"Two hundred million dollars to buy equipment, you are really generous."

On the streets of Tachileik, Xiaoyu walked beside Chen Chen and said with emotion while eating the ice cream he just bought from the stall.

Hearing her words, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh, and then replied:

"Then what can I do? I also want to give you this business, but the problem is that I can't do it?"

"Helicopters are okay, there are various ways to avoid risks, but tanks? Self-propelled artillery? You can't explain this thing clearly."

"So, I'd better not cause trouble to the organization, prepare my own dry food, and solve it myself."

"Yes, he is a good comrade."

The corners of Xiaoyu's mouth raised, he paused for a moment and then said:

"But your choice is correct."

"Actually, I was worried that after this time you would be eager to expand the scale and pursue commercialization, legalization, and professionalization too aggressively."

"If you really do that, your Dongfeng Corps probably won't survive long."

"After all, your foundation is still in Bagan, and you have not established the same basic base as Pubei in other places."

"If we really pull away, we will not be far from death."

"So it's very necessary to maintain a presence, even a strong presence."

"Buying armored vehicles and tanks is a good idea, but have you ever thought about who will drive these things for you once you buy them?"

"What's going on? Are you a stranger?"

Chen Chen's eyes lit up, while Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and replied:

"What are you thinking about? Is it that easy to become a disciple?"

"What I mean is, you can consider recruiting people yourself - not from Pubei, but from Indonesia."

"I understand. Then can you help me place an advertisement in your country?"

"Okay, I'll post it to the 112th Division Headquarters for you, how about it?"

".Put it on your forehead."

Chen Chenwei sighed angrily and skipped the topic.

In fact, Xiaoyu needless to say, he also plans to recruit people in the north in the name of a legal PMC company. This process may be longer, but similarly, the speed at which the armored units are in place will not be too fast.

So overall, it's still a good match.

The two of them continued to walk forward. They actually didn't have many clear goals today. They simply wanted to accompany Xiaoyu to see how order had been restored after the coalition forces entered the city. Therefore, the pace of the two of them was not fast and their mentality was relatively leisurely.

After finishing the ice cream in her hand, Xiaoyu went to a street stall and bought a hamburger. However, she didn't take a bite or even look at it. She just stuffed the burger into Chen Chen's hand.

"you eat."

Xiaoyu said.

"???If you don't want to eat it, why did you buy it?"

"I just want to see if there is lettuce in the burger - the supply of fresh vegetables is an important sign of restoring order. I can't just keep looking at other people's stalls without buying anything, right?"

".Then I won't eat either."

Chen Chen wanted to throw away the burger, but Xiaoyu stopped him with a stern look. In desperation, he had no choice but to swallow the unclean-looking burger with a stiff expression.

At this moment, he even had the illusion of returning to the recruit camp and being stuffed into his mouth by the old squad leader with steamed buns soaked in swill.

And he quickly understood the buddy who got gastroenteritis after eating Samsa - maybe he really didn't like street food, but he just lacked a tool like himself.

Damn it, can you please stop harming me when you engage in open source intelligence?

Fortunately, Xiaoyu acted more cautiously. She did not buy Chen Chen any messy things to eat. Instead, she casually looked at the street scene like a tourist while chatting with Chen Chen about the follow-up informatization reform of the Dongfeng Corps. things.

What needs to be equipped with the Joint Tactical Communications System, what needs to be engaged in C4ISR, and what needs to be made good use of civilian cellular networks.

From the perspective of a bystander, it is impossible to guess that this harmless-looking girl is actually talking about this kind of thing.

Even Chen Chen himself felt the contrast was overwhelming.

After all, Xiaoyu even had a bun on her head for today’s trip, looking just like the high school student next door.

Who would have thought that a high school student could think about murderous hookups on the battlefield?

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Chen Chen clicked his tongue, and Xiao Yu looked at him inexplicably and asked:

"What, am I right?"

"Yes, you are absolutely right, but those things are only for you to play with."

"I'm just a mercenary group, you want me to deal with this?"

"Your vision is too narrow."

Xiaoyu shook his head and continued:

"Intelligent communication terminals for civilian use have already appeared, and cellular networks are developing rapidly."

"This year, satellite navigation systems with meter-level accuracy have appeared on domestic Symbian platform smartphones. Do you know how much change this will bring to the future battlefield situation?"

"In addition, the speed of cellular networks is also constantly developing. Now 3G networks have been fully popularized, and the construction of 4G has started, and will soon cover every corner of the world."

"Do you know what 4G means? The terrifying functions of smart terminals in the future will subvert your outlook on life."

"Similarly, the battlefield command system will also undergo major changes, including visualization, drones, intelligence and even artificial intelligence."

"I know."

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu.

Not only did he know what the other party said, but he knew it too well.

If nothing else, just an example.

The individual PDA in the United States was a Zentraedi-level technology five years ago in 2005. After 2011, the status of this thing has rapidly declined.


No one may believe it if you say it

Because Xiaomi 1 is on the market.

Of course, Xiaomi did not defeat PDA, it was just an iconic product that emerged at the right time.

The emergence of this thing marks that civilian smart terminals have officially entered the era of cheapness. The functions of mobile phones are becoming more and more powerful, and the irreplaceability of individual PDA is becoming smaller and smaller.

Yes, there will be significant changes to battlefield command.

Chen Chen actually knew this all along, but he didn't take the initiative to say it.


And he didn't expect that Xiaoyu, or the side represented by Xiaoyu, had already been ahead of the curve in anticipating modern warfare.

Actually it is.

Drone swarm tactics have been studied in the north for many years. This thing had already become popular once in 2003, but it would take another 10 years for it to really become known to the public.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"I actually know all the things you mentioned, but the problem is, to make good use of those things, I need a higher-quality team."

"The literacy rate is so low now, so don't even think about smart terminals."

"You can't become fat with one bite, just take it one step at a time."


Xiaoyu nodded slightly, and then said:

"I didn't say you should do this, I just shared an idea with you."

"This idea is still quite popular now - you can go online more, learn more about it, and get in touch with new things."

Oh, I have come into contact with many more new things than you.

Chen Chen complained in his mind, but of course he would not say it out loud, but nodded solemnly in agreement.

The two of them walked all the way back to the villa. When they arrived in front of the villa, Xiaoyu suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, there is actually something I can give to you now."


Chen Chen stopped and asked in confusion.

Xiaoyu smiled and replied:

"one person."

"Someone you'll definitely want."

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