"Advance slowly and follow the smoke!"

"Control the smoke concentration. The distance is relatively far now. Don't make it so thick to avoid affecting the mobility of the rear team!"

"Old pig, take care of your team. Slow down the speed of the smoke truck and make more horizontal passes. Don't expose yourself."

"Follow the oil truck, don't run out of fuel!"

"The enemy's firepower point is beginning to be exposed. Aim directly at the fire team and knock him out!"

"Assault team, hold down the speed, hold down the speed! Get within 500 meters before launching the bombing."

"Yang Shu, move the MT-LB to the left wing and give way to the F150 behind it! Use the cannon on the vehicle to fire a wave of penetrating incendiary bombs and see if you can lure the snake out of its hole."

"Firebird, stay away from us, be careful not to blow away the smoke!"

Chen Chen continued to issue orders and carefully coordinated the actions of everyone in his assault team.


Of course, he doesn't care about other large units at all, because he is not the commander-in-chief on the battlefield. Now, he is only responsible for his own small team.

Of course, even just commanding this assault team is actually not easy anymore.

After all, no one has experience fighting in such a large-scale smoke environment. Even Chen Chen himself is crossing the river by feeling the stones and taking one step at a time.

But fortunately, the operation went quite smoothly.

After starting to smoke on a large scale, it took the entire team nearly 20 minutes to arrive at the airport camp from the starting position, and then another 20 minutes to arrive at the assembly starting point, which was only two kilometers away from the city of Tachilek.

In the process, they did not encounter obstacles at all.

But faced with such a situation where there was no vision at all, the defenders in Tachileik City were extremely limited in what they could do.

They first used artillery to conduct a round of bombardment against the smoke, but they did not touch a hair of the coalition forces at all.

Because at this time, the smoke covered an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers, and within these 10 square kilometers, there were only 3,000 people.

What is this concept?

On average, there are only three people within a 100-meter radius

You can blow up a hammer. Do you really think that large-scale light infantry battles in reality are like some movies, where everyone huddles together to pursue visual effects?

Therefore, not only did this round of shelling cause no effective damage, the trajectory of the shells was quickly captured by the anti-artillery radar. Under Bao Qi's command, the coalition artillery group still deployed 10 kilometers away immediately launched a fierce counterattack.

After firing two salvos, the artillery group of the 505th Brigade immediately misfired. I don't know whether they were killed or if they quickly moved to escape.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the coalition forces advanced another kilometer while walking "leisurely".

Through the smoke, the outline of the city in the distance was vaguely visible under the thermal imaging equipment. The 505th Brigade could not restrain its firepower points and launched tentative attacks. Then He Bangxiong allocated them to the two armored personnel carriers of the assault team. The 20mm caliber cannon was easily knocked out.

For a moment, everything inside and outside Tachilei went silent, and the entire battlefield fell into a strange silence.

And in this silence, the fog continued to advance and gradually became thicker.

In the beginning, in order to ensure the rapid maneuvering of large forces, the visible distance within the smoke was basically maintained at about 100 to 200 meters. However, at the edge of Tachilek city, the power of the smoke-generating vehicle suddenly increased, and the visible distance was suppressed to less than 50 meters.

All people and vehicles continued to advance at an unpleasant speed. Relying on this "fog of war", the coalition forces managed to cross the most difficult part of the distance with ease.

With only the last 500 meters left, it was time for the assault team to launch an attack.

Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief, and then simply said:


"Single-axis assault! Everyone carries out combat missions according to the predetermined battle zone divisions, and pay attention to seizing key control points!"

In an instant, all the dormant beasts started to move.

The smoke-generating vehicle in the assault team's convoy started first, roaring and rushing towards the Tachileik Highway, followed closely by two F150s. The team members operating the automatic grenade no longer considered accuracy at all, but aimed straight ahead. The positions at the end of the road were bombed indiscriminately.

Grenades fell like raindrops, but in front of the opponent's obviously well-designed position, the small-scale blasting firepower had extremely limited effect.


However, this is not important.

Because the function of this round of bombing is not to kill, but to "suppress"!

As the artillery fire continued to spread, the smoke-generating vehicle finally arrived at the predetermined location.

In the narrow streets, the smoke has nowhere to spread. Instead, it follows the direction of the airflow and begins to surge along the streets.

In just a few dozen seconds, the road ahead was completely shrouded in smoke. Almost all the firepower points at Level 1 were submerged in the smoke. Only the upper level of the gymnasium, which was the center of the firepower, remained in sight.


But they were unable to shoot accurately and could only blindly pour firepower into the streets.

The RPG hit the ground, 12.7mm large-caliber bullets hit the wall, grenades and Molotov cocktails continued to fall, and for a while, fire splashed in the thick fog.

However, these firepower did not cause any damage to the convoy that had completely hidden its figure.

Because Chen Chen didn't give the order to advance at all, the only vehicles that approached level 1 were the two smoke-generating vehicles from beginning to end!

And even with these two vehicles, the enemy was not able to capture their specific positions at all.

This was actually beyond Chen Chen's expectation, because according to early intelligence, the 505th Brigade actually had some thermal imaging equipment.

As the first and most important level, there should not be a thermal imaging camera installed here.


However, things are often so dramatic sometimes. Due to the low "technical literacy" of the team itself, although the 505th Brigade has thermal imaging cameras and can use them, they really don't know how to use them.

This thing needs to adjust the thermal accuracy. The preset temperature of the instrument in their hands is set according to night. Now that the Dongfeng Corps launches an attack during the day, the ambient temperature data is very different from that at night. After wearing it, it is dazzling. Light, almost impossible to use quickly.

And among the defenders, as it happened, no one could adjust.

It took more than ten minutes for the defenders to finally react. They learned to track the hot engine targets and then organized visual strikes in the general direction.

But it's too late.

All the firepower points on the stadium have been exposed. After a wave of 20mm machine guns and 12.7mm heavy machine guns, the entire position immediately went silent.

"Push forward!"

"get off!"


Chen Chen issued three orders in a row, and then all the vehicles of the assault group approached the position and carried out a wave of rapid harvesting of the enemy troops who were still hiding in the position and were at a loss.

This is the core area of ​​the influence of smoke-generating vehicles. The visibility has been reduced to 5 meters or even less than two meters. Let alone resistance, the diesel smoke can choke people to death.

The enemies outside were unable to organize resistance at all, and were all wiped out in less than 30 seconds.

After leaving basic weapons operators to establish firepower points, groups 1 and 2 of the Dongfeng Corps assembled and began to clean up the buildings near the site.

"Prepare your shields and break through in a single column!"


In just a few seconds, the CQB assault formation was formed.

Chen Chen stretched out his hand to hold Li Bang's shoulder and patted it gently, and the whole team rushed directly into the gymnasium.

They have entered the most complex and dangerous link in urban combat, that is, clearing indoor fire points.

Different from ordinary CQB combat, CQB in urban street fighting has a very prominent feature, that is, you never know how powerful heavy firepower is hidden in an ordinary building.

In terms of anti-terrorism operations, the terrorists in the building only have grenades and light machine guns at most.

But if it's a CQB in an urban street fight, it's really possible for the defenders inside the building to turn their large-caliber cannons around and shoot at the enemies indoors!

Therefore, if you want to carry out an assault with low casualties, speed becomes the core of the core.

We must clear out all the enemies on the periphery before they can react!

Along the corridor on the first floor of the gymnasium, the team continued to advance, and in order to suppress the possible heavy firepower, the team's gunfire never stopped from beginning to end.

The advantage of using armor-piercing bullets for all personnel was fully revealed at this moment. They could penetrate all non-load-bearing walls in the room with one shot.

Under such abundant firepower, the entire team did not encounter any obstacles while cleaning up the first floor of the gymnasium.

There were more than 30 enemies exposed in front of them, but these people almost didn't have time to shoot before they were knocked down one by one through the wall.


That's right, the Dongfeng Corps does not have a clairvoyant eye, and the wall-penetrating detector cannot be used at such a high-speed advance.

But, what do I care about?

As long as you see the room, use the M240 to shoot a long burst through the wall first!

There are 20 rounds of ammunition in one room, and there are 12 rooms in total on the first floor, which is just one magazine that has just been shot.

This strategy was extremely crude and brainless, and when they advanced to the second floor, the enemy finally came to their senses.

Yes, they also have heavy weapons, and they can shoot through walls!

The assault team was blocked at the entrance of the stairs, and the bullets of the large-caliber machine gun kept tilting. Even with the blessing of a shield, Chen Chen could not take the risk and continue to advance.


But enough is enough.

In fact, many times, occupying one floor of a building means occupying the entire building.

Especially gyms.

This thing has a complex internal structure, numerous bunkers, and a wide range of fire. It has natural advantages to be chosen as the central firepower point in urban defense warfare.

But it also has a very obvious weakness, that is, the extensive use of steel frame structures makes the overall strength of the building too low.

"Find the main structural beams and load-bearing walls to prevent C4!"


The members of Group 2 immediately reported back, and within one minute, under the fire cover of Group 1, all five core structural points were loaded with large amounts of C4.

The assault team withdrew from the gymnasium. Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire gymnasium building erupted with an ear-piercing sound.


However, it did not collapse immediately.

After all, the yield is still too small. Unless it is carefully calculated, how can it explode so easily?

But, once, there can be a second time.

This is an information gap. The enemies in the building have no idea what else the Dongfeng Corps can do. They are completely panicked.

In the absence of command order, the defenders here blindly launched a wave of counterattacks.

They tried to escape from the precarious stadium and regain their street positions, but as defenders in urban combat, such tactics were really stupid.

Because their movements have been completely controlled by Chen Chen.

"Attention all units, let them out, and the smoke-generating vehicles move back to give them a field of view!"


Lao Zhu immediately mobilized the smoke truck to retreat, and all personnel evacuated quickly. From the perspective of the defenders, it was as if the assault team had moved to another point.


But the question is, how is this possible?

This is level 1, and it is also the most important control point in the entire Tachilei. In street fighting, its role is equivalent to the first reef in the "reconstruction of land from the sea".

Only by establishing a foothold on this reef can subsequent offensive operations continue!

This is why Zhao Jialiang deployed heavy troops here. Unfortunately, he still overestimated the fighting will of his front-line troops.

The defenders who rushed out of the stadium and rushed to the street positions soon discovered that they had made a major mistake, but it was already too late.

Thousands of grenades fell, and the entire army was wiped out in an instant.

The first choke point has been captured, but of course, this does not mean that level one has been completely defeated.

Because Level 1 is actually a cross street, the center of firepower is the gymnasium. However, after destroying the gymnasium to form a choke point, more firepower points in other buildings must be destroyed.

Of course, the main firepower point has been eliminated, and the remaining cleaning work has suddenly become less difficult.

Because those buildings are too small.

It's so small that all the defenders inside can be killed with just one cloud explosion bomb.

Two minutes later, the entire Level 1 completely changed hands. Calculated from the launch of the attack, the time was exactly six minutes.

The large army had arrived and quickly took over the defense of this point. Then, with Level 1 as the core, the entire army began to flow along the entire streets of Tachileik like mercury pouring down the ground.

The smoke was still thick, and the unarmed civilians closed their doors and windows. To them, the enemy troops had entered the city and the battle seemed to be over.

But Chen Chen knew that from this moment on, the meat grinder would be officially started.

In the command post, Zhao Jialiang's face was filled with despair.

He is a mature commander, one can even say that he is an experienced and excellent commander.

Therefore, the moment the strange smoke appeared, he had already realized that he could not defend this city.

Yes, if the fight continues, it is still possible to cause heavy casualties to the opponent, but the problem is that such casualties are meaningless.

Isn't it just to turn the city defense war into a security war? So who is the master of this city? ?

After entering the city, as long as the opponent can occupy a few key points, even if they don't continue to fight, what can I do?

Continue the stalemate with them? Fighting with them for logistics and fighting will?

Stop talking nonsense.

Surrender seemed to be the only way out, but he was really unwilling to do so.

He was not willing to just throw away the business he had built for decades, and he was even more unwilling to have someone break all his arrangements with such a simple tactic.


Yes, it's not over yet.

The smoke was just their ticket into Tachileik.

But after entering the city, the real showdown begins.

The worst case scenario is that you will spend all your money.

No matter what, I don’t want anything, but I will definitely bite you to death!

Zhao Jialiang had a fierce look on his face. After hesitating for a few seconds, he gave the order:

"Abandon all major positions."

"Let them all into the city."

"Since they want to fight in the streets, then we will fight with them."

"From now on, all teams will disperse."

"Relying on residential buildings and buildings to stop the attack."

"Even if an elephant comes in, a swarm of ants can kill them!"

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