bed was replaced, daily necessities were purchased, development suggestions were listened to, possible future business cooperation directions were discussed, and she was even allowed to participate in the ceremony where the coalition forces were given "war tattoos" before setting off for the expedition.

The exchanges between the two parties have become closer. Of course, Chen Chen did not leave room for himself.

At least, both sides have maintained a restrained attitude when it comes to intelligence cooperation.

Chen Chen originally wanted to introduce Jiang He to her, but obviously, the time was far from coming.

Standing on the roof of the villa, looking at the monks who were busy shuttling in the military camp in the distance, Xiaoyu sighed softly, and then said:

"You are very good at this skill, but you'd better grasp the scale."

"If this team is really controlled by such 'belief', it will not be good news for anyone."

"I see."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly and replied:

"This is just a stop-gap measure. In fact, it is just an additional measure to complement our tactics."

"It's just that the soldiers in the team really like this. They do it over and over again, but the original purpose is weakened."

"I can tell."

Xiaoyu turned his head and suddenly said thoughtfully:

"To be honest, this is really the first time I have intuitively felt the cruelty of war."

"It's not the kind of cruelty experienced in previous battlefield adaptability training, nor is it the kind of cruelty experienced in history education classes. It's a real kind of cruelty. How can I say it?"

"Feeling powerless."

Chen Chen added.

"Yes, it's the feeling of powerlessness."

Xiaoyu sighed and continued:

"Look at the soldiers below. Their ages range from teenagers to forty or fifty years old."

"Some of them have just learned how to shoot, and some can barely hold a gun anymore."

"However, all of them stand together and are going to a battlefield with an uncertain future."

"Most of the people here will die, right? When you come back and get together again, it will definitely not be this relaxed atmosphere again."

"Do you think those soldiers who were 'blessed' by the monks would have their faith shaken after surviving?"

"Look at that young man. He is very religious. He is more religious than everyone around him."

"Would he still be so religious if he could come back?"

"I do not know."

Chen Chen shook his head and did not answer.

Because he really doesn't know.

Tachilei is a meat grinder, and the meat stuffed into it will be minced mercilessly.

Only the bones mixed in the meat can break the meat grinder.

But in this team of three thousand people, apart from the Dongfeng Corps, who else has bones?

He couldn't answer this question, so he simply didn't think much about it.

After seeing his expression, Xiaoyu didn't ask any further questions.

She just stood in silence for a long time, and then asked again:

"Do you think you can survive?"

Chen Chen was stunned by her question, and suddenly felt like he was being seen through.

That's right, no matter how calm he is at this moment and how well-planned he is, this battle is actually different from any previous one.

Because, he is really going deep into the tiger's den.

The fault tolerance rate is frighteningly low, and the number of uncontrollable factors is overwhelming.

Even with the blessing of a large amount of smoke cast by RD4, he could not guarantee that everything would be foolproof.

This is urban street fighting.

Not to mention cold shots, any stray bullet flying from nowhere could kill him.

So, he was actually really worried.

It can even be said to be a bit "panic".

In my memory, the last time this feeling of panic appeared was in my previous life when I was covering an injured teammate.

That time, he couldn't run or hide. The enemy's footsteps were going up the stairs. All he could do was to fight back every exposed enemy as quickly as possible.

He would never forget the feeling of his heart beating violently and uncontrollably.

Now, the situation is actually similar.


My heart no longer beats wildly, but the depressing feeling remains the same.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen sighed, and then said:

"How do I know if I can survive, but the chance of dying here is low."

"Don't set a flag for me here. For example, I will tell you my name when I come back alive. For example, I will go on a date with you at the beach this time. For example, I will prepare a meal and wait for you at home. You must not say that. .”

"By the way, if you come back alive, you will be given new equipment, if you win the battle, you will get a helicopter, if you win the Tachilek, you will be given a big order, etc. Don't even mention it."

"Although I am a staunch materialist warrior, you should not mention it if you are unlucky."

Hearing this, Xiaoyu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

She spoke:

"Do I look like someone who would say such a thing?"

"Then why are you asking me?"

"I just want to give you some survival advice."

".You can make a hammer suggestion."

Chen Chen snorted disdainfully, while Xiaoyu straightened his expression and said seriously:

"In Tachilek, I have a safe house, my own, personal safe house."

"Hato Grocery Store."

“The location is near the Dahua Auditorium in the center of the city.”

"If you can't fight this time and can't escape, you can use this safe house."

"The basement of the safe house is connected to the sewer system in the central area of ​​Tachileik. You can hide there for a few days."

"When the time comes, I'll go get you."

Hearing her words, Chen Chen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

But then, he shook his head and replied:

"It won't be that complicated."

"Although street fighting is dangerous, in the final analysis, for me, it is much easier to fight than positional fighting."

"It's nothing more than killing one on sight."

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