It is actually impossible to mobilize a large team of 3,000 people without being discovered.

No complicated and advanced reconnaissance methods were needed. A large number of military vehicles suddenly appeared on the only main road. The fool also knew what these people were going to do.

In a modern communication environment, such transfers will not only be leaked, but may even be broadcast live.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not have any hope for confidentiality from the beginning. He only modified and concealed the key vehicles pretending to be RD4 smoke generators to ensure that they would not be quickly identified and destroyed.

As for the possible attacks during the troop movement, he did not worry too much.

The reason is very simple. At this time, the 505th Brigade had been dragged to death in Tachileik by the rebels of the Fourth Regiment. He had neither the right nor the ability to leave Tachileik and launch any "external" attack.

Of course, in order to prevent Zhao Jialiang from bringing out some ambushes that he was unaware of, Chen Chen still managed the coalition forces in strict accordance with the process of large force transfer maneuvers, completed the mobilization in batches and in an organized manner, and set up sentry posts. , stabilizing the logistics line from Jingdong to Tachileik.

This logistics line was quite fragile, and Chen Chen never expected it to really play a big role.

After all, the coalition's attack on Tachilei is a one-shot deal. If it can be defeated, it will be defeated. If it cannot be defeated, it will be defeated.

The only option is to have a complete showdown and let the Wa State take over.

The team of 3,000 people quickly arrived at Meiyan Village on the north side of Tachileik, and re-camped here to establish a starting position.

Looking at the traces of the battle, the veterans who followed Chen Chen and launched the rocket attack on Tachilei also had mixed feelings.

In their view, that action was an unprecedented "miracle."

They didn't pay the price of a single soldier, but they directly defeated and shattered an entire enemy regiment-level team!

Is the war still fought like this?

I was able to fight last time, so I should be able to fight this time, right?

The atmosphere during the camping process was quite relaxed. The veterans pointed to the traces on the ground and the few remaining launchers and told the recruits, "This was our rocket launcher position at that time." The recruits, with envy on their faces, cleaned up the position and arranged the new ones. rocket launcher.

This time, they are fighting urban street battles, so rockets that lack accuracy are no longer the main equipment, but are used to deal with sneak attacks on the rear that the enemy may organize. Therefore, they are still deployed in the original position. Just right.

"You didn't see that scene at that time, the rockets were like rain!"

"I mean it's really raining. It's dense and non-stop."

"I'm the one who specializes in moving artillery shells. I was so tired that my hands cramped up. Then Lao Qi came to take my place. Lao Qi, how many cannon shells did we carry in total?"

"There must be more than a hundred rounds, right?"

"Yes, at least there are more than a hundred rounds! That's a tiring job. It takes eight people to load a launcher and only two people to carry it. It's really exhausting."

"But the effect was really good. From beginning to end, the 505th Brigade showed no resistance at all."

"Hey, it's different this time. This time we really have to fight in. It's not that simple."

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't Chief Chen get new equipment this time?"

"That's right - by the way, you recruits should also seize the time to learn how to use the thermal imaging camera. If we fall, you have to take over and use it."

"Lao Qi, come and teach them! By the way, check if they know how to use gas masks!"

"Okay, come all over"

Chen Chen patrolled the entire camp, listening to the slightly chaotic chatter in his ears. Basically, wherever he walked, people who saw him stood at attention and saluted him.


This is of course not because everyone knows him, but because the Dongfeng Corps' uniforms are very recognizable, including four-eyed night vision goggles + gas masks, and body armor as thick as medieval knights, plus their masks and helmets With the eye-catching flame mark on it, you can tell at a glance who this team belongs to and what they are going to do.

Everyone knew that their elite, who should have been sitting in the rear and commanding, would be the first to rush in and attack the outposts. Therefore, most soldiers still had some "admiration" for this regiment.

Nonsense, I could have safely let you be cannon fodder, but in the end, I was willing to take over the most difficult and dangerous job, and let you rookies clean up the battlefield to take the credit. This is not worthy of you calling me " Big brother"?

People are often self-interested, but most of the time, they also have a clear distinction between love and hate.

Therefore, the authority of the Dongfeng Corps has been greatly improved among the coalition forces, and this increase in authority will undoubtedly be beneficial to subsequent operations.

After looking around the entire camp and checking the combat arrangements of He Bangxiong and He Bupa, Chen Chen felt a little relieved.

Although it is said that Pubei is a warlord dish, this is Pubei after all, and it is a piece of the monster house in East Asia.

Those who are close to Zhu are red. No matter how good they are, they have learned many basic things under the influence of their ears and eyes.

In terms of tactical arrangements, task allocation, and offensive rounds, both He Bupa and He Bangxiong did a good job.

Several key goals requested by Chen Chen have been taken care of, and the number of troops invested is also extremely sufficient.

There are no magic tricks, just step-by-step and well-established tactics.

Chen Chen was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Because this is what the line-filling troops should really do.

So, he refocused on his Dongfeng Corps.

To open a breakthrough, this sharp knife force consisting of only 29 people is the key point.

In the temporary headquarters, Chen Chen confirmed the adaptability of various equipment for the last time. After receiving the feedback that "everything was normal", he immediately began to conduct pre-war briefings and deploy combat missions.

The early drone reconnaissance has been completed, and the important firepower points in Tachileik City have been marked, and the raid on these firepower points is the combat mission of the Dongfeng Corps.

".Our operational objectives this time are divided into three stages."

"The first stage is to open the road; the second stage is to clear the key points; the third stage is to finish and behead people."

“First of all, let’s talk about the first phase. Zhao Jialiang has arranged 6 key checkpoints on the main route into the city of Tachilei, 3 of which are located along the Tachilei Highway on the north side, 2 are on the farmland near the Wang Family Courtyard on the east side, and 1 One is near Dawn Sanatorium."

"These six levels basically control all the main routes into the city. If they are not eliminated in advance, it will be difficult for our large forces to penetrate deeply and deploy quickly."

"Once the speed of entering the city slows down, we have to face the extremely disadvantageous situation of having no bunkers and fighting those with bunkers, and light firepower versus heavy firepower. The entire offensive operation will inevitably fail, and military morale and organization will also be severely affected."

"So, what we have to do is very simple, that is, while the large force launches the attack, during the maneuver of the large force, we first destroy the first key control point, which is level 1."

"The time is the time it takes for the large forces to start from the front line and reach the edge of the city, within the firepower range of the large Qili garrison."

"Based on the maneuvering speed of the vehicle, we have a total of .6 minutes."

"Within 6 minutes, we have to destroy the stronghold across the Tachileik Stadium. This means that we cannot take into account other levels and must rely on long-range firepower support."

"The good news is that we still have close to 80 rounds of heavy artillery shells."

"Then, the attacks on the east and west checkpoints will mainly be done with heavy artillery."

"After the attack is completed, Bao Qi, you need to quickly adjust the artillery target, use the artillery extension tactic, and then carry out a wave of attacks on the last two levels on the north side."

"The two checkpoints in this part are hidden in the city. The effect of artillery strikes will not be very good. Our main purpose is to create a psychological shock to the enemy. The real cleanup must be completed by ground troops."

"Three vehicles equipped with automatic howitzers must empty all ammunition on this route to quickly suppress the enemy, occupy the enemy's position, control the traffic arteries, and hold on until the large forces arrive."

"Subsequently, after the large force took over the defense, we used the last of the three checkpoints, the Belton Hotel, as the gathering point, established a firing line starting position here, and carried out the second phase of clearing support operations from this center."

"Is the mission clear?"


Everyone answered together, Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then continued:

"All the above operations were carried out under smoke cover."

"Old Pig, your task is to dispatch the smoke-generating vehicles and protect the two smoke assault vehicles following us."

"No matter what happens, even if you dispatch an armored vehicle to block bullets from a smoke assault vehicle, it is still a reasonable choice."

"Remember, smoke trucks are the first priority for protection, understand?"


The old pig quickly answered.

He was a little nervous at this time - after all, this was his first time to participate in foreign combat operations after officially joining the Dongfeng Corps. What he didn't expect was that the first combat would be such a large-scale and grand scene.

He is actually quite confident in his abilities, but for some reason, he always feels like a rookie in front of his new commander.

After getting Lao Zhu's answer, Chen Chen did not confirm it again.

Don't trust people when you employ them, don't trust people when you doubt them. No matter what he can do, that's him.

After a slight pause, Chen Chen continued to issue orders to Cheng Lei.

"Firebird, your mission this time is very simple. It is to cooperate with us in maneuvering at various points in the city."

"According to early investigation intelligence, there is still considerable air defense firepower in the city, especially individual air defense firepower."

"And we are likely to have to carry out multiple landing operations, and the risk is very high."

"I will give you the greatest decision-making power. You will choose the landing location. You must ensure maximum safety for me!"

"Understood! Promise to complete the task!"

Cheng Lei answered calmly and resolutely, his eyes even filled with some unspeakable expectation.

I'm afraid this is the "tough battle" he has been looking forward to for half his life, and today he finally fought it.

Chen Chen took a look at the combat map and continued with a more detailed briefing.

After everything was arranged, it was already bright.

The attack would begin in two hours.

That's right, not a night fight.

The reason is simple. The light and heat sources inside the city are too complex. It is difficult for the coalition's infrared advantages to be fully utilized when the entire city cannot be powered off.

Instead of doing this, it is better to launch an attack during the day and use smoke to maximize your advantage!

Chen Chen took a deep breath, glanced at everyone and said:

"Ready for the battlefield."

"No. 1, command the artillery unit to launch artillery bombardment on the pre-determined targets to eliminate the enemy's firepower points!"

"Everyone else, get on the bus quickly and get ready to go!"

At the same time, in the city of Tachileik.

Zhao Jialiang has moved to a safer "fortress", and beside him at this time is Zhao Youming, the commander of the third regiment of the 505th Brigade and his last "confidant".

"The 3,000 people from the coalition forces have already pressed over. It's obvious that they are planning to fight a siege against us."

"In terms of military strength, they still have the advantage, but now that we have retreated into the city, it will not be so easy for them to defeat us."

"3,000 people fighting 2,000 people, it's still a street fight. I'm really lucky that they can think of it."

"But yes, our geographical location is too special, and we can't engage in siege operations like Jingdong. Fighting hard is the only option."

As Zhao Youming spoke, he handed the updated combat map to Zhao Jialiang's eyes. Zhao Jialiang nodded slightly. After looking at it carefully, he said doubtfully:

"I really don't understand what they want to do. There is only one starting position, which means that all their teams have to start from the same direction."

"This is too reckless. It's not at the same level as their previous tactics."


Zhao Youming scratched his head subconsciously and then said:

"Maybe it's because there are too many people and the organization can't keep up?"

"Their previous playing style was actually quite opportunistic, and they did not really achieve the effect of tactical command."

"There are more and more people now, and the commander can't keep up. It's reasonable for there to be flaws, right?"

"Reasonable, but unconscionable."

Zhao Jialiang shook his head and remained silent.

At this time, bursts of explosions came from outside the window, which was the shelling of the city by the coalition forces.

Both people in the fortress knew that this was a signal that the other party was about to launch an attack.

But what's the use of just one round of shelling?

If you can't get in, you still can't get in no matter what.

Yes, you are very capable of indirect bombardment. You can blow up all the main positions I have set up.

But my people are not fools. Will they not hide when the shells come?

The bombardment must end, right?

In urban street fighting, heavy firepower is of little use - unless you have unlimited heavy firepower.

But how could you have?

In the final analysis, it is still the collision between people.

Zhao Jialiang shook his head, turned around and continued to look at the combat map, preparing to make a round of deployment adjustments after the bombardment. But at this moment, the door of the command post was suddenly knocked violently, and then the panicked face of the intelligence officer appeared. In front of Zhao Jialiang.

"Sir! Smoke! Such big smoke!"

Zhao Jialiang's heart jumped suddenly, but then he calmed down.

This is a classic tactic of the Dongfeng Corps and is not surprising.

So he opened his mouth and reprimanded:

"Why panic? They always smoke first when fighting. What's there to be afraid of?"

"Hide it and wait until the smoke clears."

"No, sir! It won't go away! There's a lot of smoke! Come here and take a look!"

At this time, Zhao Jialiang really realized that something was wrong.

He followed the intelligence officer out of the command post, and what he saw made him freeze on the spot.

What a big smoke.

It's not even smoke anymore.

But a wall of clouds covering the sky!

The milky white cloud wall is slowly advancing, swallowing everything.

And in that fog.

Hidden infinite murderous intent!

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