I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 285 Put an exclamation mark

The real street fighting begins.

Judging from aerial reconnaissance, the entire Tachileik situation can be said to be chaotic.

Chen Chen was surprised to find that Zhao Jialiang's reaction was much faster than he expected.

After confirming that the main urban area could no longer be defended, and that it was impossible to control major traffic points and establish major control areas according to conventional urban defense strategies, he decisively gave up all illusions, removed all checkpoints, and removed All the "main firepower points" dispersed their entire team of two thousand people into the city of Tachileik!

It must be said that this is a quite risky strategy.

The reason is simple. This is equivalent to handing over the advantage to others. If the coalition forces do not choose to continue clearing and pursuing, but instead establish their own fire positions and control zones on the spot, the offensive and defensive forms will be completely transformed.

At that time, the coalition forces became the defenders who controlled the geographical advantage, and the 505th Brigade became the attackers.

How can he still fight?

Destroy the Great Wall and seek death?

Perhaps in the eyes of He Bangxiong and He Bupa, the 505th Brigade, including Zhao Jialiang, was indeed ruined and no longer wanted to defend it.

But Chen Chen knew that just from this one decision, he could tell the difference between Zhao Jialiang and other warlords.

He is too decisive and fierce in strategic choices. With such military qualities, it is no wonder that he can gain a foothold in this important town!

That's right, does he have any other choice?

With full field of vision suppressed, if heavy troops are mobilized to defend a few key points, the only result will be to be knocked down like Stadium Level 1!

Because the smoke separates the battlefield, it cuts off the possibility of rapid support between various areas, and also breaks the most important advantage of the defender, which is the advantage of "speed of finding the enemy".

It was originally a gun set up by the defender and the attacker broke through, but under the thick smoke, it turned into a gun set up by the attacker with infrared advantages. As long as the defender fired, it would be quickly destroyed.

In this case, the advantage of dense firepower points no longer exists, and the only "bunker advantage" becomes negligible under heavy penetrating firepower.

So if you want to defend, street fighting is the only option.

This is difficult, and the casualties are much greater than relying on key points in traditional city defense battles, but this is also the only chance for the 505 Brigade to win now.

And Zhao Jialiang seized this opportunity to win.

He is really a character. Unfortunately, he is on the wrong team.

Standing at the window of the newly built house, Chen Chen watched the external developments through the window vigilantly.

His body was still stained with smoke and blood, which showed the intensity of the battle he had participated in.

There were three corpses lying on the ground. Chen Chen didn't take a second look, but said in a low voice:

"We can't continue fighting like this."

"Zhao Jialiang skipped the stage of defending the city and jumped to the city security battle."

"The fighting will of their team is a bit too strong. They have dispersed, but they can still maintain basic command and even have combat effectiveness."

"The most incredible thing is that they can still maintain their combat initiative. What went wrong?"

"Shouldn't they just surrender at this stage? Why are they even fighting urban guerrillas? What did Zhao Jialiang promise them?"

Hearing his words, Shi Dakai on the side nodded slightly, and then replied:

"It's really bizarre. Judging from the current situation, the 505th Brigade is already at a comprehensive advantage."

"The coalition forces suffered heavy losses. They have only been fighting for a long time, and the number of reported casualties has already reached 300."

"And the most critical thing is that we simply couldn't find the focus, and the planned combat plan completely failed."

"We have killed Tachilei twice, but it has not been able to turn the tide of the battle at all."

"If this stalemate continues, we will really be killed by them."

After hearing his words, Chen Chen's face became more solemn.

That's right, in the past few hours, the Dongfeng Corps' assault team carried out a rapid raid in the city of Tachilek according to a predetermined strategy, destroying strongholds one after another, causing as many as hundreds of enemy casualties.

But the problem is, these "hundreds of people" are nothing in Zhao Jialiang's 2,000-person team!

Because hundreds of enemies were eliminated, at the same time, more casualties were paid by our own side.


The casualties were not those of the Dongfeng Corps, but those of the large coalition forces.

What Chen Chen really wants to pursue is a decisive battle similar to the stadium level, rather than the ineffective attack of smashing ants with a big hammer like now!

The sharp knife of the Dongfeng Corps simply failed to produce the intended effect, because the 505th Brigade chose the most rogue but also the most effective plan, that is, to avoid its edge and not resist.

Yes, if we can't defeat your Dongfeng Corps, then I won't fight.

I will fight whoever is weak, and I will help whoever is strong. What can you do to me?

There is really no way - under this tactic, as long as the stalemate continues, the coalition will definitely lose.

The streets were already covered with corpses, gunshots were heard throughout the city, and the sound of friendly forces calling for reinforcements could be heard from the radio almost all the time. If the Dongfeng Corps did not provide timely support, this sound would disappear quickly—— That was a signal that a small team was directly wiped out.

The situation is very dangerous and has even reached the edge of collapse.

Chen Chen took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and carefully sorted out his thoughts.

After a moment of silence, he spoke:

"Now the problem we face is very clear."

"First, we cannot end the battle quickly. The other side is determined to avoid a large-scale head-on conflict."

"Second, establishing a control zone is meaningless for us, because we must complete the cleanup of the 505 Brigade armed forces in the city. A long-term security war will only make us completely lose control of the city."

"Third, the coalition's fighting will is rapidly decreasing because we failed to achieve the advantage according to the predetermined goals. On the contrary, the intensity of the resistance on the 505th Brigade was quite alarming."

"We have no time and we need to break the deadlock as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, once our casualties cross that threshold, the entire team will collapse like an avalanche."

"We must find that critical point as soon as possible. We have to let the 505th Brigade collapse before us."

"And if you want to make them collapse, you must at least first figure out why they haven't collapsed yet."

Hearing his words, Li Gang suddenly turned around and said:

"I think it's actually very simple."

"Most of the soldiers of the 505th Brigade are from surrounding areas."

"Tachilei is their home, and they have no other choice but to resist."

Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have indeed entered some kind of strange circle.

Yes, the civilian militiamen are really bad, and most of them are just serving as soldiers for food.

But the problem is that now that the attack has come to their home, how can they not resist to the end? !

They are human beings too, and they also have families!

Therefore, the key to the problem is not to summon Jialiang, but to use Daqili!

The fiercer the coalition's attack and the more reckless it was, the more ferocious the resistance of the remaining soldiers of the 505th Brigade became.

Because they are afraid, they are afraid that if they give up, they will lose everything they once had!

The answer is actually very clear. And the way to deal with it is actually even clearer.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and said:


"We have entered a strange circle."

"Our enemy is not the 505th Brigade, but his mother Zhao Jialiang!"

"Contact He Bangxiong and redeploy."

"All teams, occupy key buildings nearby, establish defensive control points, and do not take the initiative to open fire!"

"Remember, choose public buildings, not private houses!"

"Then, a city-wide announcement will be issued, and we will only arrest Jialiang."

"We want to give the militiamen of the 505th Brigade a way out. If they don't attack us, we won't attack them."

"This is a tactical encirclement of three and one missing. Only in this way can their fighting will be eliminated!"

"The assault team reorganized and took the wrong path. What we should be fighting is not a war of annihilation, but a performance war."

"Find Zhao Jialiang's main strongholds and let's attack them one by one!"


Everyone answered immediately, but Gang Li asked doubtfully:

"But Zhao Jialiang has already withdrawn. We can't find him if we fight, right?"

Chen Chen smiled slightly and replied:

"Looking for him? Why are we looking for him?"

"It's enough for others to see us fighting in!"

"We don't really want to behead Zhao Jialiang, because it's impossible for us to find him."

"What we have to do is put an exclamation mark on the gate of his watchtower!"

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