I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 292 Not enough money to spend

Chen Chen really didn't expect that Xiaoyu still had such a good job.

That's the Qingshan Group. This company has been at the forefront of the confrontation between great powers for a long time. Its business scope is all over the world. And due to the particularity of the company's business, the areas they operate in are often poor, backward, and dangerous. area.

It is precisely for this reason that their demand for security services is also staggering.

According to Chen Chen's previous understanding, companies like Qingshan Group were often forced to use small local companies or directly cooperate with local officials because they could not use large international security groups for security services in the past.

In this case, they either cannot really enjoy the service in place, or they have to pay a considerable profit cake as the price.

This is undoubtedly a loss, so in fact, the demand for "trustworthy security companies" among companies across the North is extremely strong. There have even been several attempts to set up offshore companies overseas to provide security services. But eventually, these short-lived companies disappeared for a variety of unexplained reasons.

Now, the emergence of Dongfeng Corps has filled this gap.

If we can do this business of Qingshan Group well, then Dongfeng Corps' business scope will really expand to the whole world.

As long as it can expand globally, one day, Dongfeng Corps will gradually approach MPRI, whether in scale or professionalism, and even eventually surpass them.

It is true that although MPRI appears to be a military contractor, it is actually the Pentagon's "private soldier."

But so what?

As long as you dare not wear clothes, I will beat you every time I see you!

Chen Chen can't wait to send best wishes to MPRI, but in any case, it is too early to do this now.

After all, I still have a lot of funds to deal with and a lot of ships and cars to arrange.

So, when Xiaoyu went out to reorganize her intelligence network in the Tachilei area, Chen Chen finally took a break from busy work and met Peng Xucheng and Xu You who had already arrived in Tachilei.

In the past few days, just as Chen Chen expected, Peng Xucheng carried out a bloody purge of the remaining forces of the Wanfeng Group, using the simplest means and the highest efficiency to capture the Wanfeng Group back into his hands.

As for the three companies that Chen Chen "seized" from Zhao Jialiang, he showed no mercy at all.

It just so happened that Wanfeng Group already had a logistics business. This time it directly reduced staff and increased efficiency, and merged it into Wanfeng Logistics and Huamei Trading Company.

Generally speaking, the reception work of the two of them was quite smooth.

Although according to Peng Xucheng's prediction, there is bound to be a long way to go in the future, and there are quite a lot of things that need to be adjusted, but in this kind of place without rules, as long as "control" is achieved, everything will be easy to say.

Sitting in the villa of the Dongfeng Corps branch, Peng Xucheng counted the properties and assets under his control one by one for Chen Chen. Only then did Chen Chen realize that he had really become a rich man.

"Since the current market is too big and there are too many subsidiaries, I still follow the old thinking of Wanfeng Group and directly use the shell of Wanfeng Group as the main body of management responsibility. However, in order to clarify the equity, I plan to set up Dongfeng Investment Holdings in Thailand. Co., Ltd. and achieved 100% control of Wanfeng Group.”

"At the same time, Wanfeng Group will control Huamei Trading Services Company and Wanfeng Logistics, remove other unnecessary subsidiaries, and simplify the ownership structure as much as possible."

"In the future, the equity allocation between us will be directly based on the equity of Dongfeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., and the Dongfeng Private Forces Company established in Indonesia will also enter the holding sequence of Dongfeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd."

"The biggest advantage of doing this is that the entire group can obtain the legal support of a sovereign country, because Thailand allows the establishment of private armed companies."

"Of course, if necessary later, we can also register a company in Cayman or Virgin Islands and conduct business offshore."

"However, I suggest not to do this. Although Thailand's taxes are still relatively heavy, they can provide us with certain convenience and protection."

"Wanfeng Group has been operating this way before, and the safety is quite guaranteed."

"Based on the current structure, our entire company's business is divided into three major parts, trade, logistics and private force services."

"These three businesses complement each other and are closely related. Therefore, in order to solve the transaction problems between various companies, we also need to formulate a mature set of related settlement rules."

"I recommend bringing in the IMB management consulting team to develop a customized plan for us. Although this will cost a lot of money, their consulting advice can actually serve as our legal endorsement."



Chen Chen raised his hand to interrupt Peng Xucheng's words. Now he was really a little confused.

He couldn't say that he knew nothing about international trade and company equity, but his knowledge was indeed limited. If he was asked to listen to the whole set of things Peng Xucheng said, his head would probably explode.

So, he said bluntly:

"I can leave these specific matters to you. All I ask for is absolute control of the company."

"As long as you ensure this, you can make decisions on everything else."


Peng Xucheng nodded solemnly and then said:

"So that's why we set up Dongfeng Investment Holding Company. This is to ensure your absolute control over the Dongfeng Corps."

"And with the control of Dongfeng Corps, I believe that no matter how big the company grows in the future, no one will be stupid enough to steal your things."

"As for me, Xu You, and other business partners in the future, we will only share profits and no longer participate in the management of military and force matters."

"In total, the two of us each hold 5% of the shares in Dongfeng Investment Holdings based on the previous asset ratios of Wanfeng Group and Huamei Commercial Bank, and the total shareholding is 10%. According to the major shareholders, we participate in decision-making, but only have the right to make suggestions."

Good guy, this is a direct handover.

Without even a glass of wine to release his military power, Peng Xucheng directly killed himself and Xu You with a few operations.

For them, this is a "concession", but from another perspective, isn't this a kind of wisdom?

After all, no one really wants to live a life of fighting and killing. If they can grow up under the protection of a big tree, who is willing to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire?

Chen Chen was very satisfied with Peng Xucheng's self-awareness. Under his professional operation, the entire PMC Group's framework was indeed established in a serious manner.

Similarly, Xu You had no objection to this plan, and after talking about the company, Peng Xucheng started talking about more specific company assets.

"At present, I have initially completed cleaning up all the company's books - of course, we will still have to establish a serious financial process in the future."

"Wanfeng Group originally had a plan to formalize its finances, but it collapsed before it could be completed."

"So, on this basis, we must continue to finish the unfinished business."

"To put it far - from the current point of view, the assets of the entire Dongfeng Investment Holding Company are about 480 million US dollars, of which 400 million US dollars are the spoils of this time, including cash, bank deposits and cash equivalents. I have all It is placed in the inventory cash account, which means it is an account that can be used directly in the short term."

"The remaining amount is close to 100 million US dollars, including fixed assets such as three hotels and casinos, ships, vehicles, etc., as well as the value of inventory and accounts receivable of Huamei Company in the early stage, the value of accounts receivable of Dongfeng Corps, and the value of equipment."


Chen Chen interrupted again helplessly. He really had nothing to say about Peng Xucheng's professionalism, but this guy couldn't hold back as soon as the conversation got to this point. He didn't care whether he understood or not. This was really annoying. Can't stand it.

On the other hand, Xu You on the side, Peng Xucheng nodded while talking to him, as if there was no difficulty at all.

It seems that when doing business in Pubei, although they are rustic and barbaric, they are still not bad at some basic professional skills.

Good guy, it seems that I have to find an opportunity to brush up on my financial knowledge.

After all, I still want to be big in the future. As the boss, I can't really only fight wars.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen pondered for a moment, and then asked:

"I don't listen to complicated financial data anymore. Now I just want to ask, how much cash can I use as start-up capital for my next business?"

"$300 million."

Peng Xucheng replied immediately.

"so many?"

Chen Chen was stunned.

"Yes, it's an abnormal amount. For a company with only 500 million US dollars in assets, this amount of money is a bit too much."

"Normally speaking, if you have assets of 500 million and a cash flow of 50 million, you are extremely healthy. Now, I can only say that after this battle, we have gained too much weight and have not had time to digest it."

"So, next we must digest these funds as soon as possible - I think the main thing is to invest in international trade, but we are definitely not in a hurry now."

"At the same time, we can no longer sell bulletproof vests in the trade category, right? Pubei can't digest this stuff at all."

"If Pubei can't digest it, then sell it to Africa and the Middle East. There are many people there who want body armor."

Chen Chen spoke decisively. In his impression, the Middle East and Africa were about to be in chaos again, including Ethiopia, Congo, Angola, Uganda, Syria, Iran, and Libya.

Where isn’t the need for body armor?

Not to mention a $300 million bulletproof vest, even if it’s $3 billion, people can still swallow it.

But this is just his simple idea. In fact, even if he wants to sell body armor, he doesn't do it in such a crude way.

Peng Xucheng's considerations were very different from his. After hearing Chen Chen's words, he immediately said:

"It can be sold, but it's impossible to just sell this thing. We still have to try to open up as many product categories as possible."

"At the same time, to carry out ocean-going trade, we must at least open up a transportation route from Tachileik to the port. This thing is really difficult to do."

"If we go to Thailand, the goods will be skinned before they arrive at the port. If we go to Bagan, we won't be able to get through at all."

"Either we can directly set up a foreign trade company in the north and ship goods from the north, or we can only try our best to produce high-value goods."

"How about buying a plane?"

Chen Chen said coldly.

"Huh? A big plane? Then you have to have an airline route. That's too far."

Hearing this, Chen Chen couldn't help but frown.

Indeed, using large amounts of money to engage in international trade only sounds beautiful.

Why Pubei and the Golden Triangle cannot develop? Is it really because of the so-called warlord fighting and unstable order?

The economic foundation determines the superstructure.

Essentially, isn't it because the transportation in this area is too backward, preventing bulk commodity trade from proceeding smoothly?

The drug trade is also a product of this economic foundation - because this stuff is the most typical high-value goods in Peng Xucheng's words.

"Then just wait a little longer."

Chen Chen said.

Now he really feels the pain of having money that cannot be spent. With 300 million US dollars in his hands, there is absolutely no place to use it. Who are you going to reason with?

At this moment, Xu You spoke.

He said:

"Money has to be spent, it can't be kept in a bank."

"It's not a good thing for us to spend such a large sum of money on our hands. Zhao Jialiang's lesson is right in front of us."

“My suggestion is, don’t think about how to make money, and solve the security problem first.”

"The Dongfeng Corps needs to expand its recruitment and upgrade its equipment."

"We will spend at least 200 million U.S. dollars for this money. We will recruit people first and buy guns first."

"How could it not be spent? An AH-2 is currently sold in the Middle East for about 4 million U.S. dollars. If nothing else, building an artillery battery costs 40 million. I haven't even mentioned ammunition and artillery yet. .”

"What are 10 cannons? Zhao Jialiang has more than 30 cannons, and they have been beaten to the ground. Even the seventh brigade has more than a dozen cannons, large and small."

"In addition, I have also talked with Bai Gou in the past two days. He almost died on the street. He was deeply touched and said that the Dongfeng Corps lacked self-propelled artillery."

"There are only a few types of self-propelled artillery we can buy now, the G6 from South Africa, the SH3 from the north - but this thing has to be re-exported from Rwanda, and the K-9 from South Korea."

"These three guns are not cheap. SH3 costs almost 21 million US dollars each."

"You wait a moment."

Chen Chen interrupted Xu You and then asked:

"Why are you so familiar with these?"

"Boss, this is what I do. In the past, Huamei Trading Company mostly sold heavy machine guns, but that doesn't mean I don't want to sell cannons."

"Okay. But why is SH3 so expensive? Isn't the export price of SH3 only 7.5 million?"

"7.5 million is the price to Rwanda! If we want to buy it back, it means that they have to do a good job in the country, and then we have a good relationship to transport it in. 21 million is not expensive anymore."

"I've asked, boss, do you know how much Zhao Jialiang's 69 costs?"

"How many?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

"27 million, US dollars! How much does the 69 cost? When this thing was exported in the 1980s, the unit price was only US$500,000! Even the current public export price is only US$2 million."

"But if you want to transport this stuff to Pubei, the price will be different - these things will never be sold to us in the north, right?"


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief.

I thought I had quite a lot of money at first, but now I look at it, it’s not enough at all!

No, we must open up supply sources as soon as possible to bring down the price of arms in Pubei.

Otherwise, it would be a bit heartbreaking to spend this money.——

But having said that, it’s really hard not to buy these things.

I want to go to Indonesia and build a large international company, but Pubei still has the basic base.

In addition, Kachin and Wenbeng are also problems that we must solve. We don’t have tanks in our hands, and the Hezonglian Company can barely manage to attack the Kachin. Why do you want to attack the Kachin?

Are you crazy?

Buy, buy him or something!

So, Chen Chen slammed the table and finally made a decision.


"Pile up the people and pile up the heavy equipment!"

"If you want to do it, do it big."

"Don't worry about money. I have already secured a big contract. Once this deal is completed, our scope of activities will naturally expand to the world."

“By then, equipment will be cheap!”

"Bring me five SH3s first, and then two 69s - VT4s will do too."

"Leave the recruitment matter to Lao Zhu."

"Lower the standards, we are working on two fronts to improve scale and quality!"

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