I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 294 The real military doctor

When Xiaoyu said the words "someone you will definitely want", Chen Chen actually really wanted to say "I want you".


This is of course not an ambiguous confession, but because if Xiaoyu, the contact person of the intelligence outlet, can be abducted to Indonesia, it will be much easier for him to carry out a lot of work there.

But it is obvious that it is impossible to release people in the north, and it is impossible for Xiaoyu to leave the situation in Pubei that has been created with great difficulty.

Therefore, she must not be talking about herself.


"Military doctor?"

Chen Chen asked.

"Yes, but not just medics."

"My old informant was specially transferred to Tachileik after my last accident. You didn't use the safe house, so you didn't see him, but now that you have to leave, the situation in Tachilei It’s basically stable now, so I think I should find some work for him.”

"What do you think, do you want to meet me now, or go another day?"

No wonder.

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen felt a sudden feeling in his heart.

No wonder Xiaoyu specifically told him to go to the safe house if he couldn't escape. At that time, he was still thinking that if he was really surrounded, he would hide in the safe house and have a hammer to use. Now it seems that Xiaoyu has really made arrangements. Responding.


What kind of person is he that Xiaoyu can recommend to him specifically?

Chen Chen couldn't help but be a little curious, so he answered decisively:

"Let's go now. It's still early. We can have dinner together when we come back!"

"Okay, let's walk over."

"walk over?"

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment.

"Your safe house is 5 kilometers away from here. Do you have to walk there?"

"Then sit on Bengbeng. Your car here is too conspicuous. I'd better keep a low profile, okay?"

Chen Chen glanced at the luxury cars in the villa garage and finally nodded in agreement, while Xiaoyu flagged down a Bengbeng in a familiar manner and sat in it.

In less than 10 minutes, the two arrived at the door of Tiange Grocery Store. Chen Chen followed Xiaoyu and pushed the door in. At this moment, he felt as if he had entered another world.

Outside the door is the stench of the sewers on the streets of Tachileik, the smell of greasy food from the vendors, and the smell of cheap perfume from Southeast Asian women on the street, but in the grocery store, it is a scent that is extremely light, but it is impossible to ignore. Bamboo leaf scent.

The aroma of bamboo leaves mixed with the unique burnt aroma of flue-cured tobacco.

The smell of this thing has a retro feel. Chen Chen is very familiar with this smell. He remembers that when he was a child, the elderly at home would wrap their own dried tobacco leaves in dry bamboo leaves, and this smell would be emitted after lighting them.

What's going on?

The informant who co-wrote Xiaoyu is an old man?

Opening a bamboo curtain again, Chen Chen saw the "informant" sitting in front of the counter.

And just as Chen Chen guessed, this man was indeed an old man.


But, he is not a regular old man.

He was wearing a slightly yellowed, solid, half-sleeved shirt. The muscles in his arms made the sleeves bulge, making him look full of energy.

In contrast, his hair was as bald as weeds and sparse, as well as the small round sunglasses on his face.

The light in the grocery store was not too dazzling. Chen Chen didn't know why he was wearing sunglasses, but this outfit did balance his overly developed muscles and made him look quite harmless.

He seemed not surprised by the arrival of the sunken ship and the small fish. He just took a look and said enthusiastically:

"Hey, my daughter is here. When did she come? Don't you know how to call me?"

A mouthful of Sichuan dialect.

After hearing his words, Xiaoyu walked forward with a smile and said with greetings:

"I've only been here two days and I'm staying at a friend's house, so I didn't bother to see you."

"Oh, are you just trying to be friends? Boyfriend? Come over here and let me have a look."

"No. Mr. Chuan, you speak Mandarin, he can't understand you."


In fact, Chen Chen understood it completely. Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing are from the same family, and most of the dialects are based on the Southwest Mandarin system. How could he not understand?

However, he didn't intend to tell the truth. After all, it was normal for him to understand Mandarin and Yunnan. If he could communicate smoothly in Sichuan, then it was true that the explanation was unclear.

The old man who was called Mr. Chuan by Xiaoyu also quickly reacted. He smiled and stretched out his hand to Chen Chen, and then said:

"Nice to meet you, my baby looks so domineering. Haven't you asked me for advice yet?"


Chen Chen stretched out his hand and shook it with the old man. The latter said "oh" and replied:

"I've heard of it. My name is Pingchuan, Xiaoyu's name is Master Chuan, and you can call me Uncle Chuan."

"Master Chuan, I am smaller than Xiaoyu"

"Claws? Sibling Liansa?"


Chen was speechless. He looked at Xiaoyu, with deep confusion in his eyes.

What he means is obvious, that is

Why does this person look so unreliable? !

Xiaoyu also sighed helplessly, and finally said the most crucial sentence. Chen Chen didn't even realize it was a code word, but Pingchuan suddenly stopped saying it as a joke.

"Master Chuan, we came here specifically to see you."

"Okay, okay, then come in and sit down. I haven't seen you for a long time. Come in and have a sip of tea."

As he spoke, Pingchuan stepped forward and closed the door of the grocery store. When he turned around and pushed open the small door in the back of the grocery store, what appeared in Chen Chen's eyes was another world.

At a glance, this is just an ordinary living room, no different from any other living room in a grocery store.

But if you look closely, you will find that the wall here is much thicker than the outside. Obviously, it cannot be an ordinary brick-concrete structure.

The not-so-thick door in the living room was closed, and the sounds from the outside were suddenly cut off.

Pingchuan still gently greeted the two of them to sit down, pouring tea with his hands spread out, but he had already got to the point.

"Nanny, do you have a new mission?"

Pingchuan asked.

Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"No, but it counts."

"The Sunken team is short of a military doctor, and may have to enter the rhythm of information reform in the future. You are very suitable for his team. I want you to follow him in the future."

"You are going to Indonesia in the near future."

"no problem."

Pingchuan nodded in agreement without hesitation, which made Chen Chen even more curious about his identity.


That's right, at his age, he really couldn't be an insider of the organization, but could only be a real informant.

But how could an informant have such obedience and cooperation?

Another information reform?

No, just a military doctor. How do these two things come together?

Seemingly sensing Chen Chen's doubts, Xiaoyu took the tea and handed it to Chen Chen, and said:

"Master Chuan has a double major in clinical medicine and electronic information engineering, and has rich practical experience - and when I say practice, I mean battlefield practice."

"You don't have to worry about his ability. I can guarantee that he is definitely the best military doctor you can find in Pubei and even Bagan."

"He is our long-tested comrade. The story behind this is very complicated. You can talk to Mr. Chuan yourself in the future."

"But now, if there is anything you two need to know about each other, you can ask me questions."

After Xiaoyu finished speaking, Chen Chen and Pingchuan fell into silence at the same time.

After a while, Chen Chen spoke first and said:

"No need for me. If you can trust me, so can I."

Hearing his words, Pingchuan on the opposite side also nodded.

"If you can trust me, so can I."

"Okay, that's no problem."

Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"Master Chuan, I will arrange to send your passport as soon as possible. The departure time has not been determined yet, but it won't be long."

"During this period, you should familiarize yourself with the team's situation as soon as possible, get in touch with it as soon as possible, and be prepared for the situation in Indonesia."

"The situation of the Dongfeng Corps is quite special. They are used to heavy protection operations, so as long as there are injuries, most of them are fatal."

"Also, this time the opponent is MPRI. They will use a large number of armor-piercing bombs and incendiary bombs, because they have been hit by shipwrecks before with these things."

"If you prepare a plan in advance, the intensity of the battle they will participate in will be very high."

"If you have any customized equipment or medicines that need to be prepared in advance, tell me in advance and I will let Indonesia arrange it."

In just a few words, Xiaoyu clearly explained the possible injuries he might face. After thinking for a moment, Pingchuan turned to Chen Chen and asked:

"Penetrating incendiary bombs, what kind of large-caliber body armor?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. Ceramics and steel plates are both possible."

"That means lacerations, blast injuries and penetrating injuries are all possible. However, the most serious loss of your numbers should be the massive blood loss caused by the torso injury."

"In this case, nannan, I need a large amount of chitosan cross-linked genipin sponge, antifibrinolytic drugs, hemostatic gel, DBAC and portable respirator."

"As for chitosan sponge, it would be better if it has cross-linked graphene oxide, but this thing is difficult to use; just use tranexamic acid as an antifibrinolytic agent, and use POSS for hemostatic gel, don't use Factor 12. That thing is purely bluffing; DBAC is sold in Thailand - shipwreck, how many of you are there?"

"12 people."

"Then prepare at least two. Four portable respirators, pocket-sized ones."

"At the same time, we need at least one bulletproof armored vehicle equipped with basic medical equipment - when I say basic, I mean basic in a literal sense. Do you understand, Nanny?"


Xiaoyu answered quickly, and the conversation between the two made Chen Chen really feel like he had found the right person.


Does anyone still think that senior military doctors on the battlefield rely on ancient techniques to stop bleeding with bare hands, rapid cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and abuse of large doses of outdated drugs to form a magical combination to save people?

Who is a serious military doctor who doesn’t want the drugs and equipment in his hands to be the best? !

And obviously, what Pingchuan wants is not only the best, but even the top.

No need for Factor 12, just POSS

It can be said that from his personal and professional perspective, his "luxury" demand for equipment has even completely surpassed Chen Chen's.

What does it mean if you want to make an analogy?

That's when Chen Chen pointed at SCAR and said, "I don't want this thing. These things are all bluffing. I want XM-7, and I want XM-7 with the XM157 fire control system."

Really, Chen Chen felt that if he dared to make such an unreasonable request to Xiaoyu, she might slap her with a big mouth.

But now, facing Pingchuan's unreasonable demands, Xiaoyu took it for granted.

I don’t know if she doesn’t understand what POSS is at all, or if she really thinks that the Dongfeng Corps is worthy of using this thing.

But no matter what, the professional ability shown by Pingchuan in just a few sentences really impressed Chen Chen.

This ordinary-looking old man turns out to be more than that simple.

In the living room, the three of them chatted for a few more words. After deciding on the plan for follow-up contact and getting along, Xiaoyu took Chen Chen away.

Entering the shop again, Chen Chen glanced subconsciously and his eyes fell on the bamboo bow in the corner.

His heart suddenly tightened, and then he immediately stopped and said:

"Wait a moment. Mr. Chuan, what weapon are you using?"

Pingchuan was also stunned. He looked at Xiaoyu, then at Chen Chen, and then replied with a slight confusion:

"Um, AK series and AR series are all fine. I haven't used the new gun very much, but it's basically not a big problem."

"The rocket launcher and individual missiles are pretty good, and the artillery and the like are good at shooting, but they are not very good."

"As for heavy weapons, the principle is simple and they can basically be used, right?"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the weapon?"

"never mind."

Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief, and Xiaoyu keenly noticed the movement of his gaze.

She glanced at Chen Chen strangely and asked:

"You don't think he wants to use a bow and arrow, do you?"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the grocery store.

Chen Chen smiled awkwardly and replied:

"I thought all the masters had some weird hobbies."

Pingchuan on the side scratched his scalp with sparse hair and said in a teasing tone:

"That bow is a Wu family bow, an old bow from Rongcheng. As a handicraft, you may have to read less online novels."

"When I retire in the future, I will write a normal novel to reverse this wrong concept."

Chen Chen said a few perfunctory words and fled with Xiao Yu.

After walking out of the grocery store, Xiaoyu's mouth was already harder to suppress than AK.

"You laughed me to death. Why do you think he will use a bow on the battlefield? Why, have you seen too much first blood?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes and replied:

"The first drop of blood is so realistic, and using a bow is just a special case."

"Just laugh at me, you don't know how difficult it is to get what he wants, right?"

"Don't talk about POSS and DBAC, a chitosan sponge is enough for you."

"I know it's difficult. He also wants graphene oxide. Where can I get this thing for him? Is it really possible to tear it apart with tape?"

Xiaoyu spread his hands and said nonchalantly:

"Master Chuan has always been like this. He wants the best and most expensive things, but he is also the most reliable."

"He saved many lives. When I was in Tachileik, he was still somewhere else."

"Otherwise, I will definitely ask you to send me directly to him."

"But in short, he will completely listen to you in combat; but when it comes to first aid on the battlefield, you must listen to him and don't question a word."


Chen Chen nodded solemnly and then said:

"But I still think what he wants is too exaggerated. Calculated on a per capita basis, the cost of medical preparation for one person is close to one million US dollars, right?"

"I remember the price of DBAC. One unit costs 4 million U.S. dollars, and he wants two units. I won't pay for it."

"Do you still know the price?"

Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"I've seen the news. Things that were just released at the beginning of this year are too expensive."

"Okay. It doesn't matter. We'll reimburse you for the money."

"So generous?"

"Because you're worth it."

".It's a bit numb, comrade."

".Get out of here."

Xiaoyu stopped a car and Chen Chen got in it. The car drove to another area near the villa. After getting off the car, the two walked to the villa on foot.

While walking, Chen Chen said:

"This Pingchuan--Master Chuan, looks really extraordinary."

"So who is he? What's going on?"

After hesitating for a moment, Xiaoyu replied:

"His story is too long, but he is actually quite similar to you."

"He's not as good at hitting as you. He's going a different way."

"His affairs must start from Kun Sha's time."

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